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CICLO ESCOLAR 2020 – 2021

Plan de reforzamiento del trabajo a distancia

Semana 1 y Semana 2 de trabajo

Asignatura y Uso del idioma en situaciones sencillas de

Inglés. Segunda Lengua Aprendizajes esperados que se requiere reforzar
Campo Formativo comunicación
Énfasis que se requiere reforzar Conocimientos generales e indispensables en el contenido curricular de Plan 2017 Aprendizajes Clave
Posibles causas por las que no se logró el aprendizaje esperado Falta de trabajo en el ciclo escolar transcurrido
Objetivos Nivelar y reafirmar los conocimientos en los alumnos
Acciones Realizar el envío de actividades y monitoreo personalizado con alumnos con problemas de rezago
Fecha 11 de enero al 22 de enero, 2021
Recursos Libros de texto en caso de adaptarse, hojas de trabajo, explicaciones y ejercicios
Campo formativo Familiar y comunitario

Reading and comprehension: fortalecer la comprensión lectora de los alumnos por medio de textos pequeños y preguntas de opción múltiple que permitan desarrollar la habilidad en el alumno.
The Rabbit and the Turtle

One day a rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run. He was laughing at the turtle for being so slow. Much to the rabbit's surprise, the turtle challenged him to a race. The rabbit thought this was a good joke and accepted the
challenge. The fox was to be the umpire of the race. As the race began, the rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought. The rabbit got to the halfway point and could not see the turtle anywhere. He was hot and
tired and decided to stop and take a short nap. Even if the turtle passed him, he would be able to race to the finish line ahead of him. All this time the turtle kept walking step by step by step. He never quit no matter how hot or tired
he got. He just kept going. However, the rabbit slept longer than he had thought and woke up. He could not see the turtle anywhere! He went at full-speed to the finish line but found the turtle there waiting for him.
1.- Who was 2.- Who could run 3.- Who wanted to 4.- What happened at 5.- What happened at the 6.- What did the turtle 7.- Who won the 8.- What lesson do we learn from
boasting? fast? challenge the rabbit to the start of the race? half-way point? do? race? this story?
a race?
A. the turtle A. the turtle A. The rabbit took A. The rabbit A. He stopped for a A. the rabbit A. A turtle should not
A. the turtle a nap. stopped to take a drink of water. challenge a rabbit to a
B. the fox B. the rabbit nap. B. the fox race.
B. the rabbit B. The turtle ran B. He stopped for a
C. the rabbit C. the fox ahead. B. The turtle went rest. C. the turtle B. To succeed, we must keep
C. the fox past the rabbit. going and not quit.
C. The rabbit ran C. He kept
ahead. C. The turtle took a walking, step by C. Turtles go faster than
nap. step. rabbits.

Reading and comprehension: fortalecer la comprensión lectora de los alumnos por medio de textos pequeños y preguntas de opción múltiple que permitan desarrollar la habilidad en el alumno.
CICLO ESCOLAR 2020 – 2021

Why People Get Tattoos

Jack lay, quiet and unmoving, for thirty minutes while a stranger repeatedly stabbed him with sharp needles, causing blood to pour steadily out of his leg. Jack was getting a tattoo. His friend Tony had recently
gotten a tattoo, and Jack was so impressed by Tony's bravery and his tattoo that he decided to get one too. Getting a tattoo because your friends and peers have them is just one of the reasons why a lot of young
people in North America get tattoos. Peer pressure, media influence, and personal expression are some of the common reasons for wearing tattoos today.

The desire to be part of a group, to be accepted by one's friends or peers, can have a great influence on what a person does. Sometimes, wearing a tattoo can be a sign that you belong to a certain group. Gangs
often use special clothes and tattoos to identify their particular group. For example, in one gang all the members may wear green army jackets and have large 'Xs' tattooed on their arms. It is not only gangs that
have this type of special 'uniform'. Young people often belong to a certain group of friends. Some of these groups wear only brand-name clothes. Some wear only black clothes. Others wear tattoos. When a
person's friends are all doing something, such as getting a tattoo, that person is more likely to do the same thing, and get a tattoo too.

The media is another big influence behind the popularity of tattoos in North America. A wide variety of media images show tattoos. Tattoos can be seen on people appearing in commercials selling expensive
cars. Famous sports heroes with tattoos are shown in magazines. Fashion models are often seen in magazines and on TV wearing designer clothes that show their bodies tattooed with detailed and colourful
patterns. These media images link tattoos to ideas of wealth, success, and status. As a result, many people decide to get a tattoo for its fashion and status value.

It is not always the influence of other people or the media that results in a person getting a tattoo. Many people decide to wear tattoos in order to express their artistic nature, their beliefs, or their feelings -- in
other words, to show their individuality. A musician in a rock band may get a tattoo of a guitar on the arm. Some environmentalists may tattoo pictures of endangered animals on their shoulders. Lovers may
tattoo each others' names over their hearts. A tattoo can be a public sign to show what is important in a person's life.

As you can see, there are many reasons why young North Americans get tattoos. A tattoo can be part of a group's uniform. It can be a sign of fashion. It can be an expression of individuality. The decision to get
a tattoo is most often a result of the influence of friends or media or the desire to express oneself. For Jack, it was a mixture of all three.

According to the The reason Jack

essay, some people wanted to get a
According to the According to the According to the According to the According to the essay, Jack was stabbed get tattoos because tattoo was
essay, what are the essay, which of the essay, which of the essay, media which of the following for thirty minutes ____________. ____________.
three most common following are following are ways images are linked are possible artistic with a needle
reasons why a common ways that that the media uses to reasons for getting because _______. A) they think it is A) the influence of
person gets a tattoo? people show they tattoos in _____________. tattoos? fashionable friends
belong to a certain advertising? Choose all that A) he was getting a
A) pressure from group? apply. A) to show membership tattoo B) they like pain B) the influence of
their peers
CICLO ESCOLAR 2020 – 2021

B) it is healthy A) wearing a tattoo A) to sell cars A) wealth in a band B) he was getting C) they think it will the media
acupuncture wash off in the bath
C) Influence from the B) wearing special B) by using fashion B) status B) to show a lover's C) a desire to express
media clothes models name C) he is was getting D) they are religious himself
C) success his ears pierced
D) a way of personal C) wearing a special C) by using sports C) to show pictures of D) all of the above
expression uniform stars D) debt animals that may D) he was getting a
become extinct nose ring
D) wearing a special D) by using D) to show which
kind of socks endangered species language you speak

Reading and comprehension: evaluar el entendimiento del alumno por medio de ejercicios sencillos para completar reactivos.
CICLO ESCOLAR 2020 – 2021

1.- Busca en la sopa de letras los pronombres personales y el verbo to be, recuerda que son 6 pronombres diferentes y 3 verbo to be.
2.- Revisa los dibujos y posteriormente completa los ejercicios con el pronombre que corresponde.

1.- ___ ____ Hector

4.- My and
pet isI am a ____
a dog.
student. ____ a pug.

2.- ___ ____ Ariana Grande,

5.- ____ _____ a big family.

3.- ___ ____ 6.-

a famous singer,
Carmen, Larisa and I
Bad Bunny study medicine. ___ _____
good friends.

Notas: en esta actividad se pretende que el trabajo sea un poco más autónomo en los alumnos. Reforzar el trabajo y la autodidáctica nos ayudará en beneficio tanto del docente como del alumno.
A pesar de que los temas pueden ser repetitivos es de suma importancia que se adquieran estos cimientos para poder avanzar adecuadamente. La educación integral permitirá que el dinamismo dentro de las clases
en línea sea fructífero y el alumno podrá también evaluar su aprendizaje a distancia de forma indirecta.

Writing & comprehension: Evaluar el trabajo del alumno para desarrollar su destreza al convertir una oración afirmativa en negativa y pregunta.
Affirmative Negative Questions
I am a student I am not a student Am I a student?
CICLO ESCOLAR 2020 – 2021

He is a dentist He is not a dentist Is he a dentist?

She is Sara She is not Sara Is she Sara?
It is your bag It is not your bag Is it your bag?
They are teachers They are not teachers Are they teachers?
Fíjate en los ejemplos anteriores y trata de contestar los siguientes ejercicios. Revisa el apartado de la columna AFFIRMATIVE, NEGATIVE Y QUESTIONS
Affirmative Negative Questions
1. She is Mariana the model 1. 1.
2. 2. Joel is not a good student 2.
3. 3. 3. Are you happy?
4. 4. It is not your dog 4.
5. I am an English teacher 5. 5.
6. 6. 6. Is Rolando your brother?
7. Juan is a teenager 7. 

Ruleta Affirmative, Negative, Questions

CICLO ESCOLAR 2020 – 2021

Writing & comprehension: Evaluar el trabajo del alumno para desarrollar su destreza al convertir una oración afirmativa en
negativa y pregunta.

Investiga las siguientes palabras para que sepas a que deporte o actividades se refiere la hoja de trabajo:
o Read
Writing & comprehension: Evaluar el trabajo del alumno para redactar de forma sencilla books abordando también la transversalidad con la asignatura de español
una biografía,
o Snorkel
Actividad: o Sing
o Cycle
1. Selecciona un personaje de la historia, cantante o artista que sea de tu agrado pero que ya haya fallecido.
o Ride
2. Investiga su anombre
horse completo
o Skisu fecha de nacimiento y muerte, así como el lugar (Recuerda que la fecha en inglés se escribe de una forma
3. Investiga
o Play football
4. Busca una imagen de tu agrado sobre esa persona
5. Elige 3 logros importantes que haya realizado, investiga cómo decirlo en inglés y escríbelo en el apartado que dice
Completa el ejercicio de la hoja anexa. Utiliza la siguiente información en caso de que necesites ayuda
6. Elige 3 hechos interesantes y también escríbelos en el apartado que dicen “FACT”
7. Llena la información en la hoja de trabajo que aparece a un lado.

Ahora trata de formar un párrafo con la información, trata de utilizar palabras como “and”, “but”, “that” para mejorar tu texto.

Repasa los ejercicios y trata de resolverlos utilizando y recordando lo de tus clases anteriores.

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