Week 9 Anatomy

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Saphenous opening – Oval opening of the faschia lata. Contains femoral artery, femoral vein, and
Perforating veins – connect great saphenous vein to the deep venous system
Compartments of thigh –
Anterior: vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, rectus femoris, vastus medialis, Sartorius (knee
extensors and hip flexors; innervated by femoral nerve, blood from femoral artery), pectineus by nerve
Medial: adductor longus, gracilis, adductor brevis, adductor magnus (adduct hip; innervated by
obturator nerve, obturator artery),
Posterior: biceps femoris, semitenous, semimembranous (flex knee, extend hip; innerved by
sciatic nerve, inferior gluteal a., deep artery of thigh, perforating arteries)
Femoral sheath:
Lateral – contains femoral a.
Intermediate – contains femoral v
Medial – contains lymph nodes. Femoral canal
Femoral triangle – bounded superiorly by inguinal ligament, laterally by Sartorius, medially by adductor
longus. Contains femoral nerve, femoral artery, femoral vein and femoral sheath
Adductor canal – extends from apex of femoral triangle to the adductor hiatus (hiatus of adductor
magnus). Contains femoral a.,femoral v., saphenous n.
Adductor hiatus – termination of hiatus in the adductor magnus
Lateral intermuscular septum – separates anterior and posterior compartment (between vastus lateralis
and biceps femoris)
Knee extension reflex – tapping patellar ligaments activates muscle spindles of quadriceps femoris
muscle, and afferent impulses travel in the femoral nerve to spinal L2, L3, and L4. Efferent impulses then
carried by remoral nerve to quadriceps femoris muscles, resulting in a brief contraction. Reflex tests the
function of the femoral nerve and spinal cord segments L2-L4
Popliteal fossa borders – biceps femoris (superolateral), semitendinous and semimembranous
(superomedial), gastrocnemius (inferolateral and inferomedial)
Intragluteal injections – inferior quadrants endanger sciatic. Superior medial endangers superior gluteal
n and vessels. So do it on Superior lateral quadr.
Pes asinarus - insertion of the conjoined tendons of three muscles onto the anteromedial of proximal
tibia. Sartorius, gracilis, semitendinous

Gluteal tuberosity – becomes lateral lip of linea aspera of femur

Superficial veins, nerves, and lymph

Posterior cutaneous n. of thigh – supply skin on posterior thigh and popliteal fossa
Great saphenous vein – from dorsal venous arch of foot to femoral vein (pierces femoral sheath)
Saphenous nerve – accompanies great saphenous vein. Branch of femoral nerve
Femoral cutaneous nn (anterior and lateral): innervates anterior and lateral thigh
IT tract – from iliac crest to lateral condyle of tibia

Femoral Triangle
Pectineus m – adducts hip, adducts and flexes thigh. Attached to superior ramus of pubis and distally to
pectineal line of femur. Supplied by femoral n., sometimes obturator n.
Iliopsoas m – strong flexor of thigh. Attaches to lesser trochanter of femur. Femoral n.

Adductor canal and region

Adductor longus – adduct hip. obturator n.
Adductor magnus – adduct and extend thigh, obturator n
Sartorius – flex hip, abduct hip, laterally rotate hip, flex knee. Femoral n. attach from anterior superior
iliac spine to medial surface of proximal tibia
Quadriceps femoris muscle – all attached to tuberosity of tibia. Femoral n
Rectus femoris – extend knee, flex hip (along with iliopsoas)
Vastus lateralis, medialis, intermedius – extend knee
Gracilis – obturator nerve. Adducts hip, flex knee
Pectineus – adduct thigh. Femoral n. ( some obturator n.)
Adductor brevis – adduct thigh. Obturator n.
Obturator externus – laterally rotates thigh . obturator n.

Gluteal region
Piriformis – laterally rotator of thigh
Obturator internus – lateral rotator of thigh
Superior glemellus – lateral rotator of thigh
Inferior gemellus – lateral rotator of thigh
Quadrates femoris – lateral rotator of thigh


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