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Department of Education
Region VII



with Ms. Michelle
4 Quarter- Week 4

Lesson: Movements of the

How does the earth
The earth moves at a constant speed. It follows a
counterclockwise direction. The earth move in three
1. it rotates or spins like a top
2. travels around the sun
3. moves through the Milky Way galaxy
with the rest of the planets in the Solar
Everyday, the sun appears to rise in the east,
travel across the sky, and set in the west. You
can observe this day in and day out. But the
sun does not move from east to west.
Instead, the earth spinning on its axis at a
regular and steady rate once every 24 hours.
The movement of the earth on its axis is
called rotation. The direction of its rotation
is from west to east or clockwise.
The earth rotates as it travels around the sun in
space. The movement of the earth around the sun is
called revolution. The earth revolves around the
sun from east to west, or in a counterclockwise
direction. It takes the earth a year, or 365 ¼ days
to revolve around the sun. one Earth revolution is
equivalent to one year.

The earth travels around the sun in a path or orbit.

This orbit has elliptical shape. This is the reason
why sometimes the earth is far from close to the
Effects of the Earth’s Motion

 Effects of Earth’s rotation: day

and night
 Effects of Earth’s rotation:
Movement of the Stars
 Effects of Earth’s rotation: Wind
 Effects of Earth’s Revolution: Four
Effects of Earth’s rotation: Day and Night

The sun is the closest star to Earth. The apparent

movement of the sun is because of the direction of
Earth’s rotation. The rotation of the earth causes
day and night.

Effects of Earth’s Rotation: Movement of

the Stars

Stars appear to move very slowly because of the

earths’ rotation.
Effects of Earth’s Rotation: Wind System

As the earth rotates from west to east, the wind

deflects westward. The deflection of the wind due
to Earth’s rotation is called the Coriolis Effect.

Effects of Earth’s Revolution: Four Seasons

Different parts of the earth have different seasons

throughout the year because of the earth’s revolution and
the tilt of its axis. The earth tilts 23 ½ degrees. As the earth
moves around the sun, the earth’s axis is always tilted in
the same direction throughout its orbit. As a result,
different parts of the earth receive different amounts of
sunlight at different times of the year.
Remember this!

 The earth moves in three ways.

 Rotation is the movement of Earth on its axis.
 Revolution is the movement of Earth around the
 Earth completes its rotation once every 24
hours. Each completes one revolution in 365 ¼
 The rotation and revolution of the earth causes
the occurrence of some natural phenomena like
day and night and the change of seasons.
Quick Quiz:
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. The period of the earth’s rotation is equivalent to _________.

2. The earth turn on its axis from ___________.
3. ____________ is the movement of the earth on its own axis.
4. The earth’s revolution is completed every _________ days.
5. Leap year happens every __________ years.

B. Compare the effects of earth’s rotation and revolution. Use the

Venn diagram below.
Earth’s rotation Earth’s revolution
I can do this!
Answer the questions properly.

1. Why can you not feel the movement of the earth?

2. Why does the sun seem to move across the sky from
west to east?

3. List at least three possible things that could happen

if the earth would stop rotating.

4. Does the South Pole experience the same season

like what the North Pole does? Why?
Do your work
properly and

Ms. Michelle 
Answer only Quick Quiz and I can do this. Please pass
it on June 25, 2021.

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