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Phase 4 of PMT is a session that focuses on graft and corruption.

Graft and corruption is defined as a form of dishonesty or criminal offense
undertaken by a person or organization entrusted with a position of
authority. We can see corruption in our daily life. But we don’t seem to pay
much attention because we are afraid that if we complain we will be
retaliated. So, the corrupt are just ignored and they continue to abuse. So,
this PMT can help us to realize that it’s not good to ignore corruption
because we will lose a lot if we will just let corruption go. Like corruption
stops medicine and drugs from reaching the sick people and stops school
from being built.

I’m sure upon hearing the discussion about anti-graft and

corruption, this will prevent us from doing something illegal. And as a
teacher, I can help the government to stop corruption by giving awareness
and change to all the younger generation to understand and realize the
importance of having the character of anti-corruption. With this we can
help the government stop graft and corruption, since the purpose of moral
transformation is to fight corruption.

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