Algebra 2: Topic 1: Work Problems

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A work problem involves the relationship between the time needed to finish the work,
the rate of the worker, and the part of work done by a worker if he worked for a certain time.
Suppose that a person can do a painting job in 6 hours, then his rate of work is of the
 1 1
job per hour. If he will work for 2 hours then he accomplished 2   = of the job. Thus,
 
6 3
we can say that,
Rate of work of a worker = ,
where t is the total time to finish the work.

Part of work done by a worker = Rate of worker x time he spent working

For a certain job with 2 or more workers together are working, it is helpful to tabulate
data. For instance, worker A can do the job in 5 hours and worker B can do it in 4 hour,
then we tabulate: The rate of A is 1/5 and the rate of B is 1/4. Now let’s say A worked for 2
hours and B worked for 3 hours, then their part of work are 2/5 and 3/4, respectively.

Time spent Part of work

Worker Rate
in working done
1  1 2
A 2 2   =
5 5 5
1  1 3
B 3 3  
4 4 4

To form the equation, we can sum up the part of work done of all workers and
that is equal to the total work done, expressed in equation as

∑( part of work done ) = total work done ---------- ( 1 )

The right side of the equation is equal to 1 if 1 whole work has completed, that is

∑( part of work done ) = 1 ----------------------------- ( 2 )

On the other hand, if the question is the time ( x ) required for the two workers
together to finish the job, then our table has the following data below.
Time spent Part of work
Worker Rate
in working done
1  1 x
A x x   
5  5 5
1  1 x
B x x   
4  4 4

Summing up the part of works done, we have,

x x
 1
5 4
Dividing by x, we obtain,
1 1 1
 
5 4 x

which says that, the summation of individual rates equal to the combined rate, or

∑( individual rates ) = combined rate ---------------- ( 3 )

Any of the equations ( 1 (, ( 2 ), and ( 3 ) above can be used to form the equation
for work problems.

Problem 1: One secretary can type a certain large report in 6 hours. A second secretary
can type the same report in 8 hours. How long would it take if they work together?
A. 3.43 hours C. 2.85 hours
B. 4.44 hours D. 4.16 hours


Let: x = the time for them to finish the work together

∑( individual rates ) = combined rate

1 1 1
+ =
6 8 x
x = 3.43 hrs

Problem 2: The time required for 2 examinees to solve the same problem differs by 2
minutes. Together they can solve 32 problems in one hour. How long will it take for the
slower solver student to solve the problem?
A. 3 minutes C. 5 minutes
B. 4 minutes D. 6 minutes


Let: x = the time in minutes for the slower to solve a problem

x – 2 = time in minutes for the faster to solve a problem
∑( part of work done ) = total work done

1 1
( 60 ) + ( 60 ) = 32
x x2
x = 5 minutes

Problem 3: A tank is filled with 2 pipes. The first pipe can fill the tank in 10 hours. After
the first pipe has been opened for 3 1/3 hours, the second pipe is opened and the tank is
filled up in 4 hours more. How long would it take the second pipe alone to fill the tank?
The pipes have different diameters.
A. 12 hours C. 16 hours
B. 15 hours D. 18 hours


Let: x = time in hrs for the 2nd pipe to fill the tank alone
Rate of the 1st = 1/10
Rate of the 2nd = 1/x

∑( part of work done ) = total work done

 
3 31  4   4   1
x = 15 hrs

Another type of work problem is one that involves the man – hour or man – days
unit of work. The equation is simply formed by

 man  hr   man  hr 
    
 work 1  work  2

Problem 4: Six men can excavate 10 m 3 of drainage open canal in 5 hours and 3 men can
backfill 8 m3 in 4 hours. How long will it take 8 men to excavate and backfill 15 m 3 in the
same project?
A. 7.12 hours C. 8.44 hours
B. 7.45 hours D. 8.86 hours

6 men  5 hours  8 men  x hours 
Excavation: 
10 m 3 15 m 3
x = 5.63 hours

3 men  4 hours  8 men  y hours 

Backfilling: 
8 m3 15 m 3
y = 2.81 hrs
Total hours = x + y
Total hours = 5.63 + 2.81
Total hours = 8.44 hours

Problem 4: A job can be done by 28 workers working for 60 days. Each worker is paid
P250. The contractor wanted to finish the job earlier so he hired additional 6 workers at the
start of the 16th day and 14 more at the start of the 46th day. If the daily wage of the
additional workers were P280, how much did the contractor pay for the salary of all workers
for the completion of the project?
A. 7.12 hours C. 8.44 hours
B. 7.45 hours D. 8.86 hours


Total mandays = 28( 60 ) = 1,680 mandays

1,680 = 28( 15 ) + ( 28 + 6 )( 30) + ( 28 + 6 + 14 )( x )

x = 5 days

28( 15 + 30 + 5 )( 250 ) = P 350,000
6( 30 + 5 )( 280 ) = 58,800
14( 5 )( 280 ) = 19,600
Total = P 428,400


 Coin and Money Problems

This type of problem involves the relationship of coins and the total amount of
money of all the coins of that kind combined. The total amount of money of all the coins of
one kind is equal to the product of the number of coins and the amount of each coin. For
example if there are 15 10 – centavo coins then the total amount of them is 15( 0.10 )
which is equal to P 1.50.

Problem 1: Luni has P 3.05 in 5 – centavo and 10 – centavo coins. If there are 19 more
5 – centavo coins than 10 – centavo coins, how many coins of each kind does she have?
A. 33 – 5 centavos and 14 – 10 centavos
B. 24 – 5 centavos and 21 – 10 centavos
C. 30 – 5 centavos and 15 – 10 centavos
D. 28 – 5 centavos and 18 – 10 centavos

Let: x = the number of 10 – centavos
x + 19 = the number of 5 – centavos

Equation: 0.10x + 0.05( x + 19 ) = 3.05

0.10x + 0.05x + 0.95 = 3.05
0.15x = 2.10
x = 14 ( number of 10 – centavos )
and x + 19 = 33 ( number of 5 – centavos )

Problem 2: A men’s store bought 500 shirts consisting of 2 kinds; at PHP125 each and
the at PHP200 each. If the total cost of the shirts was PHP77,500, how many shirts were
purchased at PHP125 each?
A. 320 C. 280
B. 250 D. 300


Let: x = no. of shirts at PHP 125

500 – x = no. of shirts at PHP 200

Equation: 125x + 200( 500 – x ) = 77,500

125x + 100,000 – 200 x = 77,500
75x = 22,500
x = 300 ( shirts at PHP 125 )

 Investment Problems

Investment problems involve the computation of the income from an investment.

This income is called the interest and the amount invested at a given period of time is
called the principal. The rate at which the capital is invested is the rate of interest. If P
represents the principal and r as the rate of interest, the simple interest I of P for a given
time t, is given by the formula

I = Prt.

Problem 3: Mr. Richie Cruz divides P 10,000 into two investments. One part is invested at
10% and the remaining part is invested at 30%. Find how much is invested at 10% rate if
the two investments produce the same income annually.
A. P 7,500 C. P 8,000
B. P 7,800 D. P 8,200


Let: x = the amount invested at 10%

10,000 – x = the amount invested at 30% interest

Equation: Interest of 10% = Interest of 30%

x( 0.10 ) = ( 10,000 – x )( 0.30 )
0.10x = 3,000 – 0.30x
0.10x + 0.30x = 3,000
0.40x = 3,000
x = P 7,500 ( amount at 10% )


An arithmetic progression is a number series for which each term, except the first,
can be obtained by adding a constant to the preceding element. An arithmetic progression
is sometimes called an arithmetic sequence. The numbers below are in arithmetic

3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31


1. Common difference ( d ) – is the number added to obtain the next number.

d = succeeding term – preceding term

2. nth term ( an ) – is any number or term in the progression.

If the first term( a1 ) is given: an = a1 + ( n – 1 )d

If a term( am ) not the first is given: an = am + ( n – m )d

3. Arithmetic mean ( Am ) – average of a set of numbers.

For 2 numbers x and y: Am =
x1  x2  . . .  xn
For a set of numbers x1, x2, . . ., xn: Am =

4. Arithmetic means – are terms in between any 2 terms of an AP.

Example, in the above sequence, 11, 15, 19 are the arithmetic means between 7 and
arithmetic means

7, 11, 15, 19, 23

5. Sum of an AP with n terms ( S ):

 a1  an  or S
 2a1   n  1  d 
2 2

Where: a1 = the first term

an = the last term
Problem 1: The 4th term of an arithmetic progression is – 45 and the 12th term is – 21.
What is the 25th term?
A. 12 C. 16
B. 15 D. 18


an = am + ( n – m )d
a12 = a4 + ( 12 – 4 )d ----- - 21 = - 45 + 8d --- d = 3
an = am + ( n – m )d
a25 = a4 + ( 25 – 4 )d ------ a25 = - 45 + 21( 3 ) = 18

The 25th term is 18.

Problem 2: Find the value of x if x + 1, 3x, and 4x + 2 form an arithmetic progression.

A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 5


Using the common difference,

3x – ( x + 1 ) = ( 4x + 2 ) – 3x
3x – x – 1 = 4x + 2 – 3x

Problem 3: A man piles 150 logs in layers so that the top layer contains 3 logs and each
lower layer has one more log than the layer above. How many logs are at the bottom?
A. 14 C. 16
B. 15 D. 17


Using the sum formula: S

2a1  n  1d

150 
2(3)  (n  1)(1) 
n = 15

Using the nth term formula: an = a1 + ( n – 1 )d

a15 = 3 + 14( 1 )
a15 = 17 ( number of logs at the bottom )

A geometric progression is a sequence for which each term, except the first, can
be obtained by multiplying a constant to the preceding term. A geometric sequence is
sometimes called a geometric sequence. The numbers below are in geometric

2, 6, 18, 54, 162, 486, 1458


1. Common ratio ( r ) – is the number multiplied to obtain the next number.

succeeding term
preceding term

2. nth term ( an ) – is any number or term in progression.

If the first term is given: an = a1rn – 1
If a term( am ) not the first is given: an = amrn – m

3. Geometric mean ( Am ) – is the term in between any 2 terms of a G.P.

For 2 numbers x and y: Gm =  xy if both are positive

Gm =  xy if both are negative

4. Geometric means – are terms in between any 2 terms of a G.P.

Example, in the above sequence, 6, 18, and 54 are the geometric means between 2
and 162.
geometic means

2, 6, 18, 54, 162

5. Sum of a G.P. with n terms ( S ):


a1 r n  1 
if r > 1 and S

a1 1  r n  if r < 1
r 1 1 r

Where: a1 = the first term

n = the number of terms

Problem 1: There are 4 geometric means between 7 and 1,701. Find the sum of all the
A. 2,386 C. 2,548
B. 2,428 D. 2,642


7, ----, ----, ----, ----, 1,701 ---------- n = 6

Using the nth term formula: an = a1rn – 1

a6 = a1r6 – 1
1,701 = 7r6– 1

Using the sum formula: S

a1 1  r n 
1 r


7 1  36 
1 3
S = 2,548

Problem 2: The 6th term of a geometric progression is 8 times the 3rd term and the sum of
the 8th and 9th term is 1,920. Find the 15th term.
A. 2,386 C. 2,548
B. 2,428 D. 2,642


a6 = 8a3 S8 + S9 = a1r7 + a1r8

5 2
a1r = 8( a1r ) 1,920 = a1( 2 )7 + a1( 2 )8
r=2 a1 = 5
an = a1rn – 1
a15 = a1r14
a15 = 5( 2 )14
a15 = 81,920

Problem 3: In an organization, the members agreed that whenever they hold a meeting,
the first one to come in late will fine P 5, and each later arrival will fine twice as much as
what the preceding man paid. During a meeting a total fine of P 2,555 was collected. How
many members came late during that meeting?
A. 8 C. 10
B. 9 D. 12

5, 10, 20,40 … GP ----- r = 2, S= 2,555


a1 r n  1 
r 1
2,555 

5 2n  1 
2 1
2,555 = 5( 2n – 1 )
511 = 2n – 1
512 = 2n
ln512 = nln2

 Infinite Geometric Progression:

An infinite geometric progression is a geometric sequence for which the

number of terms is infinite. The numbers

2, 6, 18, 54, 162, 486, 1458, . . .

continue indefinitely, and they are in infinite geometric progression.

If r < 1, say 1/2, ¾, 0.7, etc., the sum is computed using the formula
S .
1 r

Problem 4: The path of each swing, after the first, of a pendulum bob is 0.95 as long as
the path of the previous swing from one side to the other side. If the path of the first swing
is 32 cm long, and air resistance eventually brings the pendulum to rest, how far does the
bob travel before it come to rest?
A. 560 C. 600
B. 580 D. 640


a1 = 32 and r = 0.95

1 r
32 a1 1  0.95
S = 640
32( 0.95 ) = 30.4 a2

30.4( 0.95 ) = 28.88 a3

Therefore the bob travels 640 cm before it comes to rest.

Problem 5: A ball is dropped from a height of 12 ft, and each time it strikes the ground it
rebounds to a height of three – fourths of the distance from which it fell. Find the total
distance travelled by the ball before it comes to rest?
A. 84 ft C. 90 ft
B. 88 ft D. 96 ft



h1 h2 h3

1st 2nd 3rd

h1 = 0.75( 12 ) = 9
h2 = 0.75( 9 ) = 6.75

1 r
1 3 / 4
S = 48.

Therefore the total distance travelled, D = 2( 48 ) – 12 = 84 ft.


A harmonic progression is a sequence whose reciprocals form an arithmetic

progression. The numbers below

1 1 1 1
, , , are in harmonic progression,
8 6 4 2

because their reciprocals, 8, 6, 4, 2 form an arithmetic progression.

The nth term of a harmonic progression is obtained by obtaining the nth term of
their reciprocals using arithmetic progression.

Problem 1: The 4th term of a harmonic progression is 1/15 and the 8th term is 1/31. Find
the first term.
A. 84 ft C. 90 ft
B. 88 ft D. 96 ft

Consider their reciprocals in an arithmetic progression, a4 = 15, and a8 = 31.

Using the nth term formula: an  am  n  md

a8 = a4 + ( 8 – 4 )d
31 = 15 + 4d
4d = 16
d = 4.

Solving for the first term of the arithmetic progression, we have

an = a1 + ( n – 1 )d
31 = a1 + ( 8 – 1 )4
a1 = 3

Therefore the first term of the harmonic progression is 1/3.

Problem 2: The arithmetic mean of two numbers is A and their geometric mean is B. Find
their harmonic mean.
A. AB C. B2/A
B. A/B2 D. A2B


Let x and y be the two numbers. Then  A m ------------ ( 1 )

and xy  Gm

or xy = Gm2. ---------- ( 2 )

1 1 1
Consider the H.P.----- x, Hm, y, for which , , form an A.P.
x Hm y

 1

Hm 2
1 xy

Hm 2
 2
--------- ( 3 )
Hm xy

Substitute ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) to ( 3 ):
1 A
 m
Hm Gm 2

AmHm = Gm2

AHm = B2

Hm =


For other types of series, the nth term and the sum can be obtained by studying
the pattern of terms and verifying by giving values which satisfy the series.

1 1 1
Problem 1: Find the 8th term of the series 1, 1, , , ,....
2 6 24
A. 1/720 C. 1/5,040
B. 1/548 D. 1/6,080

The nth term of the series is .
( n  1)!
Checking: n = 1 --------1st term = =1
( 1  1)!
n = 2 ---------2nd term = =1
( 2  1)!
1 1
n = 3 ----------3rd term = =
( 3  1)! 2
1 1
n = 4-----------4th term = =
( 4  1)! 6

1 1
Therefore the 8th term is = .
( 8  1)! 5,040

Problem 2: Find the 10th term of the series 4, 10, 18, 28, . . . .
A. 130 C. 132
B. 124 D. 140


4, 10, 18, 28, . . .

The numbers are obtained by adding 6, 8, 10, … in the preceding numbers. That

4 10 18 28 40 54 70 88 108 130
+6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16 +18 +20 +22

Therefore the 10th term is 130.

Problem 3: Find the 6th term of the series: 1, 8, 27, 64, . . .?
A. 130 C. 132
B. 124 D. 140


The numbers can be written as 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63

Therefore the 6th term is 63 = 216.

Problem 4: The sum of the n terms of a series is . Find the 8th term.
6n  4
A. 1/480 C. 1/598
B. 1/920 D. 1/720


As illustrated, the 8th term is the difference between the sum of the 8 terms ( S8 ) and
the sum of the 7 terms ( S7 ).

a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 S8

a8 = S8 – S7
8 7
a8 = -
6( 8 )  4 6( 7 )  4
a8 =


This is about the properties of the expansion of the binomial in the form ( u + v )n.

 Expansion of ( u + v )n:

( u + v )0 = 1
( u + v )1 = u + v
( u + v )2 = u2 + 2uv + v2
( u + v )3 = u3 + 3u2v + 3uv2 + v3
( u + v )4 = u4 + 4u3v + 6u2 v2 + 4uv3 + v4
( u + v )5 = u5 + 5u4v + 10u3v2 + 10u2v3 + 5uv4 + v5
There is an interesting pattern for the coefficients in the binomial expansion. It can be
written in the following triangular arrangement called Pascal’s Triangle in honor of Blaise

1 ------------------------- ( u + v )0
1 1 --------------------- ( u + v )1
1 2 1 ------------------ ( u + v )2
1 3 3 1 -------------- ( u + v )3
1 4 6 4 1 ----------- ( u + v )4
1 5 10 10 5 1 ------ ( u + v )5
1 6 15 20 15 6 1 -- ( u + v )6
         
          

 Properties of the Binomial Expansion:

The following are the properties of the binomial expansion.

1. The number of terms in the expansion of ( u + v )n is n + 1.

2. The first term of the expansion is un and the last term is vn.

3. The exponent of u decreases from n to zero while that of v increases from zero to n.

4. In each term, the sum of the exponents of u and v is n.

5. The coefficients of the terms equidistant from the extremes are equal.

Using the above properties and the Pascal’s Triangle, we can determine the terms in
the binomial expansion of ( u + v )n for any positive integer n.

Example: Find the terms in the expansion of ( 2x + 3y2 )4.


From the given binomial, u = 2x and v = 3y2. Thus, we have

( 2x + 3y2 )4 = ( 2x )4 + 4( 2x )3 ( 3y2 ) + 6( 2x )2( 3y2 )2 + 4( 2x )( 3y2 )3 + ( 3y2 )4

or simplifying we obtain
( 2x + 3y2 )4 = 16x4 + 96x3y2 + 216x2y4 + 216xy6 + 81y8

 Finding the rth term in the expansion:

Any specific term in the expansion is obtained by using the formula below.

rth term = nCr – 1 un – r + 1v r – 1

 Sum of the coefficients:

The sum of the coefficients of all terms in the expansion is obtained by substituting 1 to
all the variables and then evaluating the value.

For ( x + y )n ------------ S = ( 1 + 1 )n
For ( x + k )n ------------ S = ( 1 + k )n – kn

 Sum of the exponents:

The sum of the exponents of all the terms in the expansion of ( u a + vb )n is obtained by
the formula below.

n  n  1  a  b 

Problem 1: Find the 3rd term in the expansion of ( 2x + 3y2 )4.

A. 130x2y3 C. 232x3y4
2 4
B. 216x y D. 140x2y5

u = 2x, v = 3y2, n = 4 and r = 3

Using the rth term formula: rth term = nCr – 1 un – r + 1v r – 1

3rd term = 4C2 ( 2x )4 – 3 + 1( 3y2 ) 3 – 1
3rd term = 6 ( 2x )2 ( 3y2 )2
3rd term = 216x2y4

Problem 2: Find the middle term in the expansion of ( 2x3 – 1 y2 )10.

A. ( - 724/27 )x14y13 C. ( - 896/27 )x15y10
B. ( 724/27 )x8y14 D. ( 896/27 )x12y15

Since n = 10, the number of terms in the expansion is 11, thus the middle term is the
6th term.
u = 2x3, v = – 1 y2, n = 10 and r = 6.

rth term = C( n, r – 1 )un – r + 1v r – 1

6th term = 10C5 ( 2x3 )10 – 6 + 1( – 1 y2 ) 6 – 1

6th term = 252( 2x3 )5( – 1 y2 )5
896 15 10
6th term = – x y

Problem 3: Find the term containing z5 in the expansion of ( 2z – 3z–1 )9.

A. 36,860z5 C. 23,452z5
B. 44,998z D. 41,472z5


Using the formula for the rth term, where u = 2z, v = –3z–1, and n = 9. Consider the
literal part only and neglecting the coefficients, that is

un – r + 1 v r – 1 = z5
(z) ( z– 1 )r – 1 = z5
( z )10 – r ( z )1 – r = z5
z11 – 2r = z5
Equating coefficients, we have, 11 – 2r = 5
r = 3.

Thus the term containing z5 is the 3rd term. Solving for the 3rd term, we have

rth term = nCr – 1 un – r + 1v r – 1

3rd term = 9C2 ( 2z )9 – 3 + 1( – 3z–1 )3 – 1
3rd term = 36( 2z )7( – 3z–1 )2
3rd term = 41,472z5

Problem 4: Find the sum of the coefficients of all the terms in the expansion of ( 2x + y )12.
A. 436,860 C. 5 23,452
B. 531,441 D. 441,472

Sum = ( 2 + 1 )12
Sum = 531,441
Problem 5: Find the sum of all the exponents of all the terms in the expansion of
( x2 + 2y3 )5.
A. 36 C. 75
B. 44 D. 64


n  n  1  a  b 
5  5  1  2  3 
S = 75

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