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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Quarter 2 – Module 9:

Flash Fiction: The Plot

Cabañas Renato O.

Grade 12 ABM Bezos

What I Need to Know

1. describe a flash fiction and plot of a story;

 A flash fiction story is indeed a story, with a beginning, middle, and end. This sets it apart from a
prose poem or vignette, which can explore an emotion, memory, or thought without a plot.
Surprise. Great flash fiction often incorporates surprise, usually in the form of a twist ending or
an unexpected last line

2. create a digital picture story;

3. perform a self or peer-assessment in evaluating one’s work; and

4. realize the importance of friendship.

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

A. 1. What is considered as the most significant element of a story for it presents the series of events
and characters’ actions in the story?

A. plot C. point of view

B. setting D. conflict

C. 2. What is also referred to as a short-short story?

A. fable C. flash fiction

B. novel D. parable

D. 3. Which of the following refers to the time and place the story takes place?

A. conflict C. climax

B. plot D. setting

C. 4. What do you call a short story with less than 1000 words?

A. novel C. flash fiction

B. proverbs D. parables

B. 5. What emotion is felt with the loss of a loved one?

A. gaiety C. elation

B. melancholy D. pique

D. 6. What does the word melancholy mean?

A. reverence C. shyness

B. stillness D. sadness

C. 7. What does the phrase ‘mask one’s sorrow’ mean?

A. Pretend to be sad. C. Pretend to be happy.

B. Paint his sorrow. D. Wear a mask.

C. 8. What does etch in his heart mean?

A. to be written in his heart C. to be always remembered

B. to be seen in his heart D. to be always heard

A. 9. What term is also used to refer to the plot structure?

A. narrative arc C. plot arc

B. narrative ark D. narrative structure9

D. 10. What plot structure component is also known as an inciting incident?

A. rising action C. climax

B. falling action D. exposition

C. 11. What component of the plot structure is always written at the end of a story?

A. falling action C. resolution

B. rising action D. exposition

B. 12. The words ‘dogs are man’s best friend’ is an example of a/an.

A. proverbs C. counsel

B. adage D. Bible verse

B. 13. What plot structure component is considered as the most exciting part of a story?

A. exposition C. falling action

B. climax D. resolution
C. 14. What do you call the plot structure component when the excitement becomes less and less as the
conflict is resolved?

A. exposition C. falling action

B. climax D. resolution

B. 15. What is also known as the plot complication?

A. exposition C. falling action

B. climax D. resolution

What’s New

Directions: Reflect on and answer the questions below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What did you feel after reading the story? Expound your answer.

 I felt Jake's pain and sorrow about losing the very person that he trusts and loves. It must be
really grievous for him to realize that he is never going to see him ever again, and to do all of the
things that they used to do together. In addition, the ending of the story was quite surprising.

2. Based on the story, who is Jake and why is he in a state of loneliness?

 Jake is Max's dog, his best friend. He is in a state of loneliness because his owner, Max, died

3. What words were used to help you figure out Jake’s identity?

 I figured out Jake's identity through the phrases “kneel down onto the carpet” and “tucks back
his long, floppy ears”.

4. Who was Max and what happened to him?

 Max was Jake's best friend and owner, and Martha's partner, I suppose. He died because of

5. Do you believe in the adage, ‘A dog is man’s best friend’? Elaborate on your answer.

 A dog is a man's best friend” is a common English saying because they are more loyal than all
other animals, and some say they are more loyal than people too. Recently a dog named Capitan
has shown us why dogs are such an iconic symbol of loyalty and friendship around the world.

What’s More

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

A. 1. What plot structure component is known as the inciting incident where the author introduces the
characters, identifies where the story is happening, and establishes the main conflict?

A. exposition C. falling action

B. climax D. rising action

D. 2. What plot structure component is considered as the solution to the problem in a story?

A. exposition C. falling action

B. climax D. resolution

B. 3. What is the other term for plot structure?

A. plot arc C. narrative arc

B. narrative plot D. narrative structure

B. 4. What writing technique is used for an episodic plot?

A. flashleft C. foreshadowing

B. flashback D. epiphany

D. 5. What plot movement uses techniques such as flashback, foreshadowing and epiphany?

A. time C. casualty

B. dramatic tension D. space

C. 6. When the story transpires on a particular period of time such as an hour, a day, a week, a month or
even a year, it is a plot movement in __________

A. time C. casualty

B. dramatic tension D. Space

B. 7. When the story has dialogue, action, details, descriptions and scenes that amplify the tension, it is a
plot movement in __________

A. time C. space

B. casualty D. dramatic tension

D. 8. When the story is established on a series of casual events that happen one after another, it is a plot
movement in __________

A. time C. space

B. casualty D. dramatic tension

B. 9. What type of plot has a story that is realistic with a central character and action and the story
happens in one place during a short span of time?

A. casual C. periodic

B. unified D. episodic

B. 10. What type of plot has a story that happens in a much-extended period of time?
A. methodic C. periodic

B. unified D. episodic

What I Have Learned

Directions: Fill out the story grammar below. Base your answer from the story that you have just read.

Title: ________ JAKE by Jim Bartlett_________

Character/s: ______ Jake max and Martha_______

Setting: ______ A room in a house___________


The exposition of the story begins with Jake opening his eyes and finding the couch -
where Max used to sit - empty. This part also describes the sorrow which Jake has been
feeling. Then, the exposition began to recount the past where Jake and Max were
always together for fifteen years.

In the rising action of the story Jake by Jim Bartlett, it was explained what happened to
Max. It is also the point where Jake weighed his contrasting feelings.

Moving on, the climax of the story is when Jake was unable to fall asleep and looked
around the room. He saw the leash hanging and realized how much he was grieving.

It began as Martha came into the scene who was looking for Jake. She also explained to
him that she bore the same feeling of grief.

Finally, the resolution came as Martha walked over to Jake, then, their eyes met as if
they both understood how each other truly felt. #BrainlyFast

What I Can Do

Directions: Make a digital picture story of Jake. Follow the steps in creating a digital picture story. Then,
assess your work using the rubric below.

Steps in Creating a Digital Picture Story

1. Go back to the story, “Jake”.

2. Identify the sequence of the story that you will use in your digital picture story.

3. Import images and music.

4. Apply appropriate lighting.

5. Record a voice-over.

6. Add transitions.

7. Adjust the timeline.

8. Assess your digital picture story.


Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Base your answer from the flash fiction, “Jake”. Write
your chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

A. 1. What plot structure component shows when excitement decreases as the conflict is resolved?

A. exposition C. falling action

B. climax D. rising action

D. 2. What is also known as the plot complication?

A. exposition C. falling action

B. climax D. rising action

C. 3. What type of resolution is achieved by answering unanswered questions that were implied or
explicitly stated in the story?

A. inside C. within

B. open D. closed

B. 4. What type of resolution leaves the readers to think, wonder or speculate what happens after the
story has ended?

A. inside C. within

B. open D. closed

B. 5. What plot structure component has the most tension and also the most exciting event?

A. exposition C. falling action

B. climax D. rising action

D. 6. What does the word melancholy in the story mean?

A. reverence C. shyness

B. stillness D. sadness

C. 7. What type of plot was used in the story?

A. episodic C. unified

B. dramatic D. casual

A. 8. What plot movement was used in the story?

A. time C. dramatic tension

B. casualty D. episodic

C. 9. What is also termed as the inciting incidents?

A. rising action C. exposition

B. resolution D. climax

A. 10. What plot structure component is presented at the final part of the story?

A. resolution C. exposition

B. theme D. climax

C. 11. What type of resolution is used in the story?

A. open C. closed

B. closing D. climax

C. 12. What element creates the tone, presents the characters and other important facts to introduce
the story?

A. setting C. exposition

B. theme D. climax

C. 13. From the phrase “memories forever etched in his heart”, what does etched in his heart mean?

A. always written C. always remembered

B. always seen D. always heard

C. 14. Based on the text, what does the phrase ‘mask his sorrow’ mean?

A. pretend to be sad C. pretend to be happy

B. paint his sorrow D. wear a mask

B. 15. It is a genre of fiction that is basically a short story with much lesser words.

A. novel C. parable
B. flash fiction D. fable

Additional Activities

Directions: Answer these questions with five to ten complete sentences.

If you had a pet dog, what type of treatment would you give it?

 I would treat him as a member of my family coz I love him.

 I will feed him, give him a shelter n give him a comfy dog bed, play with him.
 I will give food every day and take a bath.
 I would treat my dog just like how I treat myself.
 I would treat him like he's the other half of me

Do you believe that animals have human-like feelings and emotions? Expound your answer.

 Yes, because Pythagoreans long ago believed that animals experience the same range of
emotions as humans (Coates 1998), and current research provides compelling evidence that at
least some animals likely feel a full range of emotions, including fear, joy, happiness, shame,
embarrassment, resentment, jealousy, rage, anger, love etc.

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