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RULE 91 Note: A claim shall be barred forever if not made within the five (5 years

Escheat period).

ESCHEAT is a proceeding, unlike that f succession or assignment, Q: If there is a lawful claimant who is an heir of the estate, should the
whereby the state, by virtue of its sovereignty, steps in and claims the real or escheat proceeding be converted into a settlement of estate?
persona property of a person who died intestate leaving no heir. (Republic A: No.
vs. CA, G.R. No. 143483, January 31, 2002) The escheat proceedings undertaken by the state through the solicitor
general cannot be converted into the settlement of estate. The court hearing
Q: Who files on behalf of the state? the petition for escheat has acquired jurisdiction to hear the petition by virtue
A: It is the Solicitor General for and in behalf of the Republic of the of the publication of such petition for escheat. The jurisdiction acquired
Philippines, who may file a petition for escheat. cannot be converted into one for distribution of the properties of the said
decedents for such proceedings (distribution of the estate) to be instituted,
JURISDICTION the proper parties must be impleaded and the proceedings should comply
The Regional Trial Court of the province where the deceased last resided, or with the requirements of the rules. Hence, the RTC does not have the power
where he had property if he/she resided out of the Philippines, shall exercise to order, or to proceed with, the distribution of the estate of the decedent in
jurisdiction over the petition for escheat. an escheat proceeding, and adjudicate the properties to the oppositors.
 It does not matter of the gross value of the estate. It will always be (Municipality of Magallon, Isabela v. Bezore, Gr. No. L-14157, October 26,
the RTC which has jurisdiction. 1960).

The petition shall set forth all the relevant facts, and praying that the estate OTHER KINDS OF ESCHEAT
of the deceased be declared escheated. 1. Section 5, Rule in relation to Section, Art. XII of the 1987 PC
 Relevant facts:  Action for reversion filed against a person who acquired a
The fact of death property in violation of constitutional or statutory provisions.
The fact that the person has no known heir Note: Public alienable and disposable lands, except for
The real and personal properties hereditary succession, foreigners cannot acquire lands
2. RA 8435, Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997
PROCEDURE  The state can institute an action for escheat of an irrigated
If the petition is sufficient in form and substance, the court, shall fix the date agricultural land, seven (7) hectares or larger deliberately caused
of hearing, which shall not be more than six (6) months from the issuance of to remain due or unproductive for more than two (2) years, except
the order, and shall direct that a copy of the order be published once a week through force majeure.
for six (6) successive weeks in a newspaper of General Circulation. 3. Sections 1 and 3 of act no. 3936, as amended by PD. 679, An Act
Requiring Banks, Trust Corporations, and Building and Loan
DECISION OF THE ESCHEAT COURT Associations, to unclaimed balances held by them to the treasurer of the
Once a hearing is held and the court has determined that the property shall Philippines and for other purposes.
ne escheated in favor of the state, it shall make the following decision:  The state can institute escheat on deposits of money, credits or
a. the court shall assign the personal estate to the city or other evidence of indebtedness whose owner is known to be dead
municipality where the decedent last resided; or has not made further deposits or withdrawal for ten (10) years
b. the real estate belonging to the deceased shall be assigned to the or more.
city or municipality where it is located; and
c. if the deceased was not a resident of the Philippines, all of In The Case of Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation v. Hitri Development
his/her estate shall be assigned to the city or municipality where Corporation and Luz Bakunawa, G.R no, 192413, June 13, 2012
the same is situated.  The mere issuance of a manager’s check does not ipso facto
work as a n automatic transfer of funds to the account of the
IN THE ALTERNATIVE: payee. In case the procurer of the manager’s or cashier’s check
 In Lieu of the physical distribution of the property, the court, either retains custody of the instrument, does not tender it to the
motu proprio or at the instance of the interested party, in the intended payee, or fails to make an effective delivery.
exercise of its judicial discretion may instead order the
establishment of a permanent trust, so that the income from the
property shall be used.

 Appearance of an heir, devisee, legatee, widow or widower, or

other interested person entitled

 Any person alleging to have direct right or interest in the property

sought to be escheated is an interested party and may appear
and oppose the petition for escheat.

IMPORTANT: In the event a claimant appeared after the property has

already been escheated in favor of the state, such claimant must file his/her
claim to an escheated property within five (5) years from the date of
judgment, otherwise, forever barred.


a. Property is still intact: Such person shall have possession of and
title to the same.
b. Sold: The municipality or city shall be accountable to him/her for
the proceeds, after deducting reasonable charges for the care of
the estate.

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