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Which is the primary source and the secondary source between the two readings?

-The first given reading is the primary source while the second one is the secondary
source. I can say that the first reading is the primary source based from what I’ve read
and observed. The author of the first reading, Robert B. Fox, is known to be the
eyewitness of the Tabon Man. He added his own observations and analysis,
emphasizing his own detailed observations. Unlike, the second article written by Henry
Scott,seemed to be a commentaryof articles about the Tabon man. It turned
interpretations of different facts of Tabon man, he added a scenario about a Tabon man
blending in today and dressed decently just like the people nowadays. Also, he stated his
sources in the written article like “Two experts have given a further opinion…”

Do a credibility analysis of the sources. Who between the two authors is more credible
to talk about the topic?
Robert B. FoxWilliam
Written it in 1970
Discovered Tabon man
The format of the findings seemslike a personal journal, therefor no bias.
Henry Scott
Written it in 1984
The findings seemed more formal; informative, somehow intended for others to be read
and understand.

I think Robert B. Fox is more creditable to talk about the topic because he is an eye
witness. He was the one who discovered the Tabon man and the date of the written work
is closers than William’s to the year of the event. The fact that he is an anthropologist,
which study of various aspects of humans within past and present societies, makes his
writing more reliable and valid.

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