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In the boxes below you will find different moral dilemmas. Work in pairs and discuss them.

Are there any reasonable solutions for the different dilemmas?

1 2 3 4
As a citizen in the USA, You and your class You are a psychologist. A bird flies into and
you have no money to have a big math test at One of your patients makes a hole in a hot
pay for your daughter’s the private school you just confessed that he air balloon carrying
necessary surgery. One are attending. You sit had murdered someone three people: a man, a
day someone hands next to your friend who and dug down the body. women and a child.
you a suitcase full of is much better at math If you go to the Police Two of the persons can
money, which you can than you are, so you and tell the story, you be saved if one person
spend however, you decide to copy his will be breaking your jumps overboard. The
want. There is just one answers without him doctor-patient woman knows how to
catch, if you spend the knowing it. Suddenly confidentiality. If you do pilot the balloon, the
money, someone you both of you have to not report it, your man knows the cure for
do not know will die. report to the principal’s patient will get away cancer, and the young
What do you do? office to explain with murder. girl is totally innocent.
yourselves. What will you do? Who should jump?
If you tell the principal
that your friend
cheated, he will have to
quit school because his
scholarship will be
If you say that you are
the cheater, your
parents will not buy you
5 that computer you have
In the Amazon been wanting. 7
Rainforest, a poor What will you do? You are an inmate in a
farmer is arrested for concentration camp. A
illegal logging. He sadistic guard is about
simply chopped down to hang your son who
6 tried to escape and
trees to get cropland to You work as a
grow food to support his wants you to pull the
paramedic. One day chair from underneath
family. The Police you aresent to the
charges him for illegal him. He says that if you
scene of a car accident don’t he will not only kill
activities and he is where to adults and
sentenced to jail. your son but some
three small children are other innocent inmate
Should the Police take seriously injured.
into consideration his as well. You don’t have
On the way, your any doubt that he
serious environmental ambulance passes the
crimes or his starving means what he says.
scene of another What should you do?
family? accident, which too your
surprise involves your
pregnant wife who is
seriously injured. You (Source:
are the only paramedic /2007/10/21 /top-10-
available for both moral-dilemmas/)
accident scenes.
What do you do?

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