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Diversity of Cultures in Indonesia

Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia ( NKRI) consists of thousands of islands. Indonesia has more
than 17.000 islands. Different tribes live in different islands of Indonesia. Moreover, in one big island like
Sumatera, Java, Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Papua, there are several tribes live in one island. Therefore,
Indonesia has hundreds of tribes that spread from Sabang in Sumatera to Merauke in Papua. Each tribe
has its own culture and custom in their daily lives.

Some tribes or ethic group in Indonesia are:

 Java: Javanese, Sundanese, Bantenese, Betawi, Tengger, Osing, Badui
 Madura: Madurese
 Sumatra: Malays, Batak, Minangkabau, Acehnese, Lampung, Kubu
 Kalimantan: Malays, Dayak, Banjar
 Sulawesi: Makassarese, Buginese, Mandar, Minahasa, Buton, Gorontalo, Toraja, Bajau, Mongond
ow, Buroko, Bolango
 Lesser Sunda Islands: Balinese, Sasak
 The Moluccas: Nuaulu, Manusela, Wemale
 Papua: Dani, Bauzi, Asmat

There are some diversities of Indonesian cultures that we are discussing here:
1) Traditional Languages
Traditional languages are the languages spoken by the tribes in Indonesia. Each tribe speaks their own
language. The traditional language of one tribe is totally different from the other traditional language. In
Java, there are several languages like Betawi, Sundanese, and Javanese. The people who speak the
same language can have different dialect based on which area they come from.

Traditional language is an important heritage of Indonesian culture. That is why the government preserves
it by putting the language in school curriculum. Like here in Bali, we learn Balinese at school. By learning
Balinese language, we are learning the culture of the Balinese people where we live in.

To unite hundreds of different traditional languages in Indonesia, the youth movements agreed to have
Indonesian language as the language of the unity or the national language. The Indonesian language
helps to unite the country that has hundreds of tribes with hundreds of different traditional languages.

2) Traditional clothes
Traditional clothes are the typical clothes of an area or a tribe in Indonesia that are mostly worn at
traditional ceremony like wedding and religious events.
Here are some traditional clothes names and their origins.
Picture Name Origin
Ulee Balang Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Aceh)

Ulos North Sumatera (Batak)

Ta’a dan Sapei North Kalimantan


Kesatraian Yogyakarta

Bodo South Sulawesi

Cele Maluku

Ewer West Papua

3) Traditional dances
Indonesia is very rich in traditional dances. The traditional dances have become amazing attractions for
foreign tourists who visit Indonesia. Usually the traditional dances perform and show the typical tradition in
certain places in Indonesia.

Kecak dance in Bali tells us the story or Ramayana. The dance exposes the
beauty of Balinese culture and Hinduism traditions.

Saman dances from Aceh is so beautiful that shows the unique culture of Aceh
with the Islamic values and tradition.

Here are some traditional dances in Indonesia and its origins:

Picture Dances Origin
Piring West Sumatera

Jaipong West Java

Topeng Betawi Jakarta (Betawi)

Serimpi Yogyakarta

Reog Ponorogo East Java

Cakalele The Moluccas

Selamat Datang Papua

Pinggan West Kalimantan

4) Traditional music instruments

Traditional music is closely related with the traditional dances. Usually traditional music accompanies the
traditional dances and ceremonies. Each tribe has their own typical traditional music instruments. Angklung
is for example. It is a traditional music instrument from Sunda (West Java).
Here are some traditional music instruments in Indonesia
Picture Music Instrument Origin
Sasando East Nusa Tenggara

Sampe East Kalimantan

Anklung West Java

Tifa Papua

Gamelan Java and Bali

Kolintang North Sulawesi

Serunai West Sumatera

5) Traditional Folk songs

Traditional folk songs are traditional songs with traditional language and music. As what we have learnt in
art class, traditional folk songs have different tempo, some are fast, but others are moderate. It usually
depends on the spirit and message of the song. Traditional folk songs often talk about the customs,
traditions, and values of certain culture in Indonesia. The lyrics of the songs usually give advice to the

Here are some traditional folk songs in Indonesia:

No. Traditional Songs Origin
1 Soleram Riau
2 Cik-Cik Periuk East Kalimantan
3 Yamko Rambe Yamko Papua
4 Bubuy Bulan West Java
5 Bolelebo West Nusa Tenggara
6 Angin Mamiri South Sulawesi
7 Anak Kambing Saya East Nusa Tenggara
8 Ampar-Ampar Pisang South Kalimantan
9 Kicir-Kicir Jakarta
10 Burung Tantina He Moluccas

6) Traditional weapons
The traditional weapons of different tribe in Indonesia were used for hunting, protection and war. But today,
is normally used together with traditional clothes as the symbol of the tribe and the ornaments of the
clothes. In some traditions, it is used in traditional ceremony and traditional dances.

Here are some traditional weapons in Indonesia and their origin.

Picture Traditional Weapons Origin
Rencong Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Aceh)

Kujang Jawa Barat

Keris Java

Golok Jakarta
Celurit Madura

Badik Sulawesi

Mandau East Kalimantan

Belati Papua

7) Traditional houses
As part of the civilisation of the tribes in Indonesia, traditional hoses become a typical architecture of
certain tribe. Today the traditional houses styles give artistic touch in Indonesian architecture. Lots of
government offices built and decorated in some ethnic styles. Hotel, villas, even private houses also use
certain traditional house styles.

Here are some traditional houses and their origin in Indonesia.

Picture Traditional houses Origin
The long house (rumah Panjang) Dayak (Kalimantan)

Bolon House North Sumatera

Gadang House West Sumatera

Joglo house Central Java

Limas House South Sunatera

Kebaya House Jakarta

Tonngkonan House Toraja (South Sulawesi)

Musalaki House East Nusa Tenggara

Honai House Papua

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