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Employee Engagement

Improving engagement by using a learning

management system (LMS)
Why does engagement matter?
An engaged employee is more productive, boosts morale in the
workplace and is less likely to leave an organisation.
How can an LMS help?
Employees of today seek value and growth from their work. An
LMS can allow them to continuously upskill throughout their
employee lifecycle by weaving learning into their day-to-day
An LMS improves communication
Employees need a steady flow of communication. An LMS offers
employees a way to communicate that speaks to them.
Enabling push notifications means employees are constantly and
instantly in the loop. Discussion or notice boards foster
conversation and ensure individuals feel like they’re part of the
Key LMS Features To
Boost Engagement
This delivers content in bite-sized nuggets. Employees
today are fast paced and more likely to learn from 5-7
minute mini lessons as opposed to one hour-long class.
Quality Content
Even if content looks flashy, an audience will check out if
it is dry, unnecessarily long and riddled with typos.
Easy Access
Many individuals today will engage with content through
a smartphone. Ensure content is accessible and
functional on multiple devices.
Data Driven Insights
An LMS can record bits of data about a user. This data
allows employers to know when to assist employees and
how to improve learning content.
Gamification utilises game-like incentives and principles
such as badges, level progression and points to make
eLearning more engaging.
Multimedia such as images and video are both more
engaging than text and help to simplify complex ideas.
This idea can be extended to interactive live learning
Collaborative Learning
This is based on the principle that learners experience a
richer learning experience when it’s shared with others. It
can be as simple as utilising a discussion board.
Independent Learning
A good LMS will allow managers and HR to set time
frames, as well as allow employees to self-manage tasks
through an inbuilt calendar.
You can learn more about this topic by
checking out the full article:

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