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Q1. What is a cell? Name the main parts of a cell.
Ans. A cell is the structural and functional unit of living
The main parts of a cell are: Cell membrane/plasma
membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus.
Q2. Name the parts of a nucleus.
Ans. Nuclear membrane, nuclear pore, nucleoplasm,
nucleolus and chromatin network are the parts of a
Q3. What is a tissue?
Ans. A tissue is a group of cells that are similar in
structure and function.
Q4. Name the complex permanent tissue.
Ans. Xylem and Phloem are the complex permanent
Q5. Differentiate between:
Xylem Phloem
Xylem is a water Phloem is a food
conducting tissue in plants conducting tissue in plants
that conducts water along that conducts food from
with minerals from the the leaves to all the parts
roots to the other parts of of the plant.
the plant.
Q6. What are the functions of the stomata?
Ans. Stomata help in the exchange of gases during
respiration and photosynthesis. They also help in the
process of transpiration.
Q7. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a Neuron (Nerve

Q8. Differentiate between:

Unicellular organisms Multicellular organisms
Organisms that possess a Organisms that possess
single cell are known as many cells are known as
unicellular organisms. multicellular organisms.
Q9. Mention the five groups of microorganisms.
Ans. Bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae and viruses are the
five groups of microorganisms.
Q10. Mention the five kingdoms of living organisms and
give one example.
Ans. a. Kingdom Monera: Example-Bacteria
b. Kingdom Protista: Example- Protozoa
c. Kingdom Fungi: Example-Yeast
d. Kingdom Plantae: Example- Green plants
e. Kingdom Animalia: Example- Multicellular
Q11. What are natural resources? Give examples.
Ans. The things that occur in nature and that are
useful to us are known as natural resources.
Ex: Air, water, sun, soil, wildlife, forests, minerals
and fossil fuels.
Q12. How are natural resources classified?
Ans. Natural resources are classified as:
a. Renewable natural resources
b. Non- renewable natural resources
Q13. What is acid rain?
Ans. When the oxides of sulphur and nitrogen are
released into the atmosphere due to combustion of
fuels, they combine with the water vapour in
the atmosphere forming sulphuric acid and nitric
acid. This falls to the earth along with rain, fog or
snow. This is acid rain.
Q14. Differentiate between:
Biotic Components Abiotic Components
The living organisms in The non-living things in
the environment, are the environment, are
called biotic called abiotic components.

Q15. What is pollution?

Ans. Any undesirable change in the components
of the environment is known as pollution.
Q16. List the human activities that would lead to air
Ans. a. The burning of wastes
b. Excessive use of vehicles
c. Burning of fuels
d. Wild fire or forest fire
e. Effluents from factories and industries
Q17. Differentiate between:
Renewable natural Non-renewable natural
resources resources
They are the resources They are the resources
that can be replenished in that cannot be replenished
a short period of time. in a short period of time.
Q18. Differentiate between:
Biodegradable substances Non- biodegradable
The substances that can The substances that
be decomposed or cannot be decomposed or
degraded into harmless degraded by microbial
substances by microbial action, are called non-
action, are called biodegradable
biodegradable substances.

Q19. What is ozone layer?

Ans. The layer in the earth’s stratosphere containing a
high concentration of ozone and which absorbs most of
the ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth from the sun,
is known as the ozone layer.
Q20. Define ozone depletion.
Ans. Ozone depletion is the gradual thinning of the
earth’s ozone layer due to the release of chemical
compounds like chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs), methyl
chloroform etc.

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