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J Clin Periodontol 2008; 35: 215–220 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2007.01186.

Correlation between periodontal Noriko Takeuchi and

Tatsuo Yamamoto
Department of Oral Health, Okayama

status and biting force in patients University Graduate School of Medicine,

Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Okayama, Japan

with chronic periodontitis during

the maintenance phase of
Takeuchi N, Yamamoto T. Correlation between periodontal status and biting force in
patients with chronic periodontitis during the maintenance phase of therapy. J Clin
Periodontol 2008; 35: 215–220. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2007.01186.x.

Aim: The association between periodontal status and biting force is unclear. The aim
of this study was to investigate the relation between periodontal status and biting force
in patients with chronic periodontitis during the maintenance phase of periodontal
Material and Methods: A total of 198 patients, who had entered a periodontal
maintenance programme, were examined for the presence of restorations on the
occlusal surface, probing pocket depth, clinical attachment loss (CAL), bleeding on
probing, and mobility of teeth. Quantitative analysis of total biting force, occlusal
contact area and biting pressure (defined by biting force per 1 mm2 of occlusal contact
area) was performed using microcapsular pressure-sensitive sheets.
Results: A multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that total biting force and
occlusal contact area were positively associated with the number of present teeth and
negatively associated with female gender, mean CAL and mean probing pocket depth.
Key words: biting force; biting pressure;
Biting pressure was positively associated with CAL.
maintenance phase; occlusal contact area;
Conclusions: Reduced periodontal support was found to be associated with decreased periodontal treatment; periodontitis
total biting force and with increased biting pressure (defined as force per 1 mm2 of
occlusal contact area). Accepted for publication 15 November 2007

Biting ability, including biting force and in dissolved gelatin from the surface of (Yeh et al. 2000) and temporomandibu-
occlusal contact area, is a useful objec- the standardized gummy jellies (Okiyama lar joint disorder (Tortopidis et al.
tive measure of masticatory function. et al. 2003). Masticatory effectiveness, 1999). Ageing, female gender and
Maximal biting force was positively cor- indicated by the percentage of sugar reduction in the number of present teeth
related with masticatory performance, extracted from chewing gum in 20 were negatively associated with biting
which was determined by the increase strokes, was also shown to relate to force (Yeh et al. 2000, Morita et al.
maximal biting force (Heath 1982). 2003, Ikebe et al. 2005). Biting force
Biting ability is affected by the fol- was also found to be positively corre-
Conflict of interest and source of lowing factors: age (Yeh et al. 2000, lated with salivary flow, regardless of
funding statement
Morita et al. 2003, Ikebe et al. 2005), age or gender (Yeh et al. 2000). The
The authors declare that they have no gender (Morita et al. 2003, Ikebe et al. maximum biting force in the healthy
conflict of interests. 2005), number of present teeth (Morita subjects was higher than that in subjects
This work was supported by Okayama et al. 2003), types of prosthesis with temporomandibular joint disorders
University, Japan.
(Miyaura et al. 2000), salivary flow (Tortopidis et al. 1999).
r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard 215
216 Takeuchi & Yamamoto

The relation between biting ability absence of restoration on the occlusal forcefully as possible for about 3 s.
and periodontal status is controversial. surface of pre-molars and molars. The Subjects, who were wearing removable
A study using pressure-sensitive sheets PPD and CAL were measured with partial dentures, were asked to remove
showed that the biting ability of subjects a colour-coded probe (CP-8, Hu-Friedy, the denture before measuring biting
with healthy periodontia was signifi- Chicago, IL, USA). The CAL was mea- ability.
cantly greater than that of chronic perio- sured as the distance between the
dontitis patients (Alkan et al. 2006b). cemento-enamel junction and the base
Monitoring the occlusal change using of the periodontal pocket. Both PPD and Statistical analysis
pressure-sensitive sheets has been CAL, rounded to the nearest 1 mm, were
reported to be useful for evaluating assessed at six sites (mesio-buccal, mid- To determine the sample size required
treatment prognosis in periodontal sur- buccal, disto-buccal, mesio-lingual, for multiple regression, a power analysis
gery (Alkan et al. 2006a). However, an mid-lingual and disto-lingual) for all (Milton 1986) was used. We had
epidemiological study using the sheet teeth present. The BOP was recorded planned a study that included four inde-
found that the periodontal condition had as present or absent after probing. Per- pendent variables in a model anticipated
little effect on biting ability (Morita centage of teeth with restorations on the to explain 10–20% of the variance in
et al. 2003). occlusal surface in pre-molars and given dependent variables, i.e., biting
This study investigated the relation molars, mean PPD and CAL, percentage force, occlusal contact area and biting
between the periodontal condition and of teeth with CALX4 mm, percentage pressure, on the basis of the previous
biting ability in patients who had of mobile teeth and percentage of the research results (Morita et al. 2003).
entered the maintenance phase of perio- BOP-positive sites were calculated for Further, we wished to select a sample
dontal treatment. each subject. large enough to assure that any indepen-
dent variable contributing an additional
5% of the explained variance to the
Measurement of biting ability model would be significant at the 0.05
Material and Methods
Biting force, occlusal contact area and level. Using this procedure, the sample
biting pressure were measured by a size required was 149–167.
A total of 198 patients, who attended the pressure-sensitive sheet (Dental Pre- Data were analysed using a statistical
Department of Preventive Dentistry, scale, Type-R 50H, Fuji Film, Tokyo, package (15.0 J for Windows, SPSS
Okayama University Hospital from Sep- Japan) and analysed by an image scan- Japan, Tokyo, Japan). Gender differ-
tember 2006 to June 2007, were ner (Occluzer, FPD-707, Fuji Film). The ences in age, clinical parameters and
recruited for this study. They had been pressure-sensitive sheet consisted of two biting ability were evaluated using Stu-
diagnosed with chronic periodontitis paper sheets and numerous microcap- dent’s t-test and a significant value of
and were in the maintenance phase of sules containing a colour-forming mate- po0.0045 was used, according to
periodontal treatment. Individuals were rial between them (Suzuki et al. 1997). Bonferroni’s correction because of the
excluded if they had temporomandibular The microcapsules are broken to react multiple comparisons for 11 variables.
dysfunction, more than 20% of sites with a colour-developing material when Correlations between the biting ability
with bleeding on probing (BOP), acute the sheet is bitten on. According to the and age or clinical indices were ana-
periodontitis that required medication magnitude of the pressure applied, dif- lysed by calculating Pearson’s correla-
with antibiotics in the previous 6 months ferent densities of colour are formed. tion coefficients. Multiple stepwise
and had no occlusal contacts between The biting force and occlusal contact regression analysis was performed to
maxillary and mandibular teeth. In addi- area are calculated after scanning the rank the effect of the following factors
tion, patients with systemic diseases sheet with an image scanner (Occluzer), (the independent variables) on the biting
requiring antibiotic cover or patients taking into consideration the area and force, occlusal contact area and biting
who had received periodontal therapy different densities of colour. The biting pressure (the dependent variables).
6 months before the study were force (N) was determined as the sum of Factors selected as independent vari-
excluded in the study. The subjects the degree of colouration and the area at ables were age, gender, number of
included 182 non-smokers, 14 current each contact point. The area discoloured present teeth, percentage of teeth with
smokers and two past smokers. by biting was recorded as the occlusal restorations on the occlusal surface of
The study protocol was approved by contact area (mm2). The biting pressure pre-molars and molars, mean PPD and
the Ethical Committee of the Okayama (MPa) is the biting force per 1 mm2 of CAL, and percentage of mobile teeth.
University Graduate School of the occlusal contact area (Miyaura et al.
Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical 1999).
Sciences. Written informed consent was The subjects were seated with their
obtained from all the subjects who heads upright and in an unsupported Results
agreed to participate. natural head position. After several trial The age and gender distribution of the
attempts to maintain an intercuspal bite, subjects are shown in Table 1. Mean
Clinical examination
the sheet was placed into the patient’s CAL and percentage of teeth with
mouth so that the midline of the arch CALX4 mm in males were greater
Two well-calibrated dentists recorded coincided with the midline of the sheet. than those in females (po0.001) (Table
the following clinical data: probing Care was taken to include all of the teeth 2). There was no gender difference in
pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment in the mouth. The buccal mucosa was the biting force (p 5 0.095), occlusal
loss (CAL), BOP, tooth mobility retracted so as not to deform the sheet. contact area (p 5 0.097) and biting pres-
(Miyaura et al. 1999), and presence or Each patient was instructed to bite as sure (p 5 0.495).
r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Periodontitis and biting force 217

Pearson’s correlation coefficients but statistically significantly negatively and r 5 0.39; po0.001, respectively).
between age and other parameters are correlated with biting pressure Similarly, biting force and total occlusal
shown in Table 3. Age was negatively (r 5 0.17; po0.05). The percentage contact area had moderately negative
correlated with biting force (r 5 0.21; of teeth with restorations on the occlusal correlations with the percentage of
po0.01) and occlusal contact area surface of pre-molars and molars had a mobile teeth (r 5 0.36; po0.001
(r 5 0.22; po0.01). The number of low negative correlation with mean PPD and r 5 0.39; po0.001, respectively).
present teeth was positively correlated (r 5 0.14; po0.05) and total occlusal There was no statistically significant
with the biting force (r 5 0.53; contact area (r 5 0.16; po0.05). association of the percentage of sites
po0.001) and occlusal contact area Similarly, biting force and total occlusal that bled on probing and any occlusal
(r 5 0.55; po0.001). Moreover, the contact area were weakly correlated parameters.
number of teeth present was weakly with mean PPD (r 5 0.30; po0.001 The results of multiple stepwise
and r 5 0.29; po0.001, respectively). regression analysis indicated that total
Biting force and total occlusal contact biting force and total occlusal contact
Table 1. Age and gender distribution of area had moderately negative correla- area were positively correlated with the
subjects tions with mean CAL (r 5 0.42; number of teeth present (b 5 0.40;
po0.001 and r 5 0.44; po0.001, po0.001 and b 5 0.42; po0.001,
Age group (years) Male Female Total
respectively), while biting pressure was respectively) and negatively correlated
30–39 1 5 6 weakly but positively correlated with with mean CAL (b 5 0.22; p 5 0.003
40–49 2 6 8 mean CAL (Fig. 1), percentage of teeth and b 5 0.25; p 5 0.001, respec-
50–59 16 38 54 with CALX4 mm and percent mobile tively). Total biting force and total
60–69 22 49 71 teeth (r 5 0.18; po0.05 for all). Biting occlusal contact area were also nega-
70–79 13 33 46 force and total occlusal contact area tively correlated with female gender
80–89 5 7 12 had moderately negative correlations (b 5 0.27; po0.001 and b 5 0.28;
90–99 1 0 1
Total 60 138 198
with the percentage of teeth with po0.001, respectively). Total biting
CALX4 mm (r 5 0.37; po0.001 force and total occlusal contact area
were weakly and negatively correlated
with mean PPD (b 5 0.16; p 5 0.013
Table 2. Age, clinical parameters and biting ability (mean  SD) and b 5 0.15, p 5 0.021, respec-
tively). Mean CAL was the only inde-
Male Female Total
pendent variable (b 5 0.18; po0.010)
Age 65.4  10.1 63.5  10.5 64.4  10.4 that was significantly associated with
Number of present teeth 23.4  5.3 24.3  4.3 24.0  4.6 biting pressure when it was used as a
% of teeth with restorations on the 61.9  28.7 72.4  24.4 69.2  26.2 dependent variable.
occlusal surface of pre-molars and molars
Mean probing pocket depth (mm) 1.9  0.4 1.7  0.3 1.8  0.4
Clinical attachment loss (CAL)
Mean CAL (mm) 3.1  1.0 2.5  0.7 2.7  0.9 Discussion
% of teeth with CALX4 mm 53.3  30.2 34.8  25.9n 40.4  28.5
% of mobile teeth 14.4  19.3 8.9  13.6 10.6  15.7 The multiple stepwise regression analy-
% of sites with bleeding on probing 7.7  5.9 7.2  5.6 7.3  5.7 sis in this study demonstrated that the
Total biting force (N) 526  313 451  281 474  292 biting force and occlusal contact area
Total occlusal contact area (mm2) 15.7  10.1 13.3  8.2 14.0  8.9 were significantly (albeit weakly) corre-
Biting pressure (force per mm2 35.8  8.9 34.9  8.1 35.2  8.3 lated with mean CAL after adjusting for
occlusal contact area) the number of present teeth and gender,
po0.001, significantly different from males (t-test with Bonferroni’s correction). both of which have been reported to
relate to the biting ability (Morita et al.
2003, Ikebe et al. 2005). These results
suggest that reduced periodontal support
Table 3. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between occlusal parameters and other clinical may be a factor in determining the
masticatory ability of patients with
Total biting Total occlusal Biting pressure chronic periodontitis in maintenance
force contact area (force per mm2 therapy.
occlusal contact area) Further studies are needed to clarify
the reason as to why reduced perio-
Age 0.21nn 0.22nn 0.05
Number of present teeth 0.53nnn 0.55nnn 0.17n dontal support affects biting ability.
% of teeth with restorations on the 0.14n 0.15n 0.04 Reduced periodontal support might
occlusal surface of pre-molars and molars decrease the threshold level of the
Mean probing pocket depth (mm) 0.30nnn 0.29nnn 0.08 mechanoreceptor function because the
Clinical attachment loss (CAL) loading forces during mastication
Mean CAL (mm) 0.42nnn 0.44nnn 0.18n induced by the masticatory muscles are
% of teeth with CALX4 mm 0.37nnn 0.39nnn 0.18n controlled by the mechanoreceptors of
% of mobile teeth 0.36nnn 0.39nnn 0.18n
the periodontal ligament (Hannam
% of sites with bleeding on probing 0.11 0.11 0.04
1976). Moreover, patients who are
n nn nnn
po0.05, po0.01, po0.001. aware of the reduced periodontal tissue
r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
218 Takeuchi & Yamamoto

support may unconsciously limit their severe loss of periodontal tissue support, In contrast with our findings, a study
biting force. Because the biting ability is but not slight loss. that measured maximum biting force at
closely related to masticatory perfor- The disparity in the results could also 4 mm mouth opening reported that
mance (Okiyama et al. 2003) and diet- be due to the increased periodontal reduced periodontal tissue support did
ary selection (Heath 1982), reduced inflammation in the study subjects of not limit biting force (Kleinfelder &
periodontal support might also affect Morita et al. (2003) compared with that Ludwig 2002). The number of study
the selection of food. in the present study. The mean percen- subjects, the difference of the measuring
In addition to the negative correla- tage of BOP in the study by Morita et al. device and the measurement area (molar
tion between biting force or occlusal (2003) (18.1) was higher than that of the regions versus all arch) might explain
contact area and mean CAL, biting present study (7.7). Because periodontal the differences in results between the
pressure was weakly but positively inflammation has been reported as a two studies.
associated with mean CAL (r 5 0.18; factor that affects the threshold level of The number of present teeth and male
po0.05). Therefore, if periodontal mechanoreceptors (Van Steenberghe gender were positively associated with
destruction is associated with increased et al. 1981), periodontal inflammation biting force and occlusal contact area
biting pressure, it could result in over- might have modified the relation and these results were in agreement with
load to the reduced periodontium between biting ability and CAL in the those of other studies (Morita et al.
during mastication. Peripheral neural study by Morita et al. (2003). 2003). No gender difference was
mechanisms might be impaired by the
reduced ligament support of the teeth
during the progression of the disease.
This assumption is supported by the
study (Johansson et al. 2006), which
showed that subjects with reduced
periodontium had greater holding
forces between a pair of opposing inci-
sors than healthy subjects. Because
excessive occlusal force may be a risk
factor of periodontal destruction (Harrel
2003) and recurrence of periodontitis is
a major cause of tooth loss during
supportive periodontal treatment (König
et al. 2002), careful monitoring of
excessive occlusal forces should be con-
sidered during supportive periodontal
Total biting force and total occlusal
contact area were negatively associated
with mean CAL. The results were con-
sistent with those of a clinical study
using pressure-sensitive sheets, which
showed that biting force and occlusal
contact area of chronic periodontitis
patients were lower than those of control
subjects with healthy periodontium
(Alkan et al. 2006b). However, the
findings of the present study did not
agree with those of an epidemiological
study using pressure-sensitive micro-
capsular sheets, which reported that
stepwise multiple linear regression
found no correlation between perio-
dontal status and biting ability (Morita
et al. 2003). The reason for the discre-
pancy between the studies may be
because of differences in the severity
of periodontal disease. The mean CAL
in the study by Morita et al. (2003) was
1.96 mm, which was lower than that of
the present study (2.7 mm) and that of
the study by Alkan et al. (2006b) Fig. 1. Relationship between mean clinical attachment loss (CAL) and biting ability
(4.16 mm for periodontitis patients). (n 5 198). Mean CAL is negatively associated with biting force (N) (a) and occlusal contact
Biting force and occlusal contact area area (b), and positively associated with biting pressure (the biting force per 1 mm2 of the
might be influenced by moderate to occlusal contact area: MPa) (c). The solid lines represent regression lines.
r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Periodontitis and biting force 219

Table 4. Stepwise multiple regression analysis of biting ability

Dependent variables Independent Non-standardized Standardized b p R2

Total biting force Number of teeth present 25.52 4.15 0.40 o0.001 0.37
Mean CAL 74.73 25.19 0.22 0.003
Gender 168.33 38.18 0.27 o0.001
Mean PPD 132.22 52.80 0.16 0.013
Total occlusal contact area Number of teeth present 0.80 0.12 0.42 o0.001 0.41
Mean CAL 2.54 0.75 0.25 0.001
Gender 5.40 1.13 0.28 o0.001
Mean PPD 3.63 1.56 0.15 0.021
Biting pressure (force per mm2 occlusal contact area) Mean CAL 1.77 0.68 0.18 0.010 0.03
Independent variables were age, gender (male: 0, female: 1), number of teeth present, % of teeth with restorations on the occlusal surface of pre-molars
and molars, mean probing pocket depth (PPD), mean clinical attachment loss (CAL), and % of mobile teeth.

observed in biting ability (Table 2); In addition, biting force, occlusal con- Ikebe, K., Nokubi, T., Morii, K., Kashiwagi, J.
however, gender was selected as a tact area and biting pressure were & Furuya, M. (2005) Association of bite
significant independent variable that slightly more correlated with mean force with ageing and occlusal support in
would influence biting force and CAL than the percentage of mobile teeth older adults. Journal of Dentistry 33,
occlusal contact area (Table 4). The (Table 3). Because mean CAL had been 131–137.
discrepancy is ascribed to the difference selected as an independent variable Johansson, A. S., Svensson, K. G. & Trulsson,
M. (2006) Impaired masticatory behavior in
in the degree of mean CAL between the earlier than the percentage of mobile
subjects with reduced periodontal tissue
sexes, i.e., males had larger mean CAL teeth during the multiple stepwise
support. Journal of Periodontology 77,
and larger biting ability than females in regression analysis and adding the per- 1491–1497.
this study. centage of mobile teeth had little influ- Kleinfelder, J. W. & Ludwig, K. (2002) Max-
Age was not selected as an indepen- ence, the percentage of mobile teeth imal bite force in patients with reduced
dent variable in the multiple stepwise was not used in the multiple regression periodontal tissue support with and without
regression analysis in this study. This is analysis. splinting. Journal of Periodontology 73,
consistent with that of another study In conclusion, total biting force and 1184–1187.
(Miyaura et al. 1999). Some studies total contact area were positively asso- König, J., Plagmann, H. C., Rühling, A. &
showed that ageing was a significant ciated with CAL after adjusting for the Kocher, T. (2002) Tooth loss and pocket
contributing factor for reduction of bit- number of present teeth and gender. probing depths in compliant periodontally
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complete denture occlusal contacts using The influence of advanced periodontitis on Department of Oral Health
pressure-sensitive sheets. International Jour- the psychophysical threshold level of perio- Okayama University Graduate
dontal mechanoreceptors in man. Journal School of Medicine, Dentistry and
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Yeh, C.-K., Johnson, D. A., Dodds, M. W. J., 2-5-1 Shikata-cho
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and those with TMD. Journal of Oral Reha- imal bite force. Journal of Dental Research E-mail:
bilitation 26, 321–328. 79, 1560–1565.

Clinical Relevance Principal findings: Mean clinical port negatively affects masticatory
Scientific rationale for the study: The attachment loss was negatively asso- ability. Moreover, increased biting
association between biting force and ciated with total biting force and total pressure in patients with reduced
periodontal status is controversial. occlusal contact area, independent of periodontal support could result in
This study evaluated the association the number of teeth present and overload to the periodontium during
of periodontal status and biting force gender, both of which were consid- mastication. If so, careful monitoring
in patients with chronic periodontitis ered to be related to biting force. for excessive occlusal forces during
during the maintenance phase of Practical implications: These results supportive periodontal treatment
periodontal therapy. suggest that reduced periodontal sup- may be indicated.

r 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard

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