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We are all capable of doing great things that could help our fellows where
selfishness are set aside and putting in our minds the thought of building a better world.
In this better world, we establish peace and harmonious living with one another. But unto
the current state of country, the Philippines, we have a lot of things going on where there
are chaos and so much disorder. Having to understand such, it is also sad to know that
only few people really have the passion into doing something that would build the better
world or the better country we are dreaming for. It takes for everyone to really cooperate
with same goal or vision, not being idle but in action so that dreams for our country may
be fulfilled. And thanks to those stood up and made a study on how they could be able to
help everyone, whose desires are to make a difference so that dreams or visions may
come to pass.

The HUMSS strand is a study, designed to those who could stand up for making a
difference. As they say, HUMSS strand is designed for those who wonder what is on the
other side of the wall. Having the thought of it, I wonder of its risk and what it takes to be
able to penetrate or breakthrough a wall. It’s a challenge that needs strong mind and a
strong hearted person. But in getting their and its results, I know just like how a person
whose aims to win a race, that person must really prepare and build his or her body, be fit
to be ready for the competition and assume the victory.

The strand maybe challenging but guess what, who is more happy or joyful than
those who persevered? That even of many stumbling block, a person remains steady and
at the end of his or her perseverance was able to enjoy the fruit of his or her hard work?
You see, the advantage of taking up the HUMSS strand could possibly build you up more
than your reading or writing skills, and even more than the confidence it provides.
HUMSS strand gives you the opportunity on how you could be able build the better
world or the better country we could be able to wish or dream for. It gives you the
opportunity to care for your fellow. It gives you the opportunity to be one with your
country men, from hearing their voices and how you could stand with them. It gives you
the opportunity to know the heart of your people. And if I would be ask if I could choose
HUMSS strand, I would gladly say yes! Why not? Helping one another should be the
spirit of our country, just like the Samaritan man who helped an injured man in the bible,
help should not be withheld.

Choosing HUMSS strand could lead a person to the fields of law, culture, religion,
science, language and everything in humanity but the point of it is to lead the person to
what should make him or her human. Humanity should be caring, loving unselfishly, and
giving help when needed without expecting for something in return. Humanity should be
selfless just like of our Lord Jesus Christ who gave His life to save us all from the curse
of our sin. And that should be what to be expected for the study of HUMSS strand and
for those who are taking it up. Now, for a better world, know our people, and we will
build a better one!

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