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Claire O.

Flores BSCS 2A

Reflection on Chapter 3:

Rizal’s Early Education

I started my early education in where I was born and raised by my parents, in Sapian
Capiz. I do not belong to the ilustrado family just like Jose Rizal and so my parents were able
to send me in a public elementary school instead. My early education is one of my
memorable moments during my school days because I can really say that I really enjoy my
childhood where we, students are free to play. Not like the same way as what typical
schooling during the time of Jose Rizal where students are used to whip so that they will
learn. During my school days, we are free to play and teachers don’t force students. I can
really say that learning is really fun and enjoyable during my school days in my elementary.
The teachers are really friendly and so we have the courage to attend the class even if our
class starts as early as 7 o’clock in the morning, we still have the like to go to school.
My first teacher, just like Jose Rizal is also my mother. My mother is really good in
Mathematics, English and in Social Studies. She is the one who taught me first how to read,
write, and count numbers. My mother is really that patient like the mother of Jose Rizal, even
though she was busy with her job, which I really understand, but still she managed to have
time on teaching us. I also learn to read and write with the help of my elder sister. Not like
Jose Rizal, I don’t have private tutors or teachers; I had only my sister, and my mother with
me who taught me to read, to write and to count numbers. My parents started to send me to
school when I was six years old for grade one. During that time, our schools really don’t
accept children for grade one below six years of age, but then when I enrolled and they
interviewed me, I am really talkative child and very active. And so they decided to accept
My school during my elementary is just near to our house. For 15 minutes ride
approximately, we can already reach the school. Not like Jose Rizal, I wasn’t send to any
province. My parents are living here in the Province and we have also house here and so I
don’t have to leave the house and part from my family to go to school. I always like to live
here since I was already used by way of living here and with the people around.
First day of school was really fun. I can say that I really like to go to school every
day. It is also where my elder sister enrolled when she was still in elementary. My teacher is
whom I admire. Mrs. Cabataña (I forgotten her name already). I always remember her
kindness, her goodness and her understanding to us her pupil. She doesn’t like to be in a
hurry, she teaches us slowly and never forced us to read or write when we don’t want. Just
like Jose Rizal, Mrs. Cabataña and my mother were friends. They knew each other because
Mrs. Cabataña is also the teacher of my elder sister when she was still in elementary. My
mother already knew that Mrs. Cabataña is really good and so she decided to enroll me under
her as her pupil.

During my elementary days, I am not the smartest pupils, not like Jose Rizal; I was in
the middle rather. As I had remembered, even though I am not the smartest, my teacher used
to praise me because I learn quickly whenever we have new lessons. Not like Jose Rizal, I
don’t have jealous friends who tease on me but rather lots of friends who were my
classmates. We used to play during our recess time or after the class while waiting for our
parents to fetch us from school. That is why, I can say that my elementary school days were
really fun and I enjoy it a lot.

The last memoirs of my elementary are when I was finally graduating student from
grade six. I was happy at the same time little bit sad because I and my friends will also bade
farewell to each other. Just like Jose Rizal, I feel sad because I don’t know if I could see them
again. As our elementary moment has to end, I know that our friendship will remain forever.

After graduation from elementary, I, together with my mother accompanied me to

take the entrance examination to enroll the near secondary school, the St. Catherine
Academy, where my mother was teaching and where my sister studied. It will take 20
minutes also to ride from house to school. Just like Jose Rizal, the first decision of my mother
was to enroll me to that school, it is private high school, and she chose to study us from
where she was teaching to lessen the expenses. Well, not like Jose Rizal, I don’t find the hard
time entering the school, since after taking the examination; I pass and ready to enroll for my
first year in high school.

Jose Rizal School is for ilustrado family, thus, for rich family. Since we don’t belong
to this level of society, my family can only afford to the school with less expense. And so that
my parents can save money for the college fees of my sister after her graduation, my mother
transferred in a public secondary high school, the Malonoy National High School, where I
was enrolled again for my Grade 8.

Just like the usual secondary school, my school is not as expensive as Jose Rizal, but
when it comes to education and training, our school is very strict. Just like Jose Rizal, we
have also rigid discipline, physical culture and scientific studies. But our school is not that
religious as Jose Rizal school, but still we are conducting a prayer and a Mass every Month.
Malonoy National High School also offer training for those who want to learn Cooking,
TechVoc, Mechanics and Drafting, you can enroll there even if you are not a regular student
for cheaper tuition. Our sections were also divided into 4 groups, starting from A, B, C, D
sections. The highest section starts from A upto D.

On my first day in Malonoy National High School, I was a little bit nervous and shy
because I know that I will be meeting new faces, new people with new characters. I am also
afraid if I could not make new friends. But later on, since we are really strangers to each
other, I was surprise because my classmates were also friendly, and then we started to
exchanged conversation, hence the feeling of nervousness was eliminated. During my first
year also, just like Jose Rizal, was the first time I ever receive a reward from my studies. I am
one of the top students from our class. Although not like Jose Rizal as he was the top, I
placed as the 7th top students in our class. I am very happy that time. Even though I placed as
one of the top, I still continue to study very hard so that my rank will increase. But after the
final grading, I was a little bit disappointed because we our teacher didn’t recognized our
grades and she didn’t place any top students in her list. But, I feel better though, since I also
got high grades from her as my final grade.
Just like Jose Rizal, at the end of school year, I, together with my family spend our
short vacation in our home. We spend our vacation there by doing anything that can make
difference and memory in our stay at home on vacation. I always love to share my
achievements with my grandmother, parents and sister. I always tell them my good doing at
school and my good grades. After we spend a little time in our home, we go back to normal
days where I know that I am still a student.

Just like Jose Rizal, during my high school days, I was fond of reading romantic
novels. Even though at my young age, I really loved romantic stories, like Cinderella, Beauty
and the Beast and etc… And so I tried reading Tagalog pocket novels. Maybe not like Rizal,
but I was really fascinated by many pocket novels because of their love stories. The outline of
the story was about the rich guy who fell in love with the poor girl. Even though I still cannot
relate with the stories, but I can feel that this story can really happen in real life.

Just like Jose Rizal, when I was in my fourth year in high school, I was inspired by
one of my academic teacher. She was really good, and even my other classmate was really
encouraged to study because the way she handles her student, we really give her the respect.
We always do enjoyable activities and we didn’t get bored with her class, and also she gives
good grades to us. After all my sacrifices, at last I graduated. I was extremely happy, and I’ve
got medal, I feel so much achievement and proud to present my diploma to my parents.

All I can say about the life of Jose Rizal was, just like me, Rizal was also just like an
ordinary student like me. With all his achievement he got, he work very hard for it and he
really deserves it. He was a great man with lots of achievements in life at his young age. He
came from a rich family but his attitude doesn’t affect by his status in life and remained
humble all the time. That is why God has given him with lots of blessings. Now I realized
that, it doesn’t matter your status in society, whether you’re rich or poor as long as you have
the courage to learn and the willingness to acquire more learning, surely you can be just like
Jose Rizal who had remained humble in spite of his status in life and with his achievements.

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