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UNHEALTHY FOODS: Not Good For The Body

By: Mary Glidyl Nuñez

MODERN lifestyle had made our life easier, more comfortable, and a happy place to
live in. As years past, new inventions bring more comfort to us and these comfort tends to
bring shared problems regarding with our health. Yes, many food tastes great to our taste
buds but little do you know these damages our body which causes illnesses. This is due to the
fact that we consume unhealthy foods increasingly nonstop day by day. Pounds of sugar,
calories and all toxic chemicals have been consumed without knowing that these foods
provide little or no nutrition at all. To give knowledge about what we usually eat nowadays,

1. Processed meats (hot dogs, bacon, etc.) – Hot dogs, those which have dyes to add for color
and effect especially to kids are high in sodium, saturated fats and sodium nitrate (a
preservative for color and flavor). Excess consumption of processed meats could lead to
coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus and high intake of those with food color could
lead to increased risk of colorectal, colon, rectal cancers.

2. Fried, grilled, or broiled food – We always cook our meals to direct exposure of mixed oil,
heat and smoke. Unhealthy chemical compounds form when food is cooked under high heat.
These chemicals include acrylamides, acrolein, heterocyclic amines, oxysterols, polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and advanced glycation end products (AGEs). If linked with
these foods containing these chemicals, chances of cancer and heart disease will be

3. Fast food meals – Most fast food meals tend to offer a huge amount of calories and fat but
some ain't that bad. So you must be cautious on where to eat your meal since most people
nowadays choose to eat fast food chains for convenience. You could gain a lot of weight if
you're not responsible with your consumption. You should reduce your food trips to avoid
diseases related to calories and fats.

4. Canned soups – When canned soups are consumed in excess amount, sodium, fat, sugar
and preservatives will inhabit your body. Always choose the one with low fat, low sodium or
with some healthy ingredients to avoid having blood pressure, heart disease, and even stroke.
It's best to make your own soup at home.

5. Processed pastries – Pastries are considered a breakfast treat, but they are the unhealthiest
food to start your day with. Made of flour, hydrogenated oils (unhealthy trans fat), they are
packed of refined sugar which may cause diabetes. Trans fat could lead to coronary heart
disease and sudden death from cardiac causes. You can look for an alternative like bread or
you can bake your own pastries at home too!

6. Sugary cereals – If you're a person fond of cereals other than pastries for a breakfast meal,
then you should know that these consist of excessive sugar that leads to type 2 diabetes, heart
disease, and even cancer. To have a healthy morning, choose homemade cereals instead.

7. Pretzels - Binge-eating of pretzels while hanging out with friends wouldn't add health
benefits to your body. Pretzels are all refined carbohydrates. It indicates that snacks or diets
rich in carbohydrates are associated with risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and type 2
diabetes since pretzels are coated with chocolates. Try choosing a handful of nuts or others
rich in fiber instead.
8. Margarine – When eating pairs of wheat bread, it isn't complete without a taste of
margarine. But it isn't good for the health since it contains trans fat which leads to numerous
health-related issues and even risk of heart disease. It is better to eat bread with butter as an
alternative. 9. Processed cheese – It contains emulsifiers, coloring, and other chemical
ingredients that could be harmful to your body. It has also lots of calories that can risen your
blood pressure since high amount of salt preservatives is present too. It is much better to
consume natural cheese than processed ones.

10. Sugary drinks (sports drink, diet soda, etc.) – These drinks are packed with sugar,
artificial sweeteners and other unhealthy ingredients that can do harm on your body. When
consumed in large amounts, it can trigger insulin which may lead to weight gain, non-
alcoholic fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Even though the label says 'no
calorie' itself, well, think again. To live with an easy, comfortable and a happy life, health is
the top priority. First things first, health is wealth. We must have a balanced diet consuming
an equal amount of sugar and some important nutrients our body needs to avoid getting sick
and to spend tons of money for health treatment. Therefore, we must be responsible with our
health habits and with the food we intake everyday. Eat vegetables, drink plenty of water, and
stretch your arms.


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