Assignment 2: Lessonp Lan Lecturer:Teamita: TESOL 510

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Marou.Tebikenibeu | TESOL 510 | April 3, 2020

Page number
Lesson plan ---------------------- 1- 4
Narrative Text ‘A New Pet’ ------------------------ 5
Recount Text “Holiday” --------------------- 6
English Lesson Plan
Name: Marou Tebikenibeu School: Abaunamou Primary
Subject: English Class Level: 4
Topic:Narrative Text-Improving student’s Duration: 1 Hour
knowledge about the text/reading
Sub- Topic: A New Pet Student’s roll: 34

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson, students can

Identify vocaulary from the text/reading
Discuss and respond to content of the text orally and in writing
Apply the use of reading strategies such skimming, scanning, and
infrencing in answering questions.
Resources: Reading text, plain paper, pictures of the text, marker, flash card,
# Time Stage Procedures
1 10 Warmer Game– tennis
mins - Allow students to stand in two lines
- Asks them to face each other
- Give new word that they can think of on their own
- The group have more word than the other group is the

2 25 Presentation Introduce the learning focus:

mins (referred to ‘ A New Pet’ story
1. Displays the pictures that relate with the text using the
plain paper. For example, roster, cat, dog, cage, bush,
young boy, the father hug his father.
2. Asks them to guess what the picture about
3. Then asks students to guess the story by letting them to
find on their own to build their knowledge about the text.
4. Ask them to read the story using the pointer and
indicates new word from the text.
5. Then asks them to guess what tense used in the text.
6. Circle new vocabulary and asks students to guess the
meaning and then emphazise the meaning of each word
with their synonyms, difinition and the use in sentence
 scold- (v)( speak angrily) - telling someone in a
s0trong voice to make him/her sad
-for example: My teacher scolded me when I
came late
 accepted- (v)(receive) - something that you
-for example: My father accepted what I ask him for
my birthday
 upset- (adj)( sad)- a person who have unhappy
-for example: I am upset when I left my family
 offer- (v)(provide) - giving something special to
- My uncle offer $10.00 per week for my
 regretted- (v) (feel sad) - something that failed to
- My brother regretted after hitting me
 cage- (n) (hutch) – a wire that animals are kept.
- The cat feels comfortable in the cage
 Whispered- (v) – speak to someone in a low
- I whispered my oldest sister to go to the social
 Caze- (v)( see)- to look something
- I caze the baby crying outside the house.
7. Explicitly explain the reading strategy ‘skimming’, and
‘scanning’ while reading the text with students. For
example, read the first sentences of the text of each
paragraph and ask question about it.
8. Oral questionning using skimming
a. What is the title of the story ?
b. What is the story about?
 In this part, I will write student’s answers on the board
using chalk or marker
 Then I will correct their answers.
9. Scanning questions
 Who are the characters in the story ?
 Where does Ioane lives?
 What does Ioane ask in the first time to his father?
 What happens to Ioane’s father when he asking
him the first time?
 How does Ioane feels when his father scold him
about a cat?
 Why does Ioane’s father scold him about the a
 Why does Ioane wants his own pet?
 What happens to Ioane’s father when he whisper
 Where does Ioane’s father put the small cage?
 How does he feels when he see the cage?
 When does Ioane feel happy?
10. Corrects grammer error to their answers.
3 10 Practice Group Work
mins  Displays the text on the blackboard with new vocabulary
 Allocates them to sit in their groups consisting of 4
 Distibutes their activity using the plain paper
Jumble word
1) Coldesd
2) Seupt
3) Epaccetd
4) Boerth
5) Speredwhi
6) Grettrede
7) zeca
 Asks them to arrange to complete a word
 Walk around and facilitates them
 Asks them to present their answer to the whole class
 Check their answers as awhole
4 10 Production Individual Work
mins  Displays the activity on the board using the chart
 Explain to students what to do in the activity
- Find the correct answer in the blacket.
1) One day, he asked his father, “Father, can I have a
cat?” But father ____________ him and said (scold/
2) ,” No Ioane, I don’t want you to have a pig but there
are no pigs ___________ in this bush.” (accept/
3) Father ___________ what she had done last day so
he touched Ioane and kissed him. (regreted/ regret)
4) The day after, Ioane ____________his father, “ Can I
have my own pet please !” (whispering/ whispered)
5) “ Sorry my beloved son, I will _________ what you
want.” (offered/ offer)
 Facilitates them and mark their work individually
 Going through the answers on the board to check their
5 5 mins Conclusion What did you learn now:
 What did you learn from the lesson?
 Is there new for you?
 What is the meaning of scolded, accepted, upset, bother,
whispered, regreted, and offer.
 What is the synonym of these word
- Scolded
- Regretted
- Offered
- Whispered
- bother
- upset
 Mark their work correctly
 Praise them for their great effort

A New Pet
- Written by Marou Tebikenibeu

On the island of Fanning, there was a young boy named

Ioane, he lived with his father in the bush.
One day, he asked his father, “Father, can I have a roster?”
But father scold him and said, “ No Ioane, I don’t want you to
have a cat but there are no rosters accepted in this bush.”
Ioane was upset and cried. Then he asked his father,” father,
you didn’t accept what I want so can I have a big?” But
father scold him again and said,” No Ioane, I don’t want you
to have a pig but there are no pigs accepted in this bush.”
Ioane was crying.
After a few minutes later, he asked his mother, “father can I
have a dog?” Mother shouted out and scold him in a strong
voice,” How many times I told you that there are no animals
accepted in this place, what the hell are you talking about?”
Now Ioane was sad so he ran out and cried. His father didn’t
bother what he had done so he went to his room and sleep.
The day after, Ioane whispered his father, “ Can I have my
own pet please but I want to play with!” Father regretted
what he had done last day so he hugged Ioane and kissed him.
“ Sorry my beloved son, I will offer what you want.”
The next day, when Ioane got home from fishing, there was a
small cage outside his room. Ioane was very happy! He ran
faster to caze the cage. In the cage,was a white cat! father
take it and give to him.
Ioane happy and asked his father,” I will call it Bussy. Thank
you papa for your love to me.
- Written by Marou Tebikenibeu

Last Saturday 28th March, my aunty invited me for their

birthday party. It was my second time I had met them.
When I got off the bus, my little counsin Meere took me to the
house. I was very surprised because I don’t know what to do.
My aunty called me, “ welcome Meemee, How are you?” She
served me a special food for my lunch, cassava and sausages.
It was 7:00 pm, there were people came and brought foods
and special gifts for that night. I helped my aunty cleaned the
house and cooked foods. After that, my aunty gave me a new
dress for that night so I went to have a bath and put on my
new clothes. When I attented the party, I was surprised
because there was a special seets with beautiful banner and
decorations which was my photograpgh and date of birth
written on. Then My aunty wished me luck on my specialday.
It was so fun, my uncle played the music and my aunty came
to me and danced. I hugged her and said, “ Thank you aunty
for what you have done for me. I appreaciated all your
kindeness and love for me”. Then I went to uncle and kissed

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