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Imagine yourself as one of the candidates in the pageant, how would you answer the
following questions:

1. In your own opinion, what is beauty?

- “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must
be felt with the heart.” (Hellen Keller) …. For me BEAUTY is an inner personality, it is not about
your physical appearance but its all about your good personality and a good manner. The real
beauty comes from the heart with socializing and dealing others with a genuine action of
oneself towards others.

2. How will you describe a beautiful person?

- For me a person who has a soft hearted, kind and respectful was the real beautiful woman
existing in this world. They are the one who should accept the adorations from others who
truly define themselves as a human being that really exist in a globalized world. A person
with a kind heart will appear also from their outside beauty that reflects their inner beauty
that never fades and it truly exist.

3. For you, who is the most beautiful person in the world?

- My MOTHER, the image of my mother was also my image. She is the most beautiful woman
in the world carrying with her big heart and that’s how she cares every one of us. I really
adore my mother; she is our hero who sacrifices and did everything to us to matter how
hard nut to crack, she looks for ways and means to solve it and she never run out of stream.
That’s how adorable my mother is.


List and describe the common secondary sexual male and female characteristics.

Male Secondary Descriptions Female Descriptions

Sexual Secondary Sexual
Characteristics Characteristics

Adams apple The Adam's apple, or Enlargement of What breast changes

laryngeal prominence, breast happen at puberty? As a
colloquially known as the girl approaches her teen
neck triangle, is the lump years, the first visible signs
or protrusion in the of breast development
human neck formed by begin. When the ovaries
the angle of the thyroid start to produce and
cartilage surrounding the release (secrete) estrogen,
larynx seen especially in fat in the connective
males tissue starts to collect.
This causes the breasts to

Growth and strength

spurts typically peak one
or two years after the
onset of puberty. His
muscles grow, his hips
chest and narrow and his shoulders Experiencing It is the sign of girls that
shoulders get and chest get broader. menstruation they are already on the
broader He starts beating you at stage of puberty
arm wrestling! Typically
the arms, legs, hands and
feet outpace the rest of
his body, leading to much
comical clumsiness

At the start of puberty Their bodies increase in

you will notice hair size and shape during
Hair may grow
growing around your puberty. Their hips
on your face,
penis, under your arms, Body became become more rounded
chest, and back
and on your face, chest, more curvy and they get a more
and legs. Your testicles defined waist. The vulva,
and penis are also vagina and nipples get
growing. You may bigger and the breasts
develop acne (pimples). begin to develop,
Later in puberty, you will sometimes unevenly.
begin to grow taller and
your voice will start to
change and get lower
1. Based from the activity above, what aspects did you use in describing beauty? Inner or
outer? Why?

- INNER, because the real beauty of a person cannot be seen physically and it should be
treasured from the heart. Inner beauty is truly existing for me, because physical beauty can be change
and will fade away unlike to inner beauty that is constant to every personality that no one can change.

2. When do we usually observe the physical changes listed above for the secondary male and
female sexual characteristics?

- it usually happens during the puberty of a child, puberty starts ages 8 to 14 but females go
first than the males. During adulthood we really experience this stage, the changes of our body
are normal.

3. Were you able to experience the same changes? When?

- Yes, I did, I experienced those during my puberty. Females go first than boys, and I think I
started to experience menstruation when I was 13 after my elementary graduation.

4. How does the society shape the sexual behavior of an individual?

-Society is a great influencer to everybody. The sexual behavior of an individual will

shape depends on what type of society they had or where they belong to, it depends
upon us on what we see, we hear and witnessed others behavior within the society
whether we copy it or not.

1. Differentiate natural, artificial methods of contraception and In Vitro Fertilization.

- Natural contraception is not requiring any process includes chemical or foreign

body introduction into the human body. Because most people who are very conscious
of their religious beliefs are more inclined to use the natural way of birth
control. Some want to use natural methods because it is more cost effective. In artificial methods
of contraception like using condoms, pills,IUD and depo prevents the sperm from reaching
the ovum. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a method of assisted reproduction in which
a man's sperm and a woman's eggs are combined outside of the body in a laboratory dish.
2. Agree or Disagree. Are you in favor of legalizing marriage among homosexuals
and transgender? Why?
- Yes, I agree! Who we are to oppose to the happiness of the others, we don’t have
the right to stop them? And as far as I know as time goes by the world is changing
and might the concept of a religion too. Catholic church become more open to
welcoming the LGBTQ community and Pope Francis has called for the recognition of
civil union laws that would provide legal protection for same-sex couples.


Directions: Write down in at least 100 words your realization about physical and sexual self

- Physical self is the outside or the tangible one, while the sexual self is
the inner feelings of oneself. Physical self helps one another to identify
the persons’ personality.

Module2 lesson2


If you have an allowance worth of 20 thousand pesos every semester, how will
you spend it in this pandemic time?

List Monthly For the

Household expenses
 Food I spend
 Bills (3,000) of my -12k - F/H
 others allowance for
School expenses I spend also
 load 2,500 of my
allowance for - B
 others -8k
my expenses
in school


How do you feel as you do the allowance challenge?

- I feel good because I was able to budget my 20k allowance in a good way. Spending
it wisely and not in my wants, during this pandemic time we should be wise in
spending our money. We should assure first the very needs of us during this time
because we can’t tell until when this pandemic will last.

Which item is the most expensive in your bucket list? Why?

- The most expensive in my bucket list is the household expenses,
because it is the priority of mine and our health for this time is
very essential and we should take care of ourselves. Family first
before prioritizing other things.

Let someone read your list. Ask him/ her to give or write a quick
impression/comment of yourself based on the list you have shown.

- I ask somebody to analyze my list where am I going to spend my 20k allowance for the
semester. My neighborhood said agreed to my list above because as what he said that
todays situation is very hard where to find job and yes we don’t have any family, we only
had one so we need to prioritize them before other things.

Does the quick impression/ comment reveal the truth about who you are?
It could be YES and it could be also NO. For yes, because there are people who truly reveal their
personality no matter what and even though they can already hurt others.
For no, because some people are too judgmental and when they saw the person’s personality, they
judge very quick without knowing or asking the person. And one thing is clear there is that our eyes also
is sinner and we tend to comment on what we saw. There are person who are dump looking but it does
not reveal their true personality not even in their gesture, that is why we can’t judge right away without
criticizing the persona.


Go back to your allowance challenge list. Put a mark on the left side of each item
with the following categories:
B- if the item is related with your body
C- if the item is related with clothes
F- if the item is related or intended to your family
H- if the item is related with home

Answer the following questions:

Which among the categories you have the most in your list?

- Spending for my family. I choose to spend more for my loved ones than to my wants
because I don’t want to make decisions that at the end, I am going to regret it just
because of money. And for this time there is no face to face meetings in school so im
pretty sure that I don’t need a big amount of money for me to attend my classes and
all I need now is just load for my virtual meetings. My family is my life and my
strength, I loved them so much that is why I am willing to surrender my own
happiness just to put them first on my list and provide their all needs if I could just do
it, so if that is the chance why could not am I going to grab it and use that opportunity
to prove them my love and concerns to them.

What do you think these things tell you about yourself?

- These things remind me how we value our money between our own happiness and
our family, because we are the control of that money so we are the one who will
decide where to spend it. Those things tell me that family comes first especially today,
we can’t tell how this pandemic would last.

Make a reflection about material self. You may use your answers from
the above questions in making your
- What is this material self? Material self All of the physical elements that reflect who we are.
Possessions, car, home, body, clothes and etc. that is tangible. Material self is showing or interpreting
or being who we are, based from our outfits or the things we had that can be seen by the eyes.
- There are people that are very materialistic and it is not good by performing it too much. According
to psychologist, the more materialistic people were, the higher levels of psychological
distress. Some people tend to hurt others just to get what they want because of being a

Collage Making
Create a collage of your treasured possessions including your current
clothing style. You may use symbols or pictures of your treasured
possessions. Put a short note why you treasure each item.

I treasured every moment of my free time. Every time I feel tired, I took
pictures of my self recycling something just to relieve my loneliness, because
having my own photoshoot is one of my way relieving the stress.



Describe one of your common religious practices that you have still
performed today. Explain how it is done.

 Pray before Eating

- We eat together and before we touch the food, we pray first for thanking GOD for giving us
the blessings and we also thank him for the guidance because we can still eat three times a
day and we eat together.

How these experiences shape your beliefs towards higher being?

- As a Christian we do performing our beliefs of our religion and

through that experiences it helps us as an individual to shape the beliefs of
us towards higher being. Believing to God’s plan and having a strong faith
to him will lead you to success no matter how hard the situation is but if you
truly believe on him you can understand what he was trying to impose to
you and you can survive out of it because he will guide you and provide you
all the needs. If you are a higher being, you are not easy to destroy by the
evils and instead you became more stronger as before if you really believe
on him. To GOD there is nothing impossible.

As human being, should you consider having a spiritual self? Why or

why not?

- Yes! As a human being, I should consider having a spiritual self. Why? Because
through spiritual self we can talk to God the Father in Heaven, and with that we can
find answers to our problems and we can able to understand more about our self
and why we exist and the purpose of our life for having us living in this world.
Everything happens with a reason, it is not accident or coincident but it happens
with a purpose.


1. Have a conversation with your family members/relatives and ask about

how do they value their religious beliefs especially during this pandemic

- As what my family said, valuing our religion is the most important. It is the way we show
respect to God through performing the Cristian activities such as praying, attending mass,
have faith and believe him consistently. This pandemic happens with a reason maybe
because most people are forgetting to worship God because they get their selves to
involved more to social media and they slowly became other person as what they are
before, through globalization it also affects the beliefs of each religion because it influences
others because of this continuous growing and developing of globalization globally. That is
why God punished us for the wrong doings of us, in our situation nowadays we should
tighten our faith to God because through the power of prayers it can soothe our inner fear
brought by this pandemic. In our family we do the rosary every night and each one of us
had its sched when to lead the prayers for us also to know the value of our religious beliefs.


Write a letter to yourself in which you will elaborate ways on how you find
meaning in your life.

Dearest to my inner self,

Hi!!! Hello!! How are you? Seems like you are bothered because of him. Hey??? It’s a good
choice, thank you for choosing your studies over your happiness, there are many ways of finding your
happiness not only just on him but there is more that you haven’t discover yet because you did not
allow your self to find it, you get your self stuck on him that is you cannot appreciate the beauty of your
life. Now I am really proud of you because you keep on fighting that feeling thinking over him,
apparently you are doing great and slowly appreciating the people that surrounds you and truly cares on
you and their efforts on you. You know what? You are strong girl! A beautiful girl with a beautiful heart,
believe on your self because you are good and all you have to do is strive more to have it no matter
what happen still fight for the good because "every cloud has a silver lining".

I believed in you! I claim it, in Jesus name you will become a professional licensure teacher in
the near future. Just perform your roles better, just do good always and forever will do good. Chel you
have a good heart to everybody and I know you have a lot of missions in your life so don’t you ever give
up. If you feel tired just cry on him and start over and over again, always remember that your family
awaits your success and please don’t disappoint them because they trusted you too much. Remember
this? “you are the only HOPE of mine” that is lines of you your lovely mother, you are the light to her so
don’t attempt to give up everything because your mother lives because you give hope to her and give
her the meaning of life and the reason to live. Even though you are already on the point of inch to down,
still fight and hold your strong foundation to fight the battles. GOD is always there so don’t hesitate to
ask his help because you cannot do it all by yourself. GOD and FAMILY is the foundation of your

Together we start, together we will fight the battle till the end! No matter what happen I will
never leave you and highly prohibited the word QUIT between you and me. Inner self, I promise you
that I will fight the battles of life and never surrender because I LOVED YOU SO MUCH. YOU and ME is
just one heart. Me, Myself and I.

Truly Yours,

Beloved self

Conduct interview to the senior citizen, Middle Adulthood and Teenager

regarding Filipino values and traits. List at least ten (10) values and traits
from your respondent.

Senior Middle Teenager

Citizen ( ages Adulthood ( ages 14-
61- 80) ( ages 35-60) 21)

Believe in god Family oriented Helpful

Don’t lose hope Ability to survive Don’t loss hope
Worship to god Hard work and Respect others

Generous Hospitable Praying
Be positive person Joy and love Cheerful
Respectful and Flexibility, adaptability, Ability to survive
kindness and creativity
Faith and religion Respectful and gratitude Friendly
Hospitable Worship to god Family oriented
Hardworking Generous Hospitable
honest Believe in god Be happy

Show or illustrate five features and/or activities that show who is a
Filipino. Do this through cut-out
pictures from magazines (preferably old) or through sketch or drawing if
you have the skill.

Fill in the blanks with descriptions of a


 Mapagmahal ka sa iyong pamilya

 Matulungin ka sa iba
 May takot ka sa Diyos
 Mapagbigay ka sa mga nangangailangan
 Inuuna mo ang iba kaysa sa iyong sarili
 Madasalin kang tao
 Ang kulay mo ay kayumanggi


Answer the questions below in relation to what you have posted in the previous

How do the cut-out pictures/descriptions remind you of your being a Filipino?

- The cut-out pictures above remind me how Filipino good, how unique we are
compared to the other country. We are joyful even how many problems we
had, we still find a way to smile even in a simple thing. Filipinos are also a
prayful. Other country believe on us because we are family oriented, we give
more value to our family than to other things. And of course Filipinos are
really valuing the courtship, they really exert efforts just to give the respect
and allow the parents of a girl to courtship their daughter by the lover.
Filipinos are really amazing in many ways.
Are you proud of being a Filipino? Why and why not?

- Yes of course! Because I love my family, myself and I also amazed the way
of living of every Filipino. In a simple way we find happiness already not the
same to the other country they find happiness

Imagine that you were of a different nationality. What would change in you aside
from your citizenship and origin?

- Maybe I would change the culture and beliefs of mine.

How will you differentiate the values and traits identified by the senior citizen,
middle adulthood and teenager?
- So, before the traits of senior citizens was really amazing, because they are
performing it and should be practice by everybody. Very simple but adorable
and very unique, they really follow their traits. Having sex before marriage is
highly prohibited by everybody because it’s a big sin. Middle adulthood,

Answer:Senior citizen defined the Filipino traits before is better than nowadays
because before all of those should be followed whether you like it or not,but at the
middle age some of the Filipino values are already forgotten like for example that you
should bless on your parents everytime you arrive from somewhere but now only few
are doing it and teenagers instead of bless they are doing "beso-beso" which is good
but it is already different from before.


Make an acrostic word below which will describe you in relation to your being a
O- bedient

How do you practice patriotism? Cite an example of behavior practising patriotism.

- Devotion, we are devoted to roman catholic. One example also is honoring the flag
of our country, showing the respect and love to our nation through also singing our
national anthem.

One of the traits of Filipinos are being obedient. In the modern scenario, we are
test to obey some guidlines of our governement. Do you obey the guidelines of
the InterAgency Task Force (IATF) in terms of:

Proper Sanitation
Wearing of mask and face shield
Social distancing
Minor age are not allowed to go out
Quarantine pass is required

- Yes! I obey the guidelines of IATF because I know that they are just assuring
us to be protected by the virus, preventing the rampant spread of virus. It is
also for the good of our own.

- We are very lucky because we are Filipino. And being a Filipino is really great because when
it comes to family they are always there for us no matter what, they don’t loose their hope
because family is always family and they never leave us. We are very known worldwide of
the culture we had, how welcoming we are and how hospitable we are.

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