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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

MECH 6471
Aircraft Structures



Dr. Mohammed Abdo

MECH 6471 Aircraft Structures Page 1

Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................3

2 DETAILED FINITE ELEMENT MODELING..................................................................5

3 COMPLETE AIRCRAFT FINITE ELEMENT MODEL................................................10

4 PROCESS TO GENERATE INTERNAL LOADS...........................................................11

5 MODELING TECHNIQUES..............................................................................................13
5.1 ELEMENT TYPES .............................................................................................................14
5.2 GENERAL METHODOLOGY .......................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
5.2.1 Numbering system .....................................................................................................14
5.2.2 Bar Elements .............................................................................................................25
5.2.3 Shear Elements..........................................................................................................26
5.2.4 Spring Elements ........................................................................................................27
5.2.5 Skin Nodes Position...................................................................................................28
5.2.6 Fittings ......................................................................................................................28
5.2.7 Membrane vs Plate elements.....................................................................................31
5.3 FUSELAGE MODEL .........................................................................................................15
5.3.1 Frames ......................................................................................................................15
5.3.2 Floor beams ..............................................................................................................16
5.3.3 Skin and stringers......................................................................................................17
5.3.4 Doors.........................................................................................................................18
5.3.5 Windshields ...............................................................................................................19
5.4 WING ............................................................................................................................20
5.4.1 Skin............................................................................................................................21
5.4.2 Stringers ....................................................................................................................22
5.4.3 Ribs ...........................................................................................................................22
5.4.4 Spars .........................................................................................................................22
5.4.5 Slats and Flaps..........................................................................................................23
6.1 ASSEMBLY OF THE FULL AIRCRAFT MODEL .....................................................33
6.2 MODEL LOADING AND CONSTRAINTS ................................................................33
6.2.1 Aerodynamic and structure inertia............................................................................33
6.2.2 Pressurization of the cabin........................................................................................34
6.2.3 Constraints ................................................................................................................35
6.3 CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................35
6.4 FILE MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................36
7 MODEL VERIFICATION AND SOURCE OF ERRORS...............................................38

8 RESULTS INTERPRETATION ........................................................................................39

8.1 ELEMENT FORCES ...........................................................................................................39
8.2 ELEMENT SHEARS ...........................................................................................................41
8.3 END LOADS.....................................................................................................................42
8.4 END LOAD INTERPRETATION ..........................................................................................44
8.5 FASTENER LOAD CALCULATION; ...................................................................................46
9 MISCELLANEOUS FEM ACTIVITIES...........................................................................48

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling


Finite element model analysis is extensively used in the aircraft industry. At the
beginning of a project, the creation of a complete aircraft is one of the first
activities of the Stress department. This model helps making critical decision
regarding the design.

Later in the project, the finite element model is updated, all critical static and
fatigue load cases are applied to it and the results are used to produce the required
analysis for the certification of the aircraft.

Figure 1-1 Complete Aircraft FEM – Deformed Plot

The analyst should keep in mind that, in most of the cases, a finite element
model is only a tool to help complete a stressing task, but cannot replace it.
The FEM allows the computation of internal loads and stress levels, but the
determination of the various failure modes and associate allowables for each
structural component, required for the calculation of the margins of safety, is
outside the scope of the finite element model analysis.

Detailed finite element models are also created to justify detail designs and to
make structural analysis of complex parts.

Section 2 provides a brief description and examples of detailed finite element


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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

Sections 3 to 9 of this document covers the definition and the application of

complete aircraft finite element modeling.

This document refers to NASTRAN commands. NASTRAN finite element solver

is considered a standard in the aerospace industry and is used by the major
Aeronautical companies.

“MSC/NASTRAN is a general purpose finite element analysis computer program.

"General purpose" means that MSC/NASTRAN addresses a wide range of
engineering problem-solving requirements (e.g., static, dynamic, nonlinear
behavior, thermal analysis, or optimization) as compared to specialty programs,
which concentrate on particular types of analysis. MSC/NASTRAN is written
primarily in FORTRAN and contains over one million lines of code. MSC's clients
lease or purchase executable-only versions of the program. MSC/NASTRAN is
available on an extraordinary variety of computers and operating systems
ranging from small workstations to the largest supercomputers. Regardless of the
computer system used, MSC/NASTRAN is optimized to run efficiently and provide
identical results on every system.”

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling


Detailed finite element models are used in the design process of complexe parts.
These models will help the stress engineer to optimise the part, which implies
reducing the stress concentrations, improving its static and fatigue strength and
reducing the weight of the part.

Detailed FEM are also used in static and damage tolerance analysis for
certification of parts that are too complexe to be analysed using classical method.
Analysis using detailed finite element model are very usefull to investigate
problems found on in-service aircraft or during testing . Table 2-1 shows the
different kind of detailed finite element models that are used.
Table 2-1 Type of Detailed Models

Description Element Type Comments

Analysis of thin parts, Plate (CQUAD4) Usefull for thickness
2D idealization attribution, assemblies,
(figure 2.1) buckling analysis
Analysis of 3D solids Brick or Tetrahedron Tetrahedral elements are most
(figure 2.2) (CHEXA or CTETRA) commonly used in pre-
processing software. Usefull
for verification of stress
Analysis 3D solids Brick or Tetrahedre (CHEXA Results from P-elements is not
(polynomial) or CTETRA) dependant of the mesh
(figure 2-3) With p-element characteristics refinement. Precision is very
(ADAPT & PVAL) good. Boundary conditions are
more complex
Composite (figure 2.4) Combinaison of plate and Composite material properties
brick (CQUAD4 and CHEXA) are defined layer by layer with
with composite properties their fiber angles. Failure
(PCOMP) criterias can be easily obtained

(1) It is important to note that tetrahedral elements with ten (10) nodes (one mid-side
node per edges) have to be used for good accauracy. It was demonstrated that four
(4) nodes tetrahedral elements provides poor results.

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

Figure 2-1 Detailed FEM – Thin parts - Upper Skin around gravity refuel hole /
Access Cover

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

Figure 2-2 – 3D Solid FEM - Mid Flap Fitting / Trunnion Fitting

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

Figure 2-3 –P-Element Analysis – Countersink hole

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

Figure 2-4 – Composite FEM -Avionic door / Wheel bin

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling


The purpose of a complete aircraft finite element model is to provide internal

loads to the stress engineers. The main objectives is to identify the load path in
the aircraft structure when external loads are applied.

This kind of model is generally coarse. For this reason, stresses results are not
used for static and damage tolerance analysis.

Linear analysis under ultimate loads are performed on complete aircraft finite
element model. Stress engineers have to be aware that under ultimate loads, parts
of the aircraft are working in a non-linear regime (material yielding, fastener load
distribution, skin buckling,…). This situation requires some approximations.

Note that only the main structural components (primary structure) is modelised.

Figure 3.1 shows the CRJ-700 finite element model. It consists of 115 000
elements and 60 000 nodes.

Figure 3-1 – CRJ-700 Finite Element Model

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling


The process to generate internal loads for certification is a long process and is
spread from the program launch to the aircraft certification. The finite element
model progresses with the structural design evolution during the program.

Figure 4-1 shows the general process for internal load generation. It can be seen
that this task involves good communication between Design department, Loads
department and the different partners supplying parts of the aircraft structure.
Several “Loops” are required to structurally design and certify the aircraft. A
“Loop” is an issue of internal loads for stress analysis. In every Loop, the
structure is designed (or re-designed) based on the structural analyses and the
finite element is modified to reflect these changes.

Loops numbered between 0 and 2 are for the design definition phase. Loop 2
designates the loads used for certification, And Loop 3 is a revision of loads based
on flight test data. Usually, Loop 3 loads are lower than Loop 2 since Loop 2
loads are usually conservative, and therefore analysis with Loop 3 are not
required. But in certain cases, flight tests results show higher loads than estimated
and analysis have to be revised.

Figure 4-1 – General finite element process

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

Figure 4-2 shows the detailed procedure and the computer software used to
generate the finite element internal loads. The inputs to generate the finite element
model are the masterlines, the detailed drawing and the applied loads.

The masterlines are the basic geometry of the aircraft represented through
surfaces. The intersections of basic elements (i.e. stringer and frames, stringer and
ribs) are extracted to form a “skeleton” of the structure. This is done through
CATIA, Bombardier’s common design tool. This geometric information is
imported to MSC/Patran, Bombardier’s common pre/post-processing software.
The finite element mesh is created from the geometric information. Section 5 of
this document describes several modeling techniques used in complete aircraft

Physical properties are attributed to elements using the information from the
detailed drawings. This essential task takes good experience in order to best
approximate the real structure behaviour and is treated in section 5.

Discretized loads are provided by the Loads department. These loads consist in
aerodynamic, inertia, payload, engine and landing gear loads, applied to
predefined finite element nodes. Section 6 of this document present a brief
description of how these loads are distributed to the model.

When the finite element is complete and loads are ready, it is submitted to
Nastran solver, and the output from Nastran is post-process using Unix programs
to combine results and provide them in a convenient format. Section 8 of this
document provides a description of the output format used and how to interpret

Figure 4-2 – Finite element modeling general procedure

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling


In the aircraft industry, the construction of aircraft involves working with

partners. Different sub-assembly of the aircraft is designed and manufactured by
different partners. The complete aircraft finite element model is assembled from
the partner’s different sub-models.

Figure 5-1 - Global Express Sub-Component Partition

This brings the need for a common definition of the modeling techniques to be

This section defines the modeling methods for complete aircraft finite element
modeling. It presents the type of elements to use in the model of each major
component of the structure and property calculation methods.

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

5.1 Element Types

Table 5-1 presents the type of elements used on a complete aircraft finite element
model and their coresponding Nastran element name.

5.2 Numbering system

To facilitate working with different sub-models and the use of FEM results for
analysis, a detailed numbering system is defined. It consists of a numbering
convention for nodes, elements, coordinate system, materials and properties. This
numbering system is defined at the beginning of the project and communicated to
the different partners (FEM guidelines). Table 5-2 shows an example of the
numbering system for the CRJ-700 Cockpit.
Table 5-1 Example of Numbering System
From To
Structure at FS 144 1000000 1004999
Skin and structure from FS 144 to FS 169 1005000 1009999
Bulkhead at FS 169 1010000 1014999
Skin and structure from FS 169 to FS 193 1015000 1019999
Frame and structure at FS 193 1020000 1024999
Skin and structure from FS 193 to FS 202.75 1025000 1029999

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

5.3 Fuselage Model

The fuselage model includes frames, floor beams, skin and stringers, all doors
with their internal structure, windshield and cabin windows. The model accurately
represents the outline of doors and windows.

Figure 5-1 Fuselage FEM – Side View

This section specifies the type of element used for the modeling of each
component of the fuselage.

Figure 5-2 Fuselage FEM – Typical Section

5.3.1 Frames

The flanges of each frame are modeled using CROD elements. The webs are
modeled with CQUAD4 elements with normal pointing aft for consistency. Nodes
1 and 2 of their web are on the Outer Mold Line (OML) of the fuselage.
In reference to figure 5-11, the outer cap is modeled by a CROD having an area
obtained by the following equation:

Aouter cap = (Wf - tw) × to + (Wp - tw) × (tp - ts)

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

The thickness of the CQUAD4 is equal to the web thickness and the inner cap is
modeled by a CROD having an area obtained by the following equation:

Ainner cap = (Wf - tw) × ti

Figure 5-3 – Fuselage Frames

In the past, webs were represented by shear elements with webs working area
redristibuted to the rod elements. This configuration was proven to provide
inacurrate results.

5.3.2 Floor beams

The flanges of each floor beam are modeled using CROD elements. The webs are
modeled with CQUAD4 elements having membrane property only and with their
normal pointing aft or RHS.

In reference to figure 5-12, the upper cap is modeled by a CROD element having
an area obtained by the following equation:

Aupper cap = 2 × (Wfu × tu)

The web is modeled using a CQUAD4 element having a thickness equal to the
web thickness.

The lower cap should be modeled by a CROD element having an area obtained by
the following equation:

Alower cap = (Wfl - tw) × tl

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Figure 5-4 Floor Beams

Note that floor panels are not considered structural and are not considered in the
finite element model.

5.3.3 Skin and stringers

The stringers are modeled by CROD element. The skin is modeled by CQUAD4
elements with membrane properties only. Their nodes 1 and 2 should be on the
same stringer line, node 2 aft of node 1. The normal of these elements must point
outside of the aircraft.

The thickness of the CQUAD4 modeling a skin panel, should be equal to this skin
thickness or the effective thickness if required.

In reference to figure 2, the stringer has to be modeled by a CROD located on the

OML and having an area obtained by the following equation:

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

A = Astringer + (Wp × tp)

Figure 5-5 Fuselage stringers

5.3.4 Doors

The doors model accurately detail the external and internal skins. The pressurized
surface of the door follow the same modeling rules than the fuselage skin. The
internal structure is modeled as full depth beams using CROD and CQUAD4 with
their normal pointing outside of the door structure.

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Figure 5-6 Passenger Door

Doors are fixed to the fuselage FEM by spring elements (CELAS1) to model door
attachments. These spring elements are defined in a cylindrical coordinates

The CELAS1 elements modeling doors attachment should not transfer load
components that are not transferred to the real structure. For example, plug door
should not transfer any fore and aft loads components into the fuselage.

5.3.5 Windshields

The windshields are modeled by CQUAD4 elements offseted to their mid

thickness position. Their normal should point outside of the fuselage.

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Figure 5-7 Windshield

5.4 WING

The wing model includes skins, stringers as full depth beams, ribs, spars,
winglets, structural parts of the fixed leading edge, attachments and control

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surfaces (flaps, slats and aileron). All large cutouts such as access doors, fuel
holes, etc. are represented.

Figure 5-8 Wing

Figure 5-9 Wing Box

5.4.1 Skin

The skin is modeled with CQUAD4 elements having plate properties. Their nodes
1 and 2 must be on the same stringer line and their normal should point outside of
the wing.

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The skin is modeled with at least 4 elements between ribs and only one element
between stringers.

5.4.2 Stringers

The stringers are modeled as full depth beams. The outer and inner flanges are
modeled with CROD elements with their node 2 outboard of node 1. The web is
modeled with CQUAD4 having plate properties. Their nodes 1 and 2 must be
along the same stringer line on the OML (Outer Mold Line), node 2 being
outboard of node 1. Stringers run-outs are modeled using CTRIA3 elements.

5.4.3 Ribs

The rib flanges are modeled with CROD elements having their node 1 aft of node
2. The webs are modeled with CQUAD4 elements having plate properties and the
shear ties are modeled with CSHEAR elements.

5.4.4 Spars

Spar caps are modeled with CROD elements with their node 2 outboard of node
1. The web is modeled with CQUAD4 elements having plate properties. Their
node 1 are inboard of node 2 and their normals pointing outside of the wing box.
Details to represent track penetration through the web shall be included.

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

5.4.5 Slats and Flaps

The skins are modeled with CQUAD4 elements having plate properties. Their
node 2 should be outboard of node 1 and their normal pointing outside of the
control surface.

The skin is modeled with at least 2 elements between each ribs and the amount of
cordwise element to use should be defined by their aspect ratio.

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Figure 5-10 Slat and Flap

The tracks and hinges are modeled as full depth beams with sufficient detail to
accurately represent their stiffness. CELAS1 elements are used to represent the
slats' rollers.

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

Figure 5-11 Flap Hinge Box

5.5 Miscalleneous

5.5.1 Bar Elements

Bar element (Nastran CBAR or CBEAM elements) are not commonly used at
Bombardier Aerospace, eventhus these can provide good representation of
stringers and frames, and their results can be easily extracted.

The incovenient of bar elements is the complexity of definition. For each bar
elements, the following has to be defined: orientation, offset, area and inertias.
This complexity can lead to a lot of mistakes.

Figure 5-2 shows a comparison between representing a structure with bar element
and a combinaison of rod and quad elements.

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Offset B

Orientation Area and inertias

Offset A
Quad and Rod configuration Bar elements configuration
Property definition: Property definition:
Area for the two rods Orientation, Offsets
Thickness for web Area and inertias

Figure 5-12 Bar elements vs quad and rod configuration

5.5.2 Shear Elements

Shear panel elements (Nastran’s CSHEAR) are quadrilateral elements transfering

only shearflow (no membrane). These elements are used in some areas where
only shear can be carried. Figure 5-3 shows an example where shear element is

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

Shear ties represented

by CSHEAR elements


Figure 5-13 Example of Shear Elements

Large surfaces are not usually represented with shear elements since stability
problem will occur. Since shear elements do not have out-of-plane capability, the
nodes are free to move normal to the surface. However, this can be overcome by
constraining the nodes in this direction.

5.5.3 Spring Elements

When CELAS1 elements are required to fix a component model to another,

coincident nodes have to be used. This requirement must be respected to avoid
any imbalanced problem in the model. The two nodes should also refer to the
same analysis coordinates system. If one of those two requirements is not
respected, an imbalance occurs. It means that the applied loads on the model are
not equal to the reacted loads.

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

Non-coincident nodes and

nodes with different
coordinate system will give
wrong results

When using spring elements,

nodes should have the same
XYZ coordinates and same
coordinate system

Figure 5-14 Spring Elements

5.5.4 Skin Nodes Position

Masterlines are given by the outside surface of skins (outer mold line or OML).
Finite element nodes should ideally position at the mid-thickness of skins. But for
simplicity, the nodes are positioned at the outer mold line. Since the ratio between
the skin thickness and the fuselage/wing dimensions is small, this do not affect the
results significantly.
Figure 5-15 Skin Node Position


For thick skins, nodes are usually positioned

at the center of the thickness

For relatively thin skins, nodes can be

positioned at the outside edge without
affecting the results

5.5.5 Fittings

In several areas of an aircraft structure, parts are connected together through

fittings. The following are examples of load carrying fittings found in aircraft
• Wing to fuselage joining;
• Horizontal stabilizer to vertical stabilizer connection;
• Aileron, rudder and elevator hinges;
• Slats and flaps attachments;

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

• Landing gears backup structure

These fittings are represented by quadrilateral and triangular elements with appropriate
thickness. The mesh for these fittings is relatively coarse and local results might not be
accurate. But the main objective is to provide a proper stiffness to represent a realistic
load distribution. Note that consistency is important when loads are carried through
several attachment points.

Rigid elements (such as RBE2 elements) should not be used to represent fittings since
they will locally increase the stiffness of the surrounding structure.

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Refer to figure 5-7 for detail

Figure 5-16 Wing to fuselage attachments

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling

Fitting represented with

triangular elements

Figure 5-17 Wing to fuselage fitting

5.5.6 Membrane vs Plate elements

Quadrilateral and triangular elements (CQUAD4 and CTRA3) properties can be

defined in different ways. The next table shows the different types and the way
that they are defined in MSC/Nastran.

Type Description “PSHELL” Nastran Definition

Membrane Carry in-plane loads Material id for membrane defined only
only (MID1)
Plate Carry in-plane loads and Material id for membrane and bending
out-of-plane loads defined (MID1 and MID2)
Stabilized Carry in-plane loads, Same as plate except that a low value
membrane stabilized in the out-of- is specified for bending moment
plane direction inertia ratio (12I/T^3)

Since that complete aircraft finite element model are not detailed, and that
element thickness are generally small relative to the size of the structure, out-of-
plane (bending) results of elements are low and are not considered in the stress

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Local manual stress analyses are made to consider plate bending especially for
pressure applied on plate.

Defining membrane type elements only can lead to singularities. For several
membrane (or shear) type elements connected together, nodes in the middle are
free to move in the out-of-plane direction (see figure 5-8).

This problem is overcome by changing element type to stabilized membrane or

plate type elements, or to constrain the nodes to block their degrees of freedom.

Free degrees of freedom of nodes for

Shear and Membrane type elements

Figure 5-18 Membrane Elements

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Aircraft Finite Element Modeling



This section presents how the complete aircraft finite model is loaded, how are
configuration defined and and how all this information is managed.


The assembly of the full aircraft FEM is done by one MSC/NASTRAN input file
containing INCLUDE cards to automatically combine all the model subassemblies
corresponding to a specific configuration of the aircraft.

$ FUSELAGE FILES $ Cockpit FEM input file
$ Fuselage FEM input file
INCLUDE '0.model/0.fuselage/L2V03cockpit.bdf'
INCLUDE '0.model/0.fuselage/L2V02fuselage.bdf'
INCLUDE '0.model/0.fuselage/L3V03rearfuse.bdf' Rear Fuselage FEM input file
INCLUDE '0.model/0.fuselage/L2V01windshield.bdf'
. Windshield FEM input file

Figure 6-1 Finite Element Model Assembly


The full aircraft FEM is loaded to accurately represent flying and ground conditions by
applying aerodynamic loads, payload, structure inertia, engine loads, landing gear loads
and cabin pressurization.

Note that the Nastran LOAD command allows the user to combine loads (i.e. flight loads
+ pressure) and to apply factors to the loads (a global factor of 1.5 is used to convert limit
load cases to ultimate).

6.2.1 Aerodynamic and structure inertia

At each fuselage frame location, four loaded nodes are created for each of the following
• Fuselage structure Inertia
• Aerodynamic loads
• Payload
• Floor structure Inertia

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These nodes are connected to the structure through RBE3 elements. These RBE3
elements distribute the loads without affecting the stiffness of the structure.

Figure 6-2 Fuselage Loading

The aerodynamic and the structure inertia loads of the rest of the aircraft structure (wing,
horizontal stabilizer, slats, flaps, etc.) are applied through the nodes intersecting the ribs
and the skins.

Figure 6-3 Wing Loading

6.2.2 Pressurization of the cabin

Cabin pressurization is analyzed as follow;

Static Limit Pressure combine with flight cases

Static 2ΔP Ultimate Pressure
Fatigue Unit Pressure Case. Internal loads are factorized to combine with flight
case. Factor depends on corresponding flight altitude

The cabin pressure is applied to each pressurized CQUAD4 or CTRIA3 elements of the
fuselage using the MSC/Nastran PLOAD4 command. The orientation of the pressure
loads depends on the normal vector of each element. Therefore, it is important that all
elements have their normal vector in the same direction.

The gaps between doors and the fuselage skin are filled by CQUAD4 elements having
membrane properties only and a thickness of 0.0001 inch. This is necessary to obtain a
balanced pressurization of the whole aircraft.

Figure 6-4 shows the elements of the fuselage that are pressure loaded.

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Figure 6-4 Fuselage Pressurization

6.2.3 Constraints

The finite element model must be constrained to allow the solution to proceed.
Usually, for complete aircraft model, the model is self balanced. That means that
all the aircraft loads are represented and that the summation of the loads is zero.

The model is constrained at three point to prevent rigid translation and rotation
but the loads at these reacion points is very low.


A configuration is a representation of the aircraft with specific control surfaces

position. Not all the load cases can be submitted to Nastran at the same time since
each load cases correspond to a certain aileron, elevator, slats and flaps position.
However, several load cases can have the same configuration.

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Each nodes of the control surfaces refer to their specific coordinate system. The
position of the control surfaces are defined by this coordinate system. Except for
slats and flaps where different finite element models are defined for their different

This requires that the origin of the coordinate system and the nodes on the hinge
be in a perfect line (X and Y coordinates of hinge nodes are 0.0 on figure 6-5).

Loads are also defined with specific coordinate systems to have aerodynamic
loads normal to the surface.

Aileron’s Coordinate System

Figure 6-5 Aileron Configuration

Spring elements has to be modified

when slat are extended

Figure 6-6 Slat Configuration


The sub-models are provided from partners through bulk data files. Convention for file
titles is important to keep track of model revision. Table 6-1 shows an example of bulk
data filenames.

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Generally, the first two digits identify the loop number and the third and fourth designate
the finite element model version.

Table 6-1 Fuselage & doors filename

Description Filename
Cockpit bulk data L2V01cockpit.bdf
Mid fuselage structure bulk data L2V01fuselage.bdf
Rear fuselage structure bulk data L2V03rearfuse.bdf
Escape hatch bulk data L2V01escape.bdf
Passenger door bulk data L2V02paxdoor.bdf
Service door bulk data L2V01service.bdf

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The following are checks to be made to the finite element model and its results
before using the internal loads for stress calculation.

Load Resultant

First, the summation of load has to be zero. This is done by looking at the
OLOAD RESULTANT in the Nastran output file. This confirms that the applied
loads are well balanced.

Second, the constraint forces has to be zero. This is done by looking at the
SPCFORCE RESULTANT in the Nastran output file. If this resultant is not equal
to the applied resultant, it means that loads is “escaping” somewhere. This
problem happens often with badly defined spring elements.

Maximum Displacements

The Maximum Displacements output give an indication of any excessive

Doing deformed plot using post-processor software MSC/Patran helps find area of
structure where deformations are not right

Maxratio and Epsilon

Nastran’s parameters MAXRATION and EPSILON provide an indication on the

quality of the model they should satisfy the following conditions:


EPSILON < 10-10
If these conditions are not satisfied, the model should be checked for local or
global mechanism, unreasonably stiff elements, or improper use of CELAS or
MPC elements.

Rigid and spring elements verification

It is a good procedure to verify rigid elements for all six DOF. This is done by
applying six load cases corresponding to a loading of the independent node for
RBE2 and dependent node for RBE3 by forces along X, Y and Z axis and
moments about each axis.

The method consist of verifying the OLOAD RESULTANT of the model which
should be equal to the SPC RESULTANT of the MSC/NASTRAN output file.

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At the end of each loop, an official version of the internal loads is released and
provided to the individual partners for static and damage tolerance analysis. The
following chapters explains the format that is used at Bombardier Aerospace and
how to interpret these results.

8.1 Element forces

The elements forces are provided for CROD, CONROD, CBAR, CBEAM,
CELAS1, CELAS2, CQUAD4 and CTRIA3 elements.

For 1D elements, element forces are the total load in the elements in pounds (lbs).

For 2D elements (CQUAD4 and CTRIA3), element forces are in forces per width
of the element (lbs/in). Therefore, to obtain stress from element forces, element
forces are divided by the thickness. And to calculate the load in the element,
element forces are multiply by the element width.

Note that for 2D elements, the orientation of Fx and Fy depends on how the
orienttion of the element is defined.

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Table 8-1 shows an example of element forces output.

Fx (lbs/in)

Stress = Fx / thickness
Force = Fx * W
F (lbs)
Fy (lbs/in)

Figure 8-1 Element Forces

Table 8-1 Element Forces Example




4190071 4195021 4191001 F 37.5 46.1 37.5 1 46.1 2

4190171 4191001 4191002 F 1.4 1.7 1.4 1 1.7 2
4190271 4191002 4191003 F -29.4 -36.2 -29.4 1 -36.2 2
4190371 4191003 4197021 F -73.8 -90.8 -73.8 1 -90.8 2
4191001 0 0 FX -288.7 -355.1 -288.7 1 -355.1 2
4191001 0 0 FY 12.5 15.4 12.5 1 15.4 2
4191001 0 0 FXY 111.1 136.7 111.1 1 136.7 2

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8.2 Element shears

Element shears are provided for CSHEAR, CQUAD4 and CTRIA3 elements.

Elements shear corresponds to an average shear flow (lbs/in) computed by

MSC/NASTRAN which takes the average of the shear flows along the four sides
of the element.

To obtain shear stresses from element shears, they are divided by the thickness.
And to calculate the shear load on one side of the element, element shears are
multiply by the element length.

Table 8-2 shows an example of element forces output.

Shear Stress = Fxy / thickness

Fxy (lbs/in)
Shear load along edge L = Fxy x L

Figure 8-2 Element Shears

Table 8-2 Element Shears Example



4191001 111.1 136.7 111.1 1 136.7 2

4191002 121.0 148.8 121.0 1 148.8 2
4191003 108.3 133.2 108.3 1 133.2 2
4191004 74.1 91.1 74.1 1 91.1 2
4191101 114.6 140.9 114.6 1 140.9 2
4191102 118.0 145.2 118.0 1 145.2 2
4191103 109.2 134.3 109.2 1 134.3 2
4191104 91.4 112.4 91.4 1 112.4 2

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8.3 End loads

As its name clearly defines, the Grid Point Force Balance is the balance of all forces
acting on a specific node (grid point); this is the free body diagram of a node. All forces
acting on a node should sum to zero, giving a state of equilibrium to the node between the
external forces and internal forces.

The format of the Grid Point Force Balance can vary, depending on the needed values by
the analyst. The default Nastran output is providing for each node, the forces and
moments brought by all connecting elements individually.



2000001 2000000 QUAD4 4.593057E+03 -1.839112E-01 -2.942791E+03 2.083983E-01 -2.589976E-01 2.300891E-02
2000001 2000001 QUAD4 1.603103E+03 -3.165838E-01 4.747732E+02 2.376223E-01 2.617207E-01 -3.686045E-01
2000001 2000100 QUAD4 -2.681681E+03 -1.538786E-01 -6.009515E+01 -2.662475E-01 -6.051964E-01 4.798355E-01
2000001 2000101 QUAD4 -3.514723E+03 -5.942957E-02 3.186801E+03 -1.802346E-01 6.027730E-01 -1.342650E-01
2000001 2006001 QUAD4 2.509365E+00 -7.169909E+00 -1.920018E+01 -2.248086E-03 -6.035340E-05 -2.125419E-03
2000001 3006001 QUAD4 2.748929E+00 7.754001E+00 -1.921052E+01 2.709616E-03 -2.394014E-04 2.150526E-03
2000001 2000051 ROD -2.008708E+00 0.0 -5.521435E+02 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000001 2000151 ROD -2.883061E-01 0.0 -6.957787E+01 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000001 2005501 ROD -1.380273E+00 4.153973E+00 7.334636E-01 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000001 3005501 ROD -1.337173E+00 -4.024261E+00 7.105606E-01 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000001 *TOTALS* 3.660361E-10 -4.112266E-13 -8.456738E-10 -4.193867E-14 -9.630282E-14 -6.167089E-13

As it can be seen in the above output example, the Total load on a node is always zero,
including the external forces. Thus, if a node is loaded with an external load (or an MPC),
the sum of the elements contribution to this node won’t be equal to zero, but to the
external load applied.

The standard Bombardier output is different, the output called “End Load” or
“Summation of Element Oriented Forces on Adjacent Elements”. This output provides
the Total Load passing from one node to the other by doing a summation of all element
load connected to both nodes. The balance between the end load and element forces is
explained in more details in section 3.3. The next figure shows the general principle
around the end loads to be used for typical analysis
G2 F1 F1
F4 F2
F3 F2 2
F3 2

4 2

3 G1
F4 F2
F1 F4 F2
F1 2
F3 2 F3

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The load in pound is given at a specific node (G1). The load at G1 from node G2 may be
different than load at G2 from G1, this will only reflect the variation in loading of all
connecting elements.


2000001 2000002 -1.954555E+03
2000001 2000101 -4.037839E+03
2000001 2002002 -1.943658E+03
2000001 2005001 -3.997209E+03
2000001 2005601 -3.283913E+00
2000002 2000001 7.548280E+01
2000002 2000003 -2.581086E+03

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8.4 End Load Interpretation

The FEM loading is compiled at the reference point using the end loads of point a and b:

Pstr = Pa + Pb
Mstr = Pb * Hf



These loads are then transferred at the assembly Neutral Axis (N/A), and redistributed on
the concerned structure with:

σ = Pstr/A + MN/A*C/I

Where: I is the Inertia with respect to the Neutral Axis

C is the distance from the Neutral Axis


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Find the stress level at point C

Pstr = Pa + Pb = 3000 + 2000 = 5000 lbs

Mstr = Pb * hf = 2000 * 3 = 6000

At N/A:
Pstr = 5000 lbs
MN/A = Mstr – (Pstr * yN/A ) = 6000 – (5000 * 0.3) = 4500

σ = Pstr/A + MN/A*C/I = 5000/1 + 4500*(2.5-0.3)/1.5 = 11.6 ksi (tension)

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8.5 Fastener Load Calculation;

Another important stressing activity is to calculate fastener loads. Figure 8-4

shows two calculation methods to obtain fastener loads.

First Method

Second Method
The second method consists to subtract end load at
point 1 from end load at point 2. This will give the
total load going through the fasteners.
End Load 2 – End Load 1 = Total Edge Load

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In the skin-stringer assembly below, find the fastener load (represented by

1 20



The loading along the stringer is essentially taken by the stringer. The variation
of the axial loading of the stringer (endload) should be balanced by fluctuation of
the shear flow in the panel each side of the edge (the skin panels). Thus, the
variation in shear flow between the two skin panels represents the load that must
pass in the fasteners to balance the stringer endload variation. The loading should
be calculated with the shear flows at the joint (with the edge shear), but this value
is usually not available so the other option is to use the endload variation on the

With the following loads:



15 1 2 P 16216.2
15 2 1 P 15859.0
25 11 12 P 4867.0
25 12 11 P 4632.4

The load in the fasteners is:

Pfast = (EndL1-11-EndL2-12)/ Nfast = (21083.2 – 20491.4)/4 = 148 lb/fastener

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Wheels-up Landing Analysis

The basic steps for wheels up analysis are as follow:

a) Isolate individual fuselage frames from the complete aircraft finite
element model;
b) Obtain material properties and structural allowables from stress reports;
c) Perform non-linear finite element analysis frame by frame;
d) From non-linear FEM analysis results, estimate the stiffness for each

On previous program, only linear analyses were performed to evaluate the

stiffnesses. During the CRJ-700 wheels up landing analysis, it has been noticed
that, in general, the use of linear (Elastic) stiffness leads to high impact loads.
Linear analysis results are often related to small deflections. In order to represent
more realistically the behavior of the structure under high loads and deflections,
non-linear finite element analysis with material plasticity features is required.

The non-linear analysis account for the plasticity of the materials used in the
structural elements and also the reduced stiffnesses due to structural failure modes
(buckling, crippling or inter-rivet buckling).

Figure 9-1 – Deformed plot

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The following are other finite element activity that are done in the stress

• Stiffness Calculation
• Failure Cases
• FEM Validation
• Dynamic Analysis
• Stiffness Matrix
• Wind tunneltest validation

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