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Questions: Learning objectives

•  Parts & nuclei of hypothalamus
•  Functions of hypothalamus
The Hypothalamus •  Role of hypothalamus in:
–  Thermoregulation
–  Thirst mechanism
–  Control of feeding (Hunger & satiety)
–  Circadian rhythm

Hypothalamus Hypothalamus

Hypothalamus Hypothalamus location

•  Weight: 10g
•  Location:
–  On each side of third ventricle
–  Below thalamus (hypo-thalamus)
•  Hypothalamus, thalamus and subthalamus
forms diencephalon
•  Consists of large numbers of nucleus


Hypothalamus essential for

homeostatic functions, visceral functions, Functional divisions
behavior, sleep-wakefulness, body rhythm
and reproductive functions

Zones of Hypothalamus Zones of Hypothalamus

Zones of Hypothalamus Regions of Hypothalamus


Functional Zones of hypothalamus Functional Zones

Posterior Tuberal Anterior
Region Region Region

Region Anterior Tuberal Posterior

Zone Zone Medial Lateral Medial Lateral Medial
Posterior Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus

Nuclei of Hypothalamus Anterior Region of Hypothalamus

Nucleus Functions
Paraventricular Oxytocin hormone
Supraoptic ADH hormone
Preoptic Thermoregulation, Sleep
regulation, BP & HR
Anterior & Sexual behavior
Suprachiasmatic Biological rhythm (circadian)
Lateral Thirst and hunger

Tuberal region of Hypothalamus Posterior region of Hypothalamus

Nucleus Functions
Nucleus Functions
Dorsomedial Emotion (rage)
Posterior Thermoregulation (shivering),
Venteromedial Satiety Increased blood pressure
Arcuate Dopamine, GnRH Mammillary Emotion, Feeding reflex
Lateral Thirst and hunger


Functions of Hypothalamus
1.  Regulation of hormones release from
pituitary gland.
2.  Regulation of autonomic functions
3.  Regulation of thirst
4.  Control of feeding: feelings of hunger and

Functions of Hypothalamus
5.  Regulates circadian rhythms & sleep cycle.
6.  Regulation of sexual behaviours. 1. Regulating release of
7.  Involved with perception of pleasure, fear, hormones from pituitary gland
and rage.
8.  Controls mechanisms needed to maintain
normal body temperature.
9.  Regulation of homeostatic functions

Relation to the pituitary gland Relation to the pituitary gland

•  Vascular connections between the
hypothalamus and the anterior lobe.

Portal hypophysial
•  Neural connections between the
Hypothalamohypophysial hypothalamus and the posterior lobe of the
pituitary gland.


Regulation of Anterior Pituitary Regulation of Posterior Pituitary

Releasing and inhibiting Hormone synthesis in supraoptic
Hormones from Hypothalamus & paraventricular nucleus

Enter the Portal vessels of pituitary

Hormone transported down the
axons (axoplasmic transport)
Reach the anterior pituitary to
Control “trope” cell
Secreted from Posterior
ACTH, TSH, GH,FSH,LH & Pituitary (Oxytocin &Vasopressin)
Prolactin release from Pituitary

Autonomic function &

•  Sherrington called the hypothalamus “the
2. Regulation of autonomic head ganglion of the autonomic system.”
functions •  Stimulation of lateral areas, produces diffuse
sympathetic discharge.

•  Separate hypothalamic areas are for control

of epinephrine and norepinephrine

Regulation of thirst
•  Drinking is regulated by plasma osmolality
and ECF volume.
3. Regulation of thirst •  Water intake is increased by:
1.  Increased Osmolality of the plasma
2.  Decreases in ECF volume (increase AgII)
3.  Psychological and other factors.


Mechanism of osmo-receptor
Mechanism of thirst
Hypertonicity of blood •  Hyperosmolality causes osmoreceptor membrane
depolarization via activation of nonselective
calcium-permeable cation channels.
é  Angiotensin II
éOsmolality, éNa+ é  Baroreceptor •  The channel opening may be due to mechanical
effect linked to cell membrane shrinkage
Osmo- •  Urea & glucose (in presence of insulin) are
ineffective osmoles because they cross cell
Ant. Hypo membrane
(Pre-optic nucleus)
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 May 7; 10(5): 852–862

Hypovolemia and thirst Hypovolemia and thirst

éOsmolality •  Hemorrhage causes increased drinking
é AngII even if there is no change in the osmolality
of the plasma???
receptor •  Fluid loss from body (hemorrhage,
+ +
Lateral Supraoptic
vomiting, diarrhea) increases thirst???
Ant. Hypo
(Pre-optic nucleus) Hypotha Nucleus

é Thirst é ADH

Intake of liquids is increased during

Hypovolemia and thirst eating (prandial drinking)???
ê in ECF (êBP) 1.  The increase has been called a learned
Inhibition of baroreceptor or habit response.
Stimulates intra-renal
Baroreceptor (JG cell) 2.  Increase in plasma osmolality that occurs
Sympathetic stimulation as food is absorbed.
é Renin secretion 3.  Action of one or more gastrointestinal
Thirst stimulation hormones on the hypothalamus.
Increase AgII



Regulation of food intake

The hypothalamus contains:
•  Hunger centers (feeding center): Lateral
4. Control of Feeding
hypothalamic (LH) nuclei
•  Satiety centers: Ventromedial (VM) nuclei
•  Paraventricular and arcuate nuclei of the
hypothalamus also play a major role in
regulating food intake.

Control of feeding Discovery of feeding center

Lat. Hypothal •  Indian Physiologist
•  Discovery of feeding
center (1951).
Satiety Feeding

center center •  Founder of modern


Neurophysiology in

Food intake

Hypothalamic Obesity

Causes:Destruction of satiety center

•  Craniopharyngioma
•  Pituitary macroadenoma
•  Treatment of above tumor (Surgery or, radiotherapy)
Hyperphagia is associated with
Hyperglycemia during diabetes mellitus ????


Polyphagia in DM
Hypothal. Lat. Hypothal
•  Hunger was due to a reduction in the utilization
Satiety Feeding of glucose by cell (satiety center) rather than to

center center a reduction in its concentration in the blood


High glucose Cellular

In blood Hypoglycemia

Food intake

PVN Food Intake

éFood intake
êFood intake
Role of paraventricular and
arcuate nuclei in feeding NPY POMC Nucleus

Ghrelin Leptin
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)
Insulin Deficiency ????

Role of paraventricular and arcuate Role of paraventricular and arcuate

nuclei in feeding nuclei in feeding……
Two groups of neurons in the arcuate nuclei •  POMC neuron acts on paraventricular nuclei
control appetite and energy expenditure: and activates sympathetic system through
•  Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons that
produce α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone •  The net effect is reduces food intake while
(α-MSH) increasing energy expenditure.
•  Neurons that produce the OREXIGENIC •  Activation of NPY receptor on paraventricular
substances neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons results in stimulation of appetite.


Peripheral factors in control of

•  Insulin, leptin and cholecystokinin (CCK) are
hormones inhibit NPY neurons and stimulate 5. Regulates circadian
adjacent POMC neurons, thereby reducing food
rhythms & the sleep cycle

•  Ghrelin, a hormone secreted from the stomach,

activates NPY neurons and stimulates food intake.

Circadian rhythm Circadian rhythm

•  A circadian rhythm is a roughly 24 hour
cycle in the physiological processes of
living beings, including plants, animals.
•  In a strict sense, circadian rhythms are
endogenously generated.
•  They are modulated by external cues such
as sunlight and temperature.

Example of circadian rhythm Melatonin secretion

•  Melatonin secretion by pineal gland •  Melatonin secretion shows circadian
•  Sleep-Wake cycle (6-8h of sleep &16-18h
of wakefulness) •  Peak level at 3-4am
•  Body temperature •  Fluctuation of melatonin depends on
sympathetic innervation of pineal gland
•  Certain hormone secretion (ACTH,
Cortisol) •  Pineal gland secretion increases during
darkness and decreases by light.


Melatonin secretion: Circadian rhythm Melatonin secretion in pinealocyte

Sympathetic nerve
Eye SCN PVN Gland

Light β- receptor

Superior CAMP
Tryptophan Melatonin Blood

IML (T-L region) Preganglionic sympathetic

Melatonin secretion…….. Melatonin secretion…….

•  Light-dark input to retina is conveyed by •  Density of beta receptor increases during
sympathetic nerve to the pineal gland. night.

•  Sympathetic neurotransmitter (NE) stimulates •  Melatonin secretion is more during winters

and less during summers.
pinealocytes via adrenergic receptor (beta).
•  So, in addition to circadian rhythm,
•  Increase CAMP in pinealocyte stimulates N-
melatonin has an annual rhythm also.
acetyltransferase (NAT) enzyme

•  NAT converts tryptophan to melatonin.

Melatonin in Mood and Sleep disorders Sleep-Wake cycle: Circadian rhythm

•  Melatonin worsens depression symptoms Light Pineal

Gland Entrainment to
•  Mood disorders typically occurs in winter months Retina 24hour
are known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) 12:00 5 am
•  SAD patients improves in response to phototherapy.
SCN Sleep-Wake
•  Melatonin is a sleep inducing substance 8 pm
10 am
•  It induces and improves sleep duration particularly
REM sleep duration. 3 pm
•  Melatonin has beneficial role in insomnia
Endogenous rhythm
(25-30 hour duration)


Sleep-Wake cycle: Circadian rhythm…. Jet lag

•  Sleep wake cycle follow a 24hour (circadian)
Jet Lag: Alterations to the body's circadian rhythms
rhythm due to light-dark input.
resulting from rapid long-distance trans-meridian
•  If external cues in the form of light and darkness (east–west or west–east) travel on high-speed aircraft
are removed, the sleep wake cycle lengthen to
25-30 hours. •  Light: Dark cycle is out of phase with the place from
•  The biological clock for sleep is located in SCN where the journey has started.
•  SCN receive afferent input from retina via retino- •  It takes time for the body clock to entrain to new
hypothalamic tract (RHT). light: dark cycle
•  Endogenous rhythm is entrained by light dark •  Daytime tiredness and sleepiness are common
cycle to an exact 24hour via RHT symptoms

6. Sexual Drive Regulation

•  The most anterior (medial preoptic area)
and most posterior portions of the
hypothalamus. 8. Thermoregulation
•  Medial preoptic region participates in the
control of masculine sexual behavior, such
as erection and ejaculation.
•  Ventral regions of the hypothalamus play
a major role in the control of feminine
sexual behaviors, such as lordosis.

Body Temperature Core and Shell temperature

•  Normal Body Temperature: 98.6°F(37°C)
–  Range: 97°F to 99°F
•  Rectal Temp: 0.5F to 1°F more than Oral
•  Rectal temp. reflects the internal body
temp. (Core Body Temp)
•  Core Body temp remain almost constant
•  Skin temp (Shell Temp): Variable


Temperature Homeostasis Temperature Homeostasis..

•  Keep the body temp within a very narrow •  Balance between heat production & heat
range of 97°F to 99°F loss (Heat Balance)
•  Temperatures above this: denature
enzymes and block metabolic pathways •  Heat production is called thermogenesis
•  Temperatures below this: slow down •  Heat loss is called as thermolysis
metabolism and affect the brain.

Heat production (Thermogenesis) Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Heat production rate in adult is 80 kcal/h at rest to 600 The Minimum Energy Expenditure for the Body to
kcal/h during exercise. Body heat is produced by: Exist. BMR is calculated after:
•  Activity of skeletal muscle •  Fasting for at least 12 hours
•  BMR (Basic metabolic rate) or, RMR •  A night of restful sleep
•  All psychic and physical factors eliminated
•  Specific Dynamic Action of food (SDA)
•  The room temperature between 68° and 80°F
•  Chemical Thermogenesis: Epinephrine, NE, Thyroxine
•  No physical activity
•  Brown Fat (infant): Source of considerable heat
•  No strenuous activity (in last1 hour)

BMR Specific Dynamic Action of food (SDA)

•  BMR: Amount of energy expended while at •  Also known as Thermic effect of food (TEF) or
rest in a neutrally temperate environment, in dietary induced thermogenesis (DIT)
the post-absorptive state (meaning that the
•  It is the amount of energy expenditure above the
digestive system is inactive, which requires
resting metabolic rate due to the cost of digestion
about twelve hours of fasting)
& absorption food for use and storage.
•  BMR is due to essential activities of CNS, •  The energy used is converted into heat
heart, kidneys, and other organs.
•  There is 15% increase in heat production due to
•  Normal BMR is about 70-80 kcal/h SDA


Heat Loss (Thermolysis) Cutaneous Heat Loss

•  Cutaneous heat loss
•  Pulmonary heat loss
•  Excretory heat loss

Cutaneous Heat Loss Pulmonary & Excretory Heat Loss

•  Radiation: 60% Pulmonary Heat Loss:
•  Conduction: –  Evaporation of water in expired air
–  To objects:3% –  Warming of inspiratory air
–  To air: 15% –  Panting
•  Convection: 15%
•  Evaporation: 22% Excretory Heat Loss:
–  Urine and stool

Thermal sensors
•  Thermal sensors are thermoreceptors
located in two areas in body:
Mechanisms of Thermoregulation –  Skin (free nerve ending)
•  Cold
•  Warm
–  Hypothalamus (Anterior: pre-optic area)


Alteration in Body temperature

Hypothalamic temperature regulating
neurons Thermoreceptor
•  Three categories of neurons: Spinal cord tract

o Sensory neurons: located in anterior
(integration center)

o Heat loss neurons: located in anterior Compares prevailing thermal

hypothalamus condition with “set point”

o Heat production neurons: located in Generate command signal

posterior hypothalamus (Ant. & Post. Hypothalamus)

Alteration of heat gain or, loss

Thermoregulatory responses
Activated by Exposure to Cold
1.  Shivering
Set point Hypothalamus acts as a thermostat 2.  Vasoconstriction
The hypothalamic “set point” average is 98.6F 3.  Horripilation
in hypothalamus 4.  Curling up
5.  Increase voluntary activity
6.  Increase TSH secretion
7.  Increase Catecholamines

Thermoregulatory responses Heat Exchange in the Skin

Activated by Exposure to Heat
1.  Vasodilatation
2.  Sweating
3.  Anorexia
4.  Apathy
5.  Increase in Respiration
6.  Decrease TSH secretion


Thermoregulatory regulatory Central Peripheral

Thermo-receptor Thermo-receptor
Exposure to Cold Exposure to Heat
Shivering Vasodilatation
Vasoconstriction Sweating Sympathetic Somatic
Horripilation Increase in Respiration nervous system nervous system
Curling up Anorexia
Increase voluntary activity Apathy Sweat Blood Brown Skeletal muscle
Increase TSH secretion Decrease TSH gland vessel fat
Increase Catecholamines secretion
Non-Shivering Shivering
thermogenesis (heat production)

9. Regulation of homeostatic
Thank you

Homeostatic functions


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