Sphingolipids in Cardiovascular Diseases and Metabolic Disorders

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Sphingolipids in cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders

Article  in  Lipids in Health and Disease · June 2015

DOI: 10.1186/s12944-015-0053-y · Source: PubMed


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4 authors:

Sonia Borodzicz-Jażdżyk Katarzyna Czarzasta

Medical University of Warsaw Medical University of Warsaw


Marek Kuch Agnieszka Cudnoch - Jedrzejewska

Medical University of Warsaw Medical University of Warsaw


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Borodzicz et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2015) 14:55
DOI 10.1186/s12944-015-0053-y

REVIEW Open Access

Sphingolipids in cardiovascular diseases

and metabolic disorders
Sonia Borodzicz1,2, Katarzyna Czarzasta1, Marek Kuch3 and Agnieszka Cudnoch-Jedrzejewska1*

Many investigations suggest the pivotal role of sphingolipids in the pathogenesis of lifestyle diseases such as
myocardial infarction, hypertension, stroke, diabetes mellitus type 2 and obesity. Some studies suggest that
sphingolipids are important factors in cellular signal transduction. They serve as biologically active components of
cell membrane and are involved in many processes such as proliferation, maturation and apoptosis. Recently,
ceramide and sphingosine-1-phosphate have become the target of many investigations. Ceramide is generated in
three metabolic pathways and many factors induce its production as a cellular stress response. Ceramide has
proapoptotic properties and acts as a precursor for many other sphingolipids. Sphingosine-1-phosphate is a
ceramide derivative, acting antiapoptotically and mitogenically and it is importantly involved in cardioprotection.
Further research on the involvement of sphingolipids in cellular pathophysiology may improve the prevention and
therapy of lifestyle diseases.
Keywords: Sphingolipids, Ceramide, Sphingosine-1-phosphate, Cardiovascular diseases, Metabolic disorders

Introduction [2, 3]. Many factors such as glucocorticosteroids, growth

Many experimental and clinical studies have described factors, interleukins, interferons, ionizing radiation and
the role of sphingolipids in the pathogenesis of lifestyle several chemotherapeutics induce cellular production of
diseases such as myocardial infarction, hypertension, ceramide. There are three metabolic pathways involved
stroke and diabetes mellitus. They are involved in the in ceramide generation: 1) de novo synthesis in the cyto-
regulation of numerous cellular processes, including solic layer of endoplasmic reticulum via serine palmi-
apoptosis [1]. The aim of this article is to summarize toyltransferase (SPT); 2) hydrolysis of sphingomyelin via
and present the role of selected sphingolipids in cardio- sphingomyelinase; and 3) production of ceramide from
vascular diseases and metabolic disorders. sphingosine via sphinganine N-acyltransferase (ceramide
synthase) – salvage pathway (Fig. 1) [4–6]. De novo syn-
Review thesis is the major source of ceramide in cells, although
General characteristics of sphingolipids the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin via acid sphingomyelinase
Sphingolipids – derivatives of amino alcohol sphingosine – (aSMase) generates a large cellular amount of ceramide.
are biologically active components of cell membranes. There are three types of sphingomyelinases: magnesium-
Sphingolipids play an important role in intracellular signal dependent acid sphingomyelinase, magnesium-independent
transduction and regulate cellular processes such as prolif- neutral sphingomyelinase and alkaline sphingomyelinase.
eration, maturation and apoptosis, and are also involved They differ in the optimum value of pH, molecular mass
in cellular stress responses. One of the most important and reliance on divalent ions [4, 5]. Ceramidase catalyzes
sphingolipids is ceramide (CER), which serves as a pre- the hydrolysis of ceramide and leads to the production
cursor for other biologically active sphingolipids, including of sphingosine and a fatty acid. Sphingosine kinases
sphingosine (SPH) and sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) (sphingosine kinase type 1; SK1 and sphingosine kinase
type 2; SK2) may phosphorylate sphingosine to gener-
* Correspondence: agnieszka.cudnoch@wum.edu.pl ate sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) [7].
Department of Experimental and Clinical Physiology, Laboratory of Centre
for Preclinical Research, First Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of As mentioned above, ceramide is the precursor of S1P,
Warsaw, Banacha 1b, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland so any alteration of CER levels may increase the level of
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2015 Borodzicz et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://
creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Borodzicz et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2015) 14:55 Page 2 of 8

Fig. 1 Pathways of ceramide generation

S1P. The main molecular mechanism of the functioning many diseases, such as both diabetes mellitus type 1 and
of sphingolipids is the activation of enzyme proteins, 2, stroke and myocardial infarction [6, 12, 13].
such as Ceramide-Activated Protein Kinase, Ceramide- The aggregated lipoproteins isolated from human ath-
Activated Protein Phosphatase, Mitogen Activated Pro- erosclerotic lesions are enriched with ceramide. More-
tein Kinase, c-Jun-N-Terminal Protein Kinase [8]. CER over, an animal model of atherosclerosis suggested that
acts as a second messenger, regulating many different pro- treatment with myriocin, which is an inhibitor of SPT,
cesses such as cell growth, differentiation, senescence, ne- may be associated with a protective lipoprotein profile.
crosis, proliferation and apoptosis. Ceramide is also Although experimental observations suggest associations
involved in regulation of protein kinase C, raf-1, kinase- between sphingolipids, lipoproteins and atherosclerosis,
suppressor of Ras, cellular protease cathepsin D and in- the exact mechanisms still need to be determined [14].
hibition of phospholipase D [9, 10]. However, S1P plays The important role of sphingolipids in the pathogen-
a role in proliferation, cell growth, cell survival, cell mi- esis of lifestyle diseases may be a result of their influence
gration, inflammation, angiogenesis, vasculogenesis and on the immune system. Experimental studies show the
resistance to apoptotic cell death. The effect of S1P is involvement of sphingolipids in trafficking and regula-
mediated by the S1P receptors connected with different tion of processes of immune cells such as T cell apop-
types of G-proteins, which results in activation of intra- tosis, modification of Th1 vs Th2 T-cell balance,
cellular signaling pathways [9]. phagocytosis, inflammation and allergic excitability
[15–20]. Some papers also suggest that inflammation
Pathophysiological mechanisms of sphingolipids action may alter sphingolipid metabolism and S1P receptor
Cellular apoptosis and stress responses are largely asso- activity [15, 21].
ciated with ceramide. Many factors, including infection
with, for example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylo- Sphingolipids and other factors involved in cardiovascular
coccus aureus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Rhinovirus, and diseases
also UV-light and some chemotherapeutics activate The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system plays an im-
aSMase (Fig. 2). Some of these factors stimulate a trans- portant role in vasoconstriction and salt and water
location of aSMase to the outer leaflet of the cell mem- retention. It can also cause, in some pathophysiological
brane, leading to ceramide release and the formation of conditions, vascular hypertrophy and lead to hyperten-
ceramide-enriched membrane domains. These domains sion. Ceramide seems to be responsible for some of
serve to cluster membrane receptors to amplify signal- these pathophysiological effects. In vitro studies per-
ing, which is required in the induction of apoptosis [11]. formed on rat pheochromocytoma PC12W cells have
Many studies suggest that the relation between sphingo- shown that activation of angiotensin II type 2 receptors
lipids and apoptosis is important in the pathogenesis of results in elevation of the intracellular CER level and
Borodzicz et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2015) 14:55 Page 3 of 8

Fig. 2 Pathophysiological mechanisms of sphingolipids action

apoptosis. Ceramide may also play a role in angiotensin Sphingolipids in ischemic heart disease
II type 2 receptor-induced growth inhibition and apop- Experimental studies
tosis in cardiac and vascular tissues [22]. Cordis et al. [31] observed a significant 50 % decrease in
The increase in risk of cardiovascular and metabolic levels of sphingomyelin associated with significantly in-
diseases has been described in some genetic disorders creased concentrations of ceramide during in vitro re-
related to sphingolipid metabolism alterations. The ab- perfusion of cardiomyocytes. Investigations performed in
normal glycosphingolipids accumulation in many types the animal model of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion
of tissues, which was observed in patients with Fabry demonstrated decreased activity of both acidic and neu-
disease probably was one of the causes of cardiovascular tral sphingomyelinase and significantly increased levels
complications such as: valvular disease, coronary artery of ceramide [32].
disease leading to myocardial infarction and also sudden
cardiac death [23]. In Gaucher disease, in which lyso- Human studies
somal accumulation of glucocerebroside was presented, S1P serum level is a significant predictor of coronary ar-
severe congestive cardiomyopathy and mitral and aortic tery disease (CAD) in patients undergoing coronary
valves disease were observed [24]. In lipid storage disor- angiography [33]. Egom et al. [34] reported significantly
ders such as Niemann-Pick and Sandhoff diseases and increased plasma levels of S1P and SPH in patients 1
GM1 gangliosidosis, metabolic cardiomyopathy was also and 5 min after percutaneous coronary intervention,
diagnosed [24]. most probably resulting from transient ischemia.

Sphingolipids – myocardial infarction

The role of sphingolipids in the cardiovascular system Experimental studies
Sphingolipids are components of the cardiomyocytes’ In vitro experiments performed on isolated murine hearts
cell membrane. Some biologically active substances, for treated with ischemic preconditioning (IPC) revealed sig-
example, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) may induce nificantly increased activity of SK, an elevated level of S1P
synthesis of ceramide from sphingomyelin via sphingo- and a reduction of the infarction area. Dimethylsphingo-
myelinase. Ceramide, in turn, may act as a second mes- sine, an inhibitor of SK, significantly decreased the cardio-
senger, promoting the apoptosis of cardiomyocytes protective effect of IPC [35].
[25–28]. On the other hand, sphingosine-1-phosphate Experimental myocardial infarction induced in male
is cardioprotective [27, 29, 30]. Wistar rats showed significant alterations of sphingolipid
Borodzicz et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2015) 14:55 Page 4 of 8

levels in plasma, erythrocytes and platelets after ligation S1P decreased to the control levels, although these find-
of the left coronary artery. The plasma levels of S1P ings were not statistically significant [38].
significantly decreased, but the plasma levels of CER sig-
nificantly increased at 1 and 6 h after myocardial infarc-
tion, but both sphingolipids returned to the control Sphingolipids in hypertension
values after 24 h from the cardiac incident [27]. Knapp Experimental studies
et al. [12] observed, in the uninfarcted area of the left In vitro experiments performed on carotid arteries iso-
ventricle, a significant triple reduction in the S1P level at lated from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) dem-
1 and 6 h after incident and a further reduction after onstrated significant contraction of vessels after the
24 h. The ceramide level was significantly decreased 6 h application of sphingomyelinase or SK inhibitors. This
after myocardial infarction. The authors suggested that effect was not observed in arteries isolated from normo-
alteration of the S1P/CER ratio may be responsible for tensive WKY rats [39]. Presumably, ceramide, which
apoptosis of the cardiomyocytes from the uninfarcted causes elevated thromboxane A2 release from the endo-
area of the myocardium. thelium, contributed to the contraction of the isolated
Human studies S1P triggers both vasoconstriction and vasodilation,
Analysis of patients with CAD has shown that plasma depending on the type of activated receptor. S1P triggers
ceramide levels and SMase activity were elevated in the endothelial nitric oxide synthase-dependent vasodilation
stable angina pectoris (SAP), unstable angina pectoris in epinephrine preconstricted mesenteric arterioles from
(UAP) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) groups. In either rats or mice. Many studies have proven that the
the group of patients with UAP, there was a significant activation of nitric oxide synthase may be mediated by
increase in SMase activity and ceramide concentration the S1P1 receptor. S1P induces vasoconstriction in basi-
in comparison to the control and SAP groups, although lar arteries from wild type and S1P2 knockout mice,
the increased activity of SMase was transient. In the which presumably results from the activation of S1P3
AMI group, the significantly elevated level of ceramide subtype. In addition, the vasoconstricting activity of S1P
was noted up to 7 days following the cardiac incident in was lost in S1P3 knockout animals [40].
comparison to the control and SAP groups, whereas en- Fryer et al. [41] observed dose-dependent and sus-
hancement in activity of SMase occured only 3 days after tained elevation in mean arterial blood pressure in Spra-
infarction. The authors of this study suggest that higher gue Dawley rats resulting from oral administration of
ceramide levels and SMase activity in patients with unselective S1P receptor agonist (FTY720). Four weeks
coronary heart disease may be an important factor in of treatment with losartan or hydralazine significantly
the development of atherosclerosis and changes in the decreased blood pressure and vascular CER level, with
plasma concentration of sphingolipids may indicate their no concomitant reduction of plasma ceramide concentra-
involvement in the molecular mechanism of plaque tion, suggesting that only vascular CER level is sensitive to
destabilization [36]. antihypertensive therapy [42]. The exact mechanism, in
The plasma concentration of CER in patients with which falling blood pressure leads to the reduction of vas-
acute myocardial infarction after admission to the inten- cular ceramide levels is currently unknown. Although
sive heart care unit was not significantly changed when stimulation of angiotensin II receptor type 2 increases cel-
compared to the control group, whereas the concentra- lular ceramide levels, it does not explain the interaction
tion of S1P was decreased by a significant 50 % [37]. An- between losartan, an antagonist of angiotensin II type 1
other investigation revealed that the plasma level of S1P receptor, and vascular levels of ceramide [22]. A mechan-
was significantly decreased in patients admitted to hos- ism, which may explain the observed effect of both hydral-
pital with STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction) azine and losartan on the vascular ceramide level, has
and ceramide level was reduced 5 days post-infarct com- been proposed by Czarny et al. The authors suggested that
pared to the control group, although the reduction in neutral SMase in plasma membrane acts as a mechano-
ceramide level reached statistical significance 30 days sensor, whose activity may be enhanced by high shear
following infarction. Two years after the infarction the stress, which results in the generation of ceramide [43].
plasma S1P level almost completely recovered, whereas The link between hypertension and ceramides suggests a
the decreased ceramide level was maintained. Erythro- novel pathophysiological mechanism leading to endothe-
cytes from STEMI patients showed accumulation of S1P lial dysfunction and abnormal blood pressure regulation,
and ceramide during the thirty days following infarction, which needs to be determined. This mechanism can also
although only the elevated level of S1P reached statistical suggest the target for new drugs modulating the sphingo-
significance during the whole time of observation. After lipid system and metabolism to improve the pharmaco-
two years of observation the concentration of CER and logical treatment of hypertension [42].
Borodzicz et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2015) 14:55 Page 5 of 8

Human studies type 1 and 2. Incubation of β cells isolated from wild

Spijkers et al. reported that the ceramide level is increased type mice in ceramide induced apoptosis [55]. Isolated
in patients with hypertension and that the concentration murine β cells lacking caspase 8 – a crucial substance in
of ceramide correlates with the severity of disease [39]. death receptor-mediated apoptosis, incubated in cer-
amide, showed increased viability in comparison to the
Sphingolipids in stroke control β cells, suggesting that ceramide is importantly
Experimental studies involved in β cell apoptosis [56].
In vitro experiments on neuroblastoma cells indicated Maestre et al. [57] observed that in the presence of fatty
that an elevated ceramide level in neurons during acids (for example, palmitic acid – a substrate for de novo
ischemia/reperfusion was responsible for apoptosis, synthesis of ceramide) INS-1 cells (a line of pancreatic β
however, a low level was a factor for the survival of the cells) demonstrated increased permeability of the mito-
neurons [5, 13, 44]. chondrial membrane to cytochrome c and Apoptosis Indu-
Sphingolipids are presumably involved in the patho- cing Factor. Moreover, the concentration of proapoptotic
genesis of stroke. Nakane et al. [45] observed a signifi- protein Bax was also elevated. Birbes et al. [58] studied the
cant increase in ceramide level and also a significant involvement of ceramide in the increase of mitochondrial
decrease in sphingomyelin level in the hippocampus of membrane permeability to cytochrome c using proapopto-
the gerbil after 30 min and 24 h following 5 min of is- tic protein Bax in breast cancer cells MCF7. Ceramide pre-
chemia. Middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in- sumably induces apoptosis through disruption of electron
duced an elevation of ceramide concentration in the rat transport in complex I and III of the mitochondrial re-
cerebral cortex [46, 47]. In SHR rats, transient ischemia spiratory chain and activation of the mitochondrial
performed prior to the MCAO (preconditioning) signifi- NADPH oxidase, which contributes to increased synthesis
cantly reduced ceramide levels both in ischemic and of the Reactive Oxygen Species [6, 59, 60].
perifocal areas [47]. In the mouse model of ischemic In vitro and in vivo experiments suggest the role of
stroke, attenuation of SMase activity significantly re- ceramide in insulin resistance [61–64]. Ceramide signifi-
duced brain tissue injury [48, 49]. cantly decreased the expression of insulin mRNA in pan-
Sphingosine-1-phosphate, contrary to ceramide, is neu- creatic β cells isolated from Wistar rats [65]. Interestingly,
roprotective during ischemia [50, 51]. In mice with middle in mice, the genetic deficiency of ceramide kinase (CERK),
cerebral artery thrombosis, the level of S1P significantly phosphorylating CER to ceramide-1-phosphate signifi-
decreased 3 days after ischemic stroke and then progres- cantly improved the insulin sensitivity [61]. Intravenous
sively increased, reaching maximum concentration 14 infusion of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) – ceramide
days after occlusion [51]. Peritoneal application of S1P caused insulin resistance in lean mice with concomitant
agonist (FTY720) activated S1P1 receptors in Sprague reduction in skeletal muscles’ glucose uptake [62].
Dawley rats with MCAO and significantly reduced the Oral administration of S1P receptor agonist (FTY720)
area of damaged brain tissue [52]. Presumably S1P regu- significantly increased the mass of pancreatic β cells, sig-
lates prosurvival mechanisms through suppression of nificantly increased the concentration of insulin in blood
proapoptotic factors, including caspase 3, and activation and the normalized blood glucose level, with no effect
of protein kinase B (Akt) and extracellular regulated- on the cellular insulin sensitivity in db/db mice with
signal kinases (ERKs), both involved in cell survival [52]. genetically determined diabetes mellitus type 2 [66].
Sphingosine kinase knockout mice fed on a high-fat diet
Human studies presented diabetes, simultaneous significant reduction of
Kubota et al. reported that the neural ceramide level was pancreatic β cell mass and plasma insulin level, whereas
increased in patients with an acute case of internal carotid wild type mice developed glucose intolerance, signifi-
artery occlusion. Presumably, this elevation resulted from cantly increased mass of pancreatic β cells and hyperin-
excessive degradation of ganglioside-sphingolipids, which sulinemia [67].
are present in high concentration in the central nervous Sphingolipids are also involved in the development of
system. In cells, gangliosides are localized in the outer diabetic nephropathy. Studies performed on mesangial
leaflets of plasma membranes and cell surface microdo- cells isolated from the kidney of diabetic rats have
mains, participating in cell-cell recognition, adhesion and proven that S1P induced mesangial cell proliferation
signal transduction [53, 54]. both under normoglycemic and hyperglycemic condi-
tions, and enhanced the expression of fibronectin [68].
Sphingolipids in diabetes mellitus
Experimental studies Human studies
Many in vitro investigations confirm the contribution of The significant elevation of plasma ceramide levels was
sphingolipids to the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus observed in patients with diabetes mellitus [62, 63]. The
Borodzicz et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2015) 14:55 Page 6 of 8

Roux-en-Y bypass gastric surgery significantly decreased ischemic heart disease, but attenuation of CERK can im-
the plasma ceramide level in severely obese patients. prove the insulin sensitivity.
After 6 months post operation, the reduction in total
ceramide level was also significantly correlated with ex- Abbreviations
Akt: Potein kinase B; aSMase: Acid sphingomyelinase; CAD: Coronary artery
cess weight loss, improvement in insulin sensitivity and disease; CER: Ceramide; CERK: Ceramide kinase; ERK: Extracellular regulated-
decrease in TNF α concentration [64]. The authors sug- signal kinase; FTY720: S1P receptor agonist; IPC: Ischemic preconditioning;
gest that a reduced inflammatory environment resulting LDL: Low density lipoprotein; MCAO: Middle cerebral artery occlusion;
SHR: Spontaneously hypertensive rats; SK1: Sphingosine kinase type 1;
from the loss of adipose tissue causing lipotoxicity and SK2: Sphingosine kinase type 2; S1P: Sphingosine-1-phosphate;
cellular dysfunction may explain the observed improve- SPH: Sphingosine; SPT: Serine palmitoyltransferase; STEMI: (ST-elevation
ment in insulin sensitivity. myocardial infarction); TNF-α: Tumor necrosis factor-α..

Incubation of human pancreatic β cells with S1P re- Competing interests

ceptor agonist did not have a negative influence on the The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
insulin secretion triggered by glucose administration and
did not induce apoptosis [69]. Authors’ contributions
SB prepared the manuscript. KC prepared the manuscript and revised for
A decreased plasma level of very long chain ceramides intellectual content. MK revised the manuscript for intellectual content. ACJ
in patients with diabetes type 1 was correlated with pro- revised the manuscript for intellectual content and gave final approval of the
gression to macroalbuminuria in comparison to diabetic version of the article to be published. All authors read and approved the
final manuscript.
patients with normoalbuminuria [70]. The authors of the
study suggest that ceramides play a regulatory role in Acknowledgements
pathways, which may lead to a loss of renal function. The authors wish to express their gratitude to Marcin Kumosa for the
Ceramides are an integral part of cell membrane struc- preparation of the illustrations.
ture and they act as signaling molecules. The content of Author details
ceramides in kidney cell membranes may be changed by 1
Department of Experimental and Clinical Physiology, Laboratory of Centre
interaction with plasma lipoproteins containing altered for Preclinical Research, First Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of
Warsaw, Banacha 1b, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland. 21st Department of Cardiology,
ceramide compositions. Changes in cell-lipoprotein in- Medical University of Warsaw, Banacha 1a, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland.
teractions may trigger the cell’s signaling pathways al- 3
Department of Heart Failure and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the Chair and
tering intracellular sphingolipid metabolism. Many Department of Cardiology, Hypertension and Internal Diseases, Second
Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, Kondratowicza 8, 03-242
investigations suggest that ceramides are also involved Warsaw, Poland.
strongly in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance,
which together with other metabolic syndrome ele- Received: 11 February 2015 Accepted: 1 June 2015
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