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Dr. Ritesh Dwivedi

SACHIN CHOUDHARY (320B13) (A0102220044)
(email - (+91 9910971805)

I would like to express my gratitude to our faculty guide, Dr.
Ritesh Dwivedi, who gave me the golden opportunity to

Sachin Choudhary (320B13) (A0102220044)

CHAPTER 1 Abstract & 4-7
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review 8-9
CHAPTER 3 Research Objectives and 10-11
Research Methodology
CHAPTER 4 Data Analysis 12-24
CHAPTER 5 Hypothesis & Findings 25
and Conclusion
CHAPTER 6 Limitations & 26

References & Annexure 27

In today’s era, advertising holds a very special place in the hearts of the people, as well as
the company. The emergence of various types of advertising has actually changed the lives
of general people as well as the way, the companies used to work earlier, to market there
products. Every company is trying its level best to reach to the general public, by way of any
means of advertising. Advertising has completely changed the way of communication
between the company’s products and its potential customers. The research aims to study
the level of influence, which advertising is having on the buying behaviour of consumers,
and also to judge the level of its importance in the aspect of consumer behaviour. Not only
this, this study will also tell us about the various factors affecting consumer behaviour, what
kind of negative effects advertising is having on the society, what level of trust people have
on advertising, what’s their favourite source of advertising, do they think celebrity
endorsement is important for advertising or not, it basically gives answer to each question
which is being related to both the terms i.e., advertising and consumer behaviour. This
study also deals with the hypothetical question of “whether advertising is very important
aspect in influencing consumer behavior or not”. This research applied the simple
methodology of collecting the primary data from 118 respondents with the survey through
google forms. And if we go little bit into statistics of the research, then it reveals that
maximum population of respondents, belonged to the age group of 16-30 years only and
not only this, it was also seen that online mode or social media is the most preferred source
of advertising in today’s era, while significant no. of respondents, rely on advertising in
order to make a purchase. Apart from all of this, it was also seen that there are various
factors, which influence the buying behaviour of consumers, and each factor has its own
level of importance. But in conclusion, it can be said that, advertising is having a great level
of impact, in influencing the buying behavior of consumers, as from the survey as well, it can
be said that, advertising persuades or motivates people to purchase same brand, shift to
another brand, to go for low level of products as well, but still apart from all these positive
things, it has some negative aspects as well, which are also discussed in the whole research.

Keywords: Social Media, Consumer Behaviour, Advertising, Hypothetical, Influence,

Celebrity Endorsement

Advertising is considered to be a that form of communication, in which is a specific group of
people is persuaded to take some action, which is new in nature, it is always considered as a
major and an important element for the economic growth of the marketers as well as all the
companies, who are in competition to compete (Ryans, 1996). Advertising can be
considered as a paid form of publicity by some kind of sponsor. Advertising is basically done
through various traditional media such as television, commercial radio advertisement,
outdoor advertising, newspaper, magazine mail or modern media such as blogs, websites
and text messages etc (Shumaila Ahmed and Ayesha Ashfaq, 2013). Advertisement has
actually seen various kinds of advancements and developments over the years, which has
actually made it more persuasive and powerful (Leiss et al., 1986). A lot of importance is
being given to consumer behaviour, specifically in the field of advertising (Ajzen, 2002).
Most of the times, the attitude of consumers regarding any product, whether it’s a liking or
a disliking, depends upon how the product was advertised (Smith et al., 2002). whereas,
(Allen. Et al., 1992) argues that the basic reason which influences the behaviour of the
consumer to buy any product is because of his emotional reaction, after seeing the
advertisement of a product. It was said by (Gorn, 1982) that, advertising is solely responsible
in influencing the consumer behaviour. Apart from all the facts, the Controversies which are
being related to the impact of advertising on the consumer’s buying trends and habits have
always been present (George, 1989). Sometimes, it is being observed that the advertisers
over exaggerate about the product’s unique features in such a way that that the consumer
goes into the psychological pressure of advertising persuasiveness and intentionally decides
to buy the advertised product (Smith et al., 2006). If we consider viewpoint of some people,
then it is being observed that in today’s era, most of the consumers avoid the advertisement
to the best of their capacity, as they consider the advertisement, just annoying and
misleading in nature (Bishop, 1997). But in order to defend advertising, its defenders always
give a strong argument in its favour, by saying that the basic aim of advertising is to sell the
products, rather its effects on cultural values of the society (Gold, 1987). It is being observed
among various societal members, that advertising can have a negative, influence on
consumers’ buying trends (Burr and Burr 1977 and Verbeke, W. 1992). It can be easily said
that, advertising has a very strong potential, as it is able to change the social values of

people and also eligible enough to influence consumer behaviour (Schudson, 1984).
Specifically, advertising may make a person to choose materialistic objects over morally and
socially accepted objects, which in turn make that person an unhappy and a disappointed
person of the society (Goldberg and Gom 1978). It is being considered that the major aim of
advertising is to give something to the society that is new, creative and useful in nature, so
as to get long term benefits of brand loyalty and image building of the product and company
by establishing an emotional relationship and persuading the people to make purchase of
that product. In today’s world, its almost impossible to make a successful persuasion and to
mould or influence the buying behaviour of the consumers in this era, where competition is
really tough (Robinson, 1997). But after seeing the success of advertising field, now it has
been accepted as a universal fact that advertising plays a very important role in influencing
the consumers behaviour (Beil & Bridgewater, 1990). As far as the things like persuading
and reaching the customer is concerned, advertising is considered the most effective and
powerful source (Siro polis, 1997). Hence, it is very important to study the impact of
advertising on consumers buying trends from both the consumers and buyers’ point of view.
As, advertising is having such a strong impact on the behaviour of consumers, then it is a
kind of moral duty of the advertisers to practice the code of ethics, during the promotion of
their products (Najeeb Ullah, 2015). The purpose of advertising should be the guidance of
consumer rather than blackmailing and threatening by pushing forcefully to buy that
product (Mustansar Hussain, 2015). If a Proper and effective advertising is being done by the
companies and marketers, then it will definitely help them to improve their brand image
and increase their share in the market (Ninan, 2008). Effective advertising can be considered
as another name for persuasion and also for liking or disliking attitude of the consumers,
towards any kind of particular product or advertising (Mehta, 2000; Stone et al., 2000).
There are a number of factors in advertising which contribute a lot in changing the
consumers’ buying behavior, Like Quality of the product advertised, Price of the product
advertised, Entertainment provided by the sellers/advertisers, Persuasion by the
advertisers, Brand image on the product, Presence of celebrity endorsement, Usefulness of
the product, Importance of the product etc. While according to (Halley & Balldinger, 1991)
entertainment and information about any product, which is being given through advertising,
can be considered as one of the main reasons of likeability of the product advertised.
Entertainment and information are the basic reasons, which helps in the involvement of

viewers in the advertisement, as they are able to create a positive image in the minds of the
consumers (Mackenzie & Lutz, 1989), which in result affect the consumers’ buying behavior.
It depends upon consumers to consumers; some give importance to the quality of the
product while some of the consumers are just persuaded by the effective communication
techniques and some of the influential and impactful factors (Shumaila Ahmed and Ayesha
Ashfaq, 2013). This particular factor of likeability which is actually created by the
advertisers, with the help of information and entertainment, and which has resulted in the
involvement of the viewer will later becomes a solid reason of buying intention of the
consumer (Smith et al, 2006). After likeability, persuasiveness is another major factor, which
could be brought, in the advertising field, through creativeness, brand image and also to
some extent the celebrity endorsement as well. Whether we talk about Brand personality or
celebrity endorsement, they both are considered as the key elements of effective
advertising (Aaker, 1996). Therefore, in order to build the brand image, through the use of
personality creation, the most common way or the best way is celebrity endorsement
(Shumaila Ahmed and Ayesha Ashfaq, 2013). The primary data for this particular research or
study is collected through the way of questionnaire, and around 200 respondents filed that
questionnaire form to provide us with real and authentic data. And also, regarding the
secondary data, the sources were internet, journals, magazines, research papers and all. As,
the combination of both primary as well as secondary data is very necessary to make a
good, authentic, reliable and informative research.

Literature Review

As per the American Marketing Association (AMA) advertising is basically a form of non-
personal presentation in which the activities like the promotion of ideas, goods are actually
being done by an identified and paid sponsor (AMA, 2012). Advertising is considered non-
personal because it is more or less directed towards a very large or a big group of people in
the society or country as a whole (Dr. D.Prasanna Kumar, 2013). Advertising is somehow
classified into various types namely national advertising, retail/local advertising, direct-
response advertising, primary and selective demand advertising, and industrial advertising
(Giehlito Cammayo Dulin, 2016). Advertising plays a unique and central role in the social and
economic system of almost every country around the world. It majorly serves the purpose
of marketing function by helping the companies in selling off their products or services to
the potential customers or candidates (Svetlana Frolova, 2014). It also provides a significant
amount or portion of the funding for most of the television networks, which are privately
owned in nature (Giehlito Cammayo Dulin, 2016). All the concerned elements like Personal
selling, sales promotion, and advertising are blend together to help the marketers to market
their product in more effective manner. Advertising is also very informative, important and
productive in nature (University of Mumbai, 2011). People tend to learn or comes to know
about all the new products or the services or we can say, they come to know about all the
improvements in the products which are actually existing in the market due to advertising
(K. Venkateswara Raju, 2013). Advertising also plays a very important role in the field of
economics. Advertising basically allows new competitors or businesses or people to enter
into the business world and allows them to compete on an edge-to-edge basis (Michael,
2008). Competition at this aspect, basically promotes the product and also helps in its
improvements and this particular thing can lead to the situation of lower prices (Mcdenial
and Carl, 2016). Moreover, advertising has the ability to reach to a great no. of people or to
reach people at mass basis, which at the end of the day, reduces the cost (Wikipedia, 2015).
Advertising also performs the function of social service, as due to decrease in prices, more
no. of people are able to purchase products, which ultimately leads to increased standard of
living (S. Wilson, 1992). With the development or emergence of mass media such as
newspapers, magazines, radio, television, internet, etc., advertising was able to acquire a

major role in the field of economy (Wikipedia 2019). For many years, many of the renowned
economists and also the sociologists have ignored impact of advertising and its influence,
specifically into the field of economy and society (Giehlito Cammayo Dulin, 2016). Now, the
main part of the advertising comes i.e., mass media. The mediums of communication or
channels of media, which are available for advertising includes, radio, television,
newspapers, magazines, internet-and others that are not so obvious such as direct mail,
billboards, transit cards, stadium scoreboard ads, and point-of-purchase displays (Wikipedia
2019). It was believed that, it is only because of advertising that the image of a product is
being made in the minds of the consumers (Bennie, 1990). It is believed that advertising is
all about informing and persuading people, to believe whatever they see on screen
(Miranda 1990). (D. McQuail 1983) believed that there are some exaggerating things which
are being done about a product regarding its features and all, during its advertising, it leads
to false claims. Advertising in some or the other way portrays about the product in a very
positive manner (S. Baran 2006). To achieve the goals of advertising, advertisers tend to
study the buying behavior of the consumers which is called Consumer Behavior. Consumer
behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to
select, secure, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and
the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society (Giehlito Cammayo
Dulin, 2016). Its main purpose is to understand about the decision-making processes of
buyers, both individually and also in groups (kumar, 2004). The study of consumer
behaviour always considers the three unique roles of customer playing as the user, payer
and buyer (Saylor Academy, 2020). Consumers tend to make purchase decisions, the
moment when they are made to buy any kind of item (Andy Schmitz, 2012). Just after the
moment of recognising a need or a want, consumers always starts to begin search for
products or services that fit as per their needs (Allie Breschie, 2021). They take into
consideration various factors like pricing to a brand's reputation, before making a purchase.
During the routine purchases, the consumers procure commonly used products like juice,
milk, toothpaste, socks, eggs and bread with little decision involved in making their
purchases, these are basically small level of purchases, on the lower end of the pricing
spectrum (MDU, 2004). Different types of advertisements for products including Television,
Online and Magazines, revealed that advertisements have modified the consumer

behaviour in such a way so that they only go for brand favourability despite of ad awareness
in every type of media (Source Dynamic Logic, 2009).

Research Objectives
On the basis of various demographic factors like gender, age, education, marital status,
household income, employment status and religion, some of the basic advertisement
questions are being asked to the consumers about their purchasing behaviour, regarding
any product. So, on the basis of questions asked to the consumers or respondents, the
following are the objectives, for which this whole research is being done, to know about: -

 Whether the consumers find advertising informative, productive in nature and also
to know their level of reliability on advertisement of products?
 The most favourable source of advertising and also the factors affecting the buying
behaviour of consumers, along with the level of importance of each factor in
influencing their buying behaviour?
 Which feature of the product affects the consumer behaviour the most, what kind of
purchaser they are, what’s the level of trust they have on advertisements and what
do they think about celebrity endorsement as a way of advertising?
 Whether advertising is having any negative impacts on the society or not, and if
there is any, what are they?
 Whether advertisement is a source of entertainment for them or not, and does it
convince them to buy same brands or shift to other brands as well.
 So, above are the main objectives, for which the research has been done. It simply
tells us in a deep manner that, what’s the overall affect on the behaviour of a
consumer, when advertising is actually being done. It basically examines or evaluates
the influence of advertising on the consumer buying behaviour as a whole.

Research Methodology

The whole research is based on primary as well as secondary data. First, we conducted a
survey of around 118 people to gather information on certain and specific topics about which
I’ve mentioned in the research objectives, and after that the data was collected from various
sources such as journals, published articles, blogs etc. to understand the “Impact of
Advertising on Consumer Behaviour”.

In order to present the data, simple pie charts, histograms and bar charts are used and the
data is being analyzed in a very general manner only.

Sources of research study are: -

 Articles
 Research Papers
 Websites
 Webinars
 Published Interviews of some consumers
 Telephonic Interviews of consumers
 Primary data collected through survey of 118 people
Apart from the above sources, I too had a face-to-face interaction with some of the
consumers of various products in order to have a deeper understanding of the whole


Data Analysis

In this particular research, first all the demographic questions are being discussed and after
that, we’ll move towards the core advertising and consumer behavior questions. In this
research, the data has been collected from around 118 respondents only, and all the
respondents have responded through the method of questionnaire. From the collected
data, it can be seen that, among all the respondents, male population comprises of 62.7% of
the population and 33.9% of the population comprises of women only and rest of the
people, have not preferred to talk about their gender. And if we talk about the age group,
the it has been observed that vast majority of the population i.e., 85.6% belongs the age
group of 16-30 only and rest of the population i.e., population of age groups 12-15, 30-45
and 45+ have a share of 5.9%, 5.1% and 3.4% respectively. Now, we’ll be talking about the
aspect of level of education of our respondents, and from the data it was seen that 55.1% of
the population belongs to the category of graduates and 28.8% of the population belongs to
the class of post graduate, while rest of the population, which falls in the category of 10 th
pass, 12th pass and PHD level, have a share of 7.6%, 5.9% and 2.5% respectively. And now,
we’ll be discussing about the marital status of the respondents, and from the data it was
observed that, vast majority of the population belongs to the category of unmarried class
only, i.e., 83.1% of the population, while 11% of the population is married and 5.9% of the
population are not interested in disclosing their marital status. Now, the household income
will be taken into consideration, and from the collected data, it can be said that, around
39.8% of the population belongs to the category of 2.5-5 LPA class, and 31.4% of the
population belongs to class of 6-10 LPA category, while people who fall in the category of 10
-12 LPA and 12+ LPA category, constitute around 7.6% and 21.2% of the population. Now
the other factor about which we’ll talk about is employment status only, and from the data,
it can be concluded that a considerable amount of % of people belongs to the category of
unemployed, and around 37.3% of the population can be considered as employed
population, whereas the rest of the population either belongs to the category of employed
part time or they’ve preferred not to say anything about their employment status. Now, the
last demographic factor, we’ll be talking about is religion, and it can be said from the data

that, a vast majority of people i.e., 80.5% belongs the category of Sanatan Dharma
(Hinduism), and around 8.5% of the population belongs to Sikhism only, and if we talk about
other religions, then it can be said that, around 3.4% and 0.8% belongs to the category of
Islam and Christianity respectively, while 6.8% of the population haven’t showed any
interest, in telling about their religion. Now, after discussing all the demographic questions,
we’ll move towards discussing the core questions, which are related to our topic.

Question 1.

In the above question, it can be clearly said that, as per the point of view of the
respondents, advertising is considered to be informative, productive and important in
influencing consumer behavior as 91.5% of the population believe on this aspect, but still
8.5% of the population believes that advertising is not that much productive, informative
and important in influencing consumer behavior.

Question 2.

The above question talks about the reliability of advertising, regarding the purchase of any
product. And it is being observed that only 8.5% of the population, rely on advertising, each
time they make a purchase, while a significant % i.e., 44.9% of the population believes that
they rely on advertising most of the times during purchase, but still 38.1% of respondents
says that, they rely on advertising sometimes in order to make a purchase and around 8.5%
of the respondents says that, the reliability of them on advertising in order to make a
purchase is almost negligible.

Question 3.

The above question is all about asking the people about their most favorable source of
advertising, and from the above pie chart, it can be said that 66.1% of the population finds
social media or online source of advertising, to be the most favorable one, while 24.6% of
the population said that television is their favorite source, and the rest of the sources like
radio, direct mail, billboards and all holds very less share among the people or respondents,
as they are considered to be outdated in today’s world.

Question 4.

The above question is about asking the respondents that, what kind of purchaser they are in
general. And from the collected data, it can be said that around 42.4% of the population,
belongs to late majority of purchaser, while 34.7% of the respondents says that, they belong
to category of early majority of the purchaser, and if we talk about other two categories like
first to purchase and last to purchase, then it is being observed that, in these two
categories, respondents have a share of 17.8% and 5.1% respectively.

Question 5.

The above question, is one of the most important one as this question asks people about
what factors according to them influence the behavior of consumers the most. And the
collected shows that, around 78% population of the respondents believes that quality of
product is the most important one, while 53.4% of the population believes that price is also
an important factor, that should be considered as well. And if we move further to some of
the other factors, then it can be said that 16.1% of the population believes that, the
entertainment which is being provided by product is also an important one to consider and
16.9% believes that, any kind of persuasion by advertisers, friends and family is also a factor
to be talked about. While 43.2% and 7.6% of the population says that brand image and
presence of a celebrity, for any product, is also a factor to be talked about. And the rest 2
important factors as per the respondents are, the usefulness and importance of the
product. And both these factors holds significant % of importance. Usefulness has a share of
46.6% and importance has a share of 53.4% among all the respondents respectively.

Question 6.

The above question talks about the degree of importance, which each factor holds, as per
the view points of respondents. And the above bar diagram shows that, if we talk about the
quality of product, then it is being observed that a vast majority of the population i.e.,
59.32% believes that, it is one of the most important factor, among all of the factors, while
other factors like price of the product and entertainment factors, the most important level
of % is around 37.2% and 14.4% respectively. Both these factors don’t have that much of
importance in the eyes of respondents. And if we talk about other factors like persuasion by
advertisers and friends and relatives, then these 2 factors don’t have that much of
importance. But factors like usefulness and importance of the product holds a significant
level of importance with a share of 50% and 53.8% respectively. And other factors like brand
image and celebrity endorsement, also don’t have that level of importance.

Question 7.

The above question asks to the respondents that, what feature of a particular product
affects the consumer behavior to what level. From the above bar diagram, it can be
concluded that overall quality of a product, holds the maximum level of importance in the
eyes of the respondents. Some other features like economic value and personal satisfaction,
also holds a considerable amount of importance, with a share of 35.59% and 50%
respectively. While some of other features like innovation, popularity, familiarity and
practicality holds almost same level of importance, in the eyes of the respondents.

Question 8.

The above question is actually a pretty short and a straight forward kind of question. It
simply asks about, whether celebrity endorsement as a advertising technique is effective in
nature or not. And from the collected data, one simple statement can be made that around
50.8% of the population believes that it is useful, while 49.2% says that it is not. They are
more or less equivalent in nature.

Question 9.

In this particular question, a simple thing is being asked to the respondents, i.e., what is
their level of trust, in the advertisements they see on a regular basis, and it is being
observed that 48.3% of the population, believes that they have a moderate level of trust in
the advertisements, while 6.8% believes that, they have least level of trust and 7.6% of the
population feels that, they have trust, but a little bit more than the least level. And further if
we talk about more than average and apex level of trust than around 25.4% and 11.9% of
the population have that particular level of trust respectively.

Question 10.

This particular question is very much simple in nature, it asks whether advertising creates
any kind of negative impact on the society or not. And it is being observed that 69.5% of the
population believes that yes it creates a negative impact while 30.5% of the population says,
it does not create any.

Question 11.

Now, the above question is all about asking the respondents about the negative effects,
which the advertising is having on the society as a whole. And it is being said by 41.5% of the
people that, it creates a situation of misrepresentation in the society, while 26.3% people
believes that it promotes harmful products. But after these two factors, the list still goes on,

as 8.5% of the population believes that it is corrupting the youth and 9.3% says that, it
creates political influence as well. Apart from all these factors, some believe there are many
more, and for those factors, 14.4% people have given their share.

Question 12.

The above question asks the people about which factor is having, the maximum harm on the
society as a whole. And as per the data, it can be concluded that misrepresentation followed
by promotion of harmful products, is having the maximum harm on the society as a whole
with a share of 41.5% and 33.89% respectively. While factors like political influence,
corrupting the youth and various other factors have more or less, same level of harm on the
society as whole with a share of 23.72%, 27.11% and 22.88% respectively.

Question 13.

The above question simply asks people, whether they think that in today’s world, is it
possible for any product to survive without advertising. And it can said that 20% of people
strongly disagreed with particular question and 28% also disagreed to it. But 31.4% of
people have a neutral view on that, while 11.4% agrees to this statement and 9.3% strongly
agrees to it. Question 14.

This question is also very simple in nature, as it asks whether advertising is a source of
entertainment to respondents or not. And from the data it can be said that only 6.8% of
people strongly agree to it while only 17.8% agrees to it. And as far as strongly disagree and
disagree people are concerned then they have a share of 14.4% and 15.3% respectively. But
45.8% of the population have a neutral view in this particular aspect.

Question 15.

The above question asks the general public about, whether advertisement create that level
of awareness to them, that they prefer to buy low priced goods. And the people have acted
in a very equivalent manner in this, as 9.3% of the population have strongly agreed as well
as strongly disagreed to this particular problem. While 36.4% of the population have a
neutral thought on this and 39.8% simply agrees to it, but 5.1% also disagrees to it.

Question 16.

The above question is also very simple in nature, as it simply asked whether advertisement
convince the respondents in buying of same brands. From the data collected, around 34.7%
of the population, have a neutral view on this aspect while 8.5% strongly disagreed and
5.9% strongly agreed to it. And if we talk about agree or disagree proportion, then their
respective proportions are 40.7% and 10.2% respectively.

Question 17.

This question is also pretty straight forward in nature, as it asks whether advertisement
motivate people to shift from one brand to another. The above pie chart shows that 40.7%
of the population have a neutral view to that, while 8.5% strongly agrees to it and 3.4%
strongly disagrees to it. And if we’ll talk about the proportion of agree and disagree then,
they too have a share of 39.8% and 7.6% respectively.



It is being hypothesized that “whether advertising is very important aspect in influencing

consumer behavior or not”. Under this the dependent variable is “consumer behavior” and
independent variable is “advertising”. As, after conducting the research or survey from 118
respondents, we’ve seen that the emergence of advertising in the field of consumer
behavior, have played a very important role in influencing it to a greater extent.

As, in our survey or research also, we came to know that 91.5% of the population believes
that “advertising is very important and informative in influencing consumer behavior a lot.

So, it can be easily concluded form the data collected that advertising is an important aspect
in the field of influencing consumer behavior a lot. And, to a great extent our hypothesis
came to be true in nature.

Findings and Conclusions

 The whole analysis reflects that, maximum no. of respondents in our research, was
from the age group of 16-30 only.
 It was found that, behavior of people is highly influenced by the aspect of advertising
in the market.
 Among the respondents, it was also being observed that, the most favorable source
of advertising is online mode (social media) only, with a share of 66.1% and the level
of trust on advertisements, also varies a lot among all respondents.
 As, per the findings, it can be seen that, there are various factors which influences
the behavior of consumers, and apart from having various positive effects,
advertising also holds some negative aspects too.

In Conclusion, as a whole advertising is having a great level of impact, in influencing the

buying behavior of consumers, as from the survey as well, it can be said that, advertising
persuades or motivates people to purchase same brand, shift to another brand, to go for
low level of products as well, but still apart from all these positive things, it has some
negative aspects as well, which are also discussed in the whole research.



 The time duration for the research was really less, as the whole research was
prepared just in a time span of 1 week i.e., 7 days only. On an average, the ideal time
limit for a research is considered to be at least one to two months, and here it was
just one week only.
 There was less sample size for the conduction of survey, as the survey was
conducted with the sample population of just 118 people only, which is very small in
number, as just 118 people cannot present the view points of the entire nation,
especially in such a diverse country like India.
 The majority of population in our survey was from young age group only. The
opinions or viewpoints of adults and senior citizens are not given that much of
consideration in the whole survey or research.
 Most of the significant and reliable research papers were paid only. One has to pay
for the subscription fees, if he/she wants to make use of that paper.


 It’s very crucial on the part of the companies, to understand the importance of
advertising in influencing consumer behavior, as 91.5% of the population thinks that
advertising is very informative and important in influencing the buying behavior of
 More emphasis should be given to online mode i.e., social media as a source of
advertising because 66.1% of the population considers social media, as their most
favorite source of advertising.
 Companies should also have a watch on negative effects of advertising on society as
 Various factors like price, quality and all affects the buying behavior of buyers. So,
considerable amount of importance should be given to each factor, while advertising
a product.


1. Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behaviour and Attitude with Reference

to Consumer Durables (Naveen Rai, 2013).

2. The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior (Giehlito Cammayo Dulin,


3. The impact of advertising appeals and advertising spokespersons on

advertising attitudes and purchase intentions (Long-Yi Lin, 2011).

4. Impact of Advertising on Consumers’ buying behavior through

Persuasiveness, Brand Image, and Celebrity endorsement (Shumaila Ahmed
and Ayesha Ashfaq, 2013).

5. The Impact of Advertising on Advertising on Consumer Behaviour in the

Resita City population (DINU, G[abriel] & DINU, L[oredana], 2012).

6. The Role of Advertising in Consumer Decision Making (Dr. D. Prasanna

Kumar & K. Venkateswara Raju, 2013).

7. The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior (B. Chukwu, 2019).

8. The Impact of advertising on consumer behaviour (Virender Kaushal &

Rakesh Kumar, 2014).


Annexure is basically that thing, which is attached to a report in a document form, which is
very critical for the whole report and contains some really important information regarding
the report. As this report has primary data also, which is derived from 200 respondents
through google forms and is kept in a excel sheet for the reference. So, we’ll be attaching
that excel sheet, from which the primary data is extracted and used for the interpretation in
this whole research. That’s the only document here, which can be used as annexure.


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