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INDIA OFFICE BURMA "OFFICE LIST 1940 FIFTY-FOURTH EDITION LONDON PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE ‘To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses : ‘York House, Kingsway, Loadon, W. '20 George Street, Edinburgh 2; 26 York Street, Manchester 1 ; ndrew’s Crescent, Cardiff ; 80 Chichester Street, Belfast ; or through any bookseller 1940 Price £1 10s. 0d. S,0. Code No, 70-965-0-40 CENTRAL ARCHAEQLOGIGAL LIBRARY, NEW DELHI. Ac. So, WS67_ face... Bf, SE, No. 357 er /e Printed by HARRISON & SONS, LTD., 44-47, St. Martin's, Lane, London, W.C.2. 2 oF : PREFACE. In the lists of Officers serving in India (pages 8-96) and in Burma (pages 176-185) only substantive appointments are, as a rule, shown; the lists contain the names of all members of the All-India and the Burma Class I Services, of the Indian Political Service, of Chaplains on the Indian and the Burma Ecclesiastical Establishments, and of other officers whose status is not below that of members of the All-India or the Burma Class I Services, The names shown in italics are those of Officers who are on long leave, on leave pending retirement, in foreign service, supernumerary, seconded, or employed outside their own Departments. The“ Table of Contents ”” is on pages ii and iii, and the “ Index of Names” on page 665 ef seg. Unless they appear elsewhere in the volume, names in the Alphabetical Honours List (pages 197 to 245), and in the Record of Services (pages 247 to 654) are omitted from the Index of Names, Indian and Burman names are indexed as in the Civil Lists of the Central and Provincial Govern- tents of India and of the Government of Burma. In doubtful cases they are twice indexed and cross references are made. The principle of selection followed in the Alphabetical Honours List and in the Record of Services is explained on pages 197 and 247 respectively. This volume has been corrected, as far as possible, up to the autumn of 1939, It is requested that intimations of errors in the lists, or of omissions, may be addressed to the Editor of the India Office and Burma Office List, India Office, Whitehall, London, $.W. TABLE OF CONTENTS. India Office Establishment ae oo ae Office of the Auditor of Indian Home Accounts te Office of the High Commissioner for India... sis Government of India, Viceroy, Personal Stati, Governor-General’s Secretafiat and Council... % Indian Legislature Secretariat ao Posts and Telegraphs Department Mint and Assay Department ... 0... Cenéval Faxtises and Salt Department, Northern Tndie » » Financial Department... 0... a » Military Accounts Department 7 1 Public Works Department : jo Ralwaya soi ae cS » Survey Department is » Archaeological Survey -.. a », Imperial Customs Service... Indian Political Service .. Medical Department = Medical Research Department ... Forest Department =... » » Imperial Council of Agricultural Research ... 0... Imperial Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi Imperial Veterinary Research Institute... 2 a » Miscellaneous Appointments Church of India, Burma and Ceylon Indian Ecclesiastical Establishment Federal Public Service Commission Federal Court of India... Crown Representative ... o . te Madras, Government of, and Officers Employed in Bombay, . i Fs - Bengal, ” ” ” ae ae United Provinces, o : = ; Punjab, o " Bihar, a 7 : Central Provinces and Berar, * » ie * Assam, se ie é North-West Frontier Province, = a e Orissa, Pe “ Sind, a f ie Baluchistan, Officers Employed in the Administration of. Delhi, i a fi o Ajmer-Merwara, i ‘i ¢ ; Coorg, : a a s Andaman and Nicobar Islands, ,, iy a * PAGE, was © ae 95 95 95 96 96 = TABLE OF CONTENTS. ii PAGE Panth Piploda .. 2 EAE scetf coins ase Hh 96 Chronological Lists of Heads of Administration ee 97 Indian States, List of the more important, with Particulars as to Area, Population, Revente, etc. |... 128 » = Alphabetical List with titles (abbreviated) of Rog Princes and Chiefs of the more important... «.. be gg » 4 Table of Salutes to Ruling Princes and Chiefs . 338 Table of Artillery Salutes fired in India... 142 Warrant of Precedence in India ... 5 143 Salaries of the Chief Government appointments in India. 148 Particulars regarding admission to the Indian Services—see Table of Contents on page 153 Indian Civil Service, Candidates selected in London, 1939 ete 156 oe 5 " India, 1939 156 Official Publications relati 166 India Office Library : 5 172 Burma Office Establishment... fo oe OATS Burma, High Commissioner wee and ate EEE 175 Burma, Governor and Personal Staff Bee 176 Legislature z a oe 176 «Officers Employed under Government of ce »» Ecclesiastical Department 185 1» Public Service Commission 185 Chronological Lists of Heads of Administration 186 Shan States in Burma, Alphabetical List of Sawbwas of edt ge 28 BR ics ee Table of Salutes to the Sawbwas of se tee 2 BR Karenni States, List of Chiefs of the, z 188 Salaries of the Chief Government appointments in Burma... 180 Particulars regarding admission to the Burma Services—see Table of Contents on page 190 Burma Civil Service (Class I), Candidates selected in London, 1939 se OX 3 ii » Candidates selected in Burma, 1939 19 Official Publications relating to Burma ... “ ec tenn 196 Warrant of Precedence in Burma . 1964 Alphabetical Honours List . Bo 7 . vs 197 Record of Services 5 : 5 ea : we 247 Casualties... ‘ : 655 Index of Names... - 665 | OFFICKR OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE | FOR INDIA, i WHITEHALL, S.W.1. i + SECRETARY OF STATE. r t Tu Mosr Hon. raz Marguuss or Zerianp, P.C., G.C.S.1., G.C.LE. 5 PERMANENT UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE. . Sir Findlater Stewart, G.C.B., G.C.LE., CS. i PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE. ‘The Rt. Hon. Sir Hugh O'Neill, Bt, M.P. DEPUTY UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE, Sir Leonard D. Wakely, K.C.LE., C.B. ASSISTANT UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE, *Sir Cecil H. Kisch, K. Sir Stuart K, Brown, K.C.LE., C.B., C.V.0. J.C. Walton, C.B,, MC. sie | | ADVISERS TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE. Sir Henry Strakosch, G.B.E. Sir Joseph M. Clay, K.C.LE., C.S.1., 0.B.E. Sir A, Alan L. Parsons, K.C.LE, | B. Raghavendra Rao. Sardar Bahadur Moban Singh. | Lt.-Col. Sir H. Suhrawardy, 0.B.E. Sir Horace Williamson, C.LE., MBE. Sir John A, Woodhead, K.CS.1,, CLE, Private Secretary to the Secretary of State—M. J. Clauson. Assistant Private Secretary—W. T. Annan. Assistant to Private Secretary to the Secretary of State—Miss P, M. Dowling. Political A.D.C, to the Secretary of State—Lieut.-Col. W. G. Neale, C.L.E., C.V.0. Assistant to Ditlo—A. B. Bamberger. Private Secretary to the Permanent Under-Secretary of State—C. E. M. Hemingway. Private Secretary to Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State—W. B. Goodchild. Parliamentary Private Secretary to Parliamentary Under Secretary of State—Lt.-Col. Sir Walter Smiles, C.LE., D.S.0., M.P. Clerk to the Advisers—F, A, Callow. Resident Clerks—L. B. Walsh Atkins, H. E. Davies. Editor, India Office and Burma Office List—W. Taylor. Assistant Editor, Ditlo—C. H. Wright. * On loan to the Mines Department. esti ? irs ee ‘sel, Heads of Departments. INDIA OFFICE, ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION. Principals. Financial—(Finance | and." Currenty)—G. H. | K, Anderson, G.H. Baster, R.S. Brown, J. W.P. Baxter (acis.). (Treasury Control\—! Public and Judicial—Sir V. Dawson, K.C. A. Dibdin. Military—Gen. Sir 8. CSL, CLE, D.S.0. Ditto (Joint)—-J. A. Simpson. FM Pnlitical—(External)—R. T. Peel, CB. (Unternal)—P. J. Pa 5.0. Services and General (ant Ofce\—-F. W. H. Smith, C.LE, Accountant-General and Contreller Funds—S. Turner, C.B.E. Reforms Offce~Six V. Dawso Accounranr-G: Deputy Accountant-General—J. Assisiant Accountant-General—R. Superintending Exeoutive Officers—G. w. Hear, R. S. Kennedy, A. G. Salisbury, W. Staniforth, D. W. F, C, Andrews, R. G. Blake (actg.). F. Burton. 3. R. Colthup. S. J: Conder. 7,0. Durst. R. G. Blake, F. A. Callow (actg.). |. S. Gandee ® T. Goldsworthy. P. J. Hosegood. ‘T. Jones (actg.). RF. Kyle. vonne and Overseas—W, D. Croft, eRau’s DEPARTMENT. Chidell, M. J. Clauson, D. M. Cleary, G. E. Crombie, R. E. Field, O.B.E., J. P. Gibson, Viscount Hoodt (actg.), J. G. Laithwaite,* C.S.I, C.LE., E. W. R. Lumby, R. Mowbray, H. A. F, Rumbold, A. C. B. Symon (actg.), W. D. Tomkins, 0.B.E., F. F, Turnbull, A. T, Williams. EB, Grist, C1 KCB. luspratt, | | MC. | | Assistant Principals and Ass Ofc tant Administrative trick, C.S.1 CLE, W. T. Annan, M. Bucknall, W. B. Goodchild, F. A. K. Harrison, C. E. M. Hemingway, Viscount Hood, W. B. J. Ledwidge, I. A. H. More§ M. J. Moynihan,g A. C. B. Symon, W. Taylor, W. C. Wallis, L. B. Walsh-Atkins. Fstablishment | \ i | of Pension m, KLE. EXECUTIVE DIVISION. Muratary C. Stibbs, 0.B.E, | Chief Executive Oficer- Janes. | Superintending Executive Oficers—H. J. G. Crickmay. Derasrs . W, Thomson, 0.8. Bull, i | } Hicner Execurive Opricers. R. E. France. S.C. A. Schofield, 1.5.0. G.G: Hewlett. S. A. Seys, M.C. C. E, Hoare. A. R. Swinnerton. M. K. Jephson. Z. Thomson, M.Mt . Kordik. R. H. Tuckett. S. G. Pennells. T. Rowland. Executive Orricess (MEN). XH. W. Malcolm. D.E. Morgan. A. Hl, Pamphiion, 1. Phill ES! Whitehead. 1. B. Porteous. Worthy. E, Rogers. D. L. Skidmore, Executive Orricers (Wout). MR. Bishop. A.J. Ferguson. CLERICAL DIVISION. Hicer Ciericat. Ovrcers. (Mes Bridle, ‘A. Johnston. W. H. Sansbury R. H. Brown. ALT. Lamoon. E. J. Sharp. ‘Bryant. L.B. Le Burn, MM. Smart (acig.). I. Ie P, J. MacDermot. T ‘Smith. F. Clare. | To iajor. NUN Spratt W.C. H, Cohen. 3. W. Nicholson | D. EL Terry. E. H, Constable, | |. C. O’Donohoe. P, Waterhouse. ‘A. E. Gregory. ‘A. S, Palmer. it R. Williams. F, Johnson. | AL HL. G. Pope, M.B.E.. 1 HicEr Curnican Orercees. (WoMEN.) Ae Gale» ° T. G. Hunt (acts). E, M, Williams, G S enoher. C. 1. Rolfe. * Seconded for duty in India. es + On loan to the Ministry of Information. § On Military Service. } Temporarily seconded for Administrative duties in the Burma Office. as Andrewes. | K. Applegate, Appleton. ew. Askey. C. R, Baker. SP. H. Bennett. G. E. Bonney. P. Broadribb. * ¢.M. H, Burton. F. A. Callow, GT caple. ‘HL A. Carn. 86.4. Carter, ‘L. Cartwright. T. J. Cassidy. $F J. Clements. F. U.S. D. Collins. A. J. Cowdy. D. O. Coxail. R¢ Crook. A. E, Crouch. J. A, Cunliffe. JAW, Denton. |. Donoghue, ‘Durtnall. $C. Fountain.” G. A.W. Adams. ALL. J. Allen. M. W. Bailey (acig.). E.M. Banham. LV. Bascom. S. M. Bate. D. E. Baxter. J. D, Beadle. M. A. Bennett. E, L, Beigner. Ri M, Bove ley, D.R. Broo! s. D. C.J, Browne, B. M. Cave. I. B. Chad. M. W. J, Chamberlain. A. K. Chilley. BE. Clark. K. Clayton, LM, Collins. D. E. Cooper. W.L. Cox, MBE, 1. R. Royal Dawson. D. L, Clarke. j. ON. Elliott. . M. Freeman, ‘A. Herbert. INDIA OFFICE. CLERICAL DIVISION—continued. CuERicaL Orricers. (MEN,) B.C, Fuller. R, Gardner. W. P. Garrod. A.A. Gatlish, J. D. Gleeson, |. Goldsack. D. W. Goodman, | A. J. Gormiey, | H. Gracie. | CHL Grant. | HM, Grimer. Headley. Ce W Higgins, G. ¢. S. Mcintosh. MeNally. E Mena, Naphthine. T. O'Connor. H. Osborne. H. S. Painter. 4B. T. Parker. Serene oar P, M, Dowling. 4. S. Duthie M. E, Edwards. P. Fletcher. M. Francis, ME. P. Grosfils, (Mrs.) KC. Hager. | EOP.T, Ham, D. L. Hardy. M. E. Hewison. R. Hocking. | LE. Holland. ML. Huggett. T. G. Hunt. D. M. Iredell. B: M. Jones. 1, P. ‘Kitchen. | Yan. Low. I. Luckburst (actg.). | E. C. Lunney. W. MI. V. Mansbridge. M. L’ Killpartrick, M.B.E. BRICAL Orsicers. (WomEN). F Bagot & B. Rainbow. F. Hl Rayner. E. J. Reely. A. J. Rice, G. R. Sewell: . Shalson, |&. W. Shepheara. F. Shepherd. ‘A. Smart. L- G. Smith, TJ. Snell. tJ. Sowden, BM. Stevenson, F. Stobie. J. A Stockwell. D. P. Stovold. C. Street. G.W.G. Stretch, J. G. Stuart. HN Taylor. j. E. Taylor. L. S Taylor. E. Vickers, ‘ALT, Web. 5. Wellington, R. H.R. Westley. CB. White. FH. Whitehead. A. G. Williamson. W.D. Williamson E.T. Wilson, R. M. W. Wilson, Stuart H, Wilson. Sydney H. Wilson CoH. Wright. JL. Wyatt, G. B. Marr (Mrs.). J. A. L, Martin K. Neale. V. Nicol M.G. Ni nn. | E. Owens. E. M. Paternoster Perkins. HM, C. Pirouet. A.M. Platt, M. L. Rateliffe (actg.), M. J. Reay. V. D. Steer. B.G. Street. 1. F. Tacon. C. M. Vale. A. Vile, F. Walwyn, P.M. Wasbrough. D. Bs Webber W. M. White. 7K. L. Williams, Crmrroat Assisrants, Grave I. (Wows) | E. W, Jones. M. King. D. Parkes. * On Ioan to the Mines Dept, } On loan to the Minist On loan to the War O: § On Military Service. J. M. Rees. M. J. Robottom. M. M. Wi of Supply. ice. Superintendents—Miss B. M, “Alexander, Miss M. Larkin, Miss M.D. Nursey, Miss M.S.N. Byrne (actg.) Shoviand Fpiats Mises P_J. Alloutt, L. D. Andrews, MI. W. Bailey, F.'S. Bennett, K. Blair, M. C. Cox, GM. Faweett, D. Felton, K. A. Goodbarne, D. M. Hunim, I. Luck? huurst, J.-L. Lucking, W. A. R.’ Manning, BL Mathews, W. J. Middictoa, D. M. de R. Monreal, D.'E, Moore, R. M. N. Paul, B. B. MISCELLANEOUS Lega Adviser and Solielior to the Secretary of State—Sir K. Mel. Kemp. Asststant Solicitor—C. A. K, Norman. Clerk, Legal Adviser's Dept.—H. L. M. Oxley. Medical Board, President, and Medical Adviser to the Secrétary of State-—Major-Gen. B. W.C. Bradfield, C.LE, Meiteal Board, Members—Lieut.-Col. H. R. Dutton, C.1.E,, Lieut.-Col. H. B. Steen. Clerical Assistant to the Medical Adviser and Clerk to the Medical Board—Miss MI. J. Hooper. Personal Asst. to Military Secretary—Col. C.E, T, Erskine, C.LE., D.S.0., H.C. Stef Oficers atached fo 3iltery Depariment— Col. N.L. St, P, Bunbury, D.S.0., Maj. R.'L. Goode, Maj. B. P. T. O'Brien, MC. Ordnance Consulting Officer—Col. G. L. S. Hawkins, M.C. Personal Assistant to 0.C,0.—Maj. J. S. Bolton, | | | i BE | Deputy to 0.C,0.-—Lt.-Col. B. J. Leigh. Assistants to 0.C.0.—Maj. R. Martin, M.C., | ‘Maj, R.A. M. Tweedy, Capt. M. Marriott: | Dodin Liaison Officer between Air Ministry and India OffceSquadron Leader O. D. Freeman. Head Office, Keeper—$E. Chapman, M.C. Second Office Keeper—G. Wilson. Record Kespors—F. J, Hills, T. Holland, W. R. Payne. Paper -Keeper—W. C. Chilcott. Consulting Engincers—Messrs. Chief Superintendent—Miss K. Moore, MBE. | INDIA OFFICE. CLERICAL DIVISION—tontinued. Suorruanp Typists anp TyPists. Plank, K. G. Procktor, M. L. Ratcliffe, ‘A.D, Rutter, W. D. Schofield, G. M. Thomas, | Typists—Misses D, 1. Allen, M. C. Atkinson, K. D. Bassett, E. M. Boyd, F, F. Brooker, c ines, 2, M. Knight,’ I. M. McIntosh, D. M, Marney, E. P. McGee, A.C. Melanaphy, M. Moss, G. M.D, Newton, E. K. Patrick, Rasmussen, H. Richardson, G. M. Sims, G. Smith, C. 'M. Stevens, G."E. Stringer, A.A. Walker, S. Wallington, E. M. White, APPOINTMENTS. Railway Adviser and Gout, Director of Indian Railway Companies—R. Mowbray. Asst. Govt, Director of Indian Raikoay Companies —A T. Williams. Administrative Officer for Political Inteltigence— C. HL Silver. Administrative Officer for Statistical QuesHions— 'W. R. Rayner. Administrative Officer for Services Questions— C. Tddon, M.B.B. Librarian—H. N. Randle, M.A., D.Phil. Asst, Ditto—*A. J. Arverry, MA. Litt:D. Assistant Keepers, Library—S. C. Sutton, M.Sc., *R. H. B. Williams, B.A. Assistants, “Grade 1, Library—Miss A,B. iss E. M. Pexton, M.A. ‘Thompson, Ditio, Grade’ Clerk, Lebrary—H. L. T. Gonsalves. Superintendent of Records—R. W. MB.E. Wright, | Assistant Ditto—H. S. Garrard, Superintendent, Telegraph and Mails Branch, and Clerk of Codes—A. C. Plowman, Sta Officer for Establishment Duties—Miss E, Marvin, M.B.E. Staff Offeer for Services Questions—-J. Gordon, MBE. | Staff’ Officer, Financial Dept.—B. D. Tims. Information Oficer—A. H. Joyce, O.BE. Asst. 10 Information Officer—L. Billclifie. OFFICE KEEPERS, RECORD KEEPERS AND MESSENGERS, Messengers—W.R, Turner, L. J. Pacey, D.C.M., R.H. Hawkins, J. R. Hayes, A. F. Robinson, F, C. Brett, W. J. Lofthouse, “H. L. Green away, E. Ball, S. W. Hazell, G. T. Mills, A. A. Knight, R. B, Loftus, J. Phelan, N, B. Pierce, J. Noden. Rendel, Palmer and Tritton. Stockbrokers—Messrs, R. Nivison & Co. * On loan to the Postal Censorship. § On Military Service. 5 OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR OF INDIAN HOME ACCOUNTS. Auditor—B. L. Ball, Assistant Auditor—W. H. Turner, M.C. Superintending Exccutive Oficers—A. Bissett, . Blumenthal, C. H. Hanna, M.M., H. M. Montford. Higher Executive Oficers—A. D. Bottoms, €’F. Dickeson, A. J. Elmes, A. 0. Goldsmith, Miss G. M. Price, Hf. Willmott. Executive Officers—E. W. Croxford, F. E. Day, H, Palmer, D. B, Parnell, §J. H. Pearl, T. 1 ‘Tomkins. ran | Higher Clertcal Officer (Temporary)—Miss K. Z | © Roupell. | Clerical Officers—Men—F. R. Adams, S. B. A. | Beara, 1. 5, Cogper, BH. Franiding, Vi. | Keppey, M.M., W. G. Moore, H. J. Ramsden, T. Seignior, M. Stiltiard, b. H.’ Thurman’ | Women—Miss K. Z. Roupell. Clerteal Assts., Grade « (Women)—J. B. Norford. Comptometer Operator—SMiss N. K, Decry. OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR INDIA. (india House, Aldwych, London, W- LE, High Commissioner—Sir Firozkhan Noon, K. Deputy High Commis er—Shamaldbari Lali, 1 S. Private Secretary to High Commissioner—N. Husain. z Shorthand Typist and Assistant to Private Secretary—Miss EB. H. Wildman (tempy.). General Assisiant—S. N. Dutt. Resident Clerk—M. J. Bulkht. Enquiry Officer—-N. K. Roy. ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT. Chkef A ccounting Officer A. J.C. Bawards, FLA. Deputy Ditto—H. W. Martin. Assisiant Ditto—J. W. Steadman. Superintending “Executive Officers —S. H. ‘Wadsworth, D. L. McSweeny, M.C., F. Ni Fairley. | Higher Executive Offcers—H. Wade, A. J. | “Rowe, A. M. Menon, W, Fitt, H. F, Brandom, F.C.’ Forty (tempy.). 5 Comptometer Operaiors—Misses G. T. Higgins, G. R. Chant. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. Seoretary—T. Quayle, C.LLE., M.A., D.Litt. Educational Officer (S. E. Grade)—P. K. Dutt. Educational Officers (P. E. Grade)—R. M. J. Knaster, V. 1. Gaster. GENERAL DEPARTMENT Secretary—F. J. Adams. Superintending Executive Oficer—W. Marlow. E. Simcock, K. C- Higher Executive Officer Batten. PUBLIC DEPARTMENT. Secrelary—(post in abeyance). Establishment Officer (S.E. Grade) (temporary)— | ‘W. M. Mather, 0.8.E. | Higher Executive Officer (temporary)—W. B. England, Engineer—T. Salter. TRADE DEPARTMENT. Trade Commissioner—Six David Meek, C.LE., O.B.E., LE. Trade Commissioner, Mélan— R. Ahuja. Trade Commissioner, New York—H. S. Malik, O.B.E., LCS. Deputy Trade Commissioner—H. M. Patel, L.C.S. Economie Correspondent to Economic Adviser, India—Mrs. A. Henderson. Timber Adviser—Six H. W. A. Watson, LES. (Burma), retd. Minerals Adviser—{Post in abeyance). *G. H. Tipper. Special Officer, Shellac Enquiry—A. J. Gibson, LES. (retd.}. Higher Executive Officer—C. W. Butler. Shorthand typist-clerh—Miss M. M, Walshe. | i | Trade Publicity Oficer—B. D. Asli, M.B.E. i STORE DEPARTMENT. (Belvedere Road, Lamieth, S.E.1.) Director-General—Lieut.-Col. Sir Stanley S. W. | Higher Executive Officers—H. S, Briggs, W. V. Paddon, C.LE. Director of Purchase—J. P. Forsyth. Controliers—W. F. West, W. G, Crockett, M.B.E., M. Daniels, O.B.E., A. S. Clark (empy’. Principal Executive Officers—A. S. Clark, J. L. Jenkin, E. Price, M.B.E., J. W. Cooper, H. J. Bannett i We McRae (mp) Anderson, J. E- Taylor,’ W. N. Gardiner, H.W. McRae, R. J. Hawker, G. F. Drayson, Al F, Skinner,” E. H. Thompson, M.¢ V. J.'G. Eayres, J. R.’ Moore, P. B. Dell, MBE, V. R. Bowler, C. Godwin, A. K. Jennings (iempy.), B.S. Stone (tempy.). | Director of Inspection—L. A. Lewis, M.LE.B. Mechanical Engincer—A. L. Haas, M.U.Mech.E, § On Military Service. * On loan to the Ministry of Economic Warfare. 83

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