Hematology Module 2 and 3

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Hematology • Erythroblasts (immature red blood cells) come

from mesodermal cells lining the yolk sac;

Module 2 remaining cells surrounding the cavity develop
into angioblasts and later on form the blood
Introduction vessels
• Yolk sac differs from other phases of
Blood is a fluid connective tissue originating from the hematopoiesis in that yolk sac hematopoiesis
embryonic mesenchyme. The regulated process of cell occurs intravascularly (within the blood vessels)
production that includes cell renewal, proliferation, • Primitive erythroblasts are differentiated from
differentiation, and maturation is called Hematopoiesis. later erythroblasts in that primitive erythroblasts
It is a continuous process resulting in the formation, never lose their nucleus. These erythroblasts are
development, and specialization of all the functional found in ‘blood islands’ surrounding a
blood cells that are released from the bone marrow. macrophage called Nurse cell.
• Primitive erythroblasts start to produce the
In this module, the mechanisms for blood cell following hemoglobin’s: Portland hemoglobin,
production will be presented. The study of normal cell Gower 1 hemoglobin, and Gower 2 hemoglobin
development is important as any deviation from this • Some cells of mesodermal origin also transfer to
normal cell development may lead to hematologic the AGM region to develop into HSCs for
disorders or abnormalities. definitive hematopoiesis.

General Principles of Hematopoiesis Hepatic Phase

Hematopoiesis (or Hemopoiesis) is the process • Begins at around 4-5 weeks after fertilization;
of blood cell production, including renewal, proliferation, Peaks at third month of development
differentiation, and maturation. It is a continuous and • The liver becomes the primary site of
regulated process that results in the formation, hematopoiesis
development, and specialization of all functional blood • Characterized by recognizable clusters of
cells that are released from the bone marrow. These myeloid cells.
mature blood cells develop from a common • Lymphoid cells begin to appear
hematopoietic stem cell. This stem cell is capable of both
• Megakaryopoiesis (development of platelet
self-renewal and directed differentiation into the
precursors, the megakaryocytes) begins
different cell lineages – ie. the hematopoietic stem cell
• Sites of secondary hematopoiesis: Thymus
can proliferate and can give rise to any of the functional
begins to produce T cells; Spleen and kidneys
blood cell lineages.
produce B cells
• With detectable levels of HbF (fetal
Hematopoiesis in humans is characterized by
hemoglobin), HbA / HbA1 (major adult
selective distribution of embryonic stem cells in specific
hemoglobin), and HbA2 (minor adult
sites that are rapidly changing during the course of
development. In healthy adults, hematopoiesis is
• Activity remains until 1-2 weeks after birth
primarily confined to the bone marrow. During fetal
development, blood cell development begins in the (1)
Medullary Phase
yolk sac, that later progresses to the Aorta-Gonad-
Mesonephros (AGM) region (mesoblastic phase); (2)
transfers to the fetal liver (hepatic phase); and (3) • Starts at the 5th month of development; cells of
terminally, resides in the bone marrow (medullary various stages of maturation in all lineages are
phase). seen
• Mesenchymal cells transfer to the skeletal
Mesoblastic Phase: tissues and develop into HSCs
• Myeloid to erythroid (M: E) ratio reaches 3:1
• Starts at the 19th day after fertilization (adult M:E ratio) at the 21st week
• Progenitor cells of mesenchymal origin relocate • Bone marrow becomes the major site of
to the yolk sac; give rise to Hematopoietic Stem hematopoiesis. Shortly after birth, the BM
Cells (HSCs) remains as the only tissue capable of blood cell
production. When the BM is in distress or is not o Secondary lymphoid Organs: sites of
functioning properly, secondary hematopoietic activation of lymphocytes - Spleen,
organs such as the liver and spleen revert to their Lymph Nodes, Mucosa-associated
hematopoietic function (extramedullary lymphoid tissue (MALT), Gut-associated
hematopoiesis) lymphoid tissue (GALT)
• Erythropoietin, G-CSF, and GM-CSF (Growth
Factors) reach detectable levels Bone Marrow
• Hemoglobins produced are HbA / HbA1, HbF,
and HbA2 (minor adult hemoglobin)

Sites of Hematopoiesis in the developing individual

Organs involved in hematopoiesis: • Composed of red marrow and yellow marrow;

red marrow is the hematopoietic tissue and the
1. Bone Marrow – primary site of hematopoiesis in yellow marrow is composed of adipose
an adult • In adults, red marrow is located in the sternum,
2. Liver – major site of hematopoiesis during the skull, vertebrae, scapulae, ribs, pelvic bones, and
hepatic period proximal ends of long bones
3. Spleen – secondary site of hematopoiesis during • Ratio of red marrow to yellow marrow in the
the hepatic period
developing individual:
4. Thymus – secondary lymphoid organ; involved in
o Before birth: 100% Red Marrow
the maturation of T cells
o At birth: 90:10
5. Lymph Nodes – secondary lymphoid organ; o At 19-20 y/o: 60:40
involved in production of lymphocytes, filtration o In adulthood: 50:50
and removal of old and damaged cells o At 65 y/o: 40:60
6. Bursa equivalent organ – in humans, the Bursa-
• Yellow marrow can revert to red marrow when
equivalent organ is the bone marrow. In the
there is increased demand for hematopoiesis,
Fabricius bird, the bursa is the site of maturation
such as in acute blood loss and hemolysis
of B cells.
• The bone marrow is the site of production and
7. Mononuclear Phagocyte System
maturation of myeloid cells – erythrocytes,
8. Kidneys – produce erythropoietin
megakaryocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils,
9. Stomach – produces intrinsic factor
basophils, and monocytes
10. Yolk sac – site of primitive erythropoiesis
• The bone marrow produces the lymphocytes.
The B cells mature in the bone marrow. The T
Adult Hematopoietic Tissue:
cells, however, mature in the Thymus. The
lymphocytes are activated in secondary
• Bone Marrow is the major site of hematopoiesis
lymphoid organs.
• Lymphoid development occurs in primary and
secondary lymphoid organs:
o Primary Lymphoid Organs: sites of
maturation of lymphocytes - Bone
Marrow and Thymus
Liver 1. Phagocytosis – removal of debris, particulate
matter, and foreign cells from the blood
• Plays a significant role in hematopoiesis during (monocytes) and tissue (macrophages)
fetal life (hepatic phase) 2. Antigen Presentation – Antigens from digested
• Responsible for synthesis of most proteins and foreign cells (bacteria) are presented to T cells
vitamins that play a role in regulating hemostasis for activation of the adaptive immune system
• Responsible for conjugating bilirubin from 3. Mitogen (substances that promote mitosis)
hemoglobin breakdown secretion
• Responsible for detoxification of blood 4. Secretion of hematopoietic growth factors
• Site of protein synthesis and degradation (substances that influence the maturation and
• Kupffer cells lining the canaliculi remove differentiation of blood cells)
senescent and damaged red blood cells from
circulation as they pass through the liver Kidneys
• responsible for production of erythropoietin
Spleen (growth factor that drives maturation of RBC
precursors) in response to hypoxia.
• Largest lymphoid organ in the body; secondary Erythropoietin acts on erythroblasts in the bone
site of hematopoiesis during hepatic phase marrow to stimulate proliferation and
maturation, for eventual release into the
Functions of the spleen: circulation

1. Culling: removal of senescent (old) red blood Stomach

cells from blood circulation by phagocytosis • produces intrinsic factor. Intrinsic Factor is
2. Pitting: removal of inclusion bodies from the necessary for absorption of Vit. B12 in the
surface of red blood cells (ex. Pappenheimer intestines. Deficiency of IF Leads to deficiency in
bodies – accumulated iron; Howell-Jolly bodies Vit. B12 and would lead to pernicious anemia (a
– DNA remnants; Heinz bodies – globin type of Megaloblastic anemia)
3. Immune defense – it is a secondary lymphoid Stem Cell Theory:
organ, serving as a site of activation of
lymphocytes (B and T cells) Stem cells are characterized by its ability for/to:
4. Storage of platelets – the spleen sequesters 1/3
of platelets produced to serve as reservoir 1. self-renewal;
2. give rise to differentiated progeny (ie. a
Thymus hematopoietic stem cell can differentiate into a
common myeloid stem cell Of common
• primary lymphoid organ; secondary site of lymphoid stem cell to later on give rise to mature
hematopoiesis during hepatic phase and functional blood cells);
• Site of maturation of T cells 3. reconstitute the hematopoietic system in a
lethally irradiated individual
Lymph Nodes
Normal cell development depends the interaction of:
• Secondary lymphoid organ 1. Pluripotent stem cell
• Site of activation of lymphocytes 2. Microenvironment
3. Hematopoietic Growth Factors
• Filters debris, particulate matter, and bacteria
from the lymph
A pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell can be
• Serves as site of proliferation of lymphocytes
stimulated to undergo one of three possible fates: self-
renewal, differentiation, or apoptosis. When the stem
Mononuclear phagocyte system
cell divides, it gives rise to two identical daughter cells.
• composed of the monocytes and macrophages
The daughter cells may likewise be stimulated to
undergo any of the three outcomes. A stem cell can also
be stimulated for differentiation - eg. An HSC can
differentiate into a common myeloid stem cell (common and Applications (Keohane, EM, Smith, LJ, & Walenga,
myeloid progenitor) or a common lymphoid stem cell JM) ©2016.
(common lymphoid progenitor). The common myeloid
stem cell may differentiate into committed (lineage- General changes undergone by hematopoietic cells as
specific) precursor cells such as a Proerythroblast to they mature:
eventually give rise to mature erythrocytes or 1. As the cells mature, they decrease in size.
Megakaryoblast to give rise to platelets. Differentiation 2. As the cells mature, cytoplasmic staining
of stem cells and maturation of precursor cells occurs becomes less basophilic.
under the influence of hematopoietic growth factors and 3. As the cells mature, Nucleus-to-Cytoplasm (N:C)
under optimal conditions of the microenvironment. ratio decreases.
Cytokines and Growth Factors: a group of 4. As the cells mature, nuclear chromatin becomes
glycoproteins that regulate the proliferation, denser.
differentiation, and maturation of hematopoietic 5. As the cells mature, nucleoli start to disappear.
precursor cells. Cytokines can either promote or inhibit Erythropoiesis
proliferation, differentiation, and maturation of blood
cells. Cytokines may also inhibit apoptosis (programmed Erythropoiesis refers to the production and
cell death), allowing cells to proliferate. Cytokines may development of red blood cells. This process is largely
be Colony Stimulating Factors (CSF), early-acting influenced by erythropoietin (EPO). Erythropoietin acts
multilineage growth factors or interleukins. on erythroblasts (normoblasts; red blood cell precursors)
in the bone marrow, promoting proliferation and
From the CFU-GEMM (Colony-Forming Unit –
Granulocyte, Erythrocyte, Monocyte, Megakaryocyte;
Common Myeloid Stem Cell), the earliest identifiable
colony of RBCs arises, the BFU-E (Burst Forming Unit –
Erythroid). The BFU-E gives rise to CFU-E (Colony-
Forming Unit – Erythroid) under the influence of IL-3,
GM-CSF, Thrombopoietin (TPO), and KIT Ligand. The
CFUE, under the influence of EPO differentiates into the
erythroid precursor Pronormoblast. Further
differentiation and maturation is also under the
influence of EPO.
Under normal conditions, the kidneys produce a
small amount of erythropoietin. But under conditions of
stress decreasing oxygen supply (hypoxia) to the tissues,
the kidneys respond to the stimulus by increasing
secretion of erythropoietin. This increased EPO output
The diagram above shows the derivation of likewise increases RBC production and release from the
hematopoietic stem cells and the sites of action of bone marrow.
cytokines. From Rodak’s Hematology: Clinical Principles
Maturation series of erythroid cells:

Normoblastic Nomenclature Erythroblastic Nomenclature Rubriblastic Nomenclature

Pronormoblast Proerythroblast Rubriblast
Basophilic Normoblast Basophilic Erythroblast Prorubricyte
Polychromatic (Polychromatophilic) Polychromatic (Polychromatophilic) Rubricyte
Normoblast Erythroblast
Orthochromic Normoblast Orthochromic Erythroblast Metarubricyte
Polychromatic (Polychromatophilic) Polychromatic (Polychromatophilic) Polychromatic (Polychromatophilic)
Erythrocyte* Erythrocyte* Erythrocyte*
Erythrocyte Erythrocyte Erythrocyte
Pronormoblast / Rubriblast Reticulocyte
• Diameter: 12-20 um • Diameter: 8-10 um
• N:C ratio: 8:1 • Anucleate
• Nucleus with 1-2 nucleoli • Cytoplasm stains pink
• Basophilic cytoplasm • Reticulum (cytoplasmic RNA remnants) may be
• Heme Production starts in the mitochondria stained with supravital stains (eg. New
and globin synthesis in the ribosomes begins Methylene Blue) but not with ordinary stains
• May undergo mitosis • Present in BM (about 2 days) but later released
into the peripheral blood
Basophilic Normoblast / Prorubricyte • Last stage where hemoglobin synthesis occurs
• Diameter: 10-15 um • Circulates as reticulocyte for 1 day before it
• N:C ratio: 6:1 becomes a mature erythrocyte
• parachromatin area of the nucleus becomes
larger; Staining is purple-red
• Nucleus has 0-1 nucleolus
• Basophilic cytoplasm (darker than cytoplasm of
• Hemoglobin synthesis starts
• May undergo mitosis

Polychromatic Normoblast / Rubricyte

• Diameter: 10-12 um
• N:C ratio: 4:1
• Nuclear chromatin strands denser Erythrocyte
• Diameter: 7-8 um
• No visible nucleoli
• Biconcave shape
• Cytoplasm: combination of blue and pink
• Has no mitochondria
(murky graY blue on Wright-stained smear)
• On a Wright-stained smear, appears as salmon-
• Last stage of Mitosis
pink or red-staining cell with a central pallor
Orthochromic Normoblast / Metarubricyte
• Circulates in the blood for 120 days before
• Diameter: 8-10 um being removed by splenic or liver macrophages
• Pyknotic Nucleus (condensed) without nucleoli
• N:C ratio: 1:2
• Cytoplasm stains pink due to predominance of
• Last stage with a nucleus


Leukopoiesis refers to the production, development, and

maturation of white blood cells. Granulocytes and
Monocytesdevelop from the common myeloid stem cell
(CFU-GEMM) while the lymphocytes develop from the
common lymphoid stem cell. Leukopoiesis is subdivided
into three categories:
1. Granulopoiesis: development and maturation of
Neutrophils, Eosinophils, and Basophils;
2. Monopoiesis: development and maturation of
Monocytes and macrophages; and
3. Lymphopoiesis: development and maturation of

The granulocytes – the neutrophil, the
eosinophil, and the basophil – have similar stages of
development. Although the stages of development are
similar, that is not to say that they develop from the
same precursor - ie. the myeloblast stage is a stage that
is common to all three cell lines, but the myeloblast is
already committed to a single cell line. But because the
stages of development are the same, development of
these three cell lines are often discussed as a group.
Growth Factors involved in differentiation and
maturation are GM-CSF and G-CSF

Stages of development of granulocytes:

It is important to note, again that each of the

three cell lines do not develop from the same
Myeloblast. The Neutrophil develops from its own
precursor, the Neutrophilic Myeloblast. Although for
practical purposes, because all three myeloblasts look
alike, they are simply referred to as ‘Myeloblast.’

Summary of Morphological Changes in Granulocyte Development (Romanowsky-stained)

Cell Cell Size Cytoplasm Shape of N/C Ratio Nuclear Nucleoli
(diameter) Nucleus Chromatin
Myeloblast 15-20 um Basophilic/ Round to 4:1 Fine 2-5
primary slightly oval
Promyelocyte 15-21 um Basophilic 3:1 to 2:1 Slightly 2-3
Myelocyte 12-18 um Secondary Round to oval 1:1 Coarse -
granules w/ flattened
Metamyelocyte te 10-15 um Indented Decreased Coarse and -
Neutro. Band 9-15 um Lilac-pink C, S or Z Coarse and -
granules clumped
Neutrophil 9-15 um Lilac-pink 2-5 lobes Coarse and -
granules clumped
Eosinophil 9-15 um Reddish- 2 lobes Coarse and -
orange clumped
Basophil 10-16 um Bluish-black 3-4 lobes Coarse and -
granules clumped
• earliest recognizable stage under the light

There are three types of myeloblasts:

• Type I Myeloblasts: no visible granules when
viewed under the light microscope
• Type II and III blasts: granular when observed
under the light microscope

• stage of synthesis of primary granules (aka. Contents of Primary (Azurophilic) Granules:
non-specific granules; azurophilic granules) • Myeloperoxidase
• Acid-β-glycerophosphatase
Myelocyte: • Cathepsins
• Last stage capable of mitosis • Defensins
• Stage of synthesis of secondary (specific) • Elastase
granules – these granules are lineage-specific • Proteinase-3
• Charcot-Leyden Crystal Protein (Eosinophil only)
• stage which is most abundant in normal bone Contents of Neutrophil Secondary Granules:
marrow; stage of development of tertiary • β2-microglobulin
granules (forneutrophils only) • Collagenase
• Nucleus is slightly indented • Gelatinase
• Lactoferrin
Band: • Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
• Stage of granulocytic development that first (NGAL)
appears in peripheral blood; granules are the • Transcobalamin
same granules of mature granulocytes; has a
deeply indented nucleus (C-, S-, Z-shaped) that Contents of Neutrophil Tertiary Granules:
may fold on itself • Gelatinase
• Collagenase
Mature (Segmented) Neutrophil: • Lysozyme
• has fine lilac to purple granules in the • Acetyltransferase
• β2-microglobulin
cytoplasm; nucleus has 2-5 segments (thus, also
known as polymorphonuclear neutrophil /
PMN) Contents of Eosinophil Secondary Granules:
• Major Basic Protein
Mature Eosinophil: • Eosinophil cationic protein
• Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin
• has coarse orange or pink granules in the
• Eosinophil peroxidase
cytoplasm that do not overlap with the nucleus;
• Lysozyme
nucleus is often bi-lobed
• Catalase
• β-glucoronidase
Mature Basophil:
• Cathepsin D
• has coarse bluish-black granules obscuring the
• IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6
view of the nucleus; nucleus is more often not
visible when viewed under the light microscope
Contents of Basophil Secondary Granules:
• Histamine
• Platelet-activating factor
• Leukotriene C4
• IL-4 and IL-13
• Vascular endothelial growth factors A and B Monocyte 15-20um in diameter;
• Chondroitin sulfate (eg. Heparan sulfate) with blue-gray cytoplasm
(often described as
Monopoiesis having ground glass
Development and maturation of monocytes. Monocytes appearance); with a
are precursors of macrophages. The major cytokine kidney bean-shaped
responsible for monopoiesis is the M-CSF. nucleus (described as
having brain-like
Summary of morphological changes in monocyte convolutions); it is the
development only stage found in the
Monoblast 12-20um in diameter; peripheral blood; it is the
with basophilic largest cell in circulation
cytoplasm; high N:C ratio Macrophage 15-85 um in diameter;
(3:1 to 4:1); with 1-2 with a round to reniform
nucleoli; similar in nucleus; found in
appearance to the peripheral tissues
Promonocyte 14-18um in diameter; Lymphopoiesis:
with blue-gray • Production, Development, and Maturation of
cytoplasm; N:C ratio is Lymphocytes
2:1 to 3:1; with 0-1 • Lymphocytes are divided into three major
nucleolus; last stage groups: T cells, B cells, and natural killer (NK
capable of mitosis; cells)
confined to the bone
Summary of morphological changes occurring in
lymphocyte development
Cell Cell Size Cytoplasm Shape of Nucleus N/C Ratio Nucleoli
Lymphoblast 10-18 um Moderate to Round to oval 4:1 1-2
dark blue
Prolymphocyte 10-18 um Moderate to Round to oval 4:1 1-2
dark blue
Lymphocyte S: 8-10um M: 10- Sky blue Round and
12 um L: 12-16 compact
Plasma cell 8-20 um Eccentric

then transfer to secondary lymphoid organs for

In lymphocyte development, lymphoblasts are activation. Activated T cells may either become effector
produced in the bone marrow. The development of B T cells or memory T cells. Activation of T cells causes what
cells and T cells differ in their location. For B cells, are seen in peripheral blood as medium or large
lymphoblasts differentiate into pro-B cells, which later lymphocytes
become pro-B cells and immature B cells within the Bone
Marrow. Immature B cells leave the Bone Marrow and MODULE 3
relocate into secondary lymphoid organs where they
may be activated. Activated B cells may undergo mitosis, Introduction:
become memory B cells, or become antibody-producing
plasma cells. Red blood cells circulate in the blood for 120
T cell development on the other hand, occurs in days performing their function of oxygen delivery from
the Thymus. Lymphoblasts in the Bone Marrow relocate the lungs to the peripheral tissues. Essential to this
to the Thymus where they differentiate into pro-T, pre- function of oxygen delivery is normal RBC morphology.
T, and later on immature T cells. These immature T cells When Red Blood Cells have abnormal morphology or
become senescent (old), they are marked for elimination • Energy is also used to maintain membrane
from the circulation. In this module, student will be given flexibility
a more detailed study into normal and abnormal red
blood cell morphology, as well as the processes that are
essential to normal RBC function.
Red blood cells with abnormal morphology will
be discussed together with corresponding clinical
correlations of each abnormal morphology.

RBC Structure and Function:

The erythrocytes (red blood cells; RBCs) are the
most numerous cells in the blood with an average of 5
million RBCs per microliter and function for oxygen
delivery from the lungs to the peripheral tissues (ie. from
areas of high oxygen tension to areas of low oxygen
tension). The RBC is anucleate and biconcave with an
average volume of 90 fL. The cytoplasm has abundant
hemoglobin essential for the performance of RBC
RBCs are produced through normoblastic
maturation in the bone marrow, as discussed in Lesson Hexose Monophosphate Shunt
3. The nucleus. While present in developing normoblasts, • Aka. Pentose Phosphate Pathway
is extruded before the developing red blood cell leaves • Produces reduced glutathione; prevents
the bone marrow to enter the circulation. Free oxidative denaturation of hemoglobin (globin
ribosomes and mitochondria likewise disappear from the portion)
RBC shortly after its release from the bone marrow. • Oxidative and aerobic pathway
Without the mitochondria for energy production • Functionally dependent on Glucose-6-Phosphate
through oxidative processes, ATP is produced in the Dehydrogenase (G6PD)
cytoplasm through anaerobic glycolysis to provide for
the cell’s energy needs. Eventually, oxidative processes Methemoglobin Reductase Pathway
limiting the RBC’s lifespan to 120 days. Thereafter, the • Maintains iron in the hemoglobin molecule in
cell’s reusable components – globin, iron, phospholipids, the ferrous (Fe2+) state by the action of
and proteins – are disassembled and recycled. Methemoglobin cytochrome C reductase

RBC Metabolism Rapoport-Leubering Pathway

Lacking mitochondria, the cell relies on • Produces 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate (2,3-
anaerobic glycolysis for energy production. RBC Bi(s)phosphoglycerate; 2,3-DPG; 2,3-BPG)
metabolism occurs through four pathways: (1) the • Regulates the hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen
Embden-Meyerhof Pathway and the glucose diversion
pathways that branch off from it: (2) Hexose Erythrocyte Function:
Monophosphate Shunt, (3) Methemoglobin Reductase 1. Delivery of gases: delivers oxygen to peripheral
Pathway, and (4) Rapoport-Leubering Pathway. tissues and to a lesser extent, delivers carbon
dioxide to the lungs for excretion (carbon dioxide
Embden Meyerhof Pathway: is soluble in plasma; oxygen is not)
• Performs 90% of glycolytic reactions to provide 2. Maintain pH homeostasis: hemoglobin serves as
energy for the cell a minor buffer system in the blood by accepting
• 1 molecule of Glucose enters the pathway and is or releasing carbon dioxide
converted into pyruvate and lactate through a
series of biochemical reactions with a net Erythrocyte development:
production of 2 ATP The red blood cell circulates in the blood for 120
• The energy produced is required to keep K+ ions days. During this period, the red blood cells decreasesin
inside the RBC and keep Na+ ions out ATP, glucose, and sialic acid while increasing in calcium.
These changes all contribute to the diminishing function
of red blood cells. Thus after 120 days, the cells are • Lipid membrane attached to protein membrane
eliminated from circulation. skeleton with about 10-12 major proteins.
• Integral proteins: penetrates the lipid bilayer;
Mechanisms of Erythrocyte Destruction: Includes glycophorins; High sialic acid residues
(responsible for slight electronegative charge of
1. Erythrophagocytosis (physiologic or the RBC membrane
pathologic): Physiologic destruction of RBC o Band3: inorganic anion transport
occurs as a result of splenic macrophages or protein; facilitates Cl ion transport; site
Kupffer cells of the liver phagocytosing of Ii Blood Group antigens
senescent red blood cells. Pathologic o PAS-1/PAS-2: glycophorins; may serve
erythrophagocytosis occurs abnormally such as as receptors for microorganisms; sites of
in Hemolytic Anemias MN antigens and Gerbich Blood Group
2. Fragmentation: RBCs fragment as a result of antigens
mechanical or traumatic stress such as in the o Band 4.5: glucose transporter; site of
presence of clots in the blood vessels. ABH antigens
3. Osmotic lysis: occurs as a result of red blood cells • Peripheral proteins: membrane cytoskeleton;
being exposed to hypotonic solutions (ie. solute maintains shape and deformability of the cell
concentration is less in the external solution o Bands 1 and 2 (spectrin): 25-30% of
compared to the intracellular fluid) causing membrane proteins; primary
influx of water molecules into the RBC, causing it cytoskeletal proteins; responsible for
to swell and lyse. Spherocytes are extremely elasticity of the cell, together with actin
vulnerable to osmotic lysis. and protein 4.1
4. Hemoglobin denaturation o Band 5 (actin): 4.5%
• Enzymes
RBC structure o Carbonic anhydrase
• 6-8 um in diameter; 1.5-2.5 um thick (around 2.5 o Methemoglobin reductase
um at the thickest portion and 1.5 um at the o Catalase
central pallor region); 80-100 fL in volume o G-6-PD
• Has a central pallor area representing the area o Pyruvate Kinase
previously occupied by its nucleus. o Adenosine deaminase
• Buff or reddish with Romanowsky stains o Aldolase
• With and increased surface-volume ratio (it is o LDH
flatter than it is round) o Glutathione phosphorylase
o Nucleoside phosphorylase
o Acetylcholinesterase


• Maintains the shape and deformability of the FORWARD, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
cell; the red blood cell has to be able to change
its shape in order to fit into the smallest of the -SEAN MELNOR P. LOSBAÑES
• Composed of receptors, antigens, enzymes

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