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Since starting this class, I've discovered that I'm not doing too good at dealing with
life's stressors. There are several items that I have ignored as warning signs, not just for
my emotions but also for my wellbeing. Stress is an inevitable aspect of life for
everyone. Due to the busy days I had in the week, I neglected to do school work. I am
now struggling to get assignments in on time and caused myself to have a huge
overload of work to do. I had no control over how much work was due in such short
time, so I perceived this experience pretty stressful. Whom do we seek? Whom we can
share are problems with? And when do we need to visit a professional?

Hectic schedules, tons of activities and tasks, house chores, and the responsibility as
a brother and part of a family is sometimes very stressing most importantly now
because of the pandemic. This stressors are very common and sometimes we can’t just
hold it on which sometimes leads to a mental and emotional break down or worse is
depression - is characterized as a disorder in which a child or adolescent's feelings of
sadness continue and interfere with their ability to work. Depression is a complex and
traumatic process that affects not only the person who is depressed, but also those who
are close to them. Some people reach a point in their lives where social alienation, low
energy, depression, low self-esteem, and a sense of hopelessness are no longer
acceptable. The victim's emotions are so intense and constant that they make him or
her very miserable, which can lead to depression. Accepting these kinds of problem is
quite challenging but this is the time you need to seek a help from a professional for you
to be able to change your habits and perception to have a better life. Seeking
professionals doesn’t mean you are weak. Counseling is a method of assisting
individuals in resolving their own mental, psychological, personal, and interpersonal
issues. Counseling is not the same as providing advice or fixing the problems for you. In
counseling, a counselor can help you look at things objectively. He demonstrates
various perspectives in order to comprehend the situation. Without being judgmental, he
assists you in identifying your strengths and weaknesses. Counseling includes the
exploration of concerns in a supportive and impartial setting. It also involves evaluating
alternative courses of action that can be used to deal with a problem. A counselor will
help you manage and change patterns of disturbing thoughts, emotions, and behavior.
Avoiding therapy would only lead to a deterioration of mental health. Friends and family
are sometimes unlikely to recognize or cope with mental health issues, so finding
somebody that has been there before can be great help. So to be able to have a better
lifestyle and perception on life it is beneficial to seek counselor and some trusted friends
and family members.

With this we can be able to change people’s way of thinking, life style, practices and
act towards themselves, community and the world. Having the chance to meet and have
sessions to communicate with a counselor is a great opportunity for self enhancement
or development not only it does benefit yourself but other people you may also
encounter and able to apply your experiences, and advices for a better perception of

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