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Name: Ablian, Jobarry Z.

Subject: Service Culture

Course Program: BSBA-MM 2-1 Professor: Dr. Angelito Calingo
Student No.: 2019-00022-TG-0 Module No.: 5


Employee views of the practices, processes, and behaviors that are rewarded,

encouraged, and anticipated in terms of customer service and customer service quality

are referred to as the climate for service. Service climate is a shared and social

phenomena. This environment is created in light of customer-focused organizational

strategies. Both generic organizational climate and service climate may be

demonstrated to have connections with organizational outcomes such as employee

turnover intention, customer satisfaction, and financial performance that are not only

statistically significant but also practical.

Organizational climate is described as shared perceptions or prevalent

organizational norms for carrying out workplace tasks. The phrase organizational

climate refers to the psychological circumstances that prevail in the organization and

relates to common behaviors, attitudes, and sentiments. Organizational climate has a

significant impact on employee performance because it has a significant impact on

individual employee motivation and work satisfaction.

The organizational climate affects whether an individual is pleased or unsatisfied

with his or her work environment. Because employee happiness affects or influences

employee efficiency, we may conclude that organizational environment is directly

connected to staff efficiency and performance. A risk-taking environment will encourage

employees to test and share unique information and ideas. Participation is a powerful
strategy for creating a positive corporate atmosphere and work satisfaction. Employees

who are more pleased have several personality traits that are likely to be reflected in

high job performance, such as self-efficacy and locus of control.

A cooperative environment facilitates access among group members and

promotes individual desire to exchange information with group members, resulting in

increased production. As a result, corporate executives should endeavor to establish a

pleasant organizational atmosphere in their businesses.

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