Reciprocal Phase Shifter:: Differential Phase Shift Is Same in Both Directions of Propagation

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Dual Mode Ferrite Phase Shifters?

 Reciprocal Phase Shifter: Differential phase shift is same in both

directions of propagation .

∆φ = φ1 − φ0

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 1
Recent Applications of PCMs


Active Electronic Scanned Array Radars- MIG 35, RAFALE and B-2 Stealth Bombers

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 2
Dual Mode Ferrite Phase Shifters?

Phase Shifter Geometry and Its Operation

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 3
Practical Ferrite Phase Shifters
- Reciprocal type


Transformer Polarizer
Ferrite Rod

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 4
Dual Mode Ferrite Phase Shifters?
Yoke Rod Assembly

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 5
Dual Mode Ferrite Phase Shifters?

Concept of Dielectric Polarizer

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 6
Dual Mode Ferrite Phase Shifters?
Quadrupole Magnet Integrated Polarizer

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 7
Dual Mode Ferrite Phase Shifters?
Impedance Matching Network

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 8
Development of Dual-Mode Reciprocal Ferrite Phase Shifter
Phase Shifter Parts and Assembly

Bare Ferrite Rod

Assembled phase shifter without outer sleeve

Metalized Ferrite Rod

Bifilar Coil

Thin outer sleeve with locking stoppers

Bifilar Coil over Ferrite Rod and matching Transformers

Final Assembly
Ferrite Yoke and Spring Clips to hold them

Ferrite Yoke in Place over the rod and 4-pole magnets

Final Production Model Phase Shifter
EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 9
Ferrite Phase Shifters

Assembled Phase Shifter

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 10
Dual Mode Ferrite Phase Shifters?
Switching Consideration and Driver

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 11
Dual Mode Ferrite Phase Shifters?

Phase Shift Versus Pulse Width

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 12
Dual Mode Ferrite Phase Shifters?
Polarizer Characterization

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 13
Dual Mode Ferrite Phase Shifters?
Radiation Pattern E-plane

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 14
Dual Mode Ferrite Phase Shifters?
Radiation Pattern H-Plane

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 15
Dual Mode Ferrite Phase Shifters?
Differential Phase Shift Versus Temperature

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 16
Development of Dual-Mode Reciprocal Ferrite Phase Shifter
Phase Shifter Parts and Assembly

Mounting of the phase shifters

First 1000 Element C-band Antenna

Array Assembly at LRDE

1000 Element X-band Antenna Array

with beam steering computer
EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 17
Practical Air Defence System?


EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 18
Basic Types of P-i-N Diode Phase Shifters

1. Reflection Type

(a) Circulator coupled : Not commonly used because of circulator cost

(b) Hybrid coupled: Useful for any phase bit, BLC, Rat Race, Hybrid

2. Transmission Type

(a) Switched line: Most suitable for 180 degree phase bit
(b) Loaded line: Useful for small phase bits
(c) Low-pass high-pass: Used for implementation in MMIC

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 19
Reflection Type of P-i-n Diode Phase Shifters-
Principle of Operation

(a) Circulator coupled phase shifter

2 P Q

State#1: Switch Closed: Signal Reflected at Point P: V2 = ΓV1e − jφ1

State#2: Switch Open: Signal Reflected at Point Q: V2 = ΓV1e − j( φ1 + 2β∆ )

With ideal diode:

Phase shift ∆φ = 2β ∆

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 20
Reflection Type of P-i-n Diode Phase Shifters-
Principle of Operation
(b) Hybrid coupled phase shifter

3 ∆

State#1: Switches Closed: Signal at port 2: V2 = jΓV1e − jφ1

jΓV1e ( 1
− j φ + 2β∆ )
State#2: Switch Open: Signal at Port 2: V2 =

With ideal diode:

Phase shift ∆φ = 2β ∆

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 21
Transmission Type of P-i-n Diode Phase Shifters

(a) Switched line

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 22
Transmission Type of P-i-n Diode Phase Shifters
Design Example – Stripline Medium

∆φ 0 22.5
 ; 22.5= π 0.392 rad
× 2=
β 360

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 23
Transmission Type of P-i-n Diode Phase Shifters

(a) Switched line PS- PRACTICAL DESIGN


D2 D2
1 2
D1 D1


State#1: D1 closed, D2 open: Transmission through 1 V2 = V1e − jφ1

State#2: D1 open, D2 closed: Transmission through  2 V2 = V1e − jφ2

Ideal diodes: ∆φ = β (2 - 1)

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 24
Transmission Type of P-i-n Diode Phase Shifters

( b) Loaded line

A B   1 0  1 0
=  =   
 C D   Ysi 1   jB 1 

2 1
=S21 =
2 + jBZ0 1 + jb / 2

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 25
Transmission Type of P-i-n Diode Phase Shifters



EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 26
Transmission Type of P-i-n Diode Phase Shifters
( b) Loaded line-Practical Circuit

 ~ λ/4

1 2 1 2

- jB jB - jB jB
State#1: Switches in Position 1; Reference State at Phase φ1 V2 = V1e − jφ1

State#2: Switches in Position 2; Reference State at Phase φ2 V2 = V1e − jφ2

Switching between two small but opposite susceptances gives:

BN 
−1  B
Δφ = 2 tan  
2 
, B N =
 1 − 0 . 5 B N Y0
EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 27
Transmission Type of P-i-n Diode Phase Shifters
( b) Loaded line-Practical Circuit θ
1 2 1 2

jB1 jB2 jB1 jB2

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 28
Transmission Type of P-i-n Diode Phase Shifters

(c) Low-pass high-pass

jX jX
Z0 Z0
1 2

- jX - jX

jB - jB

State#1: Switches in Position 1; Reference State at Phase φ1 V2 = V1e − jφ1

State#2: Switches in Position 2; Reference State at Phase φ2 V2 = V1e − jφ2

 ∆φ   ∆φ  X
XN =
= ; BN BZ 0
XN tan
=  ;
 N B sin  
 4   2  Z0

Suitable for Monolithic MMIC Realization

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 29
Transmission Type of P-i-n Diode Phase Shifters

Switched Line Type: For large phase bits

Hybrid Coupled Type: For any phase bit

Loaded Line Type: For small phase bit

Low-Pass Type: Monolithic MMIC Realization

Based on cost, phase error, insertion Loss and Power Handling

In addition to using P-I-N diodes, one can also use, FETS and
MEMS devices

EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits © Shiban K Koul, IIT DELHI- 2021 30

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