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At the end of the lesson, you must be able to:

1. Have the opportunity to reflect on your assumptions and attitudes in as far as community
immersion is concerned;
2. Imbibe better understanding and realization of the different community concerns through
exposure on actual life situations, specifically, in the deprived, depressed and
underprivileged (DDU) communities; and
3. Initiate community based-interventions in the form of projects and activities meant to
address the multi-faceted issues and concerns of the people in the area of service.

Community immersion is one important requirement of the National Service Training Program
(NSTP) prescribed to students, male or female alike, in private or public higher institutions and
technical-vocational schools.

This serves as the practicum-based element of all the NSTP components where lessons
learned and acquired in NSTP I are applied.

Immersion by definition is complete involvement – involvement in something that completely

occupies all the time, energy, or concentration available. Thus, community immersion is an
approach of developing the concept of empowerment and service as you (NSTP students)
reach out to the DDU communities and marginalized segments of society.

During your NSTP I, we discussed that community immersion as part of learning which is
essential because it helps you distinguish a community problem that needs to be solved. It
exposes you to the DDU units of society that need help in many aspects. Also, your experiences
in community immersion will allow you to work with other people who may assist you to undergo
certain changes that will make you responsible citizens. It also develops in you habits of doing
community work enabling you to be socially attached and appreciate more the variations of
cultures in every community. It also imbibes in you a sense of responsibility knowing real-life

Community immersion as a whole helps you in personal growth and self-transformation. It also
ripens your maturity and perspective towards community involvement. It also helps you know
your values and different beliefs from other people.

Community immersion as a whole does not take poverty as a general problem of the community
but it narrows down to education; health; safety and disaster management; sports and
recreation; environmental services, entrepreneurship and livelihood; morals of the citizenry; and
other social/general welfare concerns. It empowers not only you but the community where you
render service. Thus, it infuses in you good citizenship: MAKA-DIYOS, MAKATAO,

The new normal is what we are embracing – everything seems to be changing.

Due to the lockdown period being implemented by the government, people cannot go to work
and perform the tasks needed for the circulation of our economy. This proves that the presence
of Covid-19 has impacted the lifestyle of everyone.

Currently, this pandemic is causing a hard time to people. It affects not just our businesses, but
most especially our education system. As members of the academe, this scenario is even
harder for we cannot conduct our lessons in a regular classroom set up. For this reason, giving
instructions to our students becomes more challenging.

Thus, since we are living in a modern world where everything is possible with the presence of
technology, it is a must that we get to apply what we have learned in school. This is where the
learning from the National Service Training Program course should be maximized.

As we all know, Republic Act 9163 or the NSTP Act of 2001 aims to promote the role of the
youth in nation-building. Further, its goal is to encourage the youth to become civic leaders and
volunteers whom could be called upon by the nation in case their services are needed.
Evidently, the teachings of NSTP course are relevant and applicable during these times.

One of the most important lessons that you have acquired in the said course is the value of
volunteerism. It is very timely to extend help to the members of the community who are
experiencing the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). This is the best time to reach out
and ask the LGUs and other public and private sectors about the help they need in order to
monitor and control the spread of this pandemic. With caution and adhering to health protocols,
packing of relief goods, driving the transportation services, or being part of the medical team –
are just some of the many things we can offer to the people.

Truly, the real situation that we are facing right now is the most fulfilling experience for those of
you who have taken the NSTP course because this is the time you will understand the
significance of the subject matter and the importance of your involvement in community
extensions which contributes to the welfare of our nation.


 COVID-19 has reduced community service options, but many organizations still need help.
 The pandemic has led to a rise in virtual and at-home volunteer positions.
 Student volunteer jobs include becoming a poll worker and joining a global initiative.

Campus closures mean more than just a switch to online classes — college students are also
separated from nonacademic activities and interactions that take place on campus. From social
activities and sports to concerts and clubs, the college experience has changed a lot this year
due to the corona virus outbreak.

College is often a time of growing awareness of community needs and enthusiasm for activism.
One activity you may miss out this second semester is the opportunity to get involved
with causes you're passionate about and groups you want to help.
Right now, many groups are urgently calling for more participation, particularly of college-aged,
18 years old and above, students. Below, are ways you as volunteers can safely engage with
and assist your communities during the global pandemic.

1. Become a Poll Worker

Poll workers are always needed. This year is no exception, and COVID-19 introduces
numerous challenges to recruitment. Most poll workers have traditionally been over the
age of 61, making them especially vulnerable to complications if they contract COVID-
19. Younger volunteers can help fill the need for support for the upcoming election,
ensuring that everyone who wants to vote at their local polling location can actually do

2. Support Nonprofits in Your Area

Like the polls, many nonprofits rely on older volunteers to fulfill their missions. If you're
interested in lending a hand, now is a great time to explore the possibilities.

The following are just a few of the national organizations actively seeking student

a. Philippine Red Cross: The most urgent needs currently posted on the national Red
Cross website are volunteers to support blood drives and shelter services. Find out
what your local chapter is looking for, which may include volunteer-from-home
b. Habitat for Humanity: Known for coordinating volunteers to help build houses, this
organization also needs people to assist with fundraising, advocacy, and education.
c. Gawad Kalinga (GK) Feeding Programs: Food pantries and meal-delivery programs
provide critical services across the country every day. These services are particularly
important during times of high unemployment, such as the current pandemic.
d. Community Pantries is a service that provides food directly to locals suffering
from food insecurity. Some rely purely on local donations. Some coordinate
with food banks and organizations for steady supplies of food and essential goods.
Some also organize other socio-civic activities for patrons.

3. Volunteer Virtually
The growing popularity of remote work and online learning have made it possible to
volunteer from home. No matter your location, you can get involved in a wide array of
activities, including research projects, global initiatives, and skills development.

4. Take a Service-Learning Class

Service learning is a strategy that integrates academics and community service.
Students in service-learning classes study and experience course topics in a real-world
context. This unique educational approach not only benefits everyone involved but also
provides a way to explore careers you're curious about.

Types you might encounter:

 Direct: Interact with specific groups and perform services at an organization's
Examples include tutoring young children and serving meals to the homeless.
 Indirect: Complete tasks needed by a community organization but not on site with
clients, such as assisting with a social media awareness campaign.
 Research: Conduct research projects to collect, analyze, and report data that
supports or informs an organization's work.
 Advocacy: Develop ways to increase public awareness or provide education and
training on an issue being addressed by an organization, like racial equity or
the importance of voting.

With the aforementioned data, especially in NSTP, your volunteer work may earn academic
credit for documented volunteer work, but you'll most likely need to go through an approval
process first by your concerned instructors.

While your college experience might not be what you expected this year, there are plenty of
ways you can lend a helping hand. Through community service projects, you'll be able to
connect with others, share your ideas and skills, learn more about yourself, and gain practical

Whether you decide to work directly with a group in your area or participate in a remote project
from the comfort of home, your support can and will make a difference.

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