Leakage Inductance Behavior of Power Transformer Windings Under Mechanical Faults

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ITCE'15, [V. Behjat et al.

: Leakage Inductance Behavior of Power Transformer Windings under Mechanical Faults]

Leakage Inductance Behavior of Power

Transformer Windings under Mechanical Faults
V. Behjat, V. Tamjidi

 diagnostic techniques to mechanical defects detection are

Abstract— The leakage inductance of power transformer [5]:
windings can be a very important indicator for the analysis of 1. Measurement of leakage inductance and short-circuit
the transformer mechanical faults, since this parameter is impedance.
mostly depends on the geometry of the core and the windings of 2. Methods based on vibration or acoustic signals.
the transformer. Hence, an accurate study in this area is
3. Frequency response analysis (FRA), obtained by two
required to investigate the capability of leakage inductance
behavior in detecting and diagnosing of various transformer methods:
windings faults. In this study a number of common forms of a. Low-voltage impulse (LVI).
winding mechanical faults such as deformation and b. Sweep frequency response analysis (SFRA).
displacement are reviewed to achieve a better understanding of 4. Measurement of frequency response of stray losses
leakage inductance behavior in presence of winding mechanical (FRSL).
faults using 3D finite element model (FEM). But the main Among these methods, leakage inductance and short
objective of this study is to perform a comprehensive and circuit impedance measurement have been widely used to
systematic study on different types of transformers winding detect winding faults such as displacement and deformation.
faults and so, evaluate the sensitivity and ability of the leakage
Leakage inductance of a transformer winding mostly
inductance measurement in monitoring of the transformers
status. The study keeps at disposal an 8 MVA power depends on the geometry of the core, windings, and physical
transformer on which mechanical faults are imposed and changes of them. Since, it can be concluded that windings
investigated by simulation. Obtained results from simulation mechanical faults could change leakage inductance value,
reveal that the leakage inductance has a higher sensitivity to but the important thing is that this method has required
winding radial deformation in comparison to winding axial sensitivity and could early detects faults. For calculating the
displacement and therefore, the winding deformation will be transformer winding leakage inductance before actual
reflected as well in leakage inductance. assembly of them, classic simplified equations [6] are still
widely used, even though the finite-element method (FEM),
Keywords: Power Transformer, Winding Mechanical Fault, with utilizing nowadays computational power, can provide
Leakage Inductance, Finite Element Method (FEM)
higher accuracy in a shorter period of time than before [7].
In this paper, the variation of the transformer leakage
inductance and consequently, short circuit impedance
In power systems, transformer is one of the most variation due to the transformer winding mechanical faults
essential elements and their failure have a great impact on (displacement/deformation) is investigated to determine the
the stability and reliability of the electric power network, effects of the winding mechanical faults on the transformer
which may lead to heavy expenses for maintenance, leakage inductance and verify capability of this method by
transportation and cost of costumer interruption. Mechanical using 3D FEM model. Based on this, the paper is organized
defects in transformer windings are one of the main faults as follows. In section 2, electromagnetic forces that lead
that can be tending to take this equipment out of service. windings to deform or displace and some most common
Mechanical defects might occur due to many troubles such form of winding deformations are discussed. In section 3,
as electromagnetic stresses, thermal accumulation, or the analytical methods to calculate winding leakage
intensive shake due to earthquake or even unsuitable inductance and short circuit impedance are described. The
transportation. This defects cause windings deformation in 3D FEM model of the test object is presented in section 4 to
axial and/or radial direction. Early detection of these faults investigate the effects of the various winding deformation
can greatly reduce the maintenance costs and minimize the and displacement on the transformer winding leakage
damage level in the transformer. Hence, accurate detection inductance and finally, the simulation results and conclusion
of transformer active part displacement as well as winding are presented in sections 5 and 6, respectively.
deformation is most important aspect of transformer
condition monitoring [1-4]. Some of the most used
V. Behjat is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Engineering DEFORMATION FORMS
Faculty, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran (e-mail:
V. Tmjidi is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Engineering Mechanical deformations due to the short circuit currents
Faculty, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran (e-mail: are one of the most frequent causes which put transformer

ITCE'15, [V. Behjat et al.: Leakage Inductance Behavior of Power Transformer Windings under Mechanical Faults]

out of service. Short circuit might be occurring in

transformer winding or out in power network and cause
windings incur intensive forces. Based on Ampère’s force
low, if two wires are carrying current in the same direction,
the force between them is attractive and vice versa, the force
is repulsive. Therefore, the forces between each winding
loops are attractive but the force between two HV and LV
windings that are carrying current in opposite directions is
repulsive. Hence, the radial forces that acting on outer
winding of the transformer is tensional and trying to rupture
(a) Axial forces (b) Winding (c) Winding tilting
the winding conductors, but inner winding of the transformer acting on the displacement in deformation
experience the radial compressive force. Also, the axial windings effect of axial
component of forces act on all windings and trying to press forces
or displace them in axial direction. Finally, these forces can Fig.2. Electromagnetic axial forces and windings displacement and
cause an axial, radial or perhaps angular deformation in
windings [1], [8-9]. Transformer winding deformation
categories was proposed in the literature [10-12].
A. Radial Forces

Radial forces due to the short circuit currents are Calculation of the transformer leakage inductance using
produced by axial leakage flux act outwards on the outer magnetic cores has long been an area of interest to engineers
winding and lead winding conductors to endure stretch stress involved in the design of power and distribution
[11]. Beside, these forces cause inner winding to experience transformers. This is required for inspection the performance
compressive stress [9]. Different types of deformations due of the transformers before actual assembly of them [14].
to the radial forces can be occur, but amongst all of them There are several techniques for the leakage inductance
buckling type of deformation has been mostly reported in evaluation in transformers using different analytical and
transformer windings [13]. Fig. 1, presents radial forces in numerical methods. But most of the analytical methods are
cylindrical windings that initiate to buckling deformation. not accurate, especially when the axial height of HV and LV
winding are not equal [15]. Major analytical methods which
are mostly employed by utilities and researchers include
Flux Element Method and Energy Element Method where
these methods are valid only for normal operating conditions
(no fault) and fully based on construction of transformer
which means that the effect of the core material is not taken
into account [14-19].
(a) Radial forces (b) Outer winding (c) Inner winding
acting on inner and deformation deformation
A. Flux Element Method
outer windings
The magnitude of the leakage flux is a function of the
Fig.1. Electromagnetic radial forces and windings radial deformation forms geometry and structure of the transformer. Flux element
(Buckling). method is based on this fact that the leakage inductance is
defined as the ratio of the total leakage flux to the current
flowing in the windings. This method has certain limitations
B. Axial Forces
such as no core material effect on leakage inductance value
and some approximation is required to achieve a solution.
Axial forces that produced by radial stray flux density, act
on all winding and cause them to displacement or lead The considered assumptions for this method are [14, 15]:
conductors to tilting or bending. If windings are not placed 1) The leakage flux distribution in the winding and the
symmetrically or windings height is unequal, Ampere-turn space between them must be in the axial direction of the
mismatch between LV and HV will strengthen axial forces. windings.
Titling and bending of the conductors between spacers are 2) The leakage flux is uniformly distributed along the
one of the most common deformations due to axial forces radial length of the windings.
[1]. Axial forces acting on windings which lead them to 3) The leakage flux in the space of two windings is
displacement or tilting of the transformer windings is shown divided equally between them.
in Fig. 2. 4) The axial height of the HV and LV windings is equal.
With regard to above assumptions, the leakage flux for
each winding of a two-winding transformer is calculated as
  N   N Bds  N  Hds (1)



where H is magnetic field strength, B is magnetic flux

ITCE'15, [V. Behjat et al.: Leakage Inductance Behavior of Power Transformer Windings under Mechanical Faults]

density, and µ0 is the permeability of vacuum. Calculating and the total stored energy yields:
and replacing magnetic flux in above equation, leads to [6]:
W m  W LV  W HV  W air _ gap (11)
 0 N Il mt  d s (2)
    
lC 3 2 Consequently, leakage inductance reflected to the primary
side can be expressed as the following simplified respect [4]:
Consequently, the leakage inductance for each winding
can be computed by using:  0 N 12  lm 1 d 1 lm2 d 2 d2 d2  (12)
 L eq (1)     l mg d g  2  1 
L (3) h  3 3 12 12 
 N 2 l mt  d s  (4) For windings with unequal heights, it is proposed to use
L 0   
lC  3 2 the average value of the heights of the windings h=
(h1+h2)/2, along with (12). Another approach that used in
and reflecting leakage inductance to the primary side some programs such EMTP [17], for windings with unequal
becomes: heights, is to apply the average height only for the gap
N  between the two windings. Thus, equation (12) becomes:
L eq (1)  L1   1  L 2 (5)
 N2   lm d l d l mg d g d 22 d 12  (13)
L eq (1)   0 N 12  1 1  m 2 2    
 3 h1 3h2 hg 12 12 
where N is number of the primary or secondary winding
turns, lmt is mean length of the primary or secondary turns, I where h is axial height of windings, hg=(h1+h2)/2 is
is rms current of the primary or secondary windings, lC is the average height of the windings that is applies only for the
axial height of windings (same for primary and secondary), d gap between windings, d is radial depth of primary or
is the radial depth of primary or secondary winding, and s is secondary winding, dg is radial depth of the gap between
the radial gap between the primary and secondary windings. windings, and ri is LV winding inner radius. Fig. 4 shows the
transformer parameters that used to leakage inductance
calculation using energy element method.
B. Energy Element Method

The electromagnetic energy stored in the windings and the

radial gap between them can be used to calculate the
inductance between the windings and the leakage
inductance. The previous mentioned assumptions are
considered here in order to obtain a solution. Winding
inductance calculation from the energy point of view can be
expressed as:

2  Wm (6)
L Fig.4. Parameters of transformer for calculating the leakage inductance
I2 using energy method

where Wm is the stored energy in magnetic field produced IV. WINDING DEFORMATION MODELING AND LEAKAGE
by a current I flowing in the windings that obtained by INDUCTANCE CALCULATING USING 3D FEM MODEL
magnetic computing based on Maxwell equations. The
magnetic field energy Wm stored in a volume V is expressed Classical analytical approaches, based on an axial flux
as: distribution, can lead to considerable error if the windings
1 1 (7) have unequal heights and if they are located far from the
W m   B . Hdv    0 H 2 dv
2 V
2 core yokes and have some limitations [6]. The finite-element
method is a most applicable numerical technique that
Additionally, the stored energy of the windings LV, HV, provides higher accuracy than analytical methods and any
and radial air space between them must be calculated complex geometry with core material consideration can be
separately as follows [6]: analyzed. In this section, at first the leakage inductance of
the test subject transformer is calculated using all mentioned
 0 N 22 I 22  ri
d 22  equations to validate the accuracy of FEM model. Then,
W LV  (8)
  d 2 different deformation states are modeled by changing
h  3 12  physical dimensions and positions of the windings.
 0 N 12 I 12  ri  d 2  d g  d 1 d 12  (9) For calculating leakage inductance of windings using 3D
W HV    d1
h  3 12  FEM model, after making the geometry model of the
transformer and description the physics of materials,
 0 N 12 I 12  dg  (10)
W air _ gap   ri  d 2  d g problem must be solved with rated value of windings
h  2 

ITCE'15, [V. Behjat et al.: Leakage Inductance Behavior of Power Transformer Windings under Mechanical Faults]

Ampere-turn (rated NI). The Total stored energy in the TABLE I

windings volume and the space between them are used to
Method Leakage Inductance [mH]
calculate Leakage inductance by using equation (6). Measured value 28.64788976
The transformer under study is an Flux element method 33.50117893
8 MVA, 20/11 kV, 50 Hz, Delta-wye, oil natural air natural, Energy element method 34.33196467
FEM 3D model 30.39251754
core type, two winding three-phase power transformer. The
short-circuit impedance of the transformer is 6% and turns
ratio in normal tap is equal to 510/162. A transversal section TABLE II
representation of the transformer structure with the LEAKAGE INDUCTANCE CHANGES UNDER INNER WINDING (LV) RADIAL
arrangement of the core, insulation, low-voltage (LV) and
Deformation Leakage Inductance Leakage Inductance
high-voltage (HV) windings is shown in Fig. 5. The Level mm [mH] Changes [%]
magnetic core is an isotropic non-linear magnetic material 0 30.39251754 0%
defined by analytical saturation curve. 1 2 30.44944148 0.1873 %
2 4 30.52086879 0.4223 %
3 6 30.59334400 0.6608 %
1,795 mm 4 8 30.67741062 0.9374 %
5 10 30.81224711 1.3810 %
6 12 30.90722999 1.6935 %
7 14 31.00631211 2.0196 %

1,784 mm

Deformation Leakage Inductance Leakage Inductance
Level mm [mH] Changes [%]
0 30.39251754 0%
1 2 30.45850026 0.2171 %
2 4 30.53188949 0.4586 %
Fig.5. Geometrical structure of the transformer used as a case study 3 6 30.61315274 0.7259 %
4 8 30.68571100 0.9647 %
5 10 30.77111726 1.2457 %
A. Leakage Inductance Changes under Windings Radial 6 12 30.85751770 1.5300 %
7 14 30.93954600 1.7999 %
Deformation 8 16 31.04610848 2.1505 %
Reflected leakage inductance to the primary side of the 9 18 31.13548600 2.4435 %
10 20 31.23358488 2.7674 %
test object transformer in healthy state calculated by
analytical methods and FEM model is given in table I. With
respect to this table, resulted value from FEM model is more
B. Leakage Inductance Variation under Windings Axial
accurate. As illustrated in Fig. 1, radial deformations almost
are in buckling type. Inner and outer windings deformation
is modeled by changing winding physical dimensions in 3D The leakage inductance increases in transformers with
FEM model of the transformer. Tables II and III present the unequal windings height. Also, axial forces that lead to
leakage inductance variations under different levels and tilting, bending or displacing of winding conductors will be
different types of radial deformation according to Figs. 6(a) more sever in these transformer types. Using FEM model
and 6(b) respectively. can provides axial deformation and displacement simulation
with high accuracy. When axial electromagnetic forces act
on the windings, they can cause the HV winding to move
HV axially with respect to the LV winding [9], as shown in Fig.
7. Moving HV winding from initial position leads leakage
36° (10 %) Deformation
inductance to change, since the value of radial leakage flux
0-16 mm depression changes. So, in this section, the effects of outer winding
(HV) displacement on leakage inductance are investigated.
(a) The simulation results are presented in table IV.


36° (10 %) Deformation
0-20 mm convexity

Fig.6. Inner and outer windings radial deformations (a) inner winding
deformation (b) outer winding deformation Fig.7. Outer winding axial displacement (Only one phase of three phases is

ITCE'15, [V. Behjat et al.: Leakage Inductance Behavior of Power Transformer Windings under Mechanical Faults]

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Most reported windings deformation and major
analytical methods which are employed by utilities and
researchers are presented in this paper. Depending on the
relationship that the value of leakage inductance relies on
dimensions and positions of transformer windings, the
effects of winding various deformations and displacement on
leakage inductance value are investigated by FEM. The
results of winding defects modeling show the low sensitivity
of this approach for detecting mechanical deformation faults
in power transformers. Hence, this method is an improper
method and can’t be used to early detection winding
mechanical faults such as movement and/or deformation.

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