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Case study: Mexico

Baker Hughes cementing solution

restored lost circulation in a single trip,
saved approximately $500,000 USD
An operator in southern Mexico was Baker Hughes cementing engineers Challenges
drilling an offshore exploratory well recommended pumping 70 bbl
• Offshore exploratory well with
when it discovered an area of constant of Sealbond Ultra spacer system
limited formation data
gas flow with a very tight pore and containing 20 lb/bbl of Sealbond Ultra
fracture gradient window. The operator Plus additive, followed by a slurry with • Continuous gas inflow zone
was forced to gradually increase the excellent gas control properties to • Severe loss circulation during
density of the drilling mud, leading to eliminate gas influx into the wellbore. drilling
a total loss of circulation in that zone. During the execution of the cement job,
• Narrow pore and fracture
They reached out to Baker Hughes for a partial circulation was observed once
pressure window
cementing solution that would recover the cement exited the casing into the
circulation of the well in the presence annulus, a good indication of the loss • Achieving zonal isolation for
of high gas and density and restore zone being sealed by the spacer. future fracturing operations
zonal isolation.
The designed fluid systems were
Baker Hughes recommended the extensively modeled using Baker
SealBond™ Ultra cement spacer Hughes CemMaster™ zonal isolation • Restored zonal isolation in an
system, combined with the SealBond cementing software, including the area with very narrow pore and
Ultra Plus additive to restore lost precision displacement module, to fracture pressures
circulation. The Sealbond family of ensure effective mud removal and • Recovered lost circulation in a
cement spacer systems is designed to cement placement. At the conclusion single trip, saving four rig days
work in high permeable formations or of the cementing job, all pressure and $500,000 USD
formations with low fracture gradient. It tests and cement bond logs showed
• Avoided remediation costs,
creates a film barrier across formation excellent hydraulic seal after the
saving another potential $60,000
walls via differential pressure, first attempt, ensuring proper zonal
minimizing fluid leak-off to formation. isolation.
In wells with critical fracture gradients,
The operator was pleased that they
the SealBond system enables the
were able to recover lost circulation
use of standard slurry designs and
in a single attempt, saving four rig
densities where highly-extended
days, and approximately $500,000
or special lightweight slurries were
USD. They were also able to forego
previously required. This eliminates the
remediation, eliminating workover
need to compromise on thickening
squeeze jobs, realizing another $60,000
times and compressive strength. The
USD in savings. Due to the success of
performance of the SealBond Ultra Plus
the SealBond Ultra spacer system and
additive was used to further enhance
SealBond Ultra Plus additive, the client
the performance of the SealBond
is planning to use this combination in
system, enabling a tight seal even
all of their wells with similar downhole
in their highly permeable fractures.
This technology is a proprietary
coarse granular blend of 100% organic
biodegradable material proven to seal
permeable gaps up to 4 mm (4,000
Job summary chart showing pressures, pump rate, fluid density and volumes pumped.

Cement bond log displaying effective zonal

isolation at the zone of interest.

Copyright 2020 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved. 81413

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