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Dear Sir or Madam

I should be grateful if you would send me information about the regulations for admission to the Hall
School of Design. Could you also tell me whether the school arranges accomodaion for students?

Yours Faithfully

Allan Parker

10. What the writerfs request?

A. Information D. Accomodation

B. Regulation E. Granting

C. Admission

11. What is the TQ6 1RS?

A. A postal code

B. A code for this letter

C. An unspecified number

D. Just a writing

E. A number-character-combination

12. Ita : I predict your favourite nominee in the Oscars will win in the Best Cinematography.

Itup : Yes. Among I Think Youfre Bastard, Smell My Armpits, and The Divergent Indonesia. I choices the

Ita : Why Itup?

Itup : It explain what a expensive the peace in multicultural country like Indonesia. Yeah, you know. The
five television fan-base groups (Old Kartinis, Astro-politicalist, Children, Intellectual, and Community of
Art and Sports) had a endless war.

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