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AHMAD AUFA 1910932021

Evaluation Tools (Homing Experiment)

Object to being evaluated: Keyboard and Mouse


Evaluation using Homing Experiment

Hand positioning while evaluating:


Evaluation Step
Set Up

High frequency short: The word will be shown multiple times and have a short letter
Low frequency long: The word will be shown once and have a long letter
The value beside 'start' The number of loop or data will we have after the evaluation finished
Start To start the evaluation test

Evaluation Test Display

Step: -Click the vertical blue bar on the right

-Type the word shown at the horizontal blue bar
-Click the vertical blue bar on the left
-The step will be loop according to the value have you entered
Evaluation Test Result
Time Spent for Each Parameter (ms)
pointing m2k typing k2m
1507 1052 1256 176
1286 842 4656 16
938 823 2184 181
827 673 1328 117
1038 1252 832 435
851 697 888 354
859 1193 1088 333
960 747 1238 35
874 817 1483 14
618 1173 1104 437
932 859 1222 144
1493 1158 1790 127
1175 858 1810 7
1206 1084 2689 100
726 642 1082 87
1328 798 808 57
928 759 737 159
1253 614 1363 100
844 689 1297 112
1338 793 3375 12
605 740 1249 334
1144 728 2102 71
1331 361 1473 5
923 754 1376 43
1019 328 1528 237
1168 714 1136 69
942 788 1248 340
1665 792 1061 17
1685 981 976 7
(Avrg, Stdv) (1085, 288) (818, 219) (1530, 830) (142, 135)
Where: pointing - the time from clicking the start button to the first click on the blue rectangle
m2k - the time from the mouseclick to starting the typing
typing - the time spent typing
k2m - the time from typing to a mouseclick.

Analyze As we see on the table, the shortest average time spent is while finishing the typing to a mouseclick (k2m).
It because of the form of the hand uses, from 2-hands using the keyboard to 1-hand using the mouse.
That so easy to do and the time spent is according to how long the distance between the keyboard and the mouse
And for the longest time spent is typing, the reason why typing have so much time spent is:
-How the word long and difficult to spell by the writer, and
-The ability of the writer to do typing at the keyboard

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