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The various topics concerning industrial engineers include:

. Accounting: The measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about

economicc entirities.

. Operations research, also known as management science: disclipline that deals with the application of
advanced analytical methods to help make beter decisions.

. Operations management: An area of management concerned with overseeing, designing, and

controlling the process of production and redesgning business operations

. Logistics: The management of the flow of goods between the point of origin and the point of
consumption in order to meet some requirements of customers or corporations.

24. What occupation you find who allied to logistical industry?

A. harbor developer

B. teller

C. technical manager

D. deliver express

E. treasurer

25. What do you know about system engineering?

A. An interdisciplinary ffield off engineering that focuses on how to design and manage complex
engineering system over their life cycles.

B. Sizing of necessary infrastructure used in support and maintennance of a given facility.

C. An interdisciplinary field devoted to the coordinaion of space infrastructucre, people

D. formulation of a plan to help an engineer build a product with a specified performance goal.

E. An engineering discipline which assures that engineered systems provide accepable levels of safely.

B. Tentukan hubungan antara pernyataan dan alasan berikut ini.

1. In America, you must bring some candies, fruit baskets, or wines to invite someone.

That representate invitorfs courteous.

2. In English speaking countries, when you held a formal speech at 2 a.m. You must speak good morning
to greet audiece.


The Good Night greeting is only says when we going to sleep.

3. The World School Format Debate permit the Debate team have at least 2 speakers.


In American, you must have 4 speakers to build a Debate team.

4. The Yankees is often uncomfortable or silent, but it fs very dislike to interrupted their chats.


To avoid that moment, say Excuse me when you interupt their chats.

5. The industrial tourism in ASEAN from 2000 to 2015 is developing well.


Tourism promotion from ASEANfs country is all of more than from Europe.

C. Centang (v) pilihan jawaban berikut ini yang benar.

1. Which these words is silent when you say -gh- ?

1) Fight 3) Night

2) Light 4) Might

2. Which the best answer for the general structure of passive voice?

1) The audience made applause by Joey Aleaxnder in Grammy Awards.

2) You are handsomed by your girlfriend.

3) Mathew is injured by direct attack from Ha-Pol in blood basketball.

4) I felt in love by rock-genre music.

3. Which the best answer for the replacement of conjunction?

1) You can see police station or coffeeshop in Tanah Biskuit road.

2) I want to buy universal charger at Hummingbird Avenue, but I can ft see ATM.

3) I prefer to eat bat satay and breadfruit smoothies.

4) I wonder to trip to Tiga Raja lagoon or Semedi mountain.

4. You can find thinking verbs in c

1) believe 3) munch

2) save 4) write down

5. Which the word is probably true?

1) The phonetic word of book is bu:k

2) The phonetic word of bloom is bl.m

3) The phonetic word of cool is k.l

4) The phonetic word of poor is pu:r

6. Which these words you can use to connective arguments?

1) Firstly however,

2) Yet,

3) So,

4) On the contrary,

7. Which the word is probably true?th

1) The phonetic word of think is Įink

2) The phonetic word of thick is di:k

3) The phonetic word of worth is wo:Į

4) The phonetic word of thunder is d.ndr

8. Which words can speak /.:/ ?

1) hope 3) born

2) rope 4) good
9. Which words can speak /./ ?

1) string 3) shoes

2) pleasure 4) destruction

10. Which words can speak /./ ?

1) destroy 3) kite-surfing

2) six-pack 4) shirt

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