Unavoidable Ethical Dilemmas

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David F.


Entrepreneurial Mind MW 1:00-2:30pm

Unavoidable Ethical Dilemmas

Case 2

What resources can I use?

•Can I use my current employer’s office, computer, phone, or supplies to pursue my idea?

- If you really have to pursue the idea and it’s for the improvement of the company you can ask
first for the consent of the employee. To avoid any conflict even if it’s for the company.

•I need help with the product design and other technical issues. Can I ask my friend in my company’s
product development department for help?

- Yes, because improvement is not just based on the things or people you have with you. You can
ask someone to help you with your product improvement.

•Can I ask a customer or supplier for advice or assistance with my new idea?

- Yes, because before you make a decision think about, will the costumer like this new idea? At
least you have an advice from the costumer that you can follow because if the costumer likes
your product that costumer will always go back to your product.

•Can I review company documents, product specifications, or marketing plans to brainstorm for my

- Yes, that’s part of the marketing and product development because as an entrepreneur you
really need to know about your product for you to come up with a new idea.

Case 5

What are some issues with recruiting?

•We really need a specific person, but he is holding out unless we also take his friend.

- If that’s the case we need to be professional specially for the budget of our company if we only
need a specific person for that position that is budgeted for one person if we need to take his
friend as well that will be a conflict about the company’s budget. So, we should hire another
person suited for that position.

•There are multiple “founders” who feel entitled to steer the ship. How do we choose a front man?

- The front man should be the one who’s more passionate and has the biggest contribute for the
business. Because we can’t choose a front man that is not passionate for the company. Yes, he is
part of the founders but for the improvement sake of the company we should choose the most
dedicated one.

•Another team member is pushing to bring in 5 people from his former company, representing a
potential faction.

- If that 5 person are really in to the improvement of the company and the company is in need of
many people that is good. But if the company has a shortage of budget we can hold that 5
person and hire them when the company’s budget is okay. But taking a risk is a good factor if
that 5 person can really help the company.

•Amy has key skills in programming but has been implicated in some incidents of poor integrity and
judgment at her previous job.

- I can give her a chance if she really wants to improve specially herself. Our company can help
her but if she’s not willing to improve I can’t hire her.

•John played a major role in developing the idea, but he is frequently difficult to work with.

- I will talk to him one on one why he is working that way that the other employees are having a
hard time working with him. And after I talk to him and knowing his story that’s the time I will
make a move. Maybe I will schedule a team building for the company.

•The idea was mine, but everyone on the team wants to be called a “founder.”

- Yes, all of the team can be the founder yes I have the idea but I can’t do it alone I need them to
improve this company. And if I became the founder and my team leave me being a founder of a
company is none sense because it will lead me to bankruptcy.

•All the prospective team members are employees at my current company. Can I recruit them all?

- If we talk about ethical dilemmas you will fail as an entrepreneur because the current company
will fail because they are going to be short in their numbers. But if they are the one who
confront me about joining my team I should also respect their decision if they want to.

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