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Insights into the state of the
meetings and events industry

2 | The Event Industry Report 2020


The Speed Read 03 Event Technology Best Practices 20

The Event Landscape 04 Why we did this survey? 23

The Event Management Process 07 Survey Method 24

• Venue Sourcing and Event Marketing 09 About Cvent 25

• Registration and Check-In 10

• Onsite Engagement and Communication 12

• Tracking and Collecting Event Data 13

• Proving Return on Investment 16

The Rise and Rise of Event Tech 18

3 | The Event Industry Report 2020

THE SPEED READ Here are the key findings from our research
covering event budgeting, planning, marketing,
reporting/ROI, and event technology:
In our survey, we asked event professionals in India to share
details about the events they plan and execute, the key
challenges they face during event management, and the role
manual processes and event tech play in their day-to-day work. 66% of respondents expect their event budget to
increase in 2020, while 29% said it would remain the
same. This is a positive sign for event professionals in
What we found was that despite the evolution of technology
the region and shows how organisations recognise the
and shifting attendee expectations that continue to redefine pivotal role events play in bringing in the business.
trends in the event industry, the problems faced by event
planners and marketers continue to remain the same – from
challenges in proving event ROI to dealing with inefficiencies in
manual processes.
Unsurprisingly, 63% of respondents cited ROI to
be the most influential factor behind their event
decisions. However, 38% respondents also stated
that proving ROI to decision makers was a big

78% of event and marketing professionals are still

handling most of their tasks using manual tools such as
Excel spreadsheets, emails etc. We expect this number
to go down as 67% of respondents say they are open to
adopting specialised technology for event management in
the future.
4 | The Event Industry Report 2020


With 94% respondents hosting more than 10 events in a year, live events continue to be an
important part of the marketing mix for a majority of organisations in India. Nearly half the
organisations host
It is impossible to deny the power of face-to-face interaction that occurs in these events.
Live events aid in creating a compelling brand narrative and adding a personal touch, which anywhere up to 500
helps effectively convey the value proposition and get more lead building opportunities. attendees every year.

Number of meetings and events hosted Number of attendees hosted in a year

annually by organisations in India

7.1% 7.1% 18.2% 10.7%

1–10 (0%) 1–100
11–50 101–500
29.8% 51–100 501–1,000
21.5% 26.4%
101–500 1,001–5,000
500+ 5,001 - 10,000
I don't know
5 | The Event Industry Report 2020

Will organisations in India increase Which are the most popular

their meetings & events budget in 2020? events hosted by organisations?

Conferences and trade shows came out to be the most

popular meeting and event types hosted in India.
66% 5% 29%

Increase Decrease Same

Internal Meetings
21.2% Conference/Trade show 18.2%
& Events

29% of respondents said their event budget would stay the

same in 2020. With spending plans facing limited year-to-
year growth, event professionals must continually look for
new ways to innovate with the same budget to keep up with 17.7% Training/Workshop 16.8% Sales Events/Roadshows

changing attendee expectations.

15.8% Seminar/Webinar 6.6% Incentive/Retreat

2.8% Fundraiser/ Gala 0.9% Other

6 | The Event Industry Report 2020

Top priorities for organisations

managing events in 2020
and beyond

1 Increase Attendence (Leads)

Getting more leads and
brand awareness are the
2 Brand Awareness
top priorities in 2020.
3 Increase Revenue

Increase in revenue also comes high

4 Reduce Cost
on the list. This shows that for most
organisations the primary focus
5 Improve Efficiency with respect to their events program
continues to be business growth,
closely followed by brand visibility.
6 Retain Customers & Upsell/Cross-Sell

7 Increase Attendee Satisfaction

7 | The Event Industry Report 2020

MANAGEMENT PROCESS The most time-consuming tasks
in event planning

How are organisations handling event management processes? 1 Creating event content and agenda

2 Event Budgeting

3 Event Promotion
Manually (includes
spreadsheets, email etc.)
Using multiple software
Using an integrated platform
In terms of hours spent, planners in India find
creating event content and agenda to be the
task that takes up most of their time, followed
by planning their event budget and promoting
their event.

This is an area where event professionals can

use technology to alleviate their event planning
pains by automating and streamlining their
While manual processes continue to be the mainstay in
tasks. A study by Frost & Sullivan* shows that
event planning, 22% of event professionals in India are
organisations are likely to see a 27% increase
using tech in some form.
in productivity once they deploy event tech to
carry out their event management tasks.
The continued dependence on manual tasks in event
management suggests plenty of opportunities to onboard
event technology in India.
* Frost & Sullivan, A Survey of Meeting and Event Planning
Professionals and Hotel Operators, 2013
8 | The Event Industry Report 2020

TOP CHALLENGES FACED DURING PLANNING Most meeting and event professionals find
AND EXECUTION OF EVENTS proving return on investment (ROI) and event
budgeting to be the top challenges of the event
planning and execution process. Since these
are tasks that involve constant data collation
from various sources, working on multiple
spreadsheets, and generating different reports,
it is evident where the struggle lies. With over
3/4th of event professionals still being dependent
on manual tasks for event management, these
challenges are expected to remain for now.
However, this number is expected to gradually
decline in the coming years as more and more
event professionals become aware of the benefits
of event management software and how it can
Proving ROI 1 completely transform their event
planning process.
Event Budgeting 2

Attendee Engagement & Networking 3

Event Promotion 4

Reporting & Data Analysis 5

Full Event Program Visibility 6

Venue Selection 7
9 | The Event Industry Report 2020


MARKETING CHANNELS How organisations select venues for their events

Existing relationships with venues

Most commonly used marketing channels Search engines (e.g. Google/Bing)

for promoting events Hotel/venue webbsites


Online venue directory (e.g. Cvent

Supplier Network 55.4%

Third party independent agencies

1 Email Marketing

2 Social Media Marketing

3 Digital Marketing 55% of the respondents mentioned their existing partnerships as a

key factor in finalising venues for their events and meetings. It shows
how event professionals in India continue to repose their faith in
tried and trusted relationships instead of exploring new
options online.
Email marketing remains a popular mode for
event promotion. However, event and marketing 14% said they prefer to look for venues via Google or other search
professionals are also increasingly using their social engines like Bing, while only 1.5% preferred using an online venue
media channels and employing digital marketing directory. This indicates a lack of awareness about the advantages
tactics to promote their events. This shows that that professional venue sourcing platforms offer, such as ease of use,
organisations are adapting themselves to the cost and time savings, etc.
changing behavioural pattern of attendees and how
they communicate with brands today.
10 | The Event Industry Report 2020


The most popular tools for attendee registration

Email continues to be the most

Email 33.8%
favoured tool for registering
attendees, again underpinning the
Walk-in registration 19.4% dependence of event professionals
on manual processes, especially for
basic event tasks.
Simple online form 17.3%
However, 12% of respondents
stated they are using event
MS Excel/pdf 15.1% registration software to register
attendees, indicating some tech
adoption in this aspect of event
Event registration software 12.2%

Other 2.2%
11 | The Event Industry Report 2020

How attendees are being checked in at events

Since most organisations are still largely dependent

on manual processes, it comes as no surprise that
1.5% 59% of event professionals check in attendees
manually at their events. An encouraging fact is
that 39% of respondents have moved away from
24.2% manual methods and are instead opting to use
online event software and barcode scanners to
Manually on paper/Excel spreadsheet
check in attendees.
Barcoding scanning
Online event check-insSoftware
Other When it comes to registration and check-in, which
are the first event touch points for attendees,
things are still mostly manual. For event
59.1% professionals, this presents a potential opportunity
5% to explore onsite registration software and ensure
smooth check-ins, eliminate queues and provide
personalised, immersive experiences.

Manually on paper/Excel spreadsheet

Barcoding scanning
Online event check-insSoftware
12 | The Event Industry Report 2020


How organisations are communicating

Tools and tactics used for engaging with attendees onsite
information to attendees onsite

0.5% Materials
14.7% (such as agendas
14.7% Live Entertainment & brochures)
Mobile Event App 1
Event website
Gamification 2
14.7% 23.4%
Interactive Polls /Emcee 3

Attendee Messaging & Networking 4

Social Media Display

14.1% 6.5%
11.4% Second Screen Presentations

Other Another result from the survey is the dominant use

of printed materials and emails to communicate
with attendees onsite, with event website and
Live entertainment came out as the most preferred choice for announcements coming third and fourth.
keeping attendees engaged onsite, followed by attendee messaging &
networking, social media displays and second screen presentations.

Seeing these results, it seems that the adoption of mobile event apps is in a fairly nascent stage in India.
Event apps nowadays come with specialised features that are designed to provide attendees with rich
engagement opportunities and key content before, during, and after the event, all with a push of a button.
All this makes mobile apps a far better alternative for engagement and onsite communication.
13 | The Event Industry Report 2020



Event planners and marketers in India realise the importance of event data and the role it plays in creating successful events.
This is underlined by the fact that 54% of the respondents stated they were using event technology such as badge scanners, self-
service kiosks, event apps, beacons and RFID to collect attendee data.

How are organisations tracking attendee behaviour data at events?

However, 9% respondents are still

not tracking session attendance.
This means they are missing out
on crucial data that could provide
them the insights to improve future
events and attendee engagement. A
major reason behind this behaviour
could be lack of awareness about 36.8%
event technology and possibly
the inability or unwillingness to
transition from manual processes. 20.8%
It also presents an opportunity for
event software providers to ramp up 13.2%
9.4% 9.4% 9.4%
their brand awareness activities in
order to encourage more adoption
in the region. Manually Badge scanners Attendee self- Mobile app RFID Beacons I don't track
(such as paper (such as QR service kiosk check-in (Radio session
sheets, codes and Frequency attendence
event passport barcodes) Identification
booklet, MS Technology)
Excel etc.)
14 | The Event Industry Report 2020

98% of respondents from

How are organisations collecting event feedback from attendees?
India are collecting feedback
from their attendees
using a mixture of digital
and manual tools. Given
that digital methods can
ensure more efficiency in
data collection over paper
surveys, the trend of using 31.0%

technology to collect 23.2%

feedback at events will most
likely continue to rise. 9.2%
7.7% 7.7%
2.1% 2.1%

Email Paper Online Social media Mobile app Polls Focus group I don't Other
surveys survey surveys collect
software attendee
15 | The Event Industry Report 2020

How data gathered from attendees is used?

To improve the onsite To improve the attendee

execution and attendee 15.8% 20.6% experience at future events
experience at current event

To improve the budgeting To improve the planning &

of future events 13% 16.2% execution of future events

To prove ROI 14.2% 11.7% To provide sales insights

To tailor post-event marketing

8.5% and communications

Nearly half the respondents

Only 16% use the data gathered at an event to improve the onsite execution
use the data they gather from
and attendee experience of that event itself. Very few event professionals
attendees to make their future
realise that with the right tech they can gather real-time insights about their
events better – be it for improving
event and take immediate actions to improve that event.
attendee experience, planning &
execution or budgeting.
16 | The Event Industry Report 2020

Factors influencing event decisions


Despite ROI being the most important Brand development

factor behind event decision making, Return on investment

Attendee experience
53% of total respondents are either
Customer retention
clueless about or have trouble proving Budget

their event ROI. 63.2%

Do event planners face issues while proving event ROI?

I have trouble proving events

46.9% I do not have trouble proving

event ROI

I don't know
17 | The Event Industry Report 2020

Which metrics are commonly

used to prove event ROI? Common challenges faced while proving event ROI

Attendance (leads generated) 18.1%

I'm unable to track metrics

Revenue generated 15.6% 16.7%
due to manual processes
Attendee satisfaction 15.2%
It's time-consuming due to
using multiple systems
Sales acceleration 13.1%
29.2% Lack of resources
Brand awareness 12.2%

Customer retention 11.4%

Customer upsell/cross-sell 7.2%

Cost saving & cost avoidance 6.8%

Other 0.4%

The most commonly cited problem with proving ROI is

18% of organisations are measuring their event being unable to capture key performance metrics due
ROI based on the attendance captured (or leads to manual processes.
generated), followed by 16% depending on revenue
generation. Meanwhile, 15% of respondents view This challenge can be addressed with the
attendee satisfaction to be an important measure adoption of integrated event technology platform.
of event ROI. This indicates that while getting quality
leads and revenue are important factors in assessing
the success of an event, focusing on attendee
satisfaction also remains a priority. This hints at
potential opportunities to onboard event planning
software through which one can create and scale
rich, personalised attendee experiences.
18 | The Event Industry Report 2020



Are event planners open to adopting event tech to

As technology continues to evolve at a
manage their events?
dizzying pace, the potential for new tech
solutions to streamline and enhance the
event planning lifecycle is broadening.

Around 2/3rd respondents from India

are willing to adopt event management
67.2% Yes
tech solutions as they see the value
that technology can bring to their
event management processes. Event
professionals are also increasingly
26.6% No
becoming aware of the different event
technology available out there that are
designed to help improve the attendee
experience. I am already using
6.3% event technology
19 | The Event Industry Report 2020

Are organisations open to using futuristic

technologies for their events?
A whopping 75% of event planners
and marketers in India seem open to
the possibility of bringing futuristic 14.5%
technologies to the table to enhance
traditional event content.
23% respondents indicated they would Not sure

consider using artificial intelligence (AI)

at their events. 34% of respondents said 74.7%
they would use augmented and virtual
reality, and 15% indicated they would
potentially use gamification tools at their
future meetings and events.
What type of futuristic technologies are organisations
keen to explore for their events?

This is indicative of the positive mindset

Artificial intelligence 23.3%
held by event management professionals
when it comes to event technology. Augmented reality 18.0%

Organisations are constantly trying to

Virtual reality 15.9%
inject innovation into their events and are
more willing to invest in technology that Event gamification 14.8%

can help with that. Event diagramming 14.3%

Facial recognition 13.2%

Other 0.5%
20 | The Event Industry Report 2020

BEST PRACTICES According to market forecasts, the global event
management software market is expected
to witness rapid growth over the next five
years. Despite this surge in growth, many
The event industry landscape is changing at an event planners continue to depend on manual
accelerated pace. We live in an increasingly mobile- processes and systems to manage and execute
first, digitised society and attendee expectations have their events. There are numerous reasons
also shifted accordingly. Today, there is a growing for this:
need among event planners and marketers to use
event management software in live events like • Misconceptions about event management
conferences, trade shows, seminars and exhibitions to: software being too complex to implement.

• Lack of awareness about the benefits offered

by event software such as ease of use,
Create richer, personalised experiences personalised attendee experiences, better
lead generation, streamlined reporting and

Boost brand presence and expand customer base

• Scepticism about the ROI from event
management software.

Capture actionable business insights

Improve efficiency, save costs, boost ROI

21 | The Event Industry Report 2020

To dispel any misconceptions and preconceived notions around event management software, here are Cvent’s recommended best
practices around event tech and how they can be used to level up every aspect of your event:

Selecting venues Event registration and marketing Onsite engagement

The venue you select is critical to your Unless you have cracked the code to Attendees nowadays demand seamless
event’s overall success. Along with successful registration and marketing, check-in experiences, customised
the theme, ambience and space, you all your efforts to create a great interactions at every touch point, and
also need to keep in mind the overall event will go for a toss. For any event experiential encounters that they can
costs while locking down on a venue. to be amazing, you need to have a share on their social channels. These
Most event planners play it safe by high attendee rate. And not just any encounters and interactions are also a
relying on existing relationships with attendee will do; you want the relevant, gold mine for valuable attendee data,
hotel chains, or by doing a perfunctory qualified ones who will boost your which can be tracked and analysed to
search on the web. Very few utilise business. Scanning through endless create better events in the future. To
online venue sourcing directories lists of prospects and shortlisting get your onsite engagement game on
that offer a plethora of beautiful and which ones to invite can turn into point, it is highly recommended to adopt
cost-effective destinations suitable for a perpetual nightmare if you don’t a solution that maximises attendee
different kinds of events. Not only will have a comprehensive registration engagement from the get-go and
you get more options that align with the solution in place. From helping you helps you:
theme and purpose of your event, the build a branded website for your event
entire process of shortlisting a venue from scratch, managing registrations • Create smooth check-in and badging
process at the venue.
– managing bids, checking availability, with ease, and collating and tracking
building eRFPs and tracking your registrant data, to providing smooth, • Develop more personalised and
meeting spend – becomes much easier. customised attendee paths, and engaging experiences through
scaling successful events through mobile apps.
easy replication, there are numerous • Capture hot leads and ensure brand
benefits provided by event outreach by generating enough social
registration software. media buzz.
22 | The Event Industry Report 2020

Cross-platform integration Understand your event ROI

All your tools and processes should After all the hard work that you’ve put • Average mobile app download rate
be integrated with your marketing in your events, it’s time to measure for conferences/trade shows, app
automation or CRM systems. This and prove its real impact through activity feed
helps in the seamless flow of attendee defined, quantifiable metrics. For event
data — captured before, during and professionals, this requires thinking • Social media reach, trending
after the event — among different beyond their never-ending list of day- hashtags, brand buzz
systems, which provides critical insights to-day tasks to track the right data
to further improve the attendee that defines their ROI. To calculate Digitising your event allows you to
experience and drive ROI. If the data the ROI of your event, you need to measure and optimise your live events
remains in silos, it remains isolated, compare your targeted vs actual goals by giving you access to such metrics.
cluttered and difficult to act upon. By by analysing different types of event Once you have the ability to visualise
the time you collate, clean and process metrics. For instance: that data, you can recognise patterns
these leads, it is too late to pass them and, consequently, make smarter
• Targeted attendance increase vs.
to sales. Hot leads turn cold. With an decisions. Having all this consolidated
average actual attendance increases
integrated platform in place, you can data present in one place will also
bring together the disparate data and allow you to prove the value of your
• How many new prospects were
fragmented tech solutions to create a events and demonstrate your events’
added in the sales funnel
unified platform with all applications contribution to your organisation’s
working in tandem. bottom line.
• Revenue generated – event
registration fee, sponsorship revenue
23 | The Event Industry Report 2020


Over the past decade, the meetings and We attempted to answer these
events industry has witnessed remarkable questions by putting together a
growth, propelled by factors such as report that gathers industry-wide
rise of social media, demand for tailor- data to check the pulse of the
made experiences, and increased use industry and catch a glimpse of
of technology for large-scale events like the shifting trends. With this study,
conferences, conventions and seminars. we take an initial look at the event
As the industry continues to evolve, management practices employed by
there has been a growing effort to bring event and marketing professionals
advanced technologies such as virtual across India.
and augmented reality, facial recognition,
multi-use apps, and geofencing to the We sincerely thank all survey
mainstream. participants who took the time
out to complete our in-depth
With these shifting trends, some pertinent survey questionnaire.
questions arise: Are event professionals
abreast with the new trends and We hope you found the report
technologies that are shaping up modern insightful and actionable.
events today? How much do they have to
depend on manual processes? And what
event management practices are they
following to create successful events?
24 | The Event Industry Report 2020

Respondent Profile By Org Type

The data from this study is part of a larger survey conducted

Association & NPO
across 31 countries from Asia Pacific and Africa.
We surveyed over 400 event and marketing professionals 11% 15%
(including executives). 12%

The survey was conducted from 30 July 2019 to 23 September

2019.   6% Educational Institution &
Of the total respondents, 136 are from India. For this report, we
have referred to the data obtained from Indian respondents. Third Party Planner/Event
Conference Organiser
Note: For ease of readability, some figures in this report have been rounded
up or down to the nearest whole number.

Respondent Profile By Region Respondent Profile By Role

Respondent Profile By Region

27% 22% Marketers involved exclusively in
India event marketing

ANZ Marketers involved in both planning
and marketing of events
MEA 21%
57% Planners
22% 29%

Executives (Such as VP, SVP, C-Suite)

*Asia excludes India & Middle-East

25 | The Event Industry Report 2020


CVENT is a leading meetings, events, and hospitality technology provider with more than 4,300 employees, 27,000
customers, and 300,000 users worldwide. The Cvent Event Cloud offers software solutions to event planners and
marketers for online event registration, venue selection, event management and marketing, onsite solutions, and attendee
engagement. Cvent’s suite of products automate and simplify the planning process to maximise the impact of events.

The Cvent Hospitality Cloud partners with hotels and venues to help them drive MICE and corporate travel business. Hotels
use the Cvent Hospitality Cloud’s digital marketing tools and software solutions to win business through Cvent’s sourcing
platforms and to service their customers directly, efficiently and profitably – helping them grow and own their business.

Cvent solutions optimise the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients around the world to manage
millions of meetings and events.

For more information, please visit

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