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TUTORIAL 3 (Assignment Question)

Name: Davi Gibran Sukada


A) Basically E-wallet is a type of electronic card where people ca uses it for transaction
made online through laptop or smartphone. The utility of E-wallet basically same as
credit card or debit card, the E-wallet need to be linked from the individuals bank
account to make a purchase or payment. A password is used to secure an E-wallet.
And also, E-wallet can be used to pay for food, online orders, and plane tickets,
among other things. From the assignment given, when the customer wants to purchase
a goods below $10 through E-wallet, since there are a lot of example of E-wallet, I
think the consumer can use a debit card for purchasing goods that are below $10. For
example, the customer wants to buy a hat from the store for $6.50. From the case, the
customer is able to use a debit card. The reason is because usually debit card is use for
a small or cheaper goods where the money come from the user bank account itself.
Thus, debit card is also categorized as E-wallet, because the actual meaning of E-
wallet is an “Electronic Wallet” where the users can buy things electronically, same
thing as debit card, people can use the debit card thorough their smart phone or laptop
where they can do a payment electronically.
The Diagram of Debit Card: (I will recon structure the diagram for the assignment)
Step 1: A merchant sells products or services to a client.
Step 2: The customer's account information is captured by the merchant's point-of-
sale device and safely sent to the acquirer.
Step 3: Mastercard is requested by the merchant acquirer to obtain authorization from
the customer's issuing bank.
Step 4: The transaction is sent to the issuer for approval by Mastercard.
Step 5: The transaction is approved by the issuing bank, which then sends the answer
to the merchant.
Step 6: The payment is routed from the issuing bank to the merchant's acquirer, who
deposits it into the merchant's account.

B) Basically, credit card is an account that credit to a customer which is permitting the
customer to purchase items while differing the payments and also allow consumer to
make payment to multiple vendors. In the big line, when we use credit card it can say
that we use or borrow someone else’s money to purchase the goods. But credit card
also has a limit, if the person or user not pay it on time, that particular user will get an
interest. Usually, user use this card for some expensive goods like more than $10. For
example, there is a user want to buy a watch for $400, since the person doesn’t have
that such money, they can use the credit to purchase that good in the first place but the
user needs to pay it on time depends on the billing information from the card.
The diagram of credit card flow: (I will recon structure the diagram for the
C) Electronic bill payment and presentment (EBPP) is a process that companies use to
collect payments electronically through systems like the Internet, direct-dial access,
and Automated Teller Machines (ATM). It has become a core component of online
banking at many financial institutions today. Other industries including insurance
providers, telecommunications companies, and utilities depend on EBPP services as
well. There are three main business model in EBPP market including Biller direct,
Consolidator and Infrastructure providers. Biller direct is the biller-direct model, once
a consumer has enrolled for EBPP services, the biller generates an electronic version
of the consumer billing information. The biller may outsource this responsibility using
a bill service provider (BSP). These BSPs act as agents on behalf of the biller and
provide such services as electronic bill translation, formatting, data parsing, and, at
times, hosting the billers website such as telephone, utilities, or credit card companies.
Next is consolidator, the consolidation model was created to satisfy customers'
demand for a single location to view and pay their bills while also lowering the cost of
EBPP implementation for billers. The biller sends the customer's billing details to a
third party known as a bill consolidator in this model, or we can say it as a financial
institution. Thus, EBPP has actually infrastructure providers like JomPay in Malaysia
for example.

Diagram of EBPP: (I will recon structure the diagram for the assignment)

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