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Affirmations for Chakras

Chakra Name & Beej

Point Number Mantra
1. I can achieve anything
2. I tap into my inner wisdom
3. I love and accept myself
4. I am connected to the universe
5. Everything I seek is within me.
6. I accept and receive divine energy to flow throughout my
Crown Chakra
Color --Violet
7. I am guided by divine energy OM
8. I am fully aware and awake
9. I honor the divine within me
10. I am open to letting go of attachments
11. I feel the strong spiritual connection to my higher self.
12. I have unlimited possibilities available to me

1. By energizing aagya chakra I am empowered as my intuitive

powers are enhanced.
Third eye Chakra (4)
2. I am confident and trust myself.
3. I am infinite and boundless.
4. I am blessed with high level of intuitions.
1. I energies my communicative center.
Throat chakra (6) 2. I also learn to listen to others.
Color-- Blue 3. I express myself freely and joyously. HAM
4 .I speak up for me and my vocals are in tuned with the divine.
1. It Is the center of love and compassion.
2. We only attract people who reciprocate our feelings and
Heart chakra (8) 3. I am the center of unconditional love for myself as well as others.
Color--Green 4. I love and forgive others easily YAM
5. My heart beats to the rhythm of love.
6. I bring joy back to the center of my heart.
7. Let us express love to all
Affirmations for Chakras
Chakra Name & Beej
Point Number Mantra
1. I respect and care for myself.
2. I digest all experiences and fire all the things that I don't deserve.
3. I trust my inner voice.
4. I am strong, wise and powerful.
5. Nothing can irritate me.
Solar plexus (9)
6. All that I desire has already been manifested.
7. I am a grateful digestive system of my body
8. I trust the universe.
9. I am courageous and independent.
10. I listen to my inner voice.
11. Let us strive to be strong and powerful.

1. I am in total balance, centered and calm.

2. All my relationships are harmonious and I feel limitless energy for
the moment.
Hara Chakra (13)
3. I release the old and welcome the new.
4. Let us be the center of creativity.
5. My system is in order.
6. I love life and circulate freely
1. I am deeply fulfilled.
Root chakra (14)
2. I am financially sufficient.
3. I am feeling dafe and secure
Thank you Universe, Thank you Reiki

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