A Review On Maintenance Strategies For PV Systems - Elsevier Enhanced Reader-Dikompresi

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Seine fhe Tra vicanmet 748 (200) 141753 Contant ists avaiable at Scionoobiroct Science of the Total Environment journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/seitoreny A review on maintenance strategies for PV systems =| Khaled Osmani*, Ahmad Haddad, Thierry Lemenand ‘, Bruno Castanier‘, Mohamad Ramadan ** 4 Sal fering eral ves fe BL An, ebaon * Seine of ges bone rertonal ies Li Bela, Lebanon ats Fob gs ance HIGHLIGHTS GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT + Maintenance strategies ai to avoid the ‘decreace in efficiency that i caused by Toarpinaee Dotetial aus. + Four types of maintenance strategies may be identified, preventive, oredic- tive, corrective and urgent + Thestudy presentsa review onthe main eveloped techniques under each of the {our maitenancecatogories ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT od V (Photos) systems gained populariy in being ecotrendly power supplies, rehicing tac gas emissions Reeve 10 My 2020 forenergy production Unfortunately its been sen that ficiency reduction and ouput dec ae wo common eae ines farm 13 Ais 2020, Scenarios for PV systems when cononted with faulty evens: this fat ereats the cially important need of| ‘cepted 13 Ang 200 owing types aifleret possible ts be abet detec them scoring tate ways of kin, ing setae sega ES ard density f thei etovers. What comes afte sing the damages, by preventing them fom happening ee repeated an sop ther rom reaching the src Since knowin heal without corre is counerp= ctv maintenance states can ec competencies ofthe system aceerate operation ine ae campen- ae ‘atethe system ina wa tha prevents lowering ineficency and consequently hana sss This paper amsto ieee present diferent schemes wen at inervenon categonzedby preven, corcive, predictive and ugcat Prometas Eas alts mantenance methods with crespondng effets on erronment Aerial eamparson between i= Rerormance ferent strategies presented as wellas an economical assessment o the naitenance cots ard energy roc- recive ti increase Each ype individual ea torevea wat cea of PV tals types it can withstand Wiha nies "ecommendaton on maitenane choice aninfiormative reference or researches the elds established 19 ‘optimally maintain a sustainable PY sytem. (© 2020 Flsevier BY. Al rights reserved. 1.Introduction tigations of modern ie equtements let a high energy de- —eeSnngathorst Shooagesing eminent, Mand (Eod ea 2019) Consent, fssi ue consumption in- ‘ce st {reased in tum (Erdwansjah eal, 2019) This fc led to depletion of 1, cpcler manlcnalaticia (tisk Cane ier and cased eter har reste many geal warming pst 016 scoenn201 41753 (fe 93176 2000 Ever BV. Ars reserved 2 Osea See of Tt Event 76 (220) 191753 Nomenclature AC Aerating Current ACO Ant Colony Optimization ANN Artificial Neural Network BES Battery Energy Storage BESS Battery Energy Storage Systems DC Direct Current DVR Dynamic Voltage Regulator EDS Electrostatic Dust removal System ESS Energy Storage System EV Electric Vehicle FAC Fuzzy tagic Controller Failure Mede and Effect Analysis Grid Connected Photovoltaic Syst Ls? Load Shedding Period LV Low Voltage MG Micro Grids MUPT Maximum Power Point Tracker NGV Neutral Ground Voltage PA Predictive Algorithm, PEG Power Electic Grid Predictive Energy Management and Control System PL Proportional Integral PIC Peripheral Interface Conteoller PLC Programmable Logic Controller PO Predictive Optimization PSO. Particle Swarm Optimization PV Photo Voltaic ROM Reliability Centered Maintenance Root Mean Square PN. Risk Priority Number SAPP Shunt Active Power Filter SEPIC Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter SMES Superconductive Magnetic Energy Storage: STATCOM Statie Synchronous Campensator THDC Total Harmonic Distortion Current UPQC —Unificd Power Quality Conditioner UPS-——_Uninterruptble Power Supply VAR Volt Ampere Reactive and climate change. The resulting increase earth's temperature desta bilizes energy balance. Negative impacts are noticed on the level of dried agriculture, rising sea levels and increased heavy precpitations (Woutrouls, 2019}. This fact influences animal/insect lifecycle evolving an abnormal expand of their mortality rates thus perturbing overall nature process Tis scenarios the result of excessive burning and com- bbustion of non-renewable power supplies of oil and gas to fulfil bulky energy neds (Wilberforce etal, 2019a). Asa result, higher amounts (of CD; are present in the airspace (Wilberforce eta, 2019). ‘When CO; emissions are not carefully dictated, rainfall and wind ‘movements are driven to extreme states, where iti seen that rainy areas became dryer by the time, thus affecting food production mainly by overkiling agricuture and plants seeding (Zhi etal. 2020) From another perspective, o compensate the human needs in en- ergy (mainly electricity) especially in populated areas (China, India, etc) electrical power generation using fuel-based generators are seen to cause human diseases. Since generators involves noisy electro- ‘mechanical parts to produce power, they contribute in one way or an- other in inereasing noise pollution and hence mounting stress levels, causing civilizations to be more drug dependent. The need for eco- {friendly energy supply systems, got inflated by result (Olsbi etal, 2020). Fortunately solar energy is capable in supplying electrical needs, by removing the deficits of conventional power supplies (based on non- renewable residues) (Bazan etal, 2018). This happens with the usage ‘6f PY (Photovoltaic) madules that canwerts directly the light into en- ergy. Therefore PV systems gained wide popularity in moving towards anon carbon future, eliminating the Unreats of global warming, food praciction, drug needs and effecs on animal/insects morality rates (Mekonnen etal, 2016). This is because solar radiations are the most ‘common alongall regions of the globe (Lee et al, 2020), High demands for PY systems installations are taking place, as to reduce large electric ity bills and fees and to have a private supply of energy production. in parallel with the challenge of high capital ost, and reduced chances of full commercialization disadvantages (Wilberforce et al, 2019c) a standalone PV system with no regular maintenance becomes fatigued by time, with diminished availabe efficiency in sustaining a solid energy supply. These systems often interact with faulty scenarios, causing them to deteriorate over time, become less productive in addition to causing other sided deficiencies of burning, electrocution and different scripts of electrical faults, perturbations and power system fluctuations that ‘erent present atthe first instance. In other words, a non-maintained PV system cannot positively contribute tothe environment without a proper maintenance strategy (Munoz-Ceron et a, 2018), Such systems folten don't run as they ae supposed to. Non optimal performance means thatthe overall energy production ‘would be less, n terms of open-circuit voltage, current leakage and en- ergy storage within specified banks (batteries, capacitor banks, et.) ‘This erroneous running scheme would not meet users expectancies to avoid power consumption from the grid and hence lower thei fees and bills. n other words, the faulty conditions reverse the economic User's strategy where le no longer benefits from such system, thecefore the entice process becomes useless. Accordingly, ample research about fault detection methods took place, to inform users/designers when and where a fault has taken place, andl of which type. Thisis tremendously important since knowing the source of the problem is halfway solving it. The actions after ac: ‘knowledging a fault (plus its destructive effect) are of cove importance Developing ways to remove bad impacts from within the system, to restore its correct functionality is what permits users to benefit rom to ‘the maximuum-To solve faults problems means an uninterrupted energy source, a fact that elevates its reliability and durability and provides users with a stable energy source. Solving mechanisms, referred to as ‘maintenance techniques for PV systems, sometimes intecvention ‘methods, are ways to mitigate faults impacts on the system, This paper shows four diferent families of fault maintenance for PV systems, beginning with Corrective methods, proceeding to Urgent case ‘methods, then Predictive methods and ending at Preventive methods. Each set of methods wil be clearly identified, showing its sub-parts, de- séription target and contribution in maintaining the desired optimum environmental conditions. 11, Problems associated wit PY system faults ‘The power quality is labeled to as measuring of standard power de livered tis not sulicient to produce power from PV arrays alone, since their outputs are small sized DC voltages that when associated with consumable AC voltages (londs) lea to power quality event, presented inFig. 1, Such destructive circumstances are common for all ypes of PV cells (mono- crystalline, poly-crystalline...) since they take place at final destination of PY systems (outcomes of inverters). Therefore, any dis- turbances from PV systems can aflect the overall production leading to erroneous functioning. The first problem is the power fluctuation here the generated power is unstable. This is mainly due to the fact ‘that PV cells output are environment celated in terms ofirraiance em perature, humidity and other surrounding factors Beginning with Power Fluctuations, due to intrinsic composition of, V cell, sometimes the power production is not stable mainly due to shading, sizing and topology of PV system (Farhoodnea etal, 2013: Osman Scene fh Toa Emromnet 7465 (200) 141753 3 ig 1. ier ower uty eer eat om FV system a “Marcos eta, 2012). On the other hand, THDC (Total Harmonic Distor- tion Current) is frequently found in grid-tied PY systems that ae results of averting the primitive DC voltage from PV arrays to AC quantities by the usage of inverters. The inverter switching mechanisms cause the ‘creation of these harmonics producing distortions in current waveform, (Conzilez et al, 2011; Golovanov etal, 2013). Also, eversed power flow operation (from load to source) injects large amount of THDC ito the grid (Anwar et a, 2009). On the other hand, wind speed and ‘loud movements certainly lead to varying output power levels of PY ‘maalules (Shivanshankar et al, 2016) causing generated power to be in termittent and unreliable especially when connected to grid From another angle, we see a low power factor as leadingytagging, ‘belaw unity when the PV system encounters a fault, especially when 4rid-tied. The phase displacement and effeets of THDC cause this Issue: PV systems inject active power tothe power system that reduces the original active power generated in center power plants and hence the misbalance. Similarly, te variable power factor Function ofthe in- verter gives similar malfunetion (Gerrit 2009). ‘Moving forward, we notice frequency fluctuations issue due to unbalancing between the supply power and demand, Frequency flucti- ates in conjunction with radiance. Another power quality isue is een. ‘when variation in output power production yields to voltage fuctua- tions. This is noted as voltage flicker, where shading and clouds moving frequency lead to variation in output power productivity which cause the undesired effect that the majority of installed PV systems suffer from (Stewart etal, 2012; Pan etal, 2012). ‘The most user-complaint issues among consumers (80% of total complaints) refer to voltage sag (Mathnani et al, 2010; Gao et al. 2013): a dectease of RMS voltage below standard values ofa given Power system, Such phenomenon is greatly seen to happen when interconnecting PV output to micro- gris, the fat that immensely afect ‘customers/ritical loads in diferent zones of distribution (Mohammadi et al, 2017). Beside from the voltage sag event, its seen that grid connected, PV systems prolongs the voltage swell scenario as well (Dugan etal. 2012). This can be understood as the contradictory of voltage sag, ‘which isan instantaneous increase of RMS voltage when a heavy load turns off in the network, This is more likely to happen in summer (high iradiance) and under low load conditions in LV (Low Voltage) distribution networks (Vegunta et al, 2073). If the network is unbalanced (poor phases’ organization towards loads) voltage swell takes place on the lightest loaded phase with high PV penetration (Alam et al, 2012) nthe last decade voltage is examined to surge ‘when PV outputs are penetrated onto low voltage grid resulting in abnormal operation of distribution networks (Khharrazi et a, 2020). Voltage unbalance, according to IEEE (Iasttute of Electrical and Elec tronics Engineers) isthe inequality in voltage magnitudes or dssymme- layin phase angles between different phase voltages. trust not surpass 2% according to (Block eta, 2014; Pansala al Hongesornbut, 2014), ‘This is more likely to happen whien PY penetration level up to 85% This effect causes derivable other negative impacts ast increases NGV (Neutral Ground Voltage) (Alam eta, 2013). When present, these un- ‘balances also in tur increase the output ripple of PV inverter due to neg- ative sequence vollage and hence produced curtent i attacked by high ‘order harmonic content (Hao and Yenghal, 2014a). Also, when micro- atids works power-slan they are seen fo experience a heavy voltage ‘unbalance when reconnected tothe grid (Lidula and Rajapakse, 2014) ‘Thelast abuse of PV systems auf the occurtence of inrush curtent in them (Tseng and Chea, 2012: Shrivastava et al, 2014). This happens ‘due tothe need of power ransiormer energizing during star up. Tis transformer itself experiences a high value of transient current which is considered as major event. The inrush current can have tenfold value ofthe rated. From another side, penetration of DG (Distributed Generation) in power system make rise for fault current level yielding to further complications in systems’ performances (Sahcbi etal, 2017). 1.2, Maintenance and intervention methods ‘The mentioned problems associated with faulty PV systems must be ritigated in order to complete the overall performance with maximum efiiency. With proper maintenance scheme an immediate damage/mal function will be localized ar ence a api restoration would take pace. Since problems asociated with PY systems are directly related to finan- dal esses good maintenance will avold any form of profit losses, From a similar financial point of view, when the maintenance methods succeed in minimizing the possibility of technical problems oF the equipment this also in turn reduces the economic harden of repairs, According to relativity between accidental events and aul, when properly maintaining the PV system, the chances for accidents to hap- em (as fire, injuries, electrification...) would be reduced rs Osea See of Tt Event 76 (220) 191753 A ast, intervention techniques help in exporting useful conclusions and creation of pro-actians plans that ensure the smooth functioning of PV installation, achieved by processing periodic reports’ history on pro- ductivity and optimum operation, “Table 1 groups diferent categories of PV maintenance topologies ‘while describing for each, when to take place andthe expected results aller execution 2. Corrective maintenance The Corrective maintenance covers up the activities performed by labors (service/maintenance) teams to restore 4 FV plant system ‘malfunctioning or blackout due to an event. An event is generally the result of PV system faults occuring at diferent levels nodes ofthe net ‘work This form of maintenance takes places after the identification of a so-called event (allure detection). [ti a direct approach maintenance ‘mechanism where specialists manually intervene to either fix, replace, or change in algorithm and other tasks. Table 2 exposes first the relation between different events (that happens on the level of the PV system) nd applicability of the corrective technique and second, the proce- Feplcing an other corction prevent biter daaes tase Procctve Bate tie condonsofthe oped the optimal ime to system by performing peor mainenance and Sceltatinus reabsime hence wevating the ae pment tne Preventive Performs maitenanceona Tose the poly of| presehedled tine trl sales ofthe condition aay fare programming in which the power fhituations are decrease when har- ‘monies in output current is increased and vice-versa (Huang et a 2014), The Hysteresis Current Contrel is found to solve voltage lucas tions (overvoltage during PV system start up/under-voltage after PV disconnection) and maintaining a fixed voltage profile for load reduc- tion (Pyo et al, 2008). From another side, the Flexible Positive and Neg- ative Sequence Control i sen to have control aver power factuations instead (reactive and active) by altering" (a variable limited between ‘and 1 that sets a linear relation between canstants used in ouput power calculations of PY inverter) the control parameter (Hao and ‘Yonghai, 2014), As for the Advanced Instantaneous Power Theory, it siabilizes the power fluctuation toa 10% rate reduces third Harmonic content by 0.4% and possesses two coefficients for current adjustments {Shou et al, 2013). On the other hand, the Spatial Iterative Learning plays on converging load voltage error to0 and maintaining oad voltage ‘ravefoom somehow fixed ina voltage sag environment (Dasgupta al 2010). The Fuzzy Reasoning minimizes the frequency deviation to (02 Hz (Senjyu etal, 2007) ina three-phase islanding system and latiy ‘the Particle Swarm Optimization maintains both good voltage and fre- ‘quency profile, aswell as supply of active power (Al-Saedi etal. 2012). ‘Among different control algorithms implemented for Inverter Re- configuration, itis concluded that they share the same aimed function: tw adjust the obtained AC waveform according with system require ‘ments and need. What differs is the programming flowchart and data Acquistion to perform that task. Both Spatial Iterative Learning and Fuzzy Reasoning require the most complex algorithm, under machine learning topology, while maintaining healthier frequency balances. (Other algorithms as Flexible Active and Reactive Power Control and Di rect Source Current Shaping focus more on maintaining a good power factor with less complexity in programming, The Flexible Positive and [Negative Sequence Control is a tradeoft between the two previous sets, as ess complexity in algorithm derivation and reduced power fuc- tuations. The Advanced Instantaneous Power Theory for instance share with Direct Source Current Shaping algorithm solely in reducing har :monic effects. The choice of which algorithm to implement depends ‘on actual harmonic contents the system, and perturbations occurring inthe AC waveform, 21.2 Dynamic voltage regulator (DVR) ‘ADVRis an additional electronic device noted as a compensator that, ‘works on regulating power profiles on permissible levels, Voltage sais that are often caused by low active power injection are compensated byits usage. Composed of mainly two parts, control circuit (in which al gorithms fed into) anda power circuit including storage bank inverter, filter and power transformer (Cho tal, 2010). Five different control al gorithms are summarized in Fig. 4. ‘The Two Fast Vector Control uses twelve active switches to compen sate voltage sags (recorded at 22% for 100 W active power injection) {AlMathnani etal, 2010). Otherwise, the Vector Control mitigates 22% voltage drops (AI-Mathani etal, 2008). When Fuzzy Logic is used, no harmonic contents were shown in both current and voliage waveforns, asitwas able to compensate voltage sags up to 50% and voltage swell up to 150% without polluting the power system Farsad etal, 2013). Other studies show mitigation of voltage sag up to 10% and voltage swell to ‘00% with the ability of using the DVR 3s UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) (Ramasamy and Thangavel, 2012). The Particle Swarm Opin zation ftom another partinjects power without harmonic distortion and reduces the need of power by 12% to compensate voltage sag of 208 (Kumar etal, 2009}, At the end, the PSO Based Phase Advancement Compensation was able to mitigate voltage sag of up to 60% In a 17 MW power distribution system (Raj etal, 2008). Unlike Inverter Reconfiguration technique, the DVR concentrates, :mainly on maintaining the optimum voltage profile. The aim ofthis technique telies on restraining, voltage Muctuations (over-voltage, lunder-voltage) while dynamically studying the active voltage output AAI of algorithms inside DVR share the same process of mitigal Osman Scene fh Toa Emromnet 7465 (200) 141753 tbe entation fr ach core echnige type Corecive etnies ‘rifial naigence Waterdkaning aychaning Sow email Equipment thakalmaisance — Shadog wiition stp accumulation ‘ ‘ Salina ’ ‘ gupmene are ‘ orev tats epi ‘ ig 3. ie cone agit or tse Recor, 6 Osea See of Tt Event 76 (220) 191753 (P50 based phase} advancement Fy bate cana grt Dynamic Vato Regaine voltage drops/sags. What dies isthe percentage of mitigation ({rom 10% to 150%) with respect to response time and system rated power, 2.13, Static synchronous compensetor (STATCOM) By operating as a source and sink of reactive power, a STATCOM en- hhances power factor and poor voltage regulation caused by inability of the power system distribution ro meet reactive load power demand (Sumathi, Bansilal, 2008a). By sink/source its meant thatthe STATCOM. absors reactive power from the grid when its voltage is greater than ‘nominal voltage and injects VAR (Volt Ampere Reactive) when it i lower. To do that, complex algorithm process must be dane to achieve exact levels of accuracy. There were six different algorithms control agendas to fed in STATCOM machine coding summarize in Fig. 5. “The Single Phase Synchronous Refesence Frame reduces vollage un- balance factor for below 4% regulate current THD to 0.7% and voltage THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) to 05% (Chidurala etal, 2013). On the other hand, the Current Contr with Hysteresis Band Modula “Technique was found to obiain power factor above 09, has a good tran sient response which improves valtage dip in a fast manner and main- tains good voltage profile (5%) during inductive load startup and voltage sag/swel events (Varma et al, n.d). In (Varma etal, 2012), it vas Concluded that the STATCOM used makes current/valtage THD <2% with voltage profile regulation in 1.5 cycles. From another side, the Least Mean Square injects reactive power (compensate VAR (Volt ‘Ampere Reactive)) which results i regulating voltage and maintaining a fixed power factor (Arya et a, 2012), Apart, the Artificial Neural Network control method achieves a unity power factor within 0.01 s (Xiao-ping et al, 2006) and eliminates oscillation caused by distur- Dances within O01 s (Sharmaet al, 2014). Penultimate point, te Super vised Neural Network have a similar performance as conventional method with the addition of maintaining high bus voltage 1.05 p.u {per unit) for different load factr in both voltage control and reactive iS. herent cont lis for STATEON Osman Scene fh Toa Emromnet 7465 (200) 141753 7 power contral modes (Sumathi, Bansilal, 2009b). Lastly, the Particle Swarm Optimization can be used to allocate multiple STATCOM units, reduce power losses by 20% and increase stability imit by about 038 loading factor (compared to situation with absence of STATCOM) (Kumarasamy and Raghavan, 2012). Arthe same pace, the particle posi- tion can be calculated within one sampling period, reduced overshoot voltage by 0.7 V compared to Pl eantrolier and is applicable in all, types of loading ranging from light to high (Liu and Hsu, 2010), ‘The STATCOM algorithms take into consideration reactive power ‘compensation, The algorithms involved in this area centralize on feed ing PV system's needs of reactive power white lowering THD. The exe cculion of such algorithms take advantage of maintaining @ good volrage profile with 2 good power factor jut lke in Inverter Reconfigu- ration and DVR processes. 2.14. Unified power qualty conditioner (UPQC) ‘AUPQC thats alternatively known as SAPE (Shunt Active Power ter), is.a universal active filter that possesses multifunction in power conditioning that can be used to compensate voltage disturbances, uc twations, and to prevent harmonic loaded current to enter to the power system (Kamran and Habelter, 1998). It consists of two voltage-source converters wit common DC tink designed in multi-phase configura tions. Having nine different contro algorithms topologies summarized inFig.6. For the State Vectar Modulation, it had shown the ability to com: pressa voltage sag event for up to 7% while maintaining a good voltage Profile alter significant change in load (Kumar and Sinha, 2012). nthe Synchronous Detection Method and P-Q Theory results show that the THD are eliminated (0%) and power factor was maintained to unity, ‘with no return current in the neutral wire (Kabir and Mahbub, 2011). From another part, the Voltage Angle Control topology alleviated volt- age swell event up to 26% while mitigating voltage sag up to 81% (Bhargavi, 2011). For the D-UPFC scheme, itis concluded that this ‘method has potential in mitigating voltage sagyswell events (Lee eta, 2006a; Lee et al. 20060). The ANN algorithm alone was shown 10 reduce current harmonics (Sabo etal, 2013) and when mixing Fuzzy Logie with ANN (Artificial Neural Network), THD were eliminated in short response time with high frequency (Kumar and Sastry, 2011). The TS (Takagi-Sugeno) Fuzzy also reduces THD of current while having faster dynamic response (Shang and Ws, 2011) The PSO (Parti- ‘le Swarm Optimization) Fuzzy on the other hand, showed similar re sults to those for TS in reducing harmonics in current and fast ‘compensation of voltage sag (Shen etal, 2009a; Shen et al, 2009b).. ‘The PSO Based Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System algorithm is, able to compensate voltage sag with reduced storage size and phase jump due to ground and line-to-tine faults (Kumar et al, 20112: Kumar etal, 2011b), Finally, the PSO Based Feedback Controller reduces both THD of current and voltage with high efficiency (Karankiet al, 2010), ‘The benefits of applying Inverter Reconfiguration, DVR and SSTATCOM canall be achieved by using aUPOC.As een toneduce current harmonics, lower THD, maintain a good power factor and spare any disturbances in voltage perturbations. Such algorithms are the most ‘complex to implement, requiring extra actuators to fulfil cesired func tions. This can be considered as an economic burden, with increased ‘overall system functioning costs when applying UPQC. 2.15, Energy storage system (£88) ESS are means to preserve energy produced while not being con- summed. In other terms, ESS isthe group of batteries, capacitors and fy- ‘wheels (Ariyaratna et al, 2019; Mahmoud et al. 2020). Since voltage ‘lucuations are mainly related to intermittent PV power output, an ac- ‘curate storage system immensely mitigate these fluctuations resulting in more efficient power forms, with less carbon emissions (Uetug and ‘Azapagic, 2018; Lamnatou et al, 2020)-This was considered asa cortec- tive maintenance technology under Artificial Intelligence fed since Fevent algorithms can befed intoa controller so that according toa given specifies, laws are formed to switch on/off some of the ESS ie. plugin) ‘outa bank of capacitor or switch the battery bank to another inorder to accommodate power fluctuations resultant from shading and other disturbances in power profiles, Eight diflerentcontrel algorithms for ESS are presented in Fig, 7 ‘The time-window is directly proportional to rated power of ESS in the Discrete Fourier Transform where shorter time-window is able to track actual output power closely in order that langertime-window is 33 times more in output power form than the precedent (Cao etal, 2014). Areduction of fst cloud impact in voltae profiles found ater using the Pl Controller Reactive Power Injection to the gr contra algo- rithm where voltage profiles are maintained in sunny as well as cloudy days (Abdetkatim et al, 2013). In the Micro Energy Management Sys tem, the output power fluctuations are suppressed without sacrificing in system’ eficiency (Noro etal, 2012). As for Coordinated Control, peak load shaving is achievable with shorter time response (Liu etal, 2012). The ANN algorithm reduces electrical costs by forecasting pre dicted marginal price and avallabiity of solar iradiance (Liu etal, 2014; Pazikadin et al, 2020). Alternatively, the Generic Algorithm (according to its name) mitigate power fluctuations in a substation (Zhang et al, 2012) as the Matrix Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm 6. Daeren contra seth for UFO 5 Osea See of Tt Event 76 (220) 191753 ‘Least Mean ‘Square Fie 7. ive controls fo ESS. determines optimal parameters of ESS in micro grid (what banks to choose, at what time wit which switching techniques) (Chen etal, 2011). Lastly the Least Mean Square eliminate harmonics in current tobelow 5 where the inverter control algorithm is hase on predicted ‘output power (Chen etal, 2008). ‘The BES (Rattery Energy Storage, another form of ESS works under the principle of storing surplus power during extra peak power produc tion ie. maximum solar irradiance in a sunny day, ané return it back to ‘the network when peak load demand occu and corresponding power production is intermittent (low radiations, cloudy day) (Barzegkar- ‘Nyotom etal, 2020) There are thnee main battery categories acting as ‘energy reservoirs (Chaudhary and Rirwan, 2018) * Conventional Bateries (widely used with types as Lead Acid, Nickel Cadmium, Lithium fon and others...) + High Temperature Batteries + Flow Bateries Following equations are for charging and discharging characteristics thar are taken into consideration when designing/using BES asa form of fovervoliage suppression: E (t+ Bt) = Bt) + AEP E(t +t) = E(t)—atPy/ny @ where fis the charging power and Py is the discharging power, ‘wiereas Fis the stored energy, the time taken to store the energy. 1. and ng are charging and discharging efficiencies (Chaudhary and Rizwan, 2018). ‘Power limits of battery storage systems are defined by the following power constraints: 02P4(0) Py max @ O5P.(0)SP. me 4 For an example of 120 Ah (Ampere Hour) battery, the supposed charging current is estimated at 10% of total Ah rating, therefore assumed at 12 A with a charging voltage of 14 V (that is 235 V for each 2 V cel) the maximum charging power Pn. is 168 W (regardless of charging efficiency and neglecting charging losses), The discharge power s load related, and in some cases dictated by DOD (Depth of Dis- charge) that fs commonly referred at 50% and battery C-ating (related tw manufacturing process) therefore for the same 120 Ah battery exam. ple, the maximum discharge power Pe nz is 720 W. ESS are considered a5 solution for off-rid PV system. When ‘expanding the storage capacity, PV users are expected to gain more power functioning days, under low solar irradiance and shading scenar- Jos, Since batteries are a the highest costs of PY system requirements, FSS are believed to be the most expensive solution for PY system optimization, 22, PV panels weer cleaning PY panels’ cleaning (for dust/droppings removal) is of crucial impor- tance atelevating overall system output power. Since dust and other ac- ccumolated particles act asa blocking interface to solar irradiance from reaching destined cell, voltage drop and other disturbances are seen ‘once panels become dirty. Since natural cleaning can often take place {uct as raining etc) the “man-made” term is derived in a way to can- front thatthe process was intentional using floating water purnps and ‘other media as shown in Fig 8 ‘Such correction method (for external faults resulting from dust or leaves accumulation) alleviates much te overall power output as the Table 7 indicates, Among sixteen different monthly readings, we only see a negative percentage difference between clean and dirty panels output power, over the span of the three hottest sum. _mer months. The reason can be referred to PY panel sets localization: ddue to notable change in incident solar radiation angle within July, ‘August and September compared (0 other months, the position of the dirty panels in the study is assumed to receive more sunrays than clean ones, Whereas in the remaining, months, i¢ was seen that the output power for clean panels are larger than dirty ones. By adding all gathered percentage differences and dividing them over the number of samples (sixteen months) we arrive at an 8.7% percentage difference, Said differently, there is 2 larger power A Osmaniet Scene fh Toa Ero 7465 (200) 141753 9 ig 8 Caring proces fo PV pel (Anas l,2018 production for clean panels than that of power production for dirty Panels by 8.7%, This cleaning process can be expanded to achieve wider forms of PV panels’ purification and dust/bacteria removal s indicated in Fig. 9. Core focusing on the Artificial Cleaning Methods, and starting by ‘manual cleaning. its considered as the most primitive form since It only requires a worker with a soft cloth and water to clean panels. For ‘small-scale PV power plants this is one of most efficent techniques of cleaning (Mohamed and Hasan, 2012), For larger plants, jets and brushes are used with the ability to add detergent formulas asa way to improve leaning for hard soiling (El-Nashar, 1994; Kimber, 2007). ‘The Self-Cleaning set of methods, onthe other hand, states tec niques where the human worker can be replaced by automotive sys- tems and sometimes robots to achieve higher efficiencies in water «consumption saving. The Active Cleaning st corresponds 0 all cleaning technique requires continuous paver to execute function, beginning with the Me- chanical Methods. They are equipped with mopping, brushing and blowing. A system compromising a central processor, a gearbox anda stepper motor rotates in a way that keeps solar irradiance normal t0 the PV module surface. When rotating 180° the brush rotates due to ‘sravitational force and cleans the PV surface. The other cleaning process held by te brush is at diferent times executed at 360 degrees (Tejwani nd Solanki, 2010). bie? Difeence between solar produced powers rom clea very panel in (Alnaser etal 2018), ‘Monthawar Can panekrachnl Diy pants actal Percentage sola solaeleeeciy sierence ety (KWH) (en) nama ra 10685 oa Apezoid 12155, is aie My20i4 11862 rs in yun20id i088 11035 an hazoia —aoa0t ass 187 Sep2uit —Us810 az mas Nov214 49560 ry sar janis 0887 3821 635 Feb201s 12037 1512 Ge Over! 062 se? an To eliminate dust and bird droppings, an integrative system of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and PIC (Peripheral Interface Control- Jer) can be used where its frst structure groups wipers, darkness and ovement sensors are controlled all together by the PLC Its other struc- ture uses roller brush and alarms controlled by the PIC (Lamont and EL Chaar, 2011), “Moving to the Electrostatic Shields cleaning techniques, it is based fon the theory ofthe traveling wave resultant from electric eld that carves charged air dust elements ina transverse way (Masuda etal, 1972; Masuda and Matsumoto, 1973). The EDS (Electrostatic Dust re moval System) consists of two parallel electrodes each reciprocally charged, made from specific chemical components placed inspecitic en. vironment where the negative electrode induces the negative charge on ‘dust elements present atthe PV surface. The dist accumulations exist currently at the positive electrode after attraction. The result is a contact-les removing, technique showing that for 8% of dust removal the performance of each PV maxlule increases by 90% (Mazumder etal, 2007: Mazumder etal, 2013) ‘AL the last sub-part of Active Techniques, the Robotic Cleaning, consisting ofan electric motor and brush showed effecivenessin de ‘creasing water usage upon cleaning while alleviating the power gener- aon (Juand Fu, 2011), On the other hand, the Passive Cleaning meshods family is based on the relation between modifying the surface property of PV module with ‘the super hydrophobic featur. This feature is for surfaces having the properties of water rejection and high water droplet mobility. The fab- Feation of such cleaning surfaces requires nanostructures For (he Super Hytrophilic Surfaces, the water draws on ts surface carrying along dust particles away a the severse operation topology than the hydrophobic structures. The difference is within chemical elements and reaction used in fabrication. Each cortesponds to specific set of geographical areas, were rain floods eavily or rarely (Nayshevsky etal, 2018). ‘The water cleaning process is cheap and simple. Itrequires no exper- tise in labors and no special equipment to perform it. From Table 3, an ‘8.7% difference of power output between clean and disty PV panels can. ‘demonstrate that applying a scheduled cleaning routines is worthy. The ‘water and labor costs for leaning is compensated with elevated power ‘outcomes. The note to he taken into consideration is that, cleaning, must be merely done with water Adding soap or other cling deter- gents can le to future accumulation on the top surface of PY panels, ‘ausing extra futuristic failures. Some chemical detergents can leave ‘traces on the glass mounting. causing light deviation and other failures, 23. PY panels dry cleaning, ‘Without water usage, PV panels can be dust-wiped using dry robotic cleaning system that uses a Silicon brush to remove dust particles

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