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Chomsky, Noam – Linguistic Acquisition

1. Abelard – Spearheaded Conceptualism Development (LAD); Form of Linguistic;
2. Anselm – Father of Scholasticism Nativism
3. Aristotle – Father of Modern Sciences; Realism 22. Christ, Jesus – Gnomic Method (proverbs),
4. Ascham – wrote the "Schoolmaster" Parables, Conversational or Dialectic Method,
condemning brutal punishment in English Modeling
Schools during his time 23. Cicero – wrote the "Oratore"
5. Atkinson, Richard & Shiffrin, Richard – 24. Comenius, John Amos – Father of Modern
Information Processing Theory Education; wrote the first picture book "Orbis
6. Ausubel, David – Advance Organizers; Sensualium Pictus" (World of Sensible Things
Meaningful Learning Theory; Assumption Pictured)
7. Bacon, Francis – Father of Inductive Method; 25. Comte, Auguste – Father of Sociology
wrote the "The New Atlantis" 26. Confucius (Kung-Tzu or Kung-Fu-Tzu)
8. Bagley, William – Essentialism (Confucianism) – “Analects”; Golden Rule;
9. Bandura, Albert – Social Cognitive Theory; Rituals
Observational Learning (ARMM); Modeling or 27. Cooley, Charles – Looking Glass Self Theory
Imitation Theory; Social Learning Theory; Neo- 28. Counts, George & Rugg, Harold –
behaviorism Reconstructionism
10. Bem, Sandra – Gender Schema Theory 29. Da Feltre – believed that people could be
11. Block, James – Mastery Learning educated and be Christians
12. Bloom, Benjamin – Cognitive Domain; Mastery 30. Dale, Edgar – Cone of Experience (20%
Learning remember)
13. Bowly, John – Attainment Theory 31. Darwin, Charles – theories to mental
14. Brofenbrenner, Urie – Ecological Theory characteristics as human think, feel, and
15. Bruner, Jerome – Discovery Learning Theory or behave (“evolutionary psychology”)
Inquiry Method; Spiral Curriculum; “Concrete 32. de Bono, Edward – Six Thinking Hats Theory
Operations” (low cognitive process); 33. Descartes, Rene – Rationalism
Constructivist Theory; Instrumental 34. Dewey, John – "Education is not a preparation
Conceptualism for life, it is life."; Progressivism; “Learning by
16. Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) (Buddhism) – doing.”
Four Noble Truths (Eightfold Paths) 35. Dreikurs, Rudolph – Acceptance Approach
17. Calvin, John – Calvinism (a system of Christian 36. Ebbinghaus, Herman – Associationism
theology and an approach to Christian life and Psychology
thought) 37. Erasmus, Desiderius – Father of Humanism or
18. Canter, Marlene & Lee – Assertive Approach Social Humanism; suggested that “Education
19. Carlsson, Arvid – discovered “dopamine” (the must be in accordance with the need of the
reward mechanisms in the brain) society.”; importance of studying the character
20. Carroll, John – Mastery Learning (associated of the child
originally) 38. Erikson, Erik – Psychosocial Theory
39. Evertson & Emmer – Business-Academic 59. Jensen, Arthur – “level-one thinking” (lower
Approach cognitive process)
40. Fenelon, Francois – education of women 60. Kierkegaard, Soren – Existentialism
41. Flavel, John – Metacognition 61. Kilpatrick, William – Project Method
42. Freire, Paolo – wrote “The Pedagogy of the 62. Kohlberg, Lawrence – Moral Reasoning Theory
Oppressed”; described conventional education 63. Kohler, William – Insight Learning
as the “banking concept of education” 64. Kounin, Jacob – Group Managerial Approach;
43. Freud, Sigmund – Father of Psychoanalysis “ripple effect”; with-it-ness principle
(Psychoanalytic Theory); Father of Psychology; 65. Krathwohl, David – Affective Domain
Psychosexual Theory 66. Letteri, Charles – Cognitive Structure (Seven
44. Froebel, Friedrich Wilhelm August – Father of Comprehension or Thinking Skills)
Kindergarten (Garden of Children) 67. Lewin, Kurt – Life Space Concept; Topological
45. Gagne, Robert – Gagne Method (Performance and Vector Theory (Field Theory)
Objectives); Task Analysis; Sequence or Event 68. Linnaeus, Carolus – Father of Modern
of Instruction; Teaching for Transfer Taxonomy
46. Galton, Francis – first used the term “gifted” for 69. Locke, John – Father of Empiricism; Father of
those who have exceptional talent Liberalism; to form character (mental, physical,
47. Gardner, Howard – Theory of Multiple and moral); defined education as “Training of
Intelligence the mind or formal discipline.”; Tabula Rasa
48. Gesell, Arnold – Maturation Theory (blank or empty slate)
49. Glasser, William – Success Approach 70. Loewi, Otto – discovered “acetylcholine”
50. Goleman, Daniel – Emotional Intelligence; (responsible in stimulation of muscles)
Notable Names in Education 71. Mager, Robert – Mager Method (Specific
51. Guilford, J.P. – “information” (lower cognitive Objectives)
process) 72. Mann, Horace – “common school” (public
52. Guthrie, Edwin – (stimulus and response); school); “Education is the great equalizer.”
temporal congruity 73. Marland, Sidney P. – gifted and talented
53. Harlow, Anita – Psychomotor Domain children are capable of high performance
54. Havinghurst, Robert – Developmental Tasks 74. Maslow, Abraham – Hierarchy of Needs;
55. Herbart, Johann Friedrich – conceived Motivation Theory
education as “Aimed towards the development 75. Mencius – Idealistic Wing of Confucianism
of morality and virtue.”; Herbatian Method in 76. Montessori, Maria – Italian Doctor of Medicine;
Psychology Transfer of Learning; Child-centered Education;
56. Holingworth, Leta – believed that giftedness is Prepared Environment
not inherited but developed by providing good 77. Mulcaster, Richard – said that "Education
environment should be in accordance with nature."; required
57. Hutchins, Robert – Perrenialism teachers to obtain university training (normal
58. James, William; Hall, G. Stanley; & Cattell, schools)
James M. – Functionalism Psychology 78. O’Leary & O’Leary – Principles for Punishing
79. Parker, Francis W. – Progressivism Majorem Dei Gloriam” (to the greater glory of
80. Pavlov, Ivan – Classical Conditioning; God)
Pavlovian Conditionig; involuntary behavior 97. St. John Baptiste de la Salle – Patron Saint of
81. Pestallozi, Johann Heinrich – Father of teachers; first used student teaching
Education and Pedagogy; defined education as 98. St. Thomas Aquinas (Dominican) – wrote
“Natural, symmetrical, and harmonious "Summa Theologica”
development of the faculties of the child.” 99. Sternberg, Robert – Triarchic Theory
82. Piaget, Jean – Cognitive Development Theory; Intelligence
Moral Development Theory; Information 100. Taba, Hilda – Grassroots Approach; Reflective
Processing Theory; Dynamic Interrelation Thinking
83. Pierce, Charles Sanders – Pragmatism 101. Terman, Lewis – view gifted children includes
(Experimentalism) high I.Q. (IQ’s of 140 or more)
84. Plato – wrote the "Republic"; Idealism 102. Thorndike, Edward Lee – Founder of Behavior
85. Poveda, Pedro – commits Christianity to the Psychology; Father of the Statistical Movement
upliftment of the poor and marginalized people in Education; Connectionism; Laws of Learning
86. Quintillian – wrote "Institution Oratoria"; famous (Law of Readiness, Law of Exercise, and Law
Grammaticus of Effect); “satisfaction”
87. Ratke, Wolfgang – initiated repetition to ensure 103. Titchener – Structuralism Psychology
mastery; used vernacular 104. Tolman, Edward – Purposive Behaviorism and
88. Redl, Fritz – Group Guidance Approach Goal Oriented
89. Renzulli, Joseph S. – Three Clusters of Gifted 105. Torrance, Edward Paul – Creative Problem
(Above Ave. Ability, Task Commitment, and Solving
Creativity) 106. Turriel, Elliot – Social Domain Theory
90. Rosseau, John Jacques – wrote "Emile" and 107. Tyler, Ralph – Tyler Model (Goals and
“Social Contract”; “Education should be in Objectives); used the term “purposes” for goals
accordance with the nature of the child.” 108. Tzu, Hzun – Realistic Wing of Confucianism
91. Scriven, Michael – coined the term “Formative 109. Tzu, Lao & Tzu, Chuang (Taoism) – nature
Evaluation” and “Summative Evaluation” (spontaneity)
92. Skinner, Burrhus Frederic (B.F.) – Operant 110. von Euler, Ulf – discovered “norepinephrine”
Conditioning (reinforcements); recent (bringing our nervous system into “high alert”)
Behavioral Modification Approach 111. Vygotsky, Lev – Socio-Cultural Theory;
93. Socrates – “Know Thy Self" Scaffolding; Zone of Proximal Development
94. Spencer, Herbert – “Synthetic Philosophy”; (ZPD); Linguistic Theory
Survival of the Fittest (Evolution Theory); 112. Watson, James – classic Behavioral
defined education as “Preparation for complete Modification Approach; Behavioral Theory
living.” 113. Weiner, Bernard – Attribution Theory
95. St. Francis (Franciscan) – founder of the 114. Weinstein & Mayer – Cognitive Framework
Franciscan Order (Eight Comprehension or Thinking Strategies)
96. St. Ignatius of Loyola (Inigo Lopez de Loyola) 115. Wertheimer, Max; Kohler, Wolfgang; & Koffka,
(Jesuit) – founder of the Society of Jesus; “Ad Kurt – Gestalt Laws (Laws of Continuity,
Closure, Proximity, Similarity, Pragnanz, and
Figure & Ground)
116. Wundt, Wilhelm – Father of Modern Psychology

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