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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today we come to celebrate the

graduation ceremony of this school, the Maryknoll School of Lupon. We
give praise to God for the good and marvelous things He has shown to
this school during the academic year 2016-2017. As graduates, we are
able to cross the threshold in this present generation. This is something
great and a blessing for them and for us.
The Catholic Church this year celebrates the year of the parish. 2017 is a
year when we more deeply reflect not only on the structures of
governance of the parishes but also on the quality of faith life in our own
parish and community. We are called in a special way to make the parish
a communion of communities.
As we celebrate this Mass for the graduation, let us pray for the
graduates who are called to take upon themselves the task and the
challenge to be the salt of the earth and to be a light of the world. As
graduates, may we receive the commissioning to be good news for this
With this, let us begin our Eucharistic celebration with joy as we sing
our entrance hymn.

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