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Honours in Biomedical Sciences



1 The Cell SM
2 The Cell SM
3 The Cell SM
4 Protein composition and structure of amino CC
acids as protein components, essential amino
5 Protein composition ……….. CC
6 Primary, secondary, tertiary and quartenary CC
structure of proteins, protein Denaturation
7 Primary, secondary, tertiary … CC
8 Primary, secondary, tertiary … CC
9 Enzymes—Catalytic Power, Specificity, SM
and Regulation
10 Enzymes—Catalytic Power, Specificity, SM
and Regulation
11 Enzymes—Catalytic Power, Specificity, SM
and Regulation
12 Enzymes—Catalytic Power, Specificity, SM
and Regulation
13 Enzymes—Catalytic Power, Specificity, SM
and Regulation
14 Carbohydrate chemistry, structure of AM
monosaccharides and polysaccharides,
carbohydrates as nutrients
15 Carbohydrate chemistry……. AM
16 Bioenergetic, high energy compounds, including AM
ATP, creatine phosphate, 1,3-
biphosphoglycerate, phosphoenolpyruvate and
17 Bioenergetic, high energy compounds AM
18 Carbohydrate metabolism - Glycolysis, FC
Gluconeogenesis, Tricarboxylic acid cycle and
their regulation, Cori cycle, Electron transport
chain, Oxidative phosphorylation, Hexose
monophosphate shunt, Glycogen metabolism
and its regulation
19 Carbohydrate metabolism FC
20 Carbohydrate metabolism FC
21 Carbohydrate metabolism FC
22 Carbohydrate metabolism FC
23 Carbohydrate metabolism FC
24 Cell membranes AM
25 Membrane transport AM
26 Biological oxidation, mitochondria, electron AM
transport, oxidative phosphorylation
27 Biological oxidation, mitochondria, electron AM
transport, oxidative phosphorylation
28 Muscle biochemistry AM
29 Lipid chemistry TMa
30 Lipid chemistry TMa
31 Lipid metabolism TMa
32 Lipid metabolism TMa
33 Lipid metabolism TMa
34 Amino acid metabolism - transamination, TR
deamination, glucose-alanine cycle, Urea cycle
and its regulation, metabolism of Phenylalanine
and a branched chain amino acid.
35 Amino acid metabolism TR
36 Amino acid metabolism TR

37 Amino acid metabolism TR

38 Amino acid metabolism TR

39 Nutritional Biochemistry - Basic concepts of MM

energy expenditure, measurement of foodstuffs
energy content

40 Calorific values, Dietary recommendations, MM

vegetarianism, animal versus plant proteins
41 Balanced diets, RDA for infants, children, adults, MM
pregnant, lactating women and old age

42 Biochemical basis for obesity MM

43 Nutritional deficiencies, kwashiorkor, marasmus, MM
pathological conditions
44 Nucleotide and nucleic acid chemistry FM
45 Nucleic acid metabolism - Outline of purine FM
and pyrimidine metabolism, Gout and Lesch-
Nyhan syndrome
46 Nucleic acid metabolism FM
47 Structure of DNA and RNA – central dogma FM
48 DNA replication FM
49 DNA replication FM
50 Transcription RMa
51 Transcription RMa
52 Protein synthesis RMa
53 Protein synthesis RMa
54 Protein biosynthesis: Posttranslational RMa
55 Biosynthesis and degradation of haemoglobin RMa

56 Immunology and Immunotechniques TM

57 Immunology and Immunotechniques TM
58 Immunology and Immunotechniques TM
59 Immunology and Immunotechniques TM
60 Immunology and Immunotechniques TM
61 Human genetics and pharmacogenomics NS
62 Human genetics and pharmacogenomics NS
63 Human genetics and pharmacogenomics NS
64 Human genetics and pharmacogenomics NS
65 Human genetics and pharmacogenomics NS
66 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology TBA
67 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology TBA
68 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology TBA
69 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology TBA
70 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology TBA
71 Basic Microbiology including Medical Mycology RM
72 Basic Microbiology including Medical Mycology RM
73 Basic Microbiology including Medical Mycology RM
74 Basic Microbiology including Medical Mycology RM
75 Basic Microbiology including Medical Mycology RM
76 Microbial Biochemistry RM
77 Microbial Biochemistry PM
78 Microbial Biochemistry PM
79 Microbial Biochemistry PM
80 Microbial Biochemistry PM
81 Industrial Microbiology PM
82 Industrial Microbiology NM
83 Industrial Microbiology NM
84 Industrial Microbiology NM
85 Industrial Microbiology NM
86 Molecular Virology ISN

87 Molecular Virology ISN

88 Recombinant DNA technology ISN

89 Recombinant DNA technology ISN

90 Gene therapy NS/NM?

91 Gene therapy NS/NM?
92 Plant Molecular Biology FR
93 Plant Molecular Biology FR
94 Plant Molecular Biology FR
95 Plant Molecular Biology FR
96 Biochemical Communication TMa
97 Biochemical Communication TMa
98 Biochemical Communication TMa
99 Biochemical Communication TMa
100 Biochemical Communication TMa
101 Neurobiochemistry and Cancer biology TM
102 Neurobiochemistry and Cancer biology TM
103 Neurobiochemistry and Cancer biology TM
104 Neurobiochemistry and Cancer biology TM
105 Neurobiochemistry and Cancer biology TM
106 Biosafety and Bioethics TM
107 Biosafety and Bioethics TM
108 Biosafety and Bioethics TM
109 Biosafety and Bioethics TM
110 Biosafety and Bioethics TM

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