Malaysia: History

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Malaysia is a South-East Asia country. Malaysia is the world's 43rd most populous nation, with a
population of over 32 million people. Kuala-Lampur is the national capital and largest city of

Malaysia has its roots in the Malay kingdoms, which were part of the British Empire in the 18th
century, along with the protectorate of the British Straits Settlements. In 1946, Peninsular
Malaysia was united as the Malayan Union. In 1948, Malaya was restructured as the Federation
of Malaya, and on August 31, 1957, it gained independence. On 16 August, Malaya merged with
North Borneo, Sarawak, and Singapore.

In the fourteenth century, the Sultanate of Malacca turned into the most noticeable Islamic
domain. From that point forward, Islam has profoundly affected the country. A few years after
the fact, the Portuguese attached well off Malacca which was subsequently lost to the Dutch. Our
legacy Malacca visits incorporate visits to middle age landmarks and verifiable vacation spots,
Baroque compositional miracles, clamoring night markets and the brilliant Chinatown, offering
mind boggling experiences into this UNESCO World site. In 1824, the nation was formally
proclaimed British pioneer an area, getting a great many Indians and Chinese driven by the
requests of the consistently expanding Empire. On a private legacy visit through Penang, to see
the UNESCO Heritage site of George Town, where Fort Cornwallis, the biggest standing fortress
worked by the British East India Company, tells stories of British imperialism and military
impact. Visit elastic estates in Malaysia, which were presented during the newly time and today,
produce almost 46% of the elastic on the planet. After World War 2 and the famous patriot
development, the Federation of Malaysia was set up in 1948.

Today, Kuala Lumpur is an ideal illustration of agreeable presence between the past and the
present. [ CITATION MAL1 \l 1033 ]

Malaysia is a nation of two parts. One is the West Malaysia which is the peninsular part on the
mainland bounded on the North by Thailand and another one is the East Malaysia on the western
coast of the island of Borneo. The federal constitutional monarchy is made up with thirteen
states & three federal zone divided into two regions (West Malaysia and East Malaysia) by the
South sea of China. In the West Malaysia they share borders with Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia
and Vietnam. On the other side in East Malaysia is bordered on the land and sea by Brunei and
Indonesia, as well as a maritime boundary with the Philippines and Vietnam. [ CITATION Geo \l
1033 ]

Key Fact of Malaysia-

 Region: Asia.
 Population: 32 Million.
 Capital: Kuala Lampur.
 Area: 330,000 sq kilometers.

The Malay ethnic group makes up about half of the population, with minorities of Chinese,
Indians, and indigenous peoples. Malaysian, a standard version of Malay and it is the country's
official language as well. English is still used as their second language.

Malaysia's currency is known as the “Ringgit”. There are 100 sen in a dollar. Bank Negara
Malaysia which is the Malaysia's central bank is the issuer of the ringgit.

According to the International Monetary Fund 2020, Malaysia's economy is the fourth largest in
Southeast Asia. It is also the world's 36th largest economy. Malaysia's labor productivity is
considerably higher than that of its neighbors Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam.

Malaysians have a better standard of living than almost all other ASIAN countries. Singapore
and Brunei are close to Malaysia in economy. This is due to a rapidly increasing export-oriented
economy, a relatively low national income tax, extremely inexpensive local food and
transportation fuel, and a fully financed single-payer universal healthcare system. Malaysia is a
newly industrialized in economy which is already developed .[ CITATION Eco \l 1033 ]

Population and Labor force:

Malaysia is the world's 43rd most populous nation, with a population of over 32 million people.
Malaysia’s annual growth rate is 0.4 percent. Malaysia's population is expected to reach 32.7
million in 2020, up from 32.5 million in 2019.
With this huge population Malaysia still have available workforce. Out of a labor force of just
under 15.6 million people, 15.1 million people were employed in Malaysia in 2019. The labor
force participation rate was about 65 percent in that year. [ CITATION Lab \l 1033 ]

Culture and Customs

Malaysians are a mix of Chinese, Indian, and indigenous Malay influences. The Malays are the
largest ethnic group in Malaysia, and they follow both Islamic and Malay customs, as well as
speaking the Malay language. Malaysian Chinese account for about a quarter of the population,
and three major dialects of Chinese are spoken: Hokkien, Cantonese, and Mandarin. Malaysian
Indians, who about 10% of the population, are mostly descended from Tamil-speaking South
Indians who were brought in under British colonial rule. Orthodox Malays speak Bahasa
Malaysia, an Austronesian language with origins in the Malay language. The Orang Asli, or
original people are Malay indigenous people who live in the Peninsular region. They are divided
into many groups, each with their own language and culture. [ CITATION MAL \l 1033 ]

Malaysia has tropical weather all year, but due to its proximity to the sea, the climate is also
hot. Despite this, the weather is not too hot, with average temperatures starting from 20°C to
30°C all year; however, the highlands have cooler temperatures. The weather and climate of
Malaysia means that it has a monsoon season, but this varies depending on the destination.
The monsoon season in the south-west lasts from May to September, while the rainy season
in the north-east lasts from November to March January and February on the west coast.
The monsoon also differs along the Peninsular Malaysia coastline, with rain falling from
March to April and September to November in Kuala Lumpur. The famous Peninsular
receives an average annual rainfall of 2500 mm, while East Malaysia receives an average
annual rainfall of 5080 mm.
The Malaysian climate is good outside of the monsoon season, with warm sunny days and
little bit cooler nights. [ CITATION Mal \l 1033 ]

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