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Department of Mathematics

Anna University, Chennai

Unit - II
Analytic Functions
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Section 4

• Geometry of Functions of a
Complex Variable
• Conformal Mapping

• Mapping : z+c, cz, az+b

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Geometry of Functions of a
Complex Variable
Any function w=f(z) can be
represented using two Argand
planes. Any curve in the z-plane is
transformed into a curve in the

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y w=f(z) v

C C’

o x o’ u
z-plane w-plane

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The function w=f(z) defines a
mapping of the figures in the z-plane
into the figures in the w-plane.
i.e. A given function assigns to each
point z in its domain of definition D
the corresponding point w=f(z) in
the w-plane. f defines a mapping/
transformation of D into the w-plane.
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For any point z0 in D, the
corresponding point w0=f(z0) is
called the image of z0 with respect to
the mapping f.
For the points of a curve C in D,
the image points form the image of
the curve C.
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Conformal Mapping
Let C1,C2 be two curves in the
z-plane intersecting at the point P;
let C1’,C2’ be the corresponding
curves in the w-plane intersecting
at P’ under the mapping w = f (z)
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If the angle of intersection of the
curves at P is the same as the
angle of intersection of the curves
at P’, both in magnitude and sense,
then the mapping is said to be
conformal at P.

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If f (z) is analytic and f ’(z) ≠0 in a
region R of the z-plane, then the
mapping w= f (z) is conformal at
all points of R.

Note: If f(z) is not analytic, the

mapping w = f(z) is not conformal
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Properties of Conformal
Infinitesimal geometric figures in one
plane are transformed to the other
plane without change of shape,
although they may be rotated and
altered in size. This is not true for
large figures.
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Here, the Co-efficient of Magnification
for the conformal mapping w = f (z)
at z=a+ib is given by | f ’(a +ib)|.
i.e. Infinitesimal lengths are magnified
by the factor |f’(z)|. Infinitesimal areas
are magnified by the factor
| f ’(z)|2.

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Angle of rotation for the conformal
mapping w = f (z) at z=a+ib is given

by arg[f ’(a+ib)].

i.e. the tangent to the curve C at

z =a+ib is rotated through an angle
arg[f ’(a+ib)] by the above mapping.
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A point at which f ’(z)=0 is called a
critical point of the transformation. The
mapping is not conformal at its critical

e.g. The point z=0 is a critical point of

the transformation w = z2.

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Example 1

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Solution 1
w  f (z)  z 2

w'  2 z
w ' (1  i )  2 (1  i )
| w ' (1  i ) | 44  82 2
1 
arg w ' (1  i )  tan (1) 
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Example 2

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Example 3

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Isogonal Mapping
In some transformations, magnitude
of angles alone is conserved but the
sense of rotation is changed. Such
mappings are said to be Isogonal.
e.g. w = =x – iy.

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Some Standard

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The mapping w = z+c, c is a complex
constant, translates every point z
through the constant c=a+ib. If
z=x+iy, w=u+iv, then
(or) u=x+a and v=y+b.

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The two regions have the same size,
shape & orientation.


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Example 4
Let the rectangular region R in the
z-plane be bounded by x=0, y=0,
x=2, y=1. Determine the region R’ in
the w-plane into which R is mapped
under the transformation:
w=z+(1 – 2i)
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Solution 4
Here w = z+(1 – 2i). Then,
u+iv = x+iy+(1 – 2i) = (x+1)+i(y – 2)
u = x+1; v = y – 2
Line x=0 is mapped into u=1;
Line y=0 is mapped into v= – 2;
Line x=2 is mapped into u=3;
Line y=1 is mapped into v= – 1.

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Example 5

Find the image of the circle |z|=k,

under the mapping w=z+2+3i.

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Solution 5
|z|=k is a circle in the z-plane with
centre at the origin and radius equal
to k. Now,
u=x+2; v=y+3; |z|=|x+iy|=k
x2+y2=k2 ; (u – 2)2+(v – 3)2=k2
which is a circle in the w-plane with
centre at 2+3i and radius equal to k.
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The mapping w = cz, c is a real
If z=x+iy, w=u+iv, then
(or) u=cx & v=cy.

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No change in the shape & orientation.

w=cz, c - real

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Example 6
Determine the region R’ of the w-plane,
into which the triangular region R
enclosed by the lines x=0, y=0, x+y=1

in the z-plane is mapped, under the

transformation w=2z.
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Solution 6
w=2z; u+iv=2x+i(2y);u=2x; v=2y
x=0 is mapped into u=0
y=0 is mapped into v=0
x+y=1 is mapped into u+v=2
Hence the region R’ is a magnified
region bounded by u=0; v=0 and
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Magnification & Rotation
The mapping w = cz, c is a complex
i i i
Let c  be ; z  re ; w  e
i i (  )
e  bre ;   br ;     

The given figure is magnified b times and

rotated through an angle .
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No change in shape.



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Example 7
Determine the region in the w-plane
into which the rectangle bounded by
x=0, y=0, x=2 and y=1 in the z-plane
is mapped under the transformation
i / 4
w  2e z
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Solution 7
i / 4
w  2e z
i / 4
u  iv  2e ( x  iy )
 2 ( x  iy ) cos   4
 i sin  4
 ( x  iy )(1  i )
u  ( x  y ); v  ( y  x)

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u=x – y; v=x+y
When x=0, u= – y, v=y v= – u
When y=0, u=x, v=x  v=u
When x=2, u=2 – y, v=2+y  u+v=4
When y=1, u=x – 1, v=x+1  v – u=2

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Thus the region R is mapped onto the
rectangular region R’ in the w-plane
bounded by the lines v = – u, v = u,
u + v = 4, v – u = 2 ;

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Example 8

Find the image of the circle |z|=k by

the transformation w=(1+i)z.

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Solution 8
u  iv  (1  i )( x  iy )  ( x  y )  i ( y  x)
uv v u
u  x  y; v  x  y or x  ; y
2 2
|z|  x  y  k
2 2
or x  y  k
2 2 2

2 2
u v   vu 
    k or u  v  2k
2 2 2 2

 2   2 

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Thus, the image is a circle in the
w-plane with the origin at the
centre and radius = k 2 .

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Magnification, Rotation &

Consider the general linear

transformation w=cz+d, c & d are
complex constants.
Let w1=cz; Then, w =w1+d.

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Effect of the Transformation :
1.Rotation through an angle [arg (c)]
2.Magnification by a factor |c| &
3.Traslation through a distance d.

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Example 9

Find the image of the circle |z|=k by

the transformation w=(1+i)z+(3+2i).

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Solution 9
w  u  iv  (1  i )( x  iy )  (3  2i )
u  ( x  y  3); v  ( x  y  2)
u  3  x  y; v  2  x  y
z k ; x y k ;
2 2 2 2

( x  y )  ( x  y )  2x  y   2k
2 2 2 2 2

(u  3)  (v  2)  2k
2 2 2

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The image of the given circle is a
circle in the w-plane with centre at
3+2i and radius = k 2 .

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Practice Problems

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