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Welcome to Paro Bikers.

Where your ride is our passion

Creating an environment friendly transportation keeping fitness in mind.



SM FARHAN ANWAR 1631404030
MD. SAFAT ULLAH CHY 1821524630

Department of Management
School of Business and Economics
North South University

January 10, 2021

Tanya Ahmed


Department of Management

North South University

Subject: Letter of Transmittal

Dear Madam,

With all due respect, we have completed this business plan including the country
research that you have assigned us under the course of Business Communication.

Though we are still on our learning curve, this business plan has enabled us to gain
insights about a business to be done overseas. It was extremely challenging for us
to gather all the information and implement that in our company. It was a very
interesting experience for all of us. Thank you so much for your supportiveness
throughout the whole semester. Without your guidelines these business report
would have been incomplete.

Lastly, I would like to thank my teammates who worked relentlessly for this entire
project. We, hope you’ll go through the whole report and give us your advice.
Your feedback will be highly appreciated.


The Generals


Section: 02

Executive Summary..................................................5
Marketing Strategies..............................................18
Executive Summary
The motive of 'Paro Bikers' is to build an environmentally sustainable
transport that takes health into account. 'Bhutan' is the country we want to start
business, the country is situated at the eastern tip of the Himalayan mountain range
and its neighboring countries are China and India. We will begin our business in
the city of "Paro" and later expand. Car transport and motorcycles have generated
an immense environmental impact, and the roads are still filled with jams, which is
why we have come up with a new concept to incorporate cycling in busy streets in
the city of Paro. The slogan is to build an economical and fitness friendly climate.
Besides we have some premium packages of cycling for tourists, who are looking
for a crazy trekking adventure through the hilly mountain roads. Bicycles can be
easily accessed through all sorts of roads, save time and minimize the costs, it is
obvious that the people of Bhutan are not in a normal position, and it's a difficult
matter for them to purchase a transport so we thought of these new ideas. We will
also have some marketing strategy for the growth of our business. Also the
financial plan is set for the first 3 years which is mandatory for a business to run.
Since Bhutan is a tourist destination for visitors, visiting the city cycling and
enjoying the beauty of the country's culture on the blocks would be beneficial to
Bhutan is officially known as the kingdom of Bhutan; the country was
founded by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. He was the founder of Tibet. Bhutan
has been of the independent country in the history, the country was never occupied
or powered by outside country. The country has been successfully defended its
sovereignty, Bhutan has become the member of United Nation in 1971. Before the
entry of some Buddhism into Bhutan, the country was fully threatened and
demolished by some classes of people. It is said that the Buddhism has spread love
inside the villages of Bhutan. The country has started to work more from the
isolation state to the modern and development era, they establish the national army
force with new law. Having enormous resources in Bhutan, the country has started
to focus more on the tourism sector and started to utilize their resources efficiently.
Buddhism is one of the oldest religion of Bhutan, their main religion is Buddhism.
During the ancient time of Bhutan, before the 1960s the country did not have any
national currency, no telephone, no hospital, and no touring spots. The country has
made a small growth in the population growth so that they can maintain to preserve
their national identity. Buddhism was proposed by the king Songtan Gampo. They
have followed all the rituals and spiritual activities of Buddhism. Bhutanese culture
is strongly based on Buddhism. Their traditions and uniqueness are the main
attraction. The Bhutanese has the most beautiful and unspoiled beauty, they wear
their national dress all over the country, they feel proud and encouraged to hold
their traditions and culture in front of tourists. The tourist feels overwhelmed
wearing Bhutanese dress all over the country, the main dress for men is belted
knee-length robe and women wear ankle length dresses. The Bhutanese like to
wear color shawls especially the women. They wear shawls that are in oven
textile.  Most of the Bhutanese are from the feudal society. However, they have a
law that states that they must wear their traditional dresses. During any occasions,
they like to wear hand crafted jewelry, the jewelry is seen most of tortoise or from
coral stones. The Bhutanese mainly go for arranged marriage but however
polygamy is accepted in some states. The main language of Bhutan is Dzongkha
and Sharchop. These languages are most closely to Tibetan language (Bhutan —
History and Culture, n.d.). The Bhutanese are involved in fine arts that are closely
related to the Tibetan art. The national sport of Bhutan is archery and digor. These
events are often held in Bhutan and the citizens of Bhutan happily participate into
these sports. However, they perform dancing drinking, music as their refreshment
during any events (History of Bhutan - Bhutan History - Origin and History of
Bhutanese, n.d.).

Bhutan is a landlocked nation with a length of approximately 300 km and an
expanding area of 170 km and a surface of 38,394 square km. It lies in the south
and south-west India and the autonomous Tibetan region of China in the north and
north-westerly regions between the longitude 88045' to the east and 92010' and the
latitudes 26040' and 28015' to the north. It is 470 kilometers, in the north and
northwest, bordering Tibet (China's autonomous Xizang region), in the west, in the
west, in the south west, in the south and south-west, in the south and south west, in
the south and south east, in the Arunachal Pradesh.

People of Bhutan mostly practice Buddhism and speak their primary
language, Sharchop and Dzongkha. These languages are more modern versions of
Tibetan language and are tightly connected with each other. Physically they are
similar to Tibetans and their arts and crafts including jewelry matches with the
Tibetans. Bhutanese men dress in knee length robes with a belt called “Gho” while
women wear colorful blouses with a large rectangular cotton cloth wrapped around
known as “Kira,” in addition with a bright colorful jacket.
The Bhutanese society is Matrilocal, where the groom moves to his bride’s
community. Bhutanese women represent 49.5 percentage of the overall population
and play a prime role in the development of Bhutan. They're actively involved in
all areas of economic, political and social life as farmers, marketers, selection-
makers, doctors, engineers and homemakers. Bhutanese women do no longer face
any institutionalized shape of discrimination- politically, socially, economically or
legally. law treats men and women equally and a lot of its provisions defend the
rights and interests of ladies and kids.
In traditional society, women are expected to hold the house and property
while their sons would leave home and settle with their wives. This culture has
been based on a belief that women need financial security in order to raise their
children and take care of their parents. The concept of the 'head of households' is a
relative one. Household decision-making varies between issues and on the capacity
of an individual. There are no fixed roles to either the wife or the husband. In a
case of divorce, laws provide fair share for equitable spousal and child support.
Education is a very focusing subject in Bhutan and it’s completely free in
government schools until the higher secondary level. After this level, students are
provided with 50-100% scholarships depending on their merit status. There is zero
to no gender discrimination in Bhutan, be it education, lifestyle, choice, or demand.
Integrity and honesty is the ultimate Bhutanese pride. Besides these, the Dragon
Kingdom is very well disciplined. Starting from their daily life to meal schedules
everything is arranged timely. They respect food and hunger so much that they
actually close their shops or halt business hours during lunch. They are also very
punctual about their schedule and tends to be sad if they are made to wait.
Unlike any other cultures, Bhutanese people also have monks of their own
but being a monk in Bhutan doesn’t stop one from enjoying worldly pleasures such
as quality meals in restaurants or spending time with family or having high end
smartphones. A monk from Bhutan chooses a life of spiritual training, and must
choose between becoming a theologian or a faith practitioner. Monks of Bhutan
lives in monasteries at high altitudes and bear with the extreme climate conditions
regularly. Every monastery has an Abbot (Spiritual Masters) also known as
“Lama.” The eldest lama of the land is called “Je Khempo” (Chief Abbot of
Bhutan) and he holds a position equal to the king of Bhutan. Monks play a vital
role in Bhutanese people’s lives. They perform various religious and ritual
ceremonies and encourage traditional scholarships.
The most powerful leaders of Bhutan are the king himself along with his
prime minister and the Je Khempo, being the head of the monastic association. The
citizens of Bhutan love their king and the royal family so dearly that they even
have royal pictures framed at their homes.

The currency code of Bhutan is BTN, locally the currency of Bhutan is
called Ngultrum. It is the locally and accepted currency of Bhutan. The symbol of
the currency is Nu. 100 cents make 1 BTN. However, cents in Bhutan is called
Chhertum. The currency notes are in 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 BTN. The
500 BTN has a raven crown in front of the note and picture of majesty in the back
of the note. The patterns are followed on all types of Bhutan notes and each
having different pictures. In Bhutan, coins are still available. They carry the weight
of 0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 1 BTN. All the coins are crafted with the royal government of
Bhutan on the top. The currency rate of Bhutan and Indian rupee is similar. I
Ngultrum = 1 Indian Rupee. The higher currency notes like 500, 1000, 2000 INR
are not accepted in Bhutan.

Bhutan's territory is about 38,394 square kilometers. However, its current
population is only 779.898 in 2021, which is very low compared to other countries.
Bhutan's population is one of the lowest in the Asia Pacific region. The population
growth rate of Bhutan is also increasing slowly. Bhutan's population has increased
by only 1.07% from 2020 to 2021(Bhutan Population 1950-2021, n.d.). Most of the
people in Bhutan lives in the rural area. But like every other country, the
urbanization rate of Bhutan is growing day by day. People are facing urban life
than living in rural areas. According to statistics, urbanization in Bhutan rose from
40.9% to 41.61%. We can see 0a .71% growth in urbanization from the year 2018
to 2019 (Statista, 2020e). Bhutan has the fastest urbanization growing rate than
other South Asian countries. Only 69% of total people lived in rural areas in 2005,
and it is expected to decrease to only 23% in 2040 (Yoshikawa & Paterson, 2019).
Bhutan has a lower fertility rate than any other country in the south pacific region.
The fertility rate is decreasing in Bhutan. In 2015 Bhutan's fertility rate was 27.4%,
but in 2019 it came down to 23.8%. We can see a massive drop in the fertility rate
by 3.6% (Statista, 2020c). With the decrease in young age people, we can see a
massive increase in the number of 40-year-old people in Bhutan. Bhutan is a
Buddhist country. Also, a significant number of ethnic Nepalese living in Bhutan.
The Bhutia are people who cover half of the total population of Bhutan. 50% of
Bhutan’s total population is Bhutia, 35% of the total population of Bhutan is
Nepalese, and 15% of the total population of Bhutan is Sharchops (Britannica,
n.d.). In southern and southwestern part consists of some mixed ethnic group.
Nepalese in Bhutan talks in Nepali. Easter Bhutan people are related to hill tribes.
The earliest inhabitants of Bhutan are the Sharchop (Britannica, n.d.). Bhutan's age
structure indicates that most of the people in Bhutan are aged between 15-64 years
old. In 2019 the rate of 0-14 years old people was 25.34%, 15-64 years old
wwas68.57%, and 65 years and older were 6.09% (Statista, 2020b). However, the
life expectancy rate in Bhutan is increasing every year. In 2017, Bhutan's life
expectancy rate was 71.13%, and in 2018 it increased to 71.46% (Statista, 2020d).

From Hofstede insights, we found out that Bhutan maintains hierarchy in the
society. In Bhutan everyone has their own position. Employees in Bhutan wants to
be guided by their superior. In terms of individualism, we saw that Bhutan’s people
are neither self-oriented nor group oriented. People in Bhutan cares more about
their quality of life. Compromise and negotiations are the key to resolve issues.
Bhutanese welcomes new innovation and are willing to try new products
(Hofstede-insights, 2017). The Bhutanese people has a tendency to eat food in their
hands. They eat their food in sitting in the floor with cross-legged. The food is
firstly served to the most senior person of the house. The women or mother serve
the food in the family. Before eating the food, they perform a small prayer where
they thank god for their well-being and blessing them with food. In the modern
cities, the people eat food in their rooms in table and chair. The main dish the
Bhutanese love the most are cheese, beef, pork, chili and lentils.
The birth of a child is always welcomed in Bhutan. However, they highly
discourage for an additional member in the family. After the birth of new born
baby, the guests and relative are not allowed to see the baby for the first three days.
They customize a ritual ceremony and on that ceremony their relatives and guests
are welcomed to see the new born baby. The Bhutanese culture does not
discriminate on the sex of the child. They give proper and equal rights to both boys
and girls. No judgmental discriminations take place in their caste system,
traditional ceremony takes place in their house, the children are blessed with many
offering starting from clothes, to jewelry to money. The children are not
immediately named. Their names are given by the Buddhist priests. The mother
and child are blessed by the priests. In some cases, it is seen that, the child’s name
is given on the day of their birth.  After the birth, a horoscope is written based on
their birth.
The Bhutanese are enriched on their culture. They perform mask dance on
special occasions of their ceremony. Various mask dances are held and stay up to 3
days. They perform dance based on many kinds of their traditional songs and folk
songs. They highly enjoy themselves during these kind of ceremony. During any
kind of religious ceremony, the Bhutanese share their meals with their relatives and
family members. They share rice, beef and many different kinds of foods with their
relatives. They believe that sharing of food has come from their early ancestors.
They love to have drinks during ceremony like red wine. They highly appreciate
red-wine to their close friends and neighbors to have. They believe that sharing
drinks will reduce stress among themselves. In the Bhutanese culture the new
wedded married couples are blessed with tons of gifts. They highly appreciate their
guest’s hospitality; different kinds of cuisines are served during their wedding.
They love to have rice with beef or pork or cheese. After the wedding, the bride
enters to the groom’s house normally. But even if they want to get separated from
their family. They can live on their own. Divorce can take place in a marriage and
it’s also accepted as a norm.[ CITATION bhu \l 1033 ]

72% of the land is covered by forests and its terrain is made up of many high
and rough mountains divided into deep valleys. The bulk of slopes lie in dense
woods. Several rivers flow south into India's Brahmaputra River. In the North, the
panoramic scenes of the snow-capped mountains climb to more than 7500 meters.
There are few nomads and yak herders in the northern belt who migrate to the
colder places in winter, taking their livestock in summer for grazing. In the alpine
zone, snow-fed rivers provide livestock pastures in the summer.
The elevation in the interior of the Himalayas ranges from 1500 m to 3500
m. In this region are all major cities such as Thimphu, Paro and Punakha. The
valleys are lush and green from June to September, the monsoon season.
In the south, the South Hills were covered by thick couch woodland, alluvial
valleys of the lowlands of the river and mountains around 1500 m above sea level.
The north of the South Foothills is rich with greenery and wildlife. The frontier
cities are all situated at the southern foothills of India. In southern plains and
foothills, the climate is hot and subtropical, in southern and central Himalayan
valleys, and in north cold, with the major Himalayan summits snowing all-year-
The landscape in Bhutan ranges from hilly to rough mountain ranges,
making it difficult to map out roads. Bhutan has no railways and a lack of access to
the sea has made it difficult to trade across borders and it has been incapable of
profiting from trade that matches its ability. Bhutan, with a high growth rate, is one
of the smallest economies in the world.

Bhutan is a small landlocked country located in the Himalayas in between
china and India. Steep mountains make Bhutan’s settlements scatters throughout
the country. The economy Bhutan depends on their agriculture, forestry and
hydropower sector. Bhutan has ample of water resource that creates a very suitable
condition for hydropower. Which contributes to their economy. As Bhutan is built
on rough surface with a lot of mountains, Infrastructure costs more than usual here.
Bhutan and India have a close economic relation with each other through trade.
Bhutan also has a tax-free trade contract with Bangladesh signed in 2014.
Hydropower is the largest exporting sector of Bhutan. Hydropower alone contains
40% of total export and 25% of the government’s total revenue. Biggest imported
of Bhutan’s hydropower is India.
Bhutan is fairly a stable economic country. Bhutan is one of the fastest
growing economic country in the whole world. The average GDP growing rate is
7.5% since 1980. Bhutan’s GDP growth rate in 2020 is the second highest after
Bangladesh. Bhutan’s current GDP in 2019 is 5.4% and it was 3% in 2018 (GDP
Growth (Annual %) - Bhutan | Data, n.d.). Bhutan’s majority of export is
dependent on India. So, the inflation between these two countries is closely related.
Hydropower development lowered the deficit number to 16.3% in 2019. Bhutan’s
agriculture contributes only 10% to GDP but it contains 54% employment. More
than half of the poor household people are related with agriculture in Bhutan.
However, increasing the agriculture export decreased the poverty rate from12% in
2017 to 11.2% in 2018. On the other hand, hydropower needs less employment
than agriculture and as it is the majority of the total export, Bhutan’s young
employment is at risk.
From heritage index of economic freedom, we found out that Bhutan has an
economic freedom score of 62.1. Bhutan is the 85th freest economic country. The
primary priority of the government is on decreasing income inequality, but the best
way to do this will be to promote greater economic freedom in places where the
Bhutan Index metrics are currently short-lived. Specifically, reforms are required
to enhance judicial efficiency and government credibility, and additional reforms
are needed to boost investment independence and financial independence
(Overview, 2019).

When it comes to business, there’s competition everywhere, so our venture
isn’t any exception. We are going to face high rivalry with our competitors i.e.
Bhutan Rides, Paro Road Riders, SPiCE Cycling etc. Every business has to be
unique in order to strive. We at Paro Bikers, will focus on customer satisfaction
above all. We will offer our service in 3 primary package, each having their own
customization preference according to the consumers. Firstly, consumers can rent a
bike for a day which will be the standard package. Following that, consumers can
rent bikes for short tours of 2-3 days. This package will be applicable for people
who likes to go trekking but don’t have a good bike of their own. And finally, the
premium package of renting a bike for 7 days with a tour guide who is a
professional cyclist as well, in addition with renewing advantage. This will be
recommended for the veteran bikers or tourists who loves adventure. Below we are
providing our planned price points with different criteria.
Welcome to Paro Bikers
Packages Up to 24 Hours 3 Days 7 days
Standard $20/hr.+$5 Equip.
Deluxe $250 included eth.
Premium $450 included eth.
Besides the regular packages there will be additional value added service
like equipment will be provided free if the users rent it for 5 hours or more. In the
deluxe package users will get a bike included with its accessories. They can also
hire a tour guide but they have to pay a fee of $80. Lastly the premium package
comes with all the advantages and a complementary all in one trekking backpack.
Apart from all these consumers can also customize their package according to their
needs. Suppose renting bike for 5 days of their stay with or without a tour guide.
Pricing for these packages will depend on the requirements. All 3 of these
packages are only applicable for the tourists and occasional hobbyists. We will also
have a local package only for our Bhutanese people and their daily local use.
People sometimes have to walk long way to reach their destinations specially in
hilly areas. Thankfully with our aid these people can easily rent a bike as cheap as
$3-$5. We are hoping that, all these advantages will make us outstanding among
our competitors.
Apart from our regular services, we will also sell authentic mountain biking
accessories, and universal parts of every bike. So that, people can also come to us
whether they want a new look or wants to juice out more performance out of their
rides. Primarily we only planned to sell our service but if our business shines and
we get proper response from the consumers we will try to sell mountain bikes as
Based on different assumptions and research we created a sample income
statement provided below, that will represent our financial data and net income for
one year.
Paro Bikers
10021, Penlop Road, Paro
Income Statement (3 Years)
For the Year Ended December 31, 2023

Description Total
Sales $4,95,000
Cost of Service & Goods Sold ($3,66,000)
Gross Profit $1,29,000 $1,29,000
Operating Expenses - -
Selling Expenses - -
Advertisement Expenses $10,500
Commissions Expense $21,900 $32,400
Administrative Expenses - -
Office Supplies $16,500
Office Equipment $9,000 $25,500
Total Operating Expenses $57,900 ($57,900)
Operating Income (Gross Profit – Op. Expenses) $71,100

Non-Operating Expenses & Revenue - -

Interest Revenues $23,700
Interest Expense ($3,600)
Sale of Investment’s Revenue $15,150
Loss from Federal Offences ($7,200)
Total Non-Operating Income $28,050 $28,050
Net Income (Operating+Non-Opertaing Income) $99,150

Advertisement is a must for any kind of business. It creates awareness of the
product or the service. Advertisements can be done in various ways. Different
types of people need different types of attention. Reaching the targeted customer is
the main idea of advertisement. Paro Bikers is based on transportation service in
Bhutan. As there is currently no Bicycle transportation service in Bhutan, our
business has a very good opportunity to grab this unique market. To spread our
service, we need to advertise our service very carefully as it is wholly a new idea.
Advertisement methods like Print Advertising, Billboards, and Public Transit Ads,
TV commercials, Radio, Social Media. These methods will be discussed in detail
below how we can use these methods in Bhutan to advertise our service.
Print Advertising: Print advertising is the oldest way of advertising any
product or service. Print advertising includes Postcards, Newspaper, Mails, Flyers,
leaflets, Printed promotions, Magazine ads. We will advertise our service in
Bhutan's popular Newspapers like Bhutan Observer, The Bhutan Times, Bhutan
Today, Bhutan Youth, The Bhutanese, Business Bhutan, Kuensel. From a survey,
we found out that about 34.6% of people read Kuensel. 21.7% of people read
Bhutan Times, 20.9% of people read Bhutan Observer. We can expect to reach a
great number of targeted customers.
Billboards and Public Transit: Billboards ads contain a very little but
important message about the service. So that people can read and understand the ad
quickly in a short time. As we will first lunch our service in Paro, we will put ads
on important places across Paro. We will also place out ads on public Buses and
TV commercials: Television commercials will be the most effective
advertisement method for our service in Paro. Putting ads on Television channels
will be effective and will grab people's attention.
Radio: Radio is another great way to put an advertisement on. Bhutan has
some popular Radio stations like BBS, Centennial Radio, Kuzoo FM, Radio High,
Radio Valley, Radio Waves, Sherubtse FM (Bhutan Radio Stations on FM and
Shortwave, n.d.). Bhutan's Radio sector is very flourished with a reach in all 20
districts of the country. About 77% of Bhutanese listen to Radio regularly, so we
will put more effort into perfecting radio ads in Bhutan.
Paid search advertising: Every search engine has its own paid search system.
When someone searches for something related to our service, our advertisement
will be at the top of their search result, meaning it will be easier for target customer
to find us. When people click on our advertisement, they will be redirected to our
website, providing our service details to the customer. Internet users in Bhutan are
increasing rapidly. The rate increased by 7.2% from 2019 to 2020 (Kemp, 2020).
So Placing our ads online will be very useful for our services. Also, Bhutan,
specifically Paro, has many tourist spots. While searching for tourist spots, people
will get to know about our transportation service. Attracting tourists to use our
service is one of our main reason to select Bhutan.
Social Media: The total social media users in Bhutan were about 4,30,000 in
2020 (Kemp, 2020). Due to these massive social media users, we have selected
social media as our primary advertising sector. It is seen that they are highly
involved in social media most of their time. We will concentrate on putting
advertisement on our Facebook, Instagram, and tweeter pages.

One of the most crucial part of our business would be staff employment. We are
going to do business overseas which means we have to consider a lot of things
while recruiting. Our primary target is recruiting right people for the right job at
the right time. Paro Bikers will hire employees both internally and externally. It
will help us maintain both, qualifications and experience. Organizational
productivity can be increased through proper selection of employees, increasing
their quality and training. This will impact their job satisfaction and help them to
keep motivated towards their job. Paro Bikers will maintain peace and harmony
within the organization. Therefore, all the employees of our company will be
evaluated regularly and they’ll be prized accordingly. If the employees find that
their performance is being appraised more often, they will be motivated to work
more efficiently. We will always maintain these integrities and accomplish the
overall objectives together. Our company will have a directorial board of 4
members. Their details are provided below:
1. Shahriar Sablil
Director of Finance
Contact no. 01303215213
2. Shafayet Islam Rupak
Director of Operations
Contact no. 01622234986
3. SM Farhan Anwar
Director of Management
Contact no. 01793535127
4. MD. Safat Ullah Chy
Director of Marketing
Contact no. 01688631041
Besides our directorial board, every director will have a senior manager
assigned on their due departments. These managers will connect us with the
employees. Paro Bikers will make sure that every employee has access to the
directorial board to make every decision and policy transparent for everyone.
While recruiting we’ll prioritize our needs in 3 categories i.e. responsibility, use of
natural skills, and continuous function or support. It will help the Paro Bikers team
maintain good communication at all stages of the company.

Marketing Strategies
Bhutan has zero tolerance about the environment pollution. So, it is a great
advantage for us launching our business as our products are environment friendly.
This will be our main strength when we promote our products. Here are some of
the strategies we will follow.
Direct Selling: We will have some of our agents there who will tell people
why they should buy our bike and why this bike will make their life easy in the
critical situation.
Sales: We will have a very reasonable price for our bikes. But we also take
into consideration about those people who will not be able to buy it but still needs
a bike. We will give them the bike in one-year installment and without any interest.
The target of ours is to capture the whole market and make people reliable on us.
We will also give seasonal discounts to our customers.
Cause Marketing: We want to improve our revenue with this marketing
technology. People are attracted to the companies that work for a cause. They are
well aware that they are using their money for a good cause. Therefore, it is no
harm for us and for the society to opt for this approach. As we also have some
clear cause, people will have faith on us and will be convince enough to buy our

1. History of Bhutan - Bhutan History - Origin and History of Bhutanese.
(n.d.). Visit Bhutan.
2. Plecher, H. (2019, February 11). Bhutan - Statistics & Facts. Statista.
3. Statista. (2020a, September 23). Median age of the population in Bhutan
4. Statista. (2020e, November 11). Urbanization in Bhutan 2019.
5. Yoshikawa, M., & Paterson, S. (2019, September 5). Urbanization and
Transportation in Bhutan. ArcGIS StoryMaps.
6. GDP growth (annual %) - Bhutan | Data. (n.d.). Worldbank.
7. Travel across Bhutan – Travel guides, 2018
8. Geography of Bhutan (n.d.). Visit Bhutan
9. Bhutan Radio Stations on FM and shortwave. (n.d.). Asiawaves.
10.Kemp, S. (2020, February 17). Digital 2020: Bhutan. DataReportal – Global
Digital Insights.

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