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Advocacy: Human Rights

As the Covid-19 cases arises here in the Philippines, the number of quarantine violators are also
increasing. And it turns sad when reports shared that police and local officials in several parts of
the country have mistreated curfew violators by confining them to dog cages, locking children
in coffins, beating up people with sticks and forcing them to sit for hours in the midday sun.
Things got worse when President Rodrigo Duterte, whose murderous “war on drugs” has killed
thousands of people since 2016, said that in his order to the police and military were “if there is
trouble, shoot them dead.” It is very alarming that we still have leaders whose eager and willing
to kill someone just to implement something. It is true that the government should prioritize
the health status of our country and fight the Covid 19 virus but that doesn’t mean that we
should neglect the rights of people. So, I am here, in front of you, advocating the power of
human rights. People always assumed that rights are defined as “privileges”, that people with
power and resources can get their rights and for those people who can’t afford to have these
things are unable to obtain their rights. Its hard to accept but that’s the truth. That our country
rather the world can be unfair and unjust. That anyone rights can be manipulated and
controlled. But we should not let this happen. These rights should be effective for everyone,
irrespective of who they are, where they came from or how they choose to live their lives.
These rights were developed to protect from anyone who wanted to harm or violate someone.
These rights give people the freedom to live and express themselves as they want to. Human
rights are the epitome of democracy. And as a true leader, you should always consider the state
of your constituents and that includes their human rights. If you thought that human rights are
not that important compared to human lives as Pres. Duterte said. You should think about if
you are truly an effective leader. Abusive practices should not be swept under the rug by local
authorities just because of the pretense of “implementing” and “just following orders”. Acts of
abuses, including torture, cruel in human and degrading treatment and punishment, must not
be tolerated. We shouldn’t let mistakes and disobedience fight with violence. We can lead and
rule without using our fist to fight. And by the help of creating a better plan, programs and
projects without causing and using any harm, we can see ourselves in a better and brighter
future that can lead us to success. And to end this speech of mine, I would like to share a
quotation by Ramsey Clark “A right is not what someone gives you; its what no one can take
from you.” Always remember that you have your rights!

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