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Quarter 1 – Module 7:
Evaluating Spoken Text
English – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 7: Evaluating Spoken Text
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones Undersecretary:
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Writer: Jonathan A. Balaquinto

Editor: Judith A. Mosquete
Reviewer: Bonifacio B. Pajarillo Jr., Marian Hista Villacrusis
Illustrator: Sydney Ellaine Adorico Martinez Layout
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Quarter 1 – Module 7:
Evaluating Spoken Texts

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to the English 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Evaluating Spoken Texts!

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by

educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or
facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum
while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also
aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them
to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and
assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to the English 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Evaluating Spoken Texts!

The hand is one of the most symbolized parts of the human body. It is often
used to depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands, we may learn, create
and accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a
learner is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant
competencies and skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in
your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an
active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of
the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let Us Try before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let Us Learn

This module is designed and written for you based on Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELCs). It is here to help you evaluate spoken texts using
given criteria, e.g. fluency, tone, cohesion, and correctness. The scope of this
module covers many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged following the
standard sequence of the course.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify qualities of an effective public speaking;

2. analyze a spoken text listened to in terms of fluency, tone, cohesion,
correctness; and
3. evaluate spoken texts using given criteria, e.g. fluency, tone, cohesion,

Let Us Try

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is the process of ascertaining or judging the value or amount of something
by using a set of criteria.
a. comprehension
b. evaluation
c. synthesis
d. analysis
2. Which of the following is a spoken text?
a. billboard along the highway
b. State of the Nation Address of President Duterte
c. hyperpoetry text of a prominent blogger posted on the website
d. chic literature published in a magazine
3. Which of the following criteria uses effective transition such as logical
a. correctness
b. cohesion
c. fluency
d. tone

4. Which of the following is correct about tone? Speakers should ________.
a. practice at maximizing the vocal effect of his instrument in order to
convey intended meaning
b. always consider the relevance of every sentence structure of the
c. must allow themselves to not really focus on the quality of voice
instead of the message
d. should prepare for the speech ahead of time
5. Which of the following is true about fluency? Fluency is when the speaker
a. speaks smoothly, no hesitations on his utterance, and no attempt to
search for words
b. delivers the message content correctly and without error
c. presents the purpose emotionally to the audience
d. pronounces the words loudly and clearly
6. Which of the following describes quality of tone in speech?
a. There is highness and lowness of the voice.
b. The voice must be monotone.
c. There is softness of voice.
d. The voice is very loud.
7. Which of the following is correct about cohesion in speaking?
a. The speaker’s conclusion leaves a mark to the audience’s emotions.
b. The speaker’s ideas are organized with unity and in logical order.
c. The speaker’s presentation of ideas is creative and comprehensive.
d. The speaker’s point of view is clear in his arguments.
8. Which of the following is true about correctness in speaking?
a. The speaker uses appropriate words at the given situation and
b. The speaker sticks to the purpose even interrupted by external
c. The speaker creates many adjectives in presenting their ideas.
d. The speaker maintains poise and posture.

9. Which of the following statements describes fluency of the speaker? The
speaker is fluent when he/she _________.
a. speaks in a free flowing and understandable manner.
b. searches for the right words and pauses most of the times.
c. repeats his words to correct mispronunciation.
d. mumbles and hesitates when he speaks.
10. In evaluating what we listen to, the speaker speaks with cohesion when
a. the speaker uses transition devices within sentences and paragraphs
b. the speaker’s purpose is presented at the end of the speech
c. the content of the speech is clear and broad
d. speaker uses code switch for comprehension
11. Which of the following is appropriate of a good evaluator when listening a
a. Gives comment to the speakers’ confidence and truthfulness based on
their diction and pronunciation.
b. Listen closely to the debaters of both sides and take down important
c. Listen intensely to speakers taking the negative side since it is
d. Chooses a side to believe in and favors the debaters of this side.
12. You are a subscriber of a vlogger” in social media. In an episode, the vlogger
talks negative about your favorite actor. Which is the best reaction to the
a. Do nothing since the “Vlogger” is just expressing his/her opinions
about the actor.
b. Examine and breakdown information into parts by listening to the
whole content of the speaker before making a judgment.

c. Agree with the vlogger by commenting ill-words against the actor.

d. Unsubscribe the vlogger.
13. Which of the following is true in evaluating spoken text?
a. Look at the fluency, variety of tone, cohesion within paragraphs and
truthfulness of ideas with correct grammar structures.

b. Consider the content of the message, purpose of the speaker, and
introduction-body-conclusion of the speech.
c. Consider the poise of the speaker, body language, content and
message of the speech.
d. Look into the content, verbal, non-verbal and conclusion.

For items 14 and 15. Read the transcription of the spoken text below and
answer the questions that follow.

DepEd Undersecretary Alain Del Pascua’s message on received negative

comments from concerned parents, netizens, and the public on some
episodes of DepEd TV which started its test broadcast on August 11.
“The people’s comments are correct that there are errors in accuracy and even
in grammar and typography. We assure you that DepEd will fix these issues
so that on the opening of classes – be it online, on TV-radio or modular –
things will go on smoothly. We’re doing this for the first time that’s why there
are test runs. It focuses more on the technical aspects of broadcasting, from
recording, file conversion, ingestion, mapping, to actual broadcasting.”

Published August 12, 2020, 9:29 PM by Merlina Hernando-Malipot and Patrick Garcia

1. Based on the transcription of the spoken text on “DepEd TV errors”, which of

the following should be considered as an evaluator?
a. Know the language of the speaker who is speaking whether there is
passion or just making statements just to emphasize bias and
discriminatory articles.
b. Validate evidences by browsing related news or online discussions,
look for correctness of content by scanning the details of the news,
and check for the reliability of the ideas by searching more about the
news platform.
c. Identify how the news is reported, notice fillers made by the reporter
and judge errors of statement.
d. Point out if connectors of each statement are placed properly.
2. Looking at the transcription of the spoken text, which evaluation is true on
the correctness in the speech?

a. The grammar structure is correct but without clear statement of
b. The topic is well-researched and properly cited with no error in
c. The purpose is achieved even without the quality of grammar
d. The ideas are easy to understand and concise.

Let Us Study
Activity 1: Anticipation Reaction Guide
Directions: Read the statement that appeals to you as a listener. Complete the
Anticipation-Reaction Guide (ARG) below by drawing the emoticon that reflects
your answer on a separate sheet.

Like Disl ike I like to listen when the speaker…

1. has low tone and unclear voice.

2. demonstrates full knowledge of the topic and speak


3. presents an incomplete, with few details, too brief and

confusing topic.

4. presents information in logical and interesting


5. mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks

too softly.

Did you put sad faces to items one, three and five?

Very good! Now, let us go through the qualities of an effective speech one by one.

This will be your notes in learning about these qualities.


Speaking is a complex act with many different

elements interacting to produce effective

communication. In order to evaluate this skill

accurately, we need to identify and isolate each of

these elements. We can then develop frameworks to

evaluate them. Below is a list of the things that
speakers need to be able to do in order to
communicate effectively.

Is he a fluent speaker?
Did he make use of
varied tone of voice?

• Speakers need to produce the phonological features of speech well enough to be

understood because listeners understand the speaker more when they hear them.
These features include:
 individual sounds – consonants, vowels, diphthongs, stress, intonation patterns
in speech, rate of speech
 the rhythm of speech in general. English is stress-timed, meaning that in
general stressed syllables have an equal amount of time between them.
 speaker’s ability to deliver a smooth and fluid speech, no hesitations and no
attempt to search for words.
This is FLUENCY in speaking. It is speaker’s ability to speak
spontaneously quickly and comprehensively with few numbers of 8
errors that may distract the listener form the speakers’ message
(Iswara, Abi A., et al 2012).

• Speakers need to deliver the speech with an appropriate Vocal Quality such as:
 timbre (distinctive sound) and texture, affects audibility and can affect the
articulation. This is adjusted by the speaker to achieve clarity of voice.
 the pitch is the “highness” or “lowness” of the voice. Each of us has a range of
 the pitch is altered to convey a meaning (like raising the pitch at the end of a
sentence that is a question), it is the inflection. Inflections are variations, turns
and slides in pitch to achieve the meaning.

This is TONE in speaking. Our tone of voice is the way in which we

speak, what we say and how we say it. Some examples of vocal
quality include warm, clear, soft, scratchy, mellow and breathy. Each speaker should
practice at maximizing the vocal effect of his
instrument in order to convey intended meaning.

Is there truthfulness of what he

said? Is his grammar correct? How
about the connection between

• Speakers need to understand and follow the rules of language at a word, sentence
and text level with truthfulness. This includes:
 choosing the right vocabulary. Speakers need to think about the meaning of a
word – its connotations, level of formality, style and appropriateness to the
 using grammar structures to put clauses and sentences together.
 providing accurate and factual details of the topic discussed.

This is CORRECTNESS in speaking. The speaker should be able to use

the right words appropriate for the situation. The information presented
should contain necessary details to support the arguments. Most importantly, the
speaker must pay attention to grammatical structure of the language.

• Speakers need to develop his ideas and arguments to aid listeners in getting the
meaning and message of the speech. This includes:
 sequencing ideas in a logical manner. Since the listener, cannot go through a
text, the speaker should be able to create s smooth flow of ideas so listener can
 using effective transition such as logical connectors.

This is COHESION in speaking. Cohesion is the unity of ideas and

elements that are t ied together both in writing and speaking and
another in a text (Halliday & Hasan, 1976).

Let Us Practice

Here is an activity for you to further understand the qualities of a good speaker.

Activity 2: Stepping Ahead

Directions: Read the descriptions below and identify specific characteristic under
fluency, tone, cohesion and correctness. Write the letter of your answer on a
separate sheet.

A. Fluency B. Tone C. Cohesion D. Correctness

_______1. shows mastery of the topic discussed

_______2. speaks spontaneously and confidently

_______3. presents clear purpose of the speech

_______4. presents factual and well-detailed information

_______5. presents information free from grammatical errors

_______6. pronounces the words, intonation, juncture correctly

_______7. uses highness, lowness of voice to emphasize a point

_______8. presents information in logical, mature, and well-developed ideas

_______9. speaks in a loud, clear and relaxed voice at an appropriate rate

of speech

_______10. uses correct diction or choice of words specific for theaudience

Let Us Practice More

In this activity, you will have a sample speaker. Try to observe the speaker the way
he delivers and chooses his words based on his purpose.

Activity 3: Watch and Listen

Directions: Watch and listen to the video carefully. Try to evaluate the speaker and
answer the questions that follow on a separate sheet.

Processing Questions:

1. Do you think the speaker in this video is an effective one?



2. How do you assess his speaking ability?


Do you have now the idea on what to check when evaluating a speaker? Now, you can
practice on becoming a keen listener. In this activity, you are going to listen to a public
speaker of your choice. You can either view or listen from facebook, television, or radio.

Note: In the case that any technology is not available, you can ask parent, relative, or

neighbor to be the speaker.

Activity 4: A Keen Listener

Directions: Listen to a speaker and use the checklist below for evaluation. Write your
answer on a separate sheet.
Listening Evaluation Checklist
Name of the Speaker: _____________________ Topic: _____________

Event:___________________________________ Link (if online): ______

1. The speaker did not attempt to search for words that
cause a pause of the moment.
2. The speaker did not hesitate and mumble during his
3. The speaker had not mispronounced any word.

4. The speaker’s voice was loud and clear.

5. The speaker used variety of sounds such as “high pitch
and low pitch” based on the emphasis of idea
6. The speaker’s voice quality had adjusted accordingly so
listeners could hear well.

7. The speaker presented his ideas in an understandable

8. The speaker’s transition from one idea to another was
9. The speaker delivered his ideas as a whole with unity of

10. The speaker achieved his purpose and the message

was clear, appropriate, and correct.
11. The speaker followed the rules of grammar and
12. The speaker used words that could be easily
understood and were suited for the audience.


Strengths Weaknesses

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Let Us Remember
How is your evaluation so far? Is it easy or difficult? Now that you have ideas on
what to look for in a speaker, you must have made the evaluation based on the
Listening Evaluation Checklist above.

This time, gather all your thoughts together as you accomplish the graphic organizer

Activity 5: Build Me Up
Directions: Gather all you have learned about evaluating spoken text and complete

the textual aid below. Write your answer on a separate sheet .

Fluency __________________

1. 1. loud and clear




Evaluating Correctness
1. logical connectors Text
and cohesive 1.
devices .


Processing Questions:

1. As a listener, my role is ________________________________________________.

2. Evaluating spoken text is (easy/difficult) because ______________________.

Let Us Assess
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is true in evaluating spoken text? The listener must
a. look at the fluency, variety of tone, cohesion within paragraphs and
truthfulness of ideas with correct grammar structures
b. consider the content of the message, purpose of the speaker, and
introduction-body-conclusion of the speech

c. consider the poise of the speaker, body language, content and message of
the speech
d. look into the content, verbal, non-verbal and conclusion
2. Which criterion do the elements of timbre (distinctive sound), texture, highness
and lowness of voice refer to?
a. correctness
b. cohesion
c. fluency
d. tone
3. What do you call the sequencing ideas in a logical manner and the use of
effective transition?
a. correctness
b. cohesion
c. fluency
d. tone
4. In evaluating spoken text, what criterion focuses on the individual sounds such
as consonants, vowels, diphthongs, stress, intonation patterns, and rate of
a. correctness
b. cohesion
c. fluency
d. tone
5. What criterion in evaluating spoken text that focuses on putting clauses and
sentences together?
a. correctness
b. cohesion
c. fluency
d. tone
6. Which of the following is true about correctness in speaking? The speaker
a. sticks to the purpose without interruption to external factors like noise
b. makes use of appropriate words at the given situation
c. is creative with his ideas regardless of the setting
d. maintains poise at all times

7. Which of the following describes quality of tone in speech? The speaker
a. loudly, clearly and smoothly
b. in monotone voice
c. very loud
d. too softly
8. Which of the following is true about fluency? Fluency is when the speaker
a. speaks spontaneously quickly and comprehensively
b. looks distracted by audience reactions
c. presents topic with unclear message
d. utters errors in pronunciation
9. Which of the following is correct about cohesion in speaking? It _____.
a. presents ideas from the speaker’s point of view
b. builds ideas with unity and in logical order
c. is the speaker’s points for his arguments
d. is the speaker’s conclusion
10. As a listener, when can we say that the speaker speaks with cohesion?
a. The speaker uses proper devices within sentences and paragraphs.
b. When the speaker’s purpose is presented at the end of the speech.
c. When the speaker uses code switch for comprehension.
d. When the content of the speech is clear and broad.
11. When can you say that the speaker is fluent? The speaker _________.
a. speaks in a free flowing manner in an understandable manner
b. searches for the right words and pauses most of the times
c. repeats his words to correct mispronunciation
d. mumbles and hesitates when he speaks
12. You are listening to a senate hearing. Which of the following is a true behavior
of a good evaluator?
a. You observe the speakers in terms of their confidence and truthfulness in
b. You closely listen to both parties at the hearing session and take down
important notes.
c. You do not listen at all since it does not concern about a student life.
d. You choose a party to believe in and only listen to them.
13. You are listening to an inspirational speaker on “facebook”. Which of the
following speaks about evaluating the spoken text?
a. Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information
from the speaker.
b. Examine and break information into parts by identifying the motives of
the speaker.
c. Solve issues to new situations by applying acquired knowledge from the
d. Understand the facts and ideas from the speaker.

For items 14 and 15. Read the transcription of the spoken text below and
answer the questions that follow.
Diokno on Anti-Terror Bill: “I have doubt about it.”
“I have doubt about anti-terror bill. This anti-terrorism bill is inciting to
terrorism that is punishable by 12 years of imprisonment. It is like inciting to
sedition and inciting to rebellion. They said, if you are not a terrorist, then you
don’t need to worry. What about us, they filed a case against us about inciting
to sedition even if there is no evidence? It is so easy to use this law against
the political opposition, and this kind of law is always used against the critics
of the administration.”

14. Looking at the transcription on the spoken text, which evaluation statement is
true in terms of the correctness in his speech? The ________.
a. grammar structure is perfectly right without clear statement of purpose
b. topic is well-researched and properly cited with no grammar error
c. purpose is achieved even without quality of grammar structure
d. ideas are easy to understand and concise
15. Based on the spoken text on “Anti-Terror Bill”, which of the following should
you consider before agreeing to the ideas? You must consider the _________.
a. correctness of contents, validity of evidences, and reliability of the ideas
b. fluency by identifying the fillers and errors of statement
c. cohesion by identifying the connectors of each statements
d. language of the speaker is speaking with passion

Let Us Enhance
You are now going to listen to a speech. Then, using all that you have learned,
evaluate it like a professional speaker using the given rubric.

Activity 6: Like a Pro

Directions: Go to the link below. Watch and listen to the speech then perform the
activities that follow.

Part I: Public Speaking Rubric

Directions: Evaluate the speech by writing down the rating on a separate paper.
Add up all the scores, then give your remarks.
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
FLUENCY The speaker The speaker The speaker The speaker
speaks with pronounces incorrectly mumbles,
precise most words pronounces incorrectly
Grade 10 manual correctly; terms; Speech is
pronunciation of pronounces terms
page 141 research Smooth and relatively
terms; Smooth and speaks too
report rubric adapted fluid speech; few smooth; some
and fluid speech; softly; speech is
from hesitations; a hesitations and
no hesitations; no slow, hesitant &
slight search for unevenness strained except for
attempts to search
https://www.dcs.k12. words caused by short memorized
for words rephrasing and phrases; difficult
6000212/Centricity/D searching for to perceive
omain/104/Rubric_Sp words continuity in
eaking.pdf speech

TONE The speaker The speaker The speaker The speaker

speaks in loud, speaks in loud, speaks in speaks in low
clear, and relaxed uneven volume volume and/ or
Grade 10 manual voice with few clear, and with little or no monotonous tone;
page 141 research pauses; relaxed voice use of prosodic inaudible
report rubric adapted appropriate use of with some features; volume
from prosodic features; pauses and very soft
volume few use of
is excellent
inaudible word
or two
COHESION The speaker The speaker The speaker The speaker lacks
presents presents presents a development of
information in information in somewhat clear ideas with weak or
exceptionally clear and logical and logical no transitions
Grade 10 manual clear, logical, order that development between and
page 473 research mature, and
supports the with basic within paragraphs
report rubric adapted thorough
development of topic with good between and
the topic with transitions within
excellent between and paragraphs
transitions within
between and paragraphs

CORRECTNESS The content is The content has The content has The content is
highly detailed, all the basic some of the incomplete, too
well researched, facts in an basic facts; brief, and
and shows a organized way; language choices disorganized or
strong language used is may be limited, confusing;
understanding of
mostly respectful peppered with language choice is
the topic;
Grade 10 module page or inoffensive; slang or jargon, limited, too
language is
224 rubric adapted language is too complex or complex and very
familiar to the
from appropriate but too dull; dull; language is
audience, word choices are language is not appropriate for
appropriate for
brary/services/ not particularly questionable or a particular
c the setting and
vivid or precise; inappropriate for audience,
free of bias;
some errors in a particular occasion or
language choices
grammatical audience, setting; frequent
are vivid and
https://www.dcs.k12. precise; accuracy structures occasion, or errors even in & variety of possibly caused setting; frequent simple structures;
6000212/Centricity/D grammatical by attempt to grammatical meaning is
omain/104/Rubric_Sp structures include a variety. errors even in obscured.
eaking.pdf simple structures
that at times
Review your scores for the speaker and write your Remarks:
interpretation on the remarks box.
Score Interpretation
13-16 points:Excellent.
9-12 points:Good
1-4 points:Needs Improvement.

You are going to listen to another speech. Then, evaluate it using the given rubric
based on the criteria of fluency, tone, cohesion and correctness.
Activity 6: Give It a Try
Directions: Go to the link below and listen to the speaker attentively. Then, using
the checklist and rubrics below, evaluate the speech.

Listening Evaluation Checklist

Name of the Speaker: _____________________ Topic: _____________

Event:___________________________________ Link (if online): ______

1. The speaker did not attempt to search for words that
cause a pause of the moment.
2. The speaker did not hesitate and mumble during his
3. The speaker had not mispronounced any word.
4. The speaker’s voice was loud and clear.
5. The speaker used variety of sounds such as “high pitch
and low pitch” based on the emphasis of idea

6. The speaker’s voice quality had adjusted accordingly so

listeners could hear well.
7. The speaker presented his ideas in an understandable
8. The speaker’s transition from one idea to another was
9. The speaker delivered his ideas as a whole with unity of
10. The speaker achieved his purpose and the message
was clear and appropriate and correct.
11. The speaker followed the rules of grammar and
12. The speaker used words that can be easily understood
and were suited for the audience.
Strengths Weaknesses
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Part I: Public Speaking Rubric

Directions: Evaluate the speech by writing down the rating on a separate paper.
Add up all the scores, then give your remarks.
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
FLUENCY The speaker The speaker The speaker The speaker
speaks with pronounces incorrectly mumbles,
precise most words pronounces incorrectly
Grade 10 manual correctly; terms; Speech is
pronunciation of pronounces terms
page 141 research Smooth and relatively
terms; Smooth and speaks too
report rubric adapted fluid speech; few smooth; some
and fluid speech; softly; speech is
from hesitations; a hesitations and
no hesitations; no slow, hesitant &
slight search for unevenness strained except for
attempts to search
https://www.dcs.k12. words caused by short memorized
for words rephrasing and phrases; difficult
6000212/Centricity/D searching for to perceive
omain/104/Rubric_Sp words continuity in
eaking.pdf speech
TONE The speaker The speaker The speaker The speaker
speaks in loud, speaks in loud, speaks in speaks in low
clear, and relaxed clear, and uneven volume volume and/ or
Grade 10 manual with little or no monotonous tone;
page 141 research voice with few relaxed voice
use of prosodic inaudible
report rubric adapted pauses; with some
appropriate use pauses and features; volume
of prosodic use of prosodic very soft
features; volume features;
is excellent inaudible word
or two

COHESION The speaker The speaker The speaker The speaker lacks
presents presents presents a development of
information in information in somewhat clear ideas with weak or
exceptionally clear and logical and logical no transitions
Grade 10 manual clear, logical, order that development between and
page 473 research mature, and
supports the with basic within paragraphs
report rubric adapted thorough
development of topic with good between and
the topic with transitions within
between and paragraphs
excellent within
transitions paragraphs
between and

CORRECTNESS The content is The content has The content has The content is
highly detailed, all the basic some of the incomplete, too
well researched, facts in an basic facts; brief, and
and shows a organized way; language choices disorganized or
strong language used is may be limited, confusing;
understanding of
mostly respectful peppered with language choice is
the topic;
Grade 10 module page language is or inoffensive; slang or jargon, limited, too
224 rubric adapted familiar to the language is too complex or complex and very
from audience, appropriate but too dull; dull; language is appropriate for word choices are language is not appropriate for
brary/services/ the setting and not particularly questionable or a particular
c free of bias; vivid or precise; inappropriate for audience, occasion
language choices some errors in a particular or setting;
are vivid and grammatical audience, frequent
precise; accuracy
structures occasion, or grammatical
& variety of
possibly caused setting; frequent errors even in
https://www.dcs.k12. grammatical
structures by attempt to grammatical simple structures;
include a errors even in meaning is
variety. simple obscured.
structures that
at times obscure
Review your scores for the speaker and write your Remarks:
interpretation on the remarks box.
Score Interpretation
13-16 points:Excellent.
9-12 points:Good
1-4 points:Needs Improvement.

Part II: Commend, Evaluate, and Suggest
Direction: Provide specific comments on the speech by completing the paragraph

The speaker is good in terms of_____________


However, the speaker committed errors in___

The speaker may improve his________________

Let Us Reflect

Well done! After completing this module, you will be able to evaluate spoken
text with reference to tone, fluency, cohesion, and correctness. Always ponder and
give it a thought before judging a speech. Always be a responsible and critical
listener. In evaluating a speech, always remember to ask the following questions:

1. Does the speaker speak with precise pronunciation of terms, with
smooth and fluid speech, with no hesitations and with no attempts to
search for words?
2. Does the speaker speak in loud, clear, and relaxed voice, in
appropriate use of prosodic features andin excellent volume?
3. Does the speaker present information in exceptionally clear, logical,
mature, and thorough development of the topic with excellent
transitions between and within paragraphs?
4. Is the content highly detailed, well researched, audience-appropriate,
free of bias, vivid, precise, accurate, & varied?

With all of these sets of knowledge that you’ve gained in evaluating a

spoken text, how will these be useful in your daily life at present and for

the future? How can these help you and others become more aware of the

relevant and irrelevant information?




Answer Key to Activities

ACCESS: Speech by Hasan Minhaj. (2020). Retrieved 7 July 2020, from
ACCESS: Delivering your speech. (2020). Retrieved 5 June 2020, from

ACCESS: Evaluating speaking. (2020). Retrieved 5 June 2020,

ACCESS: Evaluating speaking - Part 2. (2020). Retrieved 5 June 2020, from

ACCESS: Front images. (2020). Retrieved 5 June 2020, from
ACCESS: Jack Ma motivational. (2020).Retrieved 7 July 2020, from
ACCESS: Llanesca T. Panti/GMA News. (2020). Retrieved 7 July 2020,

ACCESS: Mr. Yann Reports. (2020). Retrieved 7 July 2020,


ACCESS: Stages of Listening. (2020). Retrieved 5 June 2020,

esoflistening/#:~:text=The%20listener%20assesses%20the%20information,aco ns
Dressler, W., Halliday, M., & Hasan, R. (1978). Cohesion in English
Iswara, Abi A., et al. "Improving Students' Speaking Fluency Through the
Implementation of Trivia-based Activity in University Students." English
Education: JurnalPendidikan Bahasa InggrisUniversitasSebelasMaret, vol. 1,
no. 1, 2012.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education– Region XI Davao City Division

Elpidio Quirino Avenue,Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines

Telephone: (082)224 0100/228 3970


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