1.endocrine System

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3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 1

3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 2

Pramila Baral
Adult Nursing (Medical Surgical
3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 3

- Endocrine system disorders

- Nervous system disorders
- Cardiovascular system disorders
- Emergency nursing
- MCQ practice of related areas

3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 4


Past questions (CEE based MN

entrance,2077) of all subject based on
student’s memory

3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 5

Date: 2077/12/04 Time: 08:00 to 10:00
(Medical Surgical Nursing)
- Endocrine system overview
- Pituitary gland disorders
 Diabetes Insipidus
 Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
- Thyroid gland disorders
 Hypothyroidism
 Hyperthyroidism

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Q.1 The gland that have ducts

3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 8

Q2. Thyroid stimulating hormone is
produced by

a. Thyroid gland
b. Pituitary gland
c. Hypothalamus
d. Parathyroid gland

3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 9

Q3. Which of the following gland is
responsible for regulating
immunologic process

a. Pineal gland
b. Thymus
c. Pancreas
d. Thyroid gland

3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 10

• Exocrine glands – Nonhormonal
substances (sweat, saliva) – Have
ducts to carry secretion to membrane

• Endocrine glands – Produce hormones –

Lack ducts

• [once secreted hormones remains in

body for 4-6 hrs]

3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 11

• Hormones have specific cellular
targets (target cells).

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Endocrine glands

3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 13

Other Hormone-producing Structures

• Heart – Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

decreases blood Na+ concentration,
therefore blood pressure and blood volume
• Kidneys
– Erythropoietin signals production of red
blood cells
– Renin initiates the renin-angiotensin
aldosterone mechanism
- calcitriol: kidney hormone ; increases
calcium in the blood.
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Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System

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Your EFFORT To Review the glands and
their functions
• Thymus:

Mediastinum behind the sternum

Thymosine: T cell maturation
Regulates immunologic process
Atrophies after puberty

• Pineal gland:
 Behind the 3rd ventricle
 Melatonin
 Regulate– sleep awake cycle

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• GnRH
• Somatostatin: inhibit growth hormone
and TSH

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Control set up via negative feedback systems:
When hormone concentration increases;
further production
is inhibited and viceversa 18
Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy
• GH
• Hypersecretion: children: gigantism; adult:
• Hypo:
- Dwarfism
- Stunted growth
- Immature facial feature and voice

• Prolactin
Hyper: galactorrhea
- females: amenorrhea
- Male: hypogonadism
Hypo: Postpartum lactation failure
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- cushing’s syndrome
- Addison’s disease

- Hyperthyroidism
- s/s of secondary Hypothyroidism

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Posterior pituitary
• Oxytocin

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Q4. Diabetes Insipidus is the
disorder of:

a. Anterior pituitary
b. Posterior pituitary
c. Adrenal gland
d. Intermediate pituitary

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Q5. Diabetes insipidus is due to
deficiency of……………………..hormone.

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Q6. Which outcome indicates that
treatment of a male client with
diabetes insipidus has been
a. Fluid intake is less than 2,500 ml/day
b. Urine output measures more than 200
c. Blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg
d. The heart rate is 126 beats/minute
Ans a
3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 24
Q7. When caring for a male client
with diabetes insipidus, nurse
expects to administer:

a. vasopressin (Pitressin Synthetic)

b. furosemide (Lasix)
c. regular insulin
d. 10% dextrose

Ans a
3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 25
3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 26
• Marked polyuria: daily output 3-20L of
dilute urine
• Polydipsia: intense thirst : 2-20L of fluid
daily, has craving for cold water
• Water like urine
• Urine specific gravity: 1.001-1.005
• Urine osmolality: 50-200 mosm/kg

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C/M contd..
• Serum osmolality : (greater than 300
• Serum sodium: greater than 147 mEq/L
The high volume fluid loss continues
despite fluid deprivation.

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C/M contd..
[Specific gravity (SG) <1.008 is dilute and
>1.020 is concentrated]

[Random urine osmolality should average

300-900 mOsm/kg of water]

The reference range of serum osmolality is

275–295 mosm/kg (mmol/kg).

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• Water deprivation test (Miller-

moses test):
- If serum osmolality rises to >305

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• The primary treatment: drinking enough
liquid to prevent dehydration.

• Desmopressin (drug of choice):
- Synthetic analogue of ADH with potent
antidiuretic activity but no vasopressor
• Synthetic Vasopressin :
- Vasopressor and ADH activity

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- It increases water resorption at collecting

ducts (ADH effect)

- At high doses, promotes smooth muscle

contraction throughout the vascular bed of
renal tubular epithelium (vasopressor

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Major nursing focus
• Measure I/O and weight
• Hemodynamic status
• Provide patient with ample water to drink
and IV fluids as directed
• Monitor serum and urine osmolality
• Watch for dehydration and overhydration
• Eliminate coffee and tea: diuretic effect
• Advise to avoid limiting fluid

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Lets recall!!
Q8. Diabetes Insipidus is the disorder

a. Anterior pituitary
b. Posterior pituitary
c. Adrenal gland
d. Intermediate pituitary

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Q9. Diabetes insipidus is due to
deficiency of……………………..hormone.

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Q10. Which outcome indicates that
treatment of a male client with
diabetes insipidus has been
a. Fluid intake is less than 2,500 ml/day
b. Urine output measures more than 200
c. Blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg
d. The heart rate is 126 beats/minute
Ans a
3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 36
Q11. When caring for a male client
with diabetes insipidus, nurse
expects to administer:

a. vasopressin (Pitressin Synthetic)

b. furosemide (Lasix)
c. regular insulin
d. 10% dextrose

Ans a
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Q12.What to assess after

bronchoscopy? (2071)

Q13. Most Important intracellular


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CEE ,MN,2077
Q14. A patient is undergoing
pulmonary function test. The client
is instructed to breathe normally.
This measures which of the
a. Tidal volume
b. Vital capacity
c. Expiratory reserve volume
d. Inspiratory reserve volume
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Q15. A male client is admitted for
treatment of the syndrome of
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
(SIADH). Which nursing intervention is

a. Infusing I.V. fluids rapidly as ordered

b. Encouraging increased oral intake
c. Restricting fluids
d. Administering glucose-containing I.V. fluids
as ordered

Ans c

3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 42


• Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is produced

by the hypothalamus.

• The hormone is stored in and released

by the pituitary gland.

• ADH controls the mechanism of water

release and conservation.
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• SIADH is characterized by excessive
release of antidiuretic hormone
• even in the face of subnormal serum
• water retention and dilutional hyponatrae

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• Patient cannot dilute urine
• Often non endocrine origin
• Reduced serum osmolality
• Increased urine osmolality
 Hyponatremia (ie, serum Na+< 135
mmol/L) with concomitant hypo-
osmolality (serum osmolality < 280
mOsm/kg) and high urine osmolality.
Hallmark of SIADH
3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 45

– Demeclocycline can be used in chronic

situations when fluid restrictions are
difficult to maintain; demeclocycline is the
most potent inhibitor of Vasopressin
(ADH/AVP) action.

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Surgical management
- If ADH is coming from the ectopic tumor
production, treatment will be aimed at
eliminating the tumor.

Radiotherapy, chemotherapy for malignancy

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Q16. A male client is admitted
for treatment of the syndrome
of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone (SIADH). Which nursing
intervention is appropriate?

a. Infusing I.V. fluids rapidly as

b. Encouraging increased oral intake
c. Restricting fluids
d. Administering glucose-containing
I.V. fluids as ordered
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3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 50
 The primary function of the thyroid
is production of the hormones
triiodothyroxine(T3), thyroxine(T4)
and calcitonin (lower blood calcium
and phosphate level)

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 The thyroid gland uses iodine (mostly
available from the foods such as
seafood, bread, and salt) to produce
thyroid hormones.

 However, the hormone with the most

biological activity is T3.

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• The hypothalamus senses low

circulating levels of thyroid
hormone(T3 and T4) and responds by
releasing thyrotropin- releasing
hormone (TRH).

• The TRH stimulates the pituitary to

produce thyroid-stimulating hormone
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Q17. In hypothyroidism:
a. T3 is raised, T4 is raised, TSH is raised
b. T3 is reduced, T4 is raised, TSH is
c. T3 is reduced, T4 is reduced, TSH is
d. T3 is raised, T4 is reduced, TSH is

Ans c

3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 54

• Suboptimal levels of thyroid hormone
• Can affect all body functions and can
range from mild, subclinical form to
myxedema an advanced form
• If present at birth: cretinism
• F:M- 10:1

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• Most common cause: autoimmune
thyroiditis ( Hashimotos disease); US
and other areas of adequate iodine

• Worldwide: iodine deficiency remains

foremost cause

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• Primary, secondary and tertiary

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Primary Hypothyroidism

Primary: dysfunction of the thyroid


TH level is low and TSH levels are

elevated, indicating to that the pituitary
is attempting to stimulate the secretion
of thyroid hormones but the thyroid is
not responding.
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Primary Hypothyroidism contd..

This is the most common form of primary

autoimmunine hypothyroidism known as
Hashimoto’s disease(named after Dr.
Hakaru Hashimoto who described it in

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Secondary or Pituitary Hypothyroidism
Due to malfunction of the pituitary gland.

Caused by pituitary injury either during surgery

of the brain or other reason.

Insufficient stimulation of a normal thyroid gland,

resulting in decreased TSH levels.

When this occurs both TSH and TH levels are

low in the serum.

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Tertiary or Hypothalamic Hypothyroidism

It is due to a disorder of the hypothalamus

resulting in inadequate secretion of thyroid
stimulating hormone from decreased stimulation
by thyrotropin releasing hormone(TRH).

It may be due to a tumor or other destructive

lesion in the hypothalamic region. When this
occurs, both TSH and TH levels are again low in
the serum.

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Subclinical Hypothyroidism
Subclinical hypothyroidism refers to a state in
which patients do not exhibit the symptoms of

These patient also have a normal amount of

circulating thyroid hormone.

The only abnormality is an increased TSH in

their blood or increased TSH but normal or low
T4 level.

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This implies that the pituitary gland is working

extra hard to maintain a normal circulating
thyroid hormone level and that the thyroid gland
requires extra stimulation by the pituitary to
produce adequate hormones.

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The majority of these patients can be

expected to progress to obvious hypothyroidism,
especially if the TSH is above a certain level.
Manifestation resembles those of mild
hypothyroidism with subtle(slight) cardiac

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• Atrophy
• Therapy for hyperthyroidism
• Thyroidectomy
• Radiation to neck, head
• Medications: lithium, iodine compounds
• Iodine deficiency and excess

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Cause contd..
• The Wolff–Chaikoff effect
- autoregulatory phenomenon
- inhibits the formation of thyroid
hormones inside the thyroid follicle,
and the release of thyroid hormones
into the bloodstream.
- This becomes evident secondary to
elevated levels of circulating iodide.

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Q18.Nurse should expect a client with
hypothyroidism to report which
health concerns?

a. Increased appetite and weight loss

b. Puffiness of the face and hands
c. Nervousness and tremors
d. Thyroid gland swelling

Ans b
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Hypothyroidism (myxedema) causes
facial puffiness, extremity edema, and
weight gain.

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• Decreased level of thyroid hormones
leads to

Overall slowing of BMR

Decreased HCL secretion and GI motility
Slowed neurologic functioning
Decrease heat production
Increase in serum cholesterol and
triglyceride level
Increase atherosclerosis and CAD

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S/S : Early
• Fatigue
• Sadness
• Weight gain
• Cold intolerance
• Excessive sleepiness
• Dry coarse hair
• Amenorrhea
• Dry skin

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• Hoarseness
• Thickening of skin
• Puffy face, hands and feet
• Bradycardia
• Weight gain even without increase in
• Slow speech
• Masklike face
• Dull mental process
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Myxedema coma
• Severe form
• Hypothermic
• Unconscoius
• Stupor
• Coma

• [Cause: undiagnosed hypothyroidism,

precipitated by infection or disease, opoid

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• Synthetic levothyroxine
• External heat application avoid: this
increase oxygen demand and lead to
vascular collapse
• Protect from exposure to cold
• Concentrated glucose may be given if
hypoglycemia is evident

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Q19. For the first 72 hours after
thyroidectomy surgery, nurse would
assess the female client for
Chvostek’s sign and Trousseau’s sign
because they indicate which of the

a. Hypocalcemia
b. Hypercalcemia
c. Hypokalemia
d. Hyperkalemia
3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 74
• The client who has undergone a
thyroidectomy is at risk for developing
hypocalcemia from inadvertent removal or
damage to the parathyroid gland.

• The client with hypocalcemia will exhibit a

positive Chvostek’s sign (facial muscle
contraction when the facial nerve in front
of the ear is tapped) and a positive
Trousseau’s sign (carpal spasm when a
blood pressure cuff is inflated for a few

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Q20. An incoherent female client with a history of
hypothyroidism is brought to the emergency
department. Physical and laboratory findings reveal
hypothermia, hypoventilation, respiratory acidosis,
bradycardia, hypotension, and nonpitting edema of
the face and pretibial area. Knowing that these
findings suggest severe hypothyroidism, nurse
prepares to take emergency action to prevent the
potential complication of:
a. Thyroid storm.
b. Cretinism.
c. Myxedema coma.
d. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

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• Severe hypothyroidism may result in
myxedema coma, in which a drastic drop
in the metabolic rate causes decreased
vital signs, hypoventilation (possibly
leading to respiratory acidosis), and
nonpitting edema.

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• Thyroid storm is an acute complication of

• Cretinism is a form of hypothyroidism

that occurs in infants. Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis is a common chronic
inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland
in which autoimmune factors play a
prominent role.

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Q21. A female client with
hypothyroidism (myxedema) is
receiving levothyroxine (Synthroid),
25 mcg P.O. daily. Which finding
should nurse recognize as an adverse
effect of drug?

a. Dysuria
b. Leg cramps
c. Tachycardia
d. Blurred vision
3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 79
Q22. Early this morning, a female client
had a subtotal thyroidectomy. During
evening rounds, nurse assesses the
client, who now has nausea, a
temperature of 105° F (40.5° C),
tachycardia, and extreme restlessness.
What is the most likely cause of these

a. Diabetic ketoacidosis
b. Thyroid crisis
c. Hypoglycemia
d. Tetany
3/17/2021 Pramila Baral,Smarts Brain Academy 80
• Thyroid crisis/thyroid storm usually
occurs in the first 12 hours after
thyroidectomy and causes exaggerated
signs of hyperthyroidism, such as high
fever, tachycardia, and extreme

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• Diabetic ketoacidosis is more likely to
produce polyuria, polydipsia, and
polyphagia; hypoglycemia, to produce
weakness, tremors, profuse perspiration,
and hunger.

• Tetany typically causes uncontrollable

muscle spasms, stridor, cyanosis, and
possibly asphyxia

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Q.23 Heat intolerance, excessive
perspiration and exopthalmus are
the features of
a. Hyperthyrodism
b. Hypothyroidism
c. Hyperparathyroidism
d. Hypoparathyroidism

Ans a

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• Over secretion of thyroid hormones

associated with enlarged thyroid gland
• Goiter
• 2nd common endocrine disease after DM
• Graves disease most common type of
• Women: 8 times more common than men

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• Antithyroid agents: propylthiouracil,
sodium iodide
• Propanolol
• Radioactive iodine
• Surgery

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Focus after thyroidectomy
• Patent airway: 1st priority
• Tracheostomy set: bedside
• Semi fowlers position
• Assess for Tetany
• Assess for laryngeal nerve damage:
ask patient to speak

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• Myxedema Coma
• Cretinism
• Thyroid crisis
• Features of hypothyroidism and

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Q 24. For the first 72 hours after
thyroidectomy surgery, the patient
is at the risk of development of

a. Hypocalcemia
b. Hypercalcemia
c. Hypokalemia
d. Hyperkalemia

Ans a

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