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Revision Control Table

Description Date Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Md. Rayhanur
Md. Anwar Rahman Chen Yongyi
A First Issue 18th November 2019

Manager, Project
Track Engineer
QA & QC Manager
Md. Rayhanur
Md. Anwar Rahman Chen Yongyi
B Second Issue 08th January 2020
Manager, Project
Track Engineer
QA & QC Manager

DCRP/CMJV/MS-036, Rev. B

Table of Contents
1. Scope of Work: ....................................................................................................... 4
2. Safety Rules: .......................................................................................................... 6
3. Survey and Setting out ........................................................................................... 7
4. Planning of Works................................................................................................... 8
5. Mobilization and De-mobilization of Equipment / Machinery to Site ....................... 8
6. Track Works............................................................................................................ 8
6.1 Supply of Materials ................................................................................... 9
6.1.1 Supply of Ballast.................................................................................. 9
6.1.2 Supply of PSC Sleepers .................................................................... 9
6.1.3 Supply of Rails .................................................................................. 10
6.1.4 Supply of Sleeper to Rail Fastening System ......................................11
6.1.5 Supply of Fastening System for wooden sleeper .............................. 13
6.1.6 Check Rail Assembly Components ................................................... 15
6.1.7 Fastenings for Joining Rails .............................................................. 15
6.1.8 Supply of Turnouts, Trap switch and Switch Expansion Joints .......... 16
6.1.9 Supply of Pre-Stressed Concrete Sleepers for Turnouts................... 17
6.1.10 Supply of Glued Insulated Rail joints.............................................. 18
6.1.11 Supply and Installation of Track Signs and Other Items associated
with track works......................................................................................... 18
6.1.12 Welding: .......................................................................................... 19
6.2 Track Work Construction ............................................................................. 21
6.2.1 Earthwork and Drainage.................................................................... 21
6.2.2 Rails and Sleepers Stacking.............................................................. 22
Picture of Base PSC Sleeper stacking ....................................................... 24
6.2.3 Preparation for Laying Track ............................................................. 24
6.2.4 Ballasting ......................................................................................... 29
6.2.5 Laying out Sleepers ......................................................................... 30
6.2.6 Placing of Rails................................................................................ 31
6.2.7 Turnout Manufacture and Assembly ................................................ 33
6.2.8 Surfacing ......................................................................................... 36
6.2.9 Rail Welding Practice....................................................................... 36
6.2.10 Welded Rail Adjustment ................................................................. 38
6.2.11 Weld Return Records ..................................................................... 39
6.2.12 Jointed Track .................................................................................. 39
6.2.13 Track Work through Level Crossings.............................................. 44
6.2.14 Gates............................................................................................. 47
6.2.15 Bridge Track Construction .............................................................. 49
6.3 Installation of Insulated Joints................................................................ 51
6.4 First Top Ballasting ................................................................................ 53
6.5 30,000 Metric Tons Trains Passing ........................................................ 55

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6.6 First Lifting and Tamping........................................................................ 55

6.7 Second Top Ballasting ........................................................................... 57
6.8 20,000 Metric Tons Train Passing.......................................................... 58
6.9 Second Lifting and Tamping................................................................... 58
6.10 Final Track Positioning .............................................................................. 60
6.10.1 Final Ballast Distribution................................................................ 61
6.10.2 Final Levelling and Lining ............................................................. 62
6.10.3 Acceptance.................................................................................... 63
6.10.4 Installation of Long Welded Rails ................................................. 63
6.10.5 Final Track Geometry ................................................................... 63
6.10.6 Destressing of Continuous Welded Rails ...................................... 65
6.11 Commissioning of Track............................................................................. 68
6.11.1 General.......................................................................................... 68
6.11.2 Commissioning Plan...................................................................... 68
6.11.3 Pre-Commissioning Checks of Track............................................. 69
6.12 Acceptance of Track Work ..................................................................... 72
6.12.1 Final Inspection ............................................................................. 72
6.13 Defects Notification Period Obligations................................................... 72
6.13.1 General .......................................................................................... 73
6.14 Training of Bangladesh Personnel for Track Maintenance...................... 74
6.14.1 Training Programme within Bangladesh......................................... 74
6.14.2 Training Programme outside Bangladesh ..................................... 75
6.15 Hand Over .............................................................................................. 75
6.15.1 General .......................................................................................... 75
6.15.2 Preliminary Hand Over of Track ..................................................... 75
6.15.3 Track Maintenance Manual ............................................................ 75
6.15.4 Final Hand Over of Track ............................................................... 76
6.15.5 As-Built Drawings ........................................................................... 76
7. Track Maintenance and Inspection Equipment ..................................................... 77
7.1 Ballast Tamping Machine for Dual Gauge Track. .................................... 77
7.2 Heavy Duty Track Car (Metre Gauge) .................................................... 77
7.3 Rail Cum Road Vehicle........................................................................... 77
7.4 Motor Trolley ........................................................................................... 77
7.5 Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Detection System ................................................... 77
7.6 Light Weight Ballast Tamping Machine ................................................... 77
7.7 Other Track Maintenance, Monitoring and Inspection Equipment........... 78
8. Detailed Procedure for Doing Track Construction Work. ...................................... 78
8.1 Transport of material and equipment at site............................................ 78
8.2 Making of track sidings at any other convenient location........................ 78
8.3 Unloading of PSC Sleepers at Track Depot / at site ............................... 79
8.4 Laying of Auxiliary track in the field for use in track linking, if required ... 79
8.5 Track Material Train ................................................................................ 79

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8.6 First Ballast Distribution .......................................................................... 79

8.7 Transporting, unloading and placing of PSC Sleepers / Ballast / track
fittings and other track materials from Track Depot to the site........................... 79
8.8 Linking of Track....................................................................................... 80
8.9 Shifting of new Track depot to new location:........................................... 81
9. Health and Safety ................................................................................................. 81
9.1 Objective and Managing Risks in the Work place................................... 81
9.2 Safety Certification and Check List of Equipment ................................... 84
9.3 Competency certificate and permits for screw ........................................ 84
9.4 Action in Case of Emergency ...................................................................... 84
9.5 Emergency Contact Persons .................................................................. 84
9.6 Emergency Contact and Hospital Name: ................................................ 85
10. Use of Traffic Control Devices ...................................................................... 85
10.1 General Guideline................................................................................... 85
10.2 Traffic Management Plan........................................................................ 87
10.3 Photographs for Safety Traffic ................................................................ 88
11. Methodology for different component of Track Work: Appendix – “A” ................. 89
12. Organogram: Appendix – “B” .............................................................................. 89
13. Equipment: List of Equipment: Appendix – “C”............................................. 89
14. Inspection & Test Plan: Annexure – “D” .............................................................. 89
15. Check List: Annexure – “E” ................................................................................. 89

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1. Scope of Work:

Track works include following main activities:

1. Safety Rules
2. Survey and Setting Out
3. Planning of Works
4. Mobilization and Demobilization at Site
5. Supply of track materials and execution of Track Works
6. Methodology: Methodology of different component of Track works are
attached in Annexure- ‘A’.

List of Specifications of Contents:

No. Section Sub-Section

1 6.2.1 Earthworks and Drainage B.2.1

2 6.2.2 Rails and Sleeper Stacking Rails-C.4.7

3 Transportation Materials and C.13.1.6

Equipment to site
4 Sleepers Distribution along the C.13.7
5 Survey and Setting out C.13.3
6 6.2.4 Ballasting C.13.6, C.13.17.1
7 6.2.5 Laying out Sleeper C.13.7
8 6.2.6 Placing of Rails C.13.9
9 Turnout Manufacture and Assembly C.13.12
10 6.2.9 Rail Welding practice C.11
11 6.2.12 Jointed Track C.13.11
12 6.2.13 Track Work through level Crossing C.13.13 & G4
13 Gradient of Roadways G.4.6
14 Gates-Special Class Crossings G.4.8
15 Fencing and Drawing G.4.10
16 Level Crossing Safety G.4.11
17 6.2.15 Bridge Track Construction C.13.14
18 6.4 first Top Ballasting C.13.16

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19 6.6 First Lifting and Tamping C.13.16

20 6.10.1 Final Ballast Distribution C.13.17
21 6.11.1 General C.14
22 6.13 Defects Notification Period Obligations C.16
23 6.15 Hand Over C.18
24 7. Track Maintenance and Inspection C.19

List of Drawings of Contents:

No. Drawing Name Drawing No.

1 Fixed Structures Clearance For DG 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0801

2 Typical cross Section DG Single Line LWR Track 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0805

3 Typical cross Section DG Single Line SWR Track 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0806

4 Typical cross Section DG Single Track With 4 Line in 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0807
Station Yards
5 Typical cross Section DG Single Track at Turn in 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0808
6 Typical cross Section DG Single Track in Cutting 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0809
7 Rail Profile UIC 60 kg 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0810
8 Fish Plate 1m long and Fish Blot for UIC 60 kg Rail 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0813
9 Typical Arrangement of Guard Rail on Ballasted 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0837
Bridge with UIC 60kg Rails DG
10 Assembly for Improved SEJ(DG)for LWR with UIC 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0840
60kg Rail (Typical)
11 Type of Dual Gauge Turnouts 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0859
12 Key Plan of 1 in 12 DG Turnout, T-Variant (R.H) 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0860
Curves Switch UIC 60kg Rail
13 Key Plan of 1 in 12 DG Turnout, T-Variant (L.H) 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0861
Curves Switch UIC 60kg Rail
14 Key Plan of 1 in 12 DG Turnout, D-Variant (R.H) 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0862
Curves Switch UIC 60kg Rail
15 Key Plan of 1 in 12 DG Turnout, D-Variant (L.H) 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0863
Curves Switch UIC 60kg Rail
16 Key Plan of 1 in 8.5 DG Turnout, T-Variant (R.H) 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0868
Curves Switch UIC 60kg Rail
17 Key Plan of 1 in 8.5 DG Turnout, T-Variant (L.H) 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0869

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Curves Switch UIC 60kg Rail

18 Key Plan of 1 in 8.5 DG Turnout, D-Variant (R.H) 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0870
Curves Switch UIC 60kg Rail
19 Key Plan of 1 in 8.5 DG Turnout, D-Variant (L.H) 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0871
Curves Switch UIC 60kg Rail
20 10125mm One Switch LH Trap DG with UIC 60kg Rail 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0872
on PSC Sleeper (Key Plan)
21 10125mm TWO Switch LH Trap DG with UIC 60kg 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0873
Rail on PSC Sleeper (Key Plan)
22 Static Switch for USE on DG Track UIC 60kg Rail on 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0877
Sleepers (KEY Plan).
23 Fouling Mark 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0890
24 Buffer Stop(DG) 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0891
25 Curves Reference Post & Curve Board 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0892
26 Kilometer Post & Hectometer Post 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0893
27 Gradient post 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0894
28 Section limit Boards 5060089-4.3.1-TW-0896

2. Safety Rules:

1. All roads and open areas adjacent to the work site will either be closed or
suitably protected.
2. No electric cable or apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger over a
machinery / equipment / apparatus will remain electrically charged.
3. All practical steps will be taken to prevent danger to persons employed from
risk of Accidents by fire or explosives or flooding.
4. All necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the
Engineer will be kept available for the use of the persons employed in the site
and maintained in a condition suitable for immediate use.
5. Those engaged in welding works will be provided with welder’s protective eye
6. When the work is done near any place where there is risk of drowning, all
necessary rescue equipment (like life vests, boats, floating will be provided
and kept ready for use and all necessary steps taken for prompt rescue of any
persons in danger and adequate provision will be made for prompt first aid
treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of the work.

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7. Condition and use of hoisting machines and tackles including their attachment
anchorage and supports will conform to the standards mentioned in the
following paragraphs.
8. These will be of good mechanical construction, sound materials, and adequate
strength and will be free from patent defects and will be kept in good state of
repair and in good working order.
9. Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of suspension
will be of durable quality and adequate strength and free from patent defects.
10. Every crane driver or hoisting appliances operator will be properly qualified
and no person under the age of 21 years will be in-charge of any hoisting
machine including any scaffolding.
11. In case of every hoisting machine and every cable ring, hook, shackle, swivel
and pulley block used in hoisting or as means of suspension, safe working
load will be ascertained by standard methods. Every hoisting machine and all
gear referred to above will be plainly marked with the safe working load. In
case of hoisting machine having a variable safe working load, the conditions
under which it is applicable will be clearly indicated. No part of any machinery
or any gear referred to above in this paragraph will be loaded beyond the safe
working load except for the purpose of testing.
12. Motors, gears, transmission, electric wiring and other dangerous parts of
hoisting appliances will be provided with efficient and effective safe guards.
Hoisting appliances will be provided with such means as will reduce to the
minimum the risk of accidental decent of the load and adequate precautions
will be taken to reduce to the minimum the risk of any part of a suspended
load becoming accidentally displaced. When workers are employed on
Electrical installations which are already energized, insulating mats wearing
apparel, such as gloves, sleeves and both as may be necessary will be
provided. The workers will not wear any rings, watches and carry keys or other
materials, which are good conductors of electricity.
13. Suitable gates / barriers will be installed across the new embankment,
preferably adjoining the manned / unmanned level crossings. The entry for the
vehicles will be regulated by an authorized representative of the Contractor
during the working hours.

3. Survey and Setting out

The work of survey and setting out will be carried out as stipulated in C 13.3 of the

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Contract Specification. Our team of engineers will conduct a detailed field survey for
obtaining the geometrical data necessary for setting out the track alignment and
profile. The alignment and profile of the new track will be designed with reference to
the existing track such that the centre line alignment of new track is at a minimum 6m
from the alignment of existing track and alignment and profile are as shown in the
design documents at bridge locations, station yards, level crossings and at other
critical locations. Working drawings for layout of track in between stations and in
station yards including drainage will be prepared and approval of Engineer will be
obtained prior to commencement of track works.
The team of engineers will also carry out foot to foot survey of the complete length of
Project site between Dohazari and Cox’s Bazar. The existing ground conditions will
be examined. Information on condition of road / ground access available along the
alignment for transporting the earth, construction materials and track materials
throughout the alignment would be collected. All the collected data will be used for
planning track works.

4. Planning of Works
A schedule for complete scope of track works will be prepared. Every effort will be
made to achieve the progress of work on site according to the schedule prepared.
The schedule will be a dynamic document and will be updated at a regular interval
(as necessary) to take care of any activities lagging behind. Requirement of various
kinds of plants and machineries will be worked out and the dates for their mobilization
to the site will be fixed.

5. Mobilization and De-mobilization of Equipment / Machinery to

After survey and planning of works, mobilizing to site will commence. During this
process, all planned track linking machinery and equipment will be mobilized to site in
phases in a planned manner. All the identified drivers / operators who are trained and
have experience of working in the vicinity of running railway track will be deployed. All
the vehicles and equipment will also be pre-identified and in good working fettle. A
competent supervisor will be deputed to organize and monitor all movements. He will
be responsible to ensure that all equipment work to their best capacity. All staff
related issues will also be taken care of by him.

6. Track Works
Track works includes supply of track materials, execution of track works (such as
providing ballast, track linking, SWR, LWR, distressing, installation of turnout, trap
switch, static switch, glued insulated joints, tamping etc) and supply of track
maintenance equipment, commissioning of track and handing over to the Bangladesh

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Railway as prescribed below:

6.1 Supply of Materials

The details for taking supply of all the track items are as under:

6.1.1 Supply of Ballast

Suitable sources for supply of ballast meeting the requirements of the Specification
as per Clause No. C.2.2.1 will be located. Comprehensive plan for production of
ballast showing source of material, test results data, acquisition of permits if required,
quarrying and crushing equipment’s intended to be used and their source, modes of
transport, stockpile area at the construction sites will be prepared and submitted for
approval of the Engineer as per Clause No. C.2.2 & C.2.6 of the Specification. The
production will start after acceptance of the source from where the rock material is to
be used. Full range of tests will be conducted as laid down in Specification of Ballast
to ensure the quality as per Clause No. C.2.4. Frequency of all the tests will be as per
Clause No. C.2.5 of the Specification. Results of all the tests will be submitted to the
Engineer within seven days of the tests conducted. Immediate corrective actions will
be taken in case samples fail to meet the requirements as prescribed in the
specifications. The Engineer will be informed accordingly. Proper record showing the
test results will be maintained in the approved format and will be made available to
Engineer as and when asked for.

Ballast from approved sources and of approved quality will be transported in

ship/train/dump trucks to the approved stockpile areas located on level and hard
ground as per Clause No. C.2.6 of the Specification. The location of the stockpile
areas along with method used for stockpiling will be got approved from the Engineer.
Size of the stock piles of ballast will be as per provision of sub-clause C 2.6.
Stockpiles will be built up with truck dumped piles which will be flattened prior to
placing subsequent layer. Every care will be taken to avoid particle segregation while
transporting ballast from stockpile area for distribution on formation.

6.1.2 Supply of PSC Sleepers

The design details, drawings and specifications of the DG PSC Sleepers compatible
with the approved fastening system will be submitted to the Engineer for approval as
per Clause No. C 3.2 of the Specification. The materials required for manufacturing of
the PSC sleepers will be taken up after approval of the Engineer after following the
procedure as prescribed in Clause No. C 2.2 of the Specification. Quality Assurance
requirements as stated in specification clause no. C 3.3 will be submitted to the

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Engineer for approval. Materials required for manufacturing of PSC sleepers will be
tested as per contract specification clause no. C 3.4. Cast Iron inserts and Polythene
Dowels will be got manufactured and tested as stipulated in Clause C 3.4.7 and C
3.4.8 of the Specification and supplied to the approved PSC Sleeper manufacturer.
After getting the approval, PSC Sleepers will be got manufactured from the approved
manufacturer as per approved drawings and specifications as per Clause C 3.5 of the
Specification. The manufactured PSC sleepers will be tested as per Clause No. C 3.6
of the Specification. PSC sleepers will also be got inspected from the approved
independent inspecting agency as per Clause No. C 3.6 of the Specification. Only
passed PSC sleepers, properly marked and accepted by independent inspecting
agency will be dispatched to the site of work. PSC Sleepers will be transported
through road Trucks / BFRs and will be unloaded & stacked with mechanical means
only as per Clause No. C 3.8 of the Specification. Inspection certificate issued by the
independent inspection agency along with certificate of conformance to the
Specification will be submitted with each consignment of PSC sleepers. PSC
sleepers will be properly secured to avoid any movement and displacement during
movement. Damaged sleepers due to defective loading will be replaced free of cost.
All the PSC sleepers will be stacked on a hard and well drained area in depot or at
site. The bottom layer of sleepers will be supported on at least three wooden /
concrete battens of suitable lengths having minimum 250 mm height in depot/at site.
Each layer of PSC sleepers stacked in depot / at site will be separated by
50mmx50mm wooden battens. Each stack of PSC sleepers will not have more than
12 layers.

6.1.3 Supply of Rails

Details of steel making process and rail manufacturing processes will be submitted to
the Engineer for approval before commencing manufacture of rails in accordance
with specification Clause No. C 4.5.1. Templates, Master Rail Profile and all the
gauges required for manufacture and inspection of rails will also be submitted to the
Engineer for approval before commencement of rails as prescribed in specification
Clause No. C 4.5.2. Standard lengths of rails as per specification Clause No. C 4.2.2
will be supplied. The manufacturing and supply of rails will be from the approved
source. The manufacturing of rails will be as per the Specification. Rails will be
manufactured in view the Identification i.e. Branding, Hot stamping, Cold Stamping,
Color code, Dimensional Tolerances, Residual Stress in Rail, Yield Strength and
Weld ability as provided in the specification clause no. C 4.2.4. Qualification of the
rail Manufacturer will be got approved from the Engineer. Rails will be manufactured
as per materials as prescribed in specification clause no. C 4.4. Inspection and
testing of rails will be done as per specification no. C 4.6. The rails will be offered to
the approved independent inspecting agency for checking and passing as per Clause
No. C 4.6.3 of the Specification. After inspection, every rail will be stamped as per

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relevant contract condition and painting at one end will be done. Drilling of holes and
chamfering will be done at site as per Clause No. C 4.2.3 of the Specification.
Handling of passed rails will be as per contract specification clause no. C 4.7.1.
Passed rails will be stacked as per Clause No. C 4.7.2 of the Specification. Shipment
of Passed rails will be done as per clause no. C 4.7.3. Only passed rails will be sent
to site of work and each consignment will contain certificate of conformance to the
Specification, inspection certificates along with test results of all the tests conducted
by the inspecting agency as mentioned in Clause No. C 4.6.3 of the Specification.
Loading and unloading of rails will be done with mechanical lifting arrangement. The
rails will be loaded in trailers in layers with wooden / steel spacer flats between them
and will be tied properly so that the rails will not get damaged during transportation to
site as mentioned in Clause No. C 4.7.3 (c). Warranty up to the Defect Notification
period for the rails will be submitted as per Clause C 4.8 of the Specification.

6.1.4 Supply of Sleeper to Rail Fastening System

Manufacture's Credentials will be submitted for approval of the Engineer as
prescribed in specification clause no. C 5.1.3. Details of design, drawings and
specifications of the fastening system will be submitted and approval of Engineer will
be obtained before commencing manufacture of the fastenings in accordance with
the Clause No. C 5 of the Specification. The fastening system will be in accordance
with requirements of Clause C 5.1.2 of the Specification. The testing of the system
will be carried out as per Clause C 5.1.4 of the Specification and results will be
submitted to the Engineer before start of bulk production. Cast Iron Inserts

The manufacturing of Cast Iron Inserts will be from the approved source. Material
required for manufacturing Cast Iron Inserts will be as per specification clause no. C
5.2.3. Manufacturing of Cast Iron Inserts will be as per approved specification as per
specification clause no. C 5.2.4. Testing for Physical and Mechanical properties will
be done as per specification clause no. C 5.2.5. Tests prior to bulk manufacture will
as done as per specification clause no. C 5.2.6. The manufactured Cast Iron Inserts
will be offered to the approved independent inspecting agency for checking and
passing as per Clause No. C 5.2.8 of the Specification. Marking on Inserts will be as
per specification clause no. C 5.2.10. The passed Cast Shoulders will be packed in
lo-lift polypropylene bags or wooden boxes containing 500 pieces as per Clause No.
C 5.2.11 of the Specification. Only passed Cast Shoulders will be sent to the
manufacturer of PSC Sleepers. Each consignment will contain certificate of
conformance to the Specification, inspection certificates along with test results of all
the tests conducted by the inspecting agency. Copies of all these documents will be
sent to PSC sleeper manufacturer and to the Engineer.

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The manufacturing and supply of ERCs will be from the approved source. The
manufacturing of ERCs will be as per approved design, drawing and as per
specification clause no. C 5.3.2 to C 5.3.4. Testing for physical and mechanical
properties will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.3.5. Tests prior to bulk
manufacture will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.3.6. The ERCs will be
offered to the approved independent inspecting agency for checking and passing as
per specification clause No. C.5.3.8. Marking on all ERCs will be done as per
specification clause no. C 5.3.10. The passed ERCs will be packed in inner bag
containing 25 pieces and 40 such bags will be packed in outer polypropylene bags as
per specification clause no. C 5.3.11. Only passed ERCs will be sent to site of work
and each consignment will contain certificate of conformance to the Specification,
inspection certificates along with test results of all the tests conducted by the
inspecting agency. Guarantee for the clips will be provided as per specification clause
no. C 5.3.12. Supply of Rubber Rail Pads

The manufacturing and supply of Rubber Rail Pads will be from the approved source.
The manufacturing of Rubber Rail Pads will be as per approved design, drawing and
as per specification clause no. C 5.4.2 to C 5.4.4. Testing for physical and
mechanical properties will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.4.5. Tests prior
to bulk manufacture will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.4.6. The Rubber
Rail Pads will be offered to the approved independent inspecting agency for checking
and passing as per specification clause No. C.5.4.8. Marking on all Rubber Rail Pads
will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.4.10. The passed Rubber Rail Pads
will be packed flat in suitable sealed cardboard cartons or wooden boxes each
containing 2,000 pieces as per specification clause no. C 5.4.11. Only passed
Rubber Rail Pads will be sent to site of work and each consignment will contain
certificate of conformance to the Specification, inspection certificates along with test
results of all the tests conducted by the inspecting agency. Guarantee for the Rubber
Rail Pads will be provided as per specification clause no. C 5.4.12. Supply of Insulating Liners

The manufacturing and supply of Insulating liners will be from the approved source.
The manufacturing of Insulating liners will be as per approved design, drawing and as
per specification clause no. C 5.5.2 to C 5.5.4. Testing for physical and mechanical
properties will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.5.5. Tests prior to bulk
manufacture will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.5.6. The Insulating liners
will be offered to the approved independent inspecting agency for checking and
passing as per specification clause No. C.5.5.8. Marking on all Insulating liners will

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be done as per specification clause no. C 5.5.10. The passed Insulating liners will be
packed in inner bags each with 125 pieces and 40 such bags (5,000 pieces total)
packed within sealed trowel pallet carton or wooden boxes as per specification
clause no. C 5.5.11. Only passed Insulating liners will be sent to site of work and
each consignment will contain certificate of conformance to the Specification,
inspection certificates along with test results of all the tests conducted by the
inspecting agency. Guarantee for the Insulating liners will be provided as per
specification clause no. C 5.5.12. Supply of Polyethylene Dowels

The manufacturing and supply of Polyethylene Dowels will be from the approved
source. Inspection gauges will be submitted to the Engineer for approval before
starting the manufacturing as provided in specification clause no. C 5.6.2 (c). The
manufacturing of Polyethylene Dowels will be as per approved drawing and as per
specification clause no. C 5.6.2 to C 5.6.4. Testing for physical and mechanical
properties will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.6.5. Tests prior to bulk
manufacture will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.6.6. The Polyethylene
Dowels will be offered to the approved independent inspecting agency for checking
and passing as per specification clause No. C.5.6.8. Marking on all Polyethylene
Dowels will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.6.10. The passed
Polyethylene Dowels will be packed in poly bags which will be placed in sealed
sturdy / stout boxes as per specification clause no. C 5.6.11. Only passed
Polyethylene Dowels will be sent to site of work and each consignment will contain
certificate of conformance to the Specification, inspection certificates along with test
results of all the tests conducted by the inspecting agency. Guarantee for the
Polyethylene Dowels will be provided as per specification clause no. C 5.6.12.

6.1.5 Supply of Fastening System for wooden sleeper Supply of Mild Steel Bearing Plates

The manufacturing and supply of Mild Steel Bearing Plates will be from the approved
source. Templates plates of approved metal and nipple gauges will be submitted to
the Engineer for approval before starting the manufacturing as provided in
specification clause no. C 5.7.2 (d). The manufacturing of Mild Steel Bearing Plates
will be as per approved drawing and as per specification clause no. C 5.7.2 to C
5.4.4. Testing for physical and mechanical properties will be done as per specification
clause no. C 5.7.5. Tests prior to bulk manufacture will be done as per specification
clause no. C 5.7.6. The Mild Steel Bearing Plates will be offered to the approved
independent inspecting agency for checking and passing as per specification clause
No. C.5.7.8. Marking on all Mild Steel Bearing Plates will be done as per specification

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clause no. C 5.7.10. The bearing plates will be dipped in hot boiled linseed oil for
future rust prevention as provided in specification clause no. C 5.7.11. The passed
and treated Mild Steel Bearing Plates will be tied with steel rodding and will be
delivered in bundles not exceeding 30 kg in weight as provided in specification
clause no. C 5.7.11. Only passed Mild Steel Bearing Plates will be sent to site of work
and each consignment will contain certificate of conformance to the Specification,
inspection certificates along with test results of all the tests conducted by the
inspecting agency. Guarantee for the bearing plates will be provided as per
specification clause no. C 5.7.12. Supply of Rail and Plate Screws

The manufacturing and supply of Rail / Plate Screws will be from the approved
source. Templates plates and gauges will be submitted to the Engineer for approval
before starting the manufacturing as provided in specification clause no. C 5.8.2 (d).
The manufacturing of Rail / Plate Screws will be as per approved drawing and as per
specification clause no. C 5.8.2 to C 5.8.4. Testing for physical and mechanical
properties will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.8.5. Tests prior to bulk
manufacture will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.8.6. The Rail / Plate
Screws will be offered to the approved independent inspecting agency for checking
and passing as per specification clause No. C.5.8.8. Marking on all Rail / Plate
Screws will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.8.10. The non-galvanized
Rail / Plate Screws will be protected with one coat of boiled linseed oil for future rust
prevention as provided in specification clause no. C 5.7.11. Galvanized screws will be
wrapped suitably in bundles. The passed Rail / Plate Screws will be bagged in double
bags of suitable size to avoid any damage in transit. Each bag will contain more than
50 kg of one king of screws. As provided in specification clause no. C 5.8.11. Only
passed Rail / Plate Screws will be sent to site of work and each consignment will
contain certificate of conformance to the Specification, inspection certificates along
with test results of all the tests conducted by the inspecting agency. Guarantee for
the Rail / Plate Screws will be provided as per specification clause no. C 5.8.12. Supply of Grooved Rubber Sole Plates

The manufacturing and supply of Grooved Rubber Sole Plates will be from the
approved source. Inspection gauges will be submitted to the Engineer for approval
before starting the manufacturing as provided in specification clause no. C 5.9.2 (d).
The manufacturing of Grooved Rubber Sole Plates will be as per approved drawing
and as per specification clause no. C 5.9.2 to C 5.9.4. Testing for physical and
mechanical properties will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.9.5. Tests prior
to bulk manufacture will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.9.6. Marking on

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each Sole Plates will be done as per specification clause no. C 5.9.8. The Grooved
Rubber Sole Plates will be offered to the approved independent inspecting agency for
checking and passing as per specification clause No. C 5.9.9. The passed Grooved
Rubber Sole Plates will be packed in multiple of 100 pieces, placed flat on one
another in wooden boxes to avoid any damage in transit as per specification clause
no. C 5.9.11. Only passed Grooved Rubber Sole Plates will be sent to site of work
and each consignment will contain certificate of conformance to the Specification,
inspection certificates along with test results of all the tests conducted by the
inspecting agency. Guarantee for the Grooved Rubber Sole Plates will be provided
as per specification clause no. C 5.9.12.

6.1.6 Check Rail Assembly Components

Check Rail Assembly Components for use with UIC 60 kg running rail and BS
75A check rail and with BS 90A running rail and BS 75A check rail will be
supplied as per approved drawings as per specification clause no. C 5.10.

6.1.7 Fastenings for Joining Rails Fish Plates

Shop drawings of Normal fish plates, Combination fish plates and Joggled fish plates
will be submitted to Engineer for approval before staring the manufacturing.
Templates and nipple gauges for each type of fish plates will be submitted for
approval of the Engineer. The manufacturing and supply of Fish Plates will be from
the approved source. The manufacturing of Fish Plates will be as per approved
drawing and as per specification clause no. C 6.1.2 to C Testing for
mechanical and metallurgical properties of each types fish plate bars and fish plates
will be done as per specification clause no. C 6.1.6 to C 6.1.8. Marking on each types
Fish Plates will be done as per specification clause no. C 6.1.9. The Fish Plates will
be offered to the approved independent inspecting agency for checking and passing
as per specification clause No. C 6.1.10. Each type of fish plates will be dipped in hot
boiled linseed oil to prevent future rusting. The passed Fish Plates will be tied in
bundles of four with steel wire as per specification clause no. C 6.1.12. Only passed
Fish Plates will be sent to site of work and each consignment will contain certificate of
conformance to the Specification, inspection certificates along with test results of all
the tests conducted by the inspecting agency. Guarantee for the Fish Plates will be
provided as per specification clause no. C 6.1.13. Supply of Track Bolts and Nuts

Shop drawings of all types of Track Bolts and Nuts will be submitted to Engineer for

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approval before staring the manufacturing. Gauges for each type of Fish Bolts and
Nuts will be submitted for approval of the Engineer. The manufacturing and supply of
Track Bolts and Nuts will be from the approved source. The manufacturing of all
types Track Bolts and Nuts will be as per approved drawing and as per specification
clause no. C 6.2.2 to C 6.2.6. Testing of finished Bolts and Nuts will be done as per
specification clause no. C 6.2.7. Marking on each types Track Bolts and Nuts will be
done as per specification clause no. C 6.2.9. Track Bolts and Nuts will be offered to
the approved independent inspecting agency for checking and passing as per
specification clause No. C 6.2.10. Each type of track Bolt and Nuts will be coated with
good quality non-drying heavy lubricating oil to prevent future rusting. The passed
Track Bolts and Nuts will be packed in double bags as per specification clause no. C
6.2.12. Only passed Track Bolts and Nuts will be sent to site of work and each
consignment will contain certificate of conformance to the Specification, inspection
certificates along with test results of all the tests conducted by the inspecting agency.
Guarantee for the Track Bolts and Nuts will be provided as per specification clause
no. C 6.2.13. Single Coil Spring Washer

Shop drawings of all types of Single Coil Spring Washer will be submitted to Engineer
for approval before staring the manufacturing. Gauges for each type of Spring
Washer will be submitted for approval of the Engineer. The manufacturing and supply
of Spring Washer will be from the approved source. The manufacturing of all types
Spring Washer will be as per approved drawing and as per specification clause no. C
6.3.2 to C 6.3.5. Testing and checking of Washer will be done as per specification
clause no. C 6.3.7. Testing prior to Bulk manufacture will be done as per specification
clause no. C 6.3.7. Marking on each types of Washer will be done as per
specification clause no. C 6.3.9. Spring Washer will be offered to the approved
independent inspecting agency for checking and passing as per specification clause
No. C 6.3.10. Each type of Spring Washer will be coated with good quality non-drying
heavy lubricating oil to prevent future rusting. Passed Spring Washer will be packed
in suitable bags as per specification clause no. C 6.3.12. Only passed Spring Washer
will be sent to site of work and each consignment will contain certificate of
conformance to the Specification, inspection certificates along with test results of all
the tests conducted by the inspecting agency. Guarantee for the Spring Washer will
be provided as per specification clause no. C 6.3.13.

6.1.8 Supply of Turnouts, Trap switch and Switch Expansion Joints

The design and drawings of turnouts and switches will be submitted for approval to
the Engineer as required vide specification clause no. C 7.2.1. The manufacturer will
be as per specification clause no. C 7.2.2. Manufacturers Quality assurance and
Inspection & Test plan and templates of approved metal for each type of switch and

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crossing will be submitted to the Engineer for approval as per specification clause
No. C 7.2.3. One prototype set of each type of Turnouts will be got approved as
sample by the Engineer before proceeding with the remaining work as per
specification clause No. C 7.2.4. All material requirements mentioned in specification
clause no. C 7.3 will be complied with. The manufacturing of Turnouts of all types will
be as per specification clause No. C 7.4. Marking on all parts of Switches and
crossings will be done as per specification clause no. C 7.6. All types of Turnouts will
be offered to the approved independent inspecting agency for checking and passing
as per specification clause No. C 7.7. Handling, stacking and transporting of turnouts
will be as per specification clause no. C 7.8. Only passed Turnouts will be sent to
site of work and each consignment will contain certificate of conformance to the
Specification, inspection certificates along with test results of all the tests conducted
by the inspecting agency. Guarantee for all types of turnouts, trap switches, static
switches and switch expansion joints will be provided as per specification clause no.
C 7.9

6.1.9 Supply of Pre-Stressed Concrete Sleepers for Turnouts

The complete design details and drawings of PSC turnout sleepers dully certified by
the professional Engineer will be submitted to the Engineer for approval as required
vide specification clause no. C 8.2 before commencing manufacture of the sleepers.
Results of design approval tests will also be submitted to the Engineer for approval.
The manufacturer will be as per specification clause no. C 8.3.1. Manufacturers
Quality assurance and Inspection & Test plan will be submitted to the Engineer for
approval as per specification clause no. C 8.3.3. All material required for
manufacturing PSC Turnout sleepers will be as per specification clause no. C 8.4.
Manufacturing of PSC Turnout Sleepers will be as per specification clause No. C 8.5.
Inspections, testing and acceptance of manufactured PSC Turnout sleepers will be
as per specification clause no. C 8.6. The PSC Turnout sleepers will also be got
inspected by the approved independent inspecting agency for testing and passing as
per specification clause No. C 8.6. Stamping and marking on all the PSC Turnout
sleepers will be done as per specification clause no. C 8.7. Only passed PSC Turnout
sleepers which are properly marked and accepted by independent inspecting agency
will be dispatched to the site of work. The PSC Turnout sleepers will be transported
through road Trucks/BFRs and will be unloaded & stacked with approved mechanical
means. Inspection certificate issued by the approved independent inspection agency
along with certificate of conformance to the Specification will be submitted with each
consignment of PSC Turnout Sleepers. All the PSC Turnout Sleepers will be stacked
on a hard and well drained surface in track depot or at site as per specification clause
no. C 8.8. The bottom layer of sleepers will be supported on at least three
wooden/concrete battens of suitable lengths having minimum 250 mm above the
ground in depot / at site. Each layer will be separated by wooden battens of 50 x 50

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mm of suitable length to avoid damage. Guarantee for PSC turnouts sleepers will be
provided as per specification clause no. C 8.9

6.1.10 Supply of Glued Insulated Rail joints

Manufacturing / fabrication drawings of Glued Insulating Rail Joints will be submitted
to the Engineer for approval as required vide specification clause no. C 9.2.1.
Manufacturer's credentials, fabrication plan, Quality control plan and Inspection & test
plan will also be submitted to the Engineer for approval which is required as per
specification clause no. C 9.2. All materials required for manufacturing Glued
Insulated Rail Joints will be as per specification clause no. C 9.3. Fabrication of
Glued joints will be done as per specification clause no. C 9.4. Marking on Glued
Joints will be done as per specification clause no. C 9.5. Checks and tests on glued
joints will be done as per specification clause no. C 9.7. The Glued Insulated Rail
joints will be offered to the approved independent inspecting agency for checking and
passing as per specification clause No. C 9.9. Only passed Glued Insulated Rail
joints will be sent to site of work and each consignment will contain certificate of
conformance to the Specification, inspection certificates along with test results of all
the tests conducted by the inspecting agency. Handling, storage and transporting will
be done as per specification clause no. C 9.10. Guarantee for Glued joints will be
provided as per specification clause no. C 9.13

6.1.11 Supply and Installation of Track Signs and Other Items associated with
track works
(a) Supply of Buffers Stops

Fabrication drawings of Buffers Stops will be submitted to the Engineer for

approval as required vide specification clause no. C 10.1.1 (d). Fabrication
and Installation of Buffers Stops will be done as per approved drawings and
specification clause no. C 10.1.2 and C 10.1.3.

(b) Supply of Kilometre Posts

Fabrication drawings of Kilometre Posts will be submitted to the Engineer for

approval. Fabrication and Installation of Kilometer Posts will be done as per
approved drawing and specification clause no. C 10.2.1 and C 10.2.2.

(c) Supply of Gradient Posts:

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Fabrication drawings of Gradient Posts will be submitted to the Engineer for

approval. Fabrication and Installation of Gradient Posts will be done as per
approved drawing and specification clause no. C 10.3.1.

(d) Supply of Curve Reference Posts and Curve Boards:

Fabrication drawings of Curve Reference Posts will be submitted to the

Engineer for approval. Fabrication and Installation of Curve Reference Posts
will be done as per approved drawing and specification clause no. C 10.4.1.
Fabrication and Installation of Curve Boards will be done as per approved
drawing and specification clause no. C 10.4.2. Curve Handbooks will be
prepared and submitted as per specification clause no. C 10.4.3.

(e) Supply of Section Limit Boards:

Fabrication drawings of Section Limit Boards will be submitted to the Engineer

for approval. Fabrication and Installation of Section Limit Boards will be done
as per approved drawing and specification clause no. C 10.5.1.

(f) Supply of Fouling Marks:

Fabrication drawings of Fouling Marks will be submitted to the Engineer for

approval. Casting and Installation of Fouling Marks will be done as per
approved drawing and specification clause no. C 10.6.1.

6.1.12 Welding:
a) General
The following techniques will be used for doing Rail welding:
i. Flash Butt Welding
ii. Aluminothermic Welding
Details of welding process and equipment for welding UIC 60kg rails and BS 90A
rails will be submitted to the Engineer for approval as required vide specification
clause no. C 11.1. All rails will be welded with brand mark on the same side. Method
statements for ultrasonically testing Rail welding joints will be submitted to the
Engineer for approval. All welded joints done by Flash Butt Welding and by
Aluminothermic Welding techniques will be ultrasonically tested. Only certified
welding operators and ultrasonic test personnel will be used. Welding team and

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process by undertaking the qualification tests will be pre-qualified. Approval of

Engineer will be taken for qualification process of the welding team.

i. Flash Butt Welding

Method statement containing all the details mentioned in specification clause no. C
11.2.1 will be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Mobile welding Machine will be
prequalified and preset for each rail section. All provisions regarding requirements for
the Flash butt welding process will be implemented as per specification clause no. C
11.2.2. Test welds for Qualification approval tests to qualify a welding team and
process will be done as per specification clause no. C 11.2.3. Results of test welds
done for Qualification approval tests to qualify a welding team and process will be
submitted to Engineer for approval. Field approval of welding procedure will be taken
from the Engineer as required vide specification clause no. C 11.2.4. Production of
Flash butt welding of rail joints will be done as per specification clause no. C 11.2.5.
Acceptance tests for production Flash Butt Welded Rail Joints will be done as per
specification clause no. C 11.2.6. Weld identification and marking will be done as per
specification clause no. C 11.2.8. Records of all the welds will be maintained in a
register in a format approved by the Engineer as per specification clause no. C
11.2.9. Guarantee for welded rail joints will be provided as per specification clause
no. C 11.2.10

ii. Aluminothermic Welding

Method statement containing all the details mentioned in specification clause no. C
11.3.2 will be submitted to the Engineer for approval. All technical requirements for
Aluminothermic Portions and Moulds will be implemented as required vide
specification clause no. C 11.3.3 & C 11.3.4. Execution of Aluminothermic welds
having examination of rail end geometry, preparation, preheating, welding,
demoulding and finishing will be done as per specification clause no. C 11.3.6. Test
welds for Qualification approval tests to qualify a Aluminothermic Welding
Supervisors and Welders will be done as per specification clause no. C 11.3.8.
Results of test welds done will be submitted to Engineer for approval. Production of
Aluminothermic welding of rail joints will be done as per specification clause no. C
11.3.9. Acceptance tests for production Aluminothermic Welded Rail Joints will be
done as per specification clause no. C 11.3.10. Marking of welded joint will be done
as per specification clause no. C 11.3.11. Records of all the welds will be maintained
in a register in a format approved by the Engineer as per specification clause no. C
11.3.12. Guarantee for welded rail joints will be provided as per specification clause
no. C 11.3.12.

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6.2 Track Work Construction

6.2.1 Earthwork and Drainage

Earthworks and Drainage are separate from the plain track construction and are
excluded from the scope of the Track specification, but contractor is to be converse
with the specifications Sub-Clause B.2.1 for earth work and drainage constructions
where works are occurring in conjunction, or as a precursor to track construction
works to assure interface issues are managed.

Earthwork Construction

Drainage Construction

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6.2.2 Rails and Sleepers Stacking

The stack foundation preparation works will be carried out as per Sub-Clause C.4.7
for Rails and Sub-Clause C.3.8 for PSC Sleeper at the locations area selected by the
Contractor at approximately Ch.58+300, Ch.74+580, Ch.89+124, Ch.88+433 and
Ch.101+047, which have been cleared, compacted and levelled on the top soil.

The quality of base preparation determines the stability and security of the entire
stack. The base is to be level, free from protrusions and from soft area. The earth
base is to be uniform compacted with a minimum gradient of about 1/20, be of inert
material, and be well drained.

It’s important to stack rails correctly to avoid creating hazards to yourself and other

Build stacks on firm, level ground away from fire hazards, sources of ignition,
overhead power lines, dwellings, boundary fences and footpaths. Ensure stacks are
safe at all times. Take precautions to prevent mechanical damage, for example by
transport, rodents and undermining by cattle.

Never stack higher than the lifting capabilities of the handling equipment used for
stacking and de-stacking.

Never stack more rails on handling equipment, to a height higher than the equipment
is designed to handle.

Wherever possible, stack the longest rails on the bottom and successive layer to
shortest rails on the top. Maximum layer can be stacked up to 10 layers High.

Never stack higher than the lifting capabilities of the handling equipment used for
stacking and destacking.

Base supports of concrete beams of 400mm x 300mm at least four points is to be

evenly distributed along the rail length, with special care to support near rail ends.

Rails shall be stacked in head up position with 100 mm x 25 mm mild steel flats as
spacers at a distance of 4.0 metres between successive layers. Stacking rails is
demonstrated as attached. Shorter rail shall be placed in upper layers so that each
successive layer is of the same of decreasing width.

Rails will have carefully align forming the bottom layer and especially avoid

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overlapping of rail flanges, crossing of layers when dunnage is used, leaning stack by
placing rail ends (rail of the same length) in vertical alignment, as demonstrated as
picture attached.

Good vertical alignment of dunnage or spacers in completed stacked should be done

by spacing them identical positions along the rail length.

Use of suitable rail handling equipment with lifting devices such as mobile crane with
long boom attached with spreader beam including rail lifting clamp, rail grips etc.

Stacking Free Rails and Welded Rail Panel is attached in Annexure C 4.3 & C 4.5.
Quality and Safety related HSE aspect together with check list are attached in the
Annexures C 4.9 to C 4.17.

Picture of Base Preparation and Rail stacking

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Picture of Base PSC Sleeper stacking

6.2.3 Preparation for Laying Track

The top surface of the formation shall be protected from damage at all times. The
layout of bottom ballast or rail shall be undertaken so as to damage the formation or
sub-ballast layer. The bearing surfaces of all sleepers, the bottom of rails and other
bearing surfaces shall be cleaned and free of all dirt rails are laid, and all survey or
bench marks must be protected from disturbance. Transportation Materials and Equipment to Site

Rails, sleepers, ballast and other track materials will be transported according to Sub-
Clause C.13.1.6 to stock at designated storage locations and the Contractor’s site
camps selected by the Contractor, where the stack foundation preparation works will
be carried out at the locations area selected by the Contractor, which have been
cleared, compacted and levelled on the top soil.

There will be 6 storage areas along the line, at approximately Ch. 54+800,
Ch.58+300, Ch.74+580, Ch.89+124, Ch.95+400 and Ch.101+400, and 2 Contractor’s
site camps, one for the Sub-Contractor MAX Infrastructure Ltd., and the other is for
Sub-Contractor CCECC. Most of all equipment will be based on those two camps.

Annexure 1 is demonstrated the map showing the General Layout Plan of the
Contractor Offices, Contractor Site Camps, the Materials Stacking Areas,
Construction Yards, Borrow Pits Locations and Laboratory Building. Equipment

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a) Al equipment will be transferred and stocked at 2 Contractor’s site camps, one

for the Sub-Contractor MAX Infrastructure Ltd., and the other is for Sub-
Contractor CCECC. Most of all equipment will be based on those two camps.

b) Available of proper facilities for handling of rails at port such as fort lift
equipment, such as heavy truck-mounted crane, 25T crawler crane and
platform trailers;

c) Rails lifting devices with suitable spreader beams shall be carried out
preferably be use.

d) Lifting beams are used in combination with slings, chains and other
accessories such as vacuum lifter, lifting magnets and plate clamps to provide
the connection to the load.

e) All slings and chains used to unload/load rails are to be inspected visually prior
to each use.

f) Rail tongs, bars, wooden blocks, shovels, rail turning bars and gloves.

g) Rail lifting clamps which are normally used in pairs are provided with
automatic double safety locks to safeguard against the rail being released by
shock loads Lower the clamp and guide each one so that the feet pass
between the rail heads until the clamp rests upon the stops.

h) Checklist ensuring instruction on Quality & Safety is attached in the Annexures

C 4.9 to C 4.17. Rails Distribution Along the Platform

Rails will be loaded into the flat bed trailers and transported to the selected rails
stacking area at Ch.58+300, Ch.74+580, Ch.89+124, Ch.88+433 and Ch.101+047.

Each piece of Rail with head up position has been lifted up from the centralized stack
yard to flatbed trailer using rails spreader beam and keep at 6.4 metres apart and
resting on the trailers supported by wooden mallets that already placed on the trailers
4 metres apart. Avoid overlapping of rails flanges, closing of 2 layers on trailers by
placing rail ends (rail of the same length) in vertical alignment. Crane with long boom
with the capacity of 25 - 40T and a heavy-duty truck-mounted crane to lift the rails by

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their heads and to raise and lower them horizontally, has been used to
loading/unloading rails from centralized stack yard to trailers and transport to site.


After ensuring that the rails and the unloading tools such as slings, chains, and
spreader beams are ready for the work to commence, the leader must ensure that
workers are kept at a safe distance from the unloading rails.

Two men are to be placed on the top of the unloading vehicle to apply chains and
rails lifting clamps between the rails ends and coupling up. Crane boom will move rail
and low it to the position with help of two workers, who hold each ends of the rail for
positioning, and drop it on the wooden pieces, where already placed previously. The
other rail will be lifting and drop parallel to the first rail for pairing at the edge of the
finished embankment.

Check list including location chart of stock piles along the Finished bank from start to
end chainage with details of access roads to be added as Annexures C 4.5 to C 4.18. Sleepers Distribution Along the Platform

Loading and unloading of the sleepers from the stocking area to the trucks or low bed
trailers and from trucks or low bed trailers to the finished platform to be carried out
using heavy duty truck mounted crane to lift the sleepers by their heads and to raise
and lower them horizontally as per Sub-Clause C.13.7.

Detail of sleepers unloading from low bed trailer to the stockpiles are described as

a) Sleepers lifting device is to be used for lifting/moving concrete sleepers and to

ensure that sleepers remain perpendicular and avoiding droop.

b) Sleepers must be handled with care to prevent percussive damage or


c) Avoid impact or abrasion of sleepers against structures, buildings, ships hatch

and wagons/vehicles.

d) Ensure accurate sleeper alignment in each layer.

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e) Use lifting (spreader) beams fitted with slings, grips, or other lifting devices,
which must be uniform length, to ensure that sleepers remain perpendicular
and straight.

f) Sudden impact on sleepers during loading, unloading, stacking or transferring

from one point to the other shall be avoided.

g) Polypropylene fabric slings and sleeves are to be used to secure lifting device,
4 pairs of this kind of lifting device are ready to be used.

h) In stacking prohibit localized point or line contact loading, align sleepers

uniformly, avoiding sleepers overlap or crossing.

i) Build stacked of same length sleepers on firm, level base with uniform
supports. Subsequent layers to be separated with consistently and uniformly
placed spacers/dunnage in vertical alignment with base supports. This
wooden dunnage is to be used to facilitate sling extraction.

j) Man, Sleeper Carrying Tongs each sleeper if manually lifted requires around 3
pairs and 6 men.

k) Every 42 pieces of PSC sleepers will be unloaded on the embankment at the

edge of every 12.8 m finished platform to be prepared for track installation.

l) Two stacks with 21 sleepers each between 12.8 m and stack high is as same
as 4 sleepers.

m) Pictures below are to be demonstrated for sleepers unloading and lifting.

n) Check list including location chart of stock piles along the Finished bank from
start to end chainage with details of access roads to be added as Annexures C
4.5 to C 4.18. Survey and Setting Out

The Survey and Setting Out works will be carried out as per Sub-Clause C.13.3

(a) The accurate setting out of the Works in accordance with the approved
construction and/or Working Drawings prepared by the Contractor and
approved by the Engineer, will be carried out.

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(b) The work shall be set out on the basis of the centre line of the proposed track
and all coordinates and geometric data shall be provided on that basis.

(c) The detailed field survey for obtaining the geometrical data necessary for
setting out the track on the basis of the geometric data, drawings and designs
provided in the Bid/Contract documents have been conducted.

(d) Based on the field survey conducted by the Contractor and drawings and
designs provided in the Contract, the Contractor shall do the following:

(i) Preparation of alignment, profile and working drawings for layout of track
including station yards and obtaining approval of the Engineer for these

(ii) Staking the centre line of the track for lining and leveling;

(iii) Setting out transition curves, circular curves, vertical curves;

(iv) Setting out station yard layouts;

(v) Preparation of track drainage plans and obtaining approval of the Engineer
for these plans; and

(vi) Preparation of track cross sections showing ballast profile based on track
geometry and typical cross section drawings attached. This will facilitate
determination of quantity of ballast required at different locations. These
cross drawings shall have approval from the Engineer.

(e) The preliminary stakes at every 50 m on the tangent track and every 10 m in
curves (horizontal and vertical), transition curves and 50 m beyond end of
transition curves will be installed on the proposed track centre line. Pegging
out shall also be done at a suitable offset from the centre line for
establishment of permanent alignment posts. The setting out shall be
inspected and accepted by the Engineer before proceeding with track laying
operations. These stakes which are provisional shall be maintained by the
Contractor until he has completed the final setting out and it has been
approved by the Engineer.

(f) Track laying to the correct line and level in accordance with the approved
drawings and specifications shall be responsible by the Contactor, The
Contractor will advise to the Engineer of any errors, omissions, or

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discrepancies in the drawings and shall await instruction before proceeding

with the works. The Engineer have right to check the position of the track with
that shown in the drawings at any time and at any location.

(g) All instruments, equipment, and suitable qualified personnel required for the
correct positioning and laying of the track and for assisting the Engineer in
inspection of works shall be supplied by the Contractor.

6.2.4 Ballasting
Ballasting works shall be considerate of all requirements as mentioned in the contract
specification in Sub-Clause C.13.6 and C.13.17.1.

Loading ballast by the pay loader from the stockpile into the 10-wheel trucks and
transport to the working site. On the finished platform, it will be aligned and shim with
the thin strip or nylon string and marks drop on them with white power at both ends of
the ballast width of 4.1 m interval, and moves the ballast loading 10-wheel trucks
backwards and unloading ballast into ballast spreading equipment to lay the ballast
uniformly and evenly. Then move the 10-wheel trucks forwards and pulls the ballast
spreading equipment to spread and level the ballast to achieve the ballast width of
4.17 m with thickness of 150 mm. The ballast spreading operation shall not be
damaged to the sub-ballast.

Bottom Ballast Unloading by 10 Wheel Truck

Where placing bottom ballast other that by ballast train, bottom ballast shall be

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placed in one of two layers to allow for compaction to a total height as specified
above. The ballast is to be placed so as to avoid centre binding of the sleepers.

Each layer of the ballast shall be compacted by a minimum of two passes of a 5

tonne smooth drum roller to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and shall take place over
the full width of the ballast.

Top and any final trim ballast should be placed by ballast trim unless approved by the

The Contractor shall provide a transition length between varying ballast depth so that
the change in depth does not exceed 25mm per 5metres.

Ballasting shall be undertaken in accordance with the Contractor’s Quality Plan for
Track work which shall include material handling and inventory management.

6.2.5 Laying out Sleepers

Concrete sleepers shall be laid normally at 600mm centres, square to the centerline
of straight track as per Sub-Clause C.13.7 and radial to curve track. Variations in
distance between sleepers shall not exceed 10mm. On curves, the spacing shall be
measured on the outer rail where the variation shall not exceed 25mm.

Sleepers shall be laid at right angles to the centre-line of the track properly with the
correct spacing, not more than 10 mm out of square from the alignment. The
sleepers shall have the markings showing to the same side. Adjust by template
before fixing rails with sleepers to the required tolerance. The spacing shall be
confirmed to be within ±20 mm of the nominal spacing throughout the length
concerned. Spacing of sleepers at the fish plated joints shall be within ±5 mm of the
specified nominal spacing.

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Laying out of PSC Sleeper by Excavator

Handle PSC sleeper with care to avoid damage and shall not be subject to blows with
hammers or other unsuitable tools or equipment. All damaged sleepers will be
rejected and replaced.

Sleepers shall be handled and laid out in accordance with the Contractor’ Quality
Plan for Track work.

6.2.6 Placing of Rails

The Contractor shall utilize am industry accepted method of handling rail, and this
method must be clearly described in the contractor’s works execution plans Sub-
Clause C.13.9.

All rails shall be unloaded, transported and handled so that kinking, bruising or other
damage is avoided.

The Contractor shall inspect rails upon unloading at the Site and any rail showing
bends or kinks shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer. If, in the opinion of the
Engineer, the integrity of the rail has been compromised and the rails are not fit for
use, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to replace the defective length of rail or
part thereof.

The rails shall be set true to gauge to the tolerances specified in the specification
unless agreed otherwise by the Engineer. Normal gauge shall be 1,676 mm for BG
and 1,000 mm for MG as measured between running edges of rails 14 mm below the
crown of the rails, and at right angles to the centre line of track.

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Placing of Rails

All rails laid on curves shaper that 400m radius shall have the last eight metres of
each end of the rail uniformly curved by an agreed rail bending process to suit the
radius of the curve.

The Contractor shall maintain on site machines to straighten and realign rails to the
straightness tolerances specified. Rails or sections of rails, which cannot be
adequately repaired, shall be replaced by the Contractor.

Rail shall not be dropped into place and brought into contact with prestressed
concrete sleeper ends during installation. In addition, the Contractor shall ensure that
all handling of rail shall be such that the sleepers or ballast or sub-ballast suffer no

Man, Rail Carrying Tongs each rail with manually lifted requires around 8 pairs and
16 men will be brought at every single rail, which was placed by workers previously
straight parallel to the width of the ballast, on the rubber pads of the PSC sleepers.
The marked on the rails at every 600 mm interval center to center according to
sleepers spacing will be the centre of rail seat of the sleepers.

Rails will be laid with the rolling marks on the same side of the rail, and with ends of a
pair of rails square to one another.

Rails will be aligned and shim with the thin strip the rails in such way that it will be
ready for flash-butt or alumino-thermic welding in SWR or LWR.

Random clip the rails by 12 men for every 3 sleepers in preparation for welding
movements. Temporary fishplate on rail joint, fastens with one bolt and nut between
two rails. No hole requires for drilling the rails.

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Rails shall be handled in accordance with the Quality Plan for Track work.

6.2.7 Turnout Manufacture and Assembly

Turnout and control assemblies shall be provided in accordance with the relevant
agreed contract Sub-Clause C.13.12 and the Contractor shall be responsible for
materials receipt, handling and inventory management in accordance with the
approved Quality Plan for Track work.

The Contractor will provide a specific Method Statement for turnout handling and
construction that clearly identifies the protection of materials from damage. Turnout Components for Assembly

Any contractor supplied Points and crossings components shall be in accordance
with the contract design drawings, and relevant Indian Standards and Standard
mentioned in the paragraph 5.2.

Turnout assembly, placement and surfacing shall be in accordance with the Indian
Standards and standards mentioned below:

(a) Prior to proceeding with the assembly, a check shall be made to ensure that
the ends of the two rows of switch rails are perfectly squared and that all
dimensions conform to the specifications.

(b) A first layer of ballast of approximately 150 mm in thickness shall have been
previously supplied, compacted and well levelled.

(c) The turnout’s sleepers, including transition sleepers to concrete, shall be

arranged according to the serial number and the details shown on the
turnout layout, taking care to align the reference line in straight line and to
have the centre line of the main section of the turnout coincide with that the

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Turnout Assembly

(d) Switch sets shall be laid following the same procedure as detailed above.

(e) Resilient rail pads shall be installed where indicated on the drawings.

(f) The intermediate rails and the guard rails sets shall be installed on the base
plate seats.

(g) The intermediate rails shall be connected to the switch rails, stock rails,
crossing and outside rails.

(h) The mating surfaces of point and splice rails and all portions covered by
blocks, before assembly, shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all rust,
scale, dirt, grease and oil.

(i) All crossings and switches after assembly shall be thoroughly cleaned, and

(j) Each crossing shall be checked complete with all its respective wing rail,
point rails, splice rail and cast-iron distance blocks bolted in place. The two
check rails for each crossing shall be checked with the check blocks bolted
on. Bearing plates and slide chairs belonging to one set of switches shall be
removed from bundles. All other parts such as tie plates including special
bearing plates requires for use beyond the end of crossing, point rail or

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check rails shall take out separately and check for missing components.
Each switch rails with switch tops attached, shall be bolted to its respective
stock rail with cast iron heel block bolted in place.

(k) On completion of installation of all turnouts, necessary fouling marks shall be

provided and installed according to the design submitted. Turnout Assembly Testing

(a) Procedure

After the turnout has been assembled and inserted in the track, testing shall
be carried out according to approved ITP. Testing will ensure that:

(i) the parts are correctly arranged;

(ii) the dimensions are as indicated on the turnout and Construction Drawings,
ensuring that the correct tolerance limits are observed;

(iii) all fastenings are securely fixed;

(iv) tamping has been properly carried out; and

(v) the turnout is in conformity with all requirements set forth in this Specification.

In case of wooden sleepers, if some of the dimensions are found to exceed

the tolerances specified, the sleepers shall be re-worked and re-drilled with
the agreement of the Engineer.

These operations shall be done at the Contractor’s expense. Previous holes

shall be tapped with impregnated tie plugs soaked in coal tar. Any other
defect found during provisional testing shall be made good, free of charge,
by the Contractor in the time allowed by the Engineer.

(b) Quality Assurance

Checks on the quality of materials, through inspections of the original test

documents as well as dimensional checking shall be carried out by the
Engineer, both during the process of work and on completion thereof.

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(c) Dimensional Checking

A dimensional check shall be carried out prior to putting the track in service.
Any defects found shall be made good at the Contractor’s expense in the
time stipulated by the Engineer. The Contractor shall prepare all suitable
calipers and gauges of adequate precision for checking all geometrical
characteristics of turnouts.

6.2.8 Surfacing
Mechanical Surfacing shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified
in the Contract specification.

The track shall be fitted, lined and accurately consolidated to the design line and
level. The maximum lift of track in one lift shall be 100mm.

The ballast shall be tamped by means of mechanical tamers of approved type so that
ballast is uniformly compacted from the centerline of each rail.

Tamping of sleepers must be provided by a tamper tines compressing ballast at

opposite ends of the sleeper in unison at depth that will allow for the full squeeze
cycle, and pressure of the automated tamping machine.

Tamper lines shall not contact the formation sub-ballast at any time.

The ballast shall be vibration-compacted by a suitable method. The Contractor is to

submit full details of the proposed track stabilization method to be used in the Quality
Plan for Track work.

The top surface of the ballast shoulders shall be an extension of the top line of the
sleepers in accordance with the design drawings and the specification. Ballast shall
be swept clean, such that all sleeper tops and rail fastenings are fully exposed, but
ballast cribs are not showing voids.

Following surfacing the track geometry shall comply with the tolerances specified in
the specification. Surfacing shall be undertaken in accordance with the Contractor’s
Quality Plan for Track work.

6.2.9 Rail Welding Practice

The Contractors flash butt welding procedure including testing shall be submitted to
the Engineer for approval prior to any welding commencing. The procedure shall
align with the specification Sub-Clause C.11.

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All rails are to be flash butt welded to long lengths as in accordance with the contract
scope, and rail ends aligned to avoid fixed points such as level crossings and switch
approaches. Aluminothermic welding (Thermit) may be used only clearly indicated on
the approved LWR/SWR plan.

Aluminothermic Thermit welding for joining Rails

Flash Butt Welding for joining Rails

Approved Aluminothernic welding shall be carried out in accordance with the

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specification and method statement.

All weld shall be geometrically and ultrasonically tested in accordance with the
contract, approved method statement and accordance with relevant Standard and
any defective or non-conforming weld found, shall be replaced by the Contractor in
line with agreed contract conditions.

Rail welders shall be certified by an accredited training organization and have a

proven history of compliant weld installation supplied by the contractor and agreed by
the Engineer. The Engineer agreement of the contractors welding personnel shall not
relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for the quality and satisfactory
performance of the welder. The Contractor remains the owner of all welds as defects,
until welds pass of ND (Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Detection System) testing to satisfactory.

Each team of welders shall be equipped with suitable fire-fighting equipment for
controlling fire outbreaks to comply with local and legislative requirements. Welding
procedures during summer months.

Each new weld shall be marked and recorded as per the specification and approved
method statement.

Storage of welding materials on site should be in accordance with manufacturer’s


6.2.10 Welded Rail Adjustment

All rails shall be continuously welded unless specified otherwise on the contract
specific design drawings, Specifications and BR manual.

Adjustment welding procedure shall incorporate all requirements of the Specification

and BR of Instruction of Long Welded Rail.

On completion of all tamping and lining, the rails shall be adjusted and welded t
provide a stress-free condition in accordance with BR standard of Instruction of Long
Welded Rail.

Maximum length between anchor points for adjustment will be in accordance with the
relevant Welding Standard. Actual adjustment length will depend on equipment and
practices used to ensure an even distribution of the adjustment over the adjustment
length, and included in a stress plan approved by the Engineer and include in the
contract scope.

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All flash butt, aluminothermic welding and rail adjustment, shall be undertaken in
accordance with the Contractor’s Quality Plan for Track work and comply with the BR
welding standards and procedure.

6.2.11 Weld Return Records

The Contractor shall provide a record of each weld installed in the track, the format of
the weld recording is to be in accordance with the approved contract document
recording process, and will be provided by the Contractor in the approved format
submitted to the Engineer as part of the Contractor Quality Plan for Track work.

The forms shall include, but is not limited to, the following:

· Date weld was installed

· Flash butt welding machine performance data (flash time, upset time and
hold time).

· Ambient temperature and rail temperature when the weld was installed.

· Batch details of weld, including date of manufacture, batch number, supplier.

· Location of weld (including track, rail, chainage LH/RH, up rail or down rail).

· Identify whether weld installed was a Free Weld (FW) or Adjustment weld
(ADJ), and if adjustment weld, the stress records including the length of rail
adjusted, the chainage for the anchor points, and the length of anchor

· Vertical and horizontal alignment of the weld and ultrasonic testing details;

· All welders’ details (including name, company, welding certificate no.)

6.2.12 Jointed Track

The Jointed Track works will be carried out as per Sub-Clause C.13.11

(a) Position of Joints

Fish plated rail joints shall be laid with joints of the two rails square in
straight track. They shall not be out of square by more than 60 mm in

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curved track.

In order to comply with these stipulations through curves, to provide closure

rails at the ends of LWR, approaches of turnouts, insulated joints and such
other locations and to avoid locating joints within the width of the road
surface at level crossings, cutting of rails will be necessary. Drilling of holes
will be necessary at fish plated joints of SWR and normal single rail tracks.

The cost of all cutting and drilling of rails shall form part of track construction
and will not be paid separately.

(b) Cutting Rails

Rails shall be cut by approved rail cutting machines. Rails shall not be flame

1) Unless noted otherwise, all rail joints are to be welded in the final

2) Rail in the loop track, between adjacent switch points, and ahead of
tangent points, shall be constructed as jointed rail.

3) In case rails shall be cut, so cutting rails shall be square and cut with
rail saws, or abrasive cutting disks. Saw cut rail end, in which pulling hole
has been burned or drilled, a minimum 6 inches from the hole and
perpendicular to the rail and discard portion containing the hole. Lightly
grind all edges of the cut with a hand-held grinder to remove burrs or fins
resulting from the cutting operation.

(c) Drilling of Rails

All aspects of the drilling operation shall be approved by the Engineer.

Suitably designed templates shall be used. Due consideration shall be
given to the drilling speed, coolant and rate of feed. All holes shall be
chamfered using chamfering equipment approved by the Engineer.

Burning of holes in rails by means of a torch is prohibited.

1) For joining rail with joint bars. Using drilling machine with template to
drill 6 holes on rails according to the manufacturer drawing. Drill and space
bore holes as indicated below:

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(i) Drill with clean, sharp and property sharped drill bits as
recommended by the manufacturer.

(ii) Drill holes perpendicular to the rail web, using a template as a

drilling guide. Provide marked template specially design for each drilling
pattern as indicated. Do not use a joint bar as a drilling guide.

(iii) Following drilling, lightly grind the edges of each bolt hole on
each side of the rail with a hand-held grinder to remove burrs or fins
resulting from the drilling.

(iv) Inspect the inside face of each drilled hole for drill-caused ridges
or surface scars. Where ridges exist, peen the hole surface with a peening
tool to smooth out the irregularities. Where scars exist, cut back the rail and
form a new rail end, as indicated in the specification.

1) After rail end works is completed and before the joint bar is applied,
clean and prepare the rail ends as recommended by the joint manufacturer.
Rail end preparation for proper gaps according to the rails temperature.

2) Collect and remove the cutting and drilling particles from the site.

(d) Expansion Gaps

Jointed track to be installed with standard rails shall be provided with

appropriate gaps between the rails at the bolted joints according to the rail
temperature as specified in the Para 1614 (f) of BRWWM and given in
Table C 13.1 below.

The gaps shall be provided at rail joints by the installation of approved metal
rail expansion liners (shims) between the rail ends. Liners shall be of such
shape that the wheels of a train can pass without damaging them. Each
liner must have its thickness (expansion space) stamped in millimeters.
Liners shall be removed after the fish bolts have been tightened.

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Table C 13.1: Expansion gaps during Initial Laying of Jointed Track

Rail Temperature Range (0C) Initial Laying Gap (mm)

10 to 19 8
20 to 29 7
30 to 40 5
40 to 50 3

(e) Fixing Fish Plates and Fish Bolts

Fish plates shall be temporarily fitted until lifting and packing have been
completed. On completion of ballasting the fishing surfaces of rails and fish
plates shall be wire-brushed and coated with an approved lubricant, which
shall also be applied to the fish bolts.

Fish bolts shall be fitted with the nuts and washers to the outside of the
track. The bolts shall be tightened in the sequence shown in Tables C 13.2
or Table C 13.3, as applicable

Table C 13.2: Sequence of Fish Bolts Tightening (6 Bolts per Joint)

Sequence Rail End Bolt to be

1 Running off end inner bolt
2 Running on end inner bolt
3 Running off end middle bolt
4 Running on end middle bolt
5 Running off end outer bolt
6 Running on end outer bolt
7 Retighten all bolts in the
same order

Table C 13.3: Sequence of Fish Bolts Tightening (4 Bolts per Joint)

Sequence Rail End Bolt to be


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1 Running off end inner bolt

2 Running on end inner bolt
3 Running off end outer bolt
4 Running on end outer bolt
5 Retighten all bolts in the
same order

(f) Installation Joints:

(i) Apply accepted lubricant on joint bars within the limit of joints of joint
(ii) Install bolts and nuts, and lock washers in all six holes,
alternating the direction of the bolts. Initially slightly tighten the bolts to a
level to a tension level immediately before final inspection.

Fish Plated Track

(iii) Provide a gauge for torque wrench and/or bolt machine use in
bolt tightening to determine the torque applied.

(iv) Standard joints shall be staggered such that joints shall not be
located in the same crib in the ballast and tight track, or within the same
plinth block(s) in direct fixation track. Joint shall be located between ties in
ballast and tie track.

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(v) Pull rails on straight position by using L-square. Verify the track
gauge and alignment is within the tolerances. Correct the locations that do
not meet the tolerances as indicated in the specification.

6.2.13 Track Work through Level Crossings

As for construction of the sub-grade, the Contractor shall co-ordinate all work through
level crossings with the appropriate authorities according to Sub-Clause C.13.13 &
G.4 as the class of the level crossing. If required by such authorities, the provision of
a temporary diversion for road traffic shall be at the Contractor’s expense. Similar
requirements apply to the temporary metalling; its removal, as well as any other road
diversion related works required.

Level Crossing Installation

All these works will be at the Contractor’s expense.

Check rails shall be provided for each type of level crossing according to stipulations
of BR Way and Works Manual.

Special PSC sleepers with fixing arrangements for check rails are shown in
the drawings attached to the Bid Document. BS 90A rails, released from the
track and reusable will be provided by the Employer for fabrication of check
rails by the Contractor. One coat of boiling coal tar shall be applied to check
rails before their installation in the track.

The Contractor shall complete the following works through level crossings
prior to fixing check rails:

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1) Final levelling and lining of the track at the level crossing and
approaches by heavy tamping machine.

2) Full and final ballast distribution as necessary.

Where all of the work of track construction (ballast distribution, track laying,
first track lifting, installation of check rails, etc.) cannot be carried out in a
single day, the Contractor shall maintain a temporary surface on the level
crossing to allow road traffic to continue to pass.

The Contractor shall complete the metalling of the road according to the
class of the level crossing as per Sub-Section G, Ancillary Works of the
Specification Volume 3 of 11 as soon as possible. Materials for Level Crossings

Track Materials for track which are laid through level crossings are as
specified in Subsection C; Track, unless otherwise indicated in this

(a) Running Rails

The running rails of Dual Gauge (DG) Track are UIC 60 kg rails.

(b) Check Rails

The check rails are BS75A rails (available stock at BR) and shall be fixed as
shown in the approved Drawings. The check rail ends will be bent as per
the dimensions shown on the drawing approved by the Engineer. The rails
should confirm to the specification as mentioned in Track Materials of
Subsection C-Track.

(c) Sleepers

PSC (pre-stressed Concrete) Sleepers with approved fastening system

shall be used for seating of the Running Rails and the Check Rails in order
to allow the proper fixation of the Check Rails through level crossings. The
specification of PSC Sleepers is given in Track Materials of Subsection C-

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(d) Fastenings

The fastenings system for level crossings is as shown in the Drawings.

After laying the main track of UIC 60 kg Rails, Check Rails will be fitted
using the Check Rail assembly fastening system to maintain the Flange
Way Clearance. The Check Rails will be provided on both sides of each
Running Rai. The Flange Way Clearance between the Running Rail and
Check Rail will be Maximum 57 mm and minimum 51 mm and the minimum
depth of space for Wheel Flange from Rail level will be 35 mm. Gradient of Roadways

The Gradient of Roadways works will be carried out as per Sub-Clause G.4.6

(a) Between gate posts: The road should be level for all classes of
level crossing in case of level crossing on curves where the outer rail is
raised to the extent of super elevation proposed, the gradient within the
gates shall be provided as directed by the Engineer.

(e) Outside gate posts: The level portion and the gradient beyond the
level portion outside the gates vary according to the class of gate and as
given below.

i) Special: Level up to 8m and grading not steeper than 1 in class 40


ii) A class: Level up to 8m and gradient not steeper than 1in class 30

iii)B Class: Level up to 5m and gradient not steeper than 1in class 30

iv) C Class: Level up to 3.5m and gradient not steeper than 1in class
20 beyond Angle of Crossing

It is preferable to have a square crossing. If not possible, the skew angle
shall not be less than 45° for all classes of the level crossings.

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METHOD STATEMENT FOR TRACK WORKS Length of Straight Outside Gates

The minimum length of straight portion of the roadway (tangent) outside the
gate shall be as give table G 4.3 below.

Table G 4.3: Minimum Tangent Lengths

Type of level Crossing Minimum Length of Tangent
Special Class 12m
A Class 10m
B Class 6m
C Class 3m Minimum Radius of Curve of Road Approaches

The minimum radius of curvature of the approach road within 45m of the
Centre line of the track shall be as Table G 4.4 given below.

Table G 4.4: Minimum Radius for approach Roads

Type of level Crossing Minimum Length of Tangent
Special Class 60m
A Class 45m
B Class 30m
C Class 22m

6.2.14 Gates
The works at Gates will be carried out as per Sub-Clause G.4.8 Gates-Special Class Crossings

At Special class Crossing, 2Pairs of 2 oscillating gates, 4.5m in length,
operated in opposite alternate positions by 2 winches, shall be provided.
Two wicket gates also have to be provided for pedestrians. Gates-A Class Crossings

At A class Crossing, 1Pairs oscillating gates, 6m in length, both gates
operated simultaneously by winch, shall be provided. Two wicket gates also
have to be provided for pedestrians. Gates-B Class Crossings

At B class Crossing, 1Pairs oscillating gates, 4m in length, both gates
operated simultaneously by winch, shall be provided. Two wicket gates also
have to be provided for pedestrians.

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C class Crossing also to be provided with oscillating gates (Lifting barriers)
of width suitable to the road width as advised by the Engineer. Buildings
A gatekeeper house usually termed as Gate Lodge shall be constructed at
all level crossing in replacement of the existing ones, of if it is required to be
provided as new in accordance with the following Table G 4.5 The Lodge
shall be of suitable size. Interlocked gates may need an equipment room.
The details of gate Lodge have been provided in the approved Drawing
(Subsection E: Station & Building Specification). Chainage Class Type of Remarks

30 95 99+037 Special Paves
On Ramu-
Road Cos’x
Underpass (RuB) is proposed at one location ch 90+262 between Ramu
and Cox’s Bazar Underpass will be constructed as per approved Drawing
(Sub section D: Structures). Fencing and Drainage

Fencing along the roadway and along the track shall be provided as per
the Drawing approved by the Engineer indicating the general requirements
for level crossing Sub-Clause G.4.10. Fencing along the track shall extend
a minimum of 15m in length away from the roadway on both sides of the
track and on both sides of the level crossing. Fencing will consist of wire
netting 1m height with barbed wire on the upper part, fitted on concrete

Drainage requirements will need to be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Where required a concrete ditch 300mmx300mm shall be installed parallel
to the track, through the roadway and lengthened as required to the ground
slope. Through the road, the ditch is covered by appropriate cast iron
slotted grates or pre-cast concrete slabs having suitable slop and holes for
drainage. Level Crossings Safety

Signaling Requirements for level crossing are presented in Subsection F:

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Signaling of the specifications. The following Table G 4.6 Provides a

summary of level crossing safety requirements:
Table G 4.6 : A Summary of level Crossing Safety Requirements

Class of level Special A B C

Warning signs Yes Yes Yes No
on the road
Warning bell Yes Yes Yes No
operated by
Track signals Yes Yes Yes No
with level
gates position
Gate lights Yes Yes Yes No
observed by
the road users
Gate lights Yes No No No
observed by
Locomotives Acceptance
The Engineer shall inspect the condition of the materials forming the level
crossing and the adequate Installation and if, found in order ensuring
conformity with the drawing and Specifications may consider acceptable.

6.2.15 Bridge Track Construction

The Bridge Track Construction works will be carried out as per Sub-Clause C.13.14

(a) General
Track on bridges will be ballasted track.

(b) Track Structure on Bridges

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Track structure on bridges shall be same as on the approach track.

On bridges with ballasted track, minimum depth of ballast cushion shall be

300 mm.

Track Construction over Bridge

On the ballasted bridges where guard rails are to be provided, special

monoblock prestressed concrete sleepers shall be used. These sleepers
will have cast-in polyethylene dowels to facilitate installation of guard rails
on the bridges and their approaches.

Ballast outside rails shall be raised above the sleeper top level by 50 mm.

(c) Provision of Guard Rails on Bridges

(i) In accordance with the Bangladesh Railway Way and Works Manual
(BRWWM), guard rails should be provided on all major ballasted bridges
and also on such other minor bridges where derailment may cause serious
damage to life and property.

Guard rails shall be provided on the bridges listed at Annexure-C13.1.

(ii) The arrangement of guard rails shall be as shown on the

approved drawings.

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(iii) Clearance between guard rail and running rail shall be 250 ± 25
mm. The top table of the guard rail shall not be lower than that of the
running rail by more than 25 mm. In the case of bridges on curves with
canted track the difference shall be measured with reference to a straight
line connecting the running tables of inner and outer rails.

(iv) The guard rail shall be of UIC 60 kg section.

(v) Guard rails shall be joined using standard fish plates. The
expansion gaps at the joints shall be as specified for the jointed track.

(d) Ballast Bridges without Guard Rails

On all flat top, arch and prestressed concrete girder bridges with deck slab,
where guard rails are not provided the whole width of the bridge between
the parapet walls shall be filled with ballast up to the top of sleeper level as
shown in Figure C 13.1.

Figure C 13.1: Ballasted Deck Bridge without Guard Rails (Dual Gauge)

(e) Bridge Track Geometry

Final track geometry of track on bridges shall be as specified for normal


6.3 Installation of Insulated Joints

All the insulated joints shall be prefabricated type glued joints.

Glued insulated joints shall be fabricated in accordance with the

requirements of Sub-Clause C 9, of the Contract specification Volume 2 of
11. The installation of glued insulated joints shall be carried out in

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accordance with the signaling drawings and specifications approved by the

Engineer. Glued joints shall be installed in the positions specified within a
tolerance of ±0.5 metre and located centrally between sleepers.

Glued insulated joints shall be installed just before final levelling and lining
of the track. During initial track construction, rail equal in length to the
length of glued insulated joint rail with standard fish plates will be installed
provisionally and replaced with the glued insulated joint rail, when the track
is ready for final levelling and lining. Similar procedure shall be followed in
case of installation of glued insulated joints in turnouts.

Glued Insulated Joint

In the LWR territory, the glued insulated joints shall be welded into the
track. Destressing of LWR track shall be done as required.

In case of installation of glued insulated joints in the existing main line

track, one rail length of track on either side shall be replaced with new

Installation of insulated joints, glued or conventional, shall be deemed to be

part of track construction or turnout installation, as the case may be. There
will be no separate payment.

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6.4 First Top Ballasting

A sufficient quantity of ballast shall be distributed to allow the track to be

lifted by at least 150 mm while maintaining the cribs between the sleepers
full of ballast and providing at least 150 mm of ballast beyond the end of
the sleeper as per Sub-Clause C.13.16.

First Top Ballasting

Where bottom ballast has not been placed prior to linking of track, the
distribution of the first layer of ballast must allow the laying of track.
Sufficient quantity of ballast shall be distributed to allow the track to be
lifted by at least 150 mm while maintaining full ballast in the cribs between
the sleepers and for at least 150 mm beyond the ends of sleepers. The
following activities will be carried out for the first top ballasting:

After confirmation of all inspection mentioned above, ballast will be loaded

into the ballast wagons by pay-loader from the nearby stockpiles and these
ballast wagons will be hauled by locomotive will be arrived on site to
spread the first top ballasting on track. The following works will be carried
out before, during and after 1st top ballasting:

1) The design level of the top rail will be provided by the Surveyor.

2) After welding process completed, 2 men mark the sleepers spacing

by using a marking chalk (a white soft earthy limestone), on the rails foot,

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and 30 men re-arrange the sleepers spacing of 600mm interval.

3) Other 2 men use L-square to square the sleepers in right position.

4) One team carry out the clipping and lining on the rails.

5) Use pay-loader to load the ballast into the ballast wagons from the
nearby stockpiles area and transport to the site to unload and spread on
ready installed rails and sleepers track for the first top ballasting. Then the
roller with the capacity of 5 ton will carry out the ballast compaction to
achieve the required standard profile of 150 mm at the completion of the

6) Ballast shoulder profile shall be at least level with top of beater after
compaction and extend beyond the end of the bearer as follows:

i. At least 350 mm wide for the straight track and curves of radius 800
m and over.

ii. For tracks with curves of radius under 800 m:

1. For High Leg: At least 500 mm wide and heaped 100 mm above the
top of sleeper level.

2. For Low Leg: At least 350 mm wide and heaped 100 mm above the
top of sleeper level.

7) After regulating is completed, swept clear of all ballast on the top

surface of all sleepers and fastenings, ballast elevation will be checked to
ensure that it does not exceed require elevation to allow for the first heavy
tamping works.

8) A light tamping equipment may be used for initial tamping work and
facilitate the heavy-duty tamping machine to carry out the first tamping
works on track.

9) At turnout locations, the distribution of ballast shall take into

consideration the additional volume of ballast needed at the turnout.

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6.5 30,000 Metric Tons Trains Passing

After completion of 1st top ballasting, ballast train will be prepared ready
and ballast will be loaded into the ballast wagons by pay-loader from the
nearby stockpiles and these ballast wagons will be hauled by locomotive
and arrived on site to run on the first top ballast. The ballast loading trains
will have several passes on top ballast track, and the number of pass will
be recorded jointly by the Engineer and the Contractor till the required
amount of load specify as 30,000 metric tons. Sample recording run by
Trains are attached in the annex 2.

6.6 First Lifting and Tamping

Lifting and tamping shall be carried out only by a suitable BG heavy duty
automatic tamping machine and ballast well consolidated according to
Sub-Clause C.13.16. Lifting of the track for tamping shall be done by
grasping the two rails at a sleeper simultaneously, both shall be tamped
simultaneously. The work shall achieve the total lift of at least 150 mm and
no more than 200 mm by tamping the track in two separate passes. No
single pass of the tamper shall be lifted the track more than 100 mm.
Ballast shall be tamped over a minimum width of 400 mm on both sides of
each rail with at least two squeezes of the tamping head per pass.

First Lifting and Tamping

In case of work involving operational tracks only that quantity of ballast

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which can be put in place and tamped satisfactorily before allowing

movement of trains shall be put in track, particularly when unloading ballast
from hopper wagons. Following activities will be carried out for the first
lifting and tamping work:

1) After parameters setting completed, moves forwards the heavy-duty

tamping machine for the first lift run and lifting the track according to the
survey data provided by the Surveyor, and then returns it back with the
same distant to the previous position.

2) Carry out the second lifting with the final parameter and tamping
under each rail seat in the four quadrants of each rail seat and adjust the
cross level and running top, the ballast underneath and adjacent to all
sleepers. All new sleepers inserted shall be tamped through the full closing
cycle with unworn machine tamping heads.

3) Where the tamping works cannot proceed with the heavy-duty

tamping machine, while the tamping tools will not fit between rails, special
equipment is to be used to hand pack the ballast.

4) Every tamping works will provide support to the sleepers and correct
rail geometry. Bearers in plain track shall be packed for 250 mm either side
of the rail seat. Bearers in turnouts shall be packed for their full length.

5) Additional setting out will be required as necessary to achieve proper

alignment of the new track. If necessary re-establishment of all reference
pegs and other setting out. Any loss, disturbance or damage to any such
mark or peg will be replaced.

6) It is shall ensure that the lifting and tamping the track not to damage
to the sub-ballast.

7) The alignment tolerance of the track to be achieved, relative to the

preliminary setting out shall be ±50 mm at all points along its length prior
too the final taming.

8) A light tamping equipment may be used for initial tamping work and
facilitate the heavy-duty tamping machine to carry out the first tamping
works on

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6.7 Second Top Ballasting

After completion of the first tamping works, ballast will be loaded into the
ballast wagons by pay-loader from the nearby stockpiles and these ballast
wagons will be hauled by locomotive and arrived on site to spread the 2nd
top ballasting on track. The following works will be carried out as follows:

1) The design level of the top rail will be provided by the Surveyor.

2) One team carry out the clipping and lining on the rails.

3) Use pay-loader to load the ballast into the ballast wagons from the
nearby stockpiles area and transport to the site to unload and spread on
ready installed rails and sleepers track for the second top ballasting.

4) Ballast shoulder profile shall be at least level with top of beater after
compaction and extend beyond the end of the bearer as follows:

i. At least 350 mm wide for the straight track and curves of radius 800
m and over.
ii. For tracks with curves of radius under 800 m:

1. For High Leg: At least 500 mm wide and heaped 100 mm above the
top of sleeper level.

2. For Low Leg: At least 350 mm wide and heaped 100 mm above the
top of sleeper level.

5) After regulating is completed, swept clear of all ballast on the top

surface of all sleepers and fastenings, ballast elevation will be checked to
ensure that it does not exceed require elevation to allow for the second
heavy tamping works.

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Second Top Ballasting

6.8 20,000 Metric Tons Train Passing

After completion of 2nd top ballasting, ballast train will be prepared ready
and ballast will be loaded into the ballast wagons by pay-loader from the
nearby stockpiles and these ballast wagons will be hauled by locomotive
and arrived on site to run on the second top ballast. The ballast loading
trains will have several passes on the second top ballast track, and the
number of pass will be recorded jointly by the Engineer and the Contractor
till the required amount of load specify as 20,000 metric tons. Sample
recording run by Trains are attached in the annex 2.

6.9 Second Lifting and Tamping

The track shall be lifted and tamped in several lifts till a minimum
prescribed ballast cushion (of 250 mm for normal track and 300 mm on
bridges) below the sleeper is achieved. At each lift the ballast shall be
tamped and track lined and levelled using a Broad-Gauge Heavy-Duty
Automatic Ballast Tamping Machine having lifting, lining and levelling
capability. In dual gauge track, tamping shall be done only under the
common rail and BG rail of the sleeper. No tamping shall be done under
the meter gauge rail.

Tamping equipment shall be used in accordance with manufacturer’s

instructions. The Contractor shall determine the tamping variables,
including rate of advance, number of passes, number of insertions per
sleeper, and frequency of variation for the tamping equipment to thoroughly

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consolidate the ballast during preliminary and final levelling and aligning

Second Lifting and Tamping

1) With each lift, ballast under the sleeper on plain track shall be
thoroughly tamped and consolidated each side of the running rails over a
width of 450 mm. Both ends of the sleeper, inside and outside of the rails,
shall be tamped simultaneously. The ballast under the centre of the sleeper
shall not be consolidated.

2) The ballast under the turnout sleeper shall be uniformly tamped

under the rails.

3) When surfacing on curve track, the Contractor shall apply the

approved value of super elevation (cant) for the curve.

4) Ballast shall be well consolidated in cribs and shoulders by crib and

shoulder consolidation machine or by subjecting to dynamic track
stabilisation during each stage of lifting and tamping of the track to achieve
the lateral stability of the track for the construction phase.

5) If a dynamic track stabiliser is used the dynamic stabilisaton to be

applied to track shall be equivalent to 500,000 gross kN or equal to 50,000
metric tonnes of rail traffic in single pass.

6) The track shall be lined, levelled and tamped and track geometry

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checked and fitness for safe running of trains ensured before the track is
returned to BR for the operation of commercial trains.

7) The end of ant rail left open shall be protected from possible catching
of dragging equipment of trains by bolting a turned down guard rail on to
the end of the left open rail.

Following activities will be carried out for the second lifting and tamping

(i) After parameters setting completed, moves forwards the heavy-duty

tamping machine for the first lift run and lifting the track according to the
survey data provided by the Surveyor, and then returns it back with the
same distant to the previous position.

(ii) Carry out the second lifting with the final parameter and tamping
under each rail seat in the four quadrants of each rail seat and adjust the
cross level and running top, the ballast underneath and adjacent to all
sleepers. All new sleepers inserted shall be tamped through the full closing
cycle with unworn machine tamping heads.

(iii) Where the tamping works cannot proceed with the heavy-duty
tamping machine, while the tamping tools will not fit between rails, special
equipment is to be used to hand pack the ballast.

(iv) Every tamping works will provide support to the sleepers and
correct rail geometry. Bearers in plain track shall be packed for 250 mm
either side of the rail seat. Bearers in turnouts shall be packed for their full

(v) Additional setting out will be required as necessary to achieve

proper alignment of the new track. If necessary re-establishment of all
reference pegs and other setting out. Any loss, disturbance or damage to
any such mark or peg will be replaced.

6.10 Final Track Positioning

The Final Track Positioning works will be carried out as per Sub-Clause C.13.17

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6.10.1 Final Ballast Distribution

The Contractor shall survey the line to determine the quantity of ballast
required in each location to perform the final lifting and lining to achieve the
design track profile and produce the appropriate ballast section at the end
of the work.

To determine the quantity of ballast required, the contractor, based on the

typical track cross sections in the drawings attached with the Bid
document, shall prepare full ballast sections for each location and obtain
approval of the Engineer. The full ballast sections shall be according to the
approved track cross sections drawings.

Final Ballast Distribution

Any additional ballast required due to any of the following reasons shall be
provided by the Contractor at his own expense and the defect made good
to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

(i) Variation in the formation from the approved design formation, or

(ii) Variation from approved design profile or
(iii) Damage to ballast, either in profile or contamination by other

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6.10.2 Final Levelling and Lining

When all ballast has been distributed, the final levelling and lining of track
will be carried out only with a Broad-Gauge Heavy-Duty Automatic Ballast
Tamping Machine fitted with a Recorder of Track Geometric Data.

Final Levelling and Lining by Heavy Duty Temping Machine

The final levelling and lining of turnouts shall be carried out by an

appropriate tamping machine capable of working on both tracks through
the turnout. Final levelling and lining are carried out for the main line only.

Sleepers shall be tamped across their width as described in Sub-Clause

4.16.4) above.

The track shall be at the right level (+5 mm) and shall be at the correct
distance from the alignment stakes described in Sub-Clause 2.3. 5) above.
Super elevation (cant) shall conform to the Super elevation (cant)
calculated based on commissioning speed with a tolerance of ±2 mm.

Ballast shall be well consolidated in cribs and shoulders by approved

method to achieve the lateral stability of the track adequate to facilitate
installation of LWR.

After compaction, ballast shall be finally regulated by a ballast regulating

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machine. The final cross section for the ballast shall conform to approved
drawings as applicable. Excess ballast shall be trimmed and removed from
site or treated by making the ballast shoulder wider by equal amounts on
both sides of the track.

6.10.3 Acceptance
The Engineer shall check if the track is constructed according to the
requirements of the specification and to the geometric tolerances specified
in Sub-Clause 4.17.5 below.

6.10.4 Installation of Long Welded Rails

The Contractor shall submit detailed method statement for conversion of
welded panels into long welded rails to the Engineer for approval. The
procedure shall conform to instructions in Sub-Clause C of the
Contract Specification Volume 2 of 11.

Installation of Long Welded Rails by ATW

A complete record of ambient air temperatures and rail temperatures at the

time of the final welding of the rails into LWR shall be made by the
Contractor and submitted to the Engineer within seven days of the final

6.10.5 Final Track Geometry

The Contractor shall complete residual finishing works, if any, to produce a

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track structure with alignment at the design distance of 1676 ± 2 mm from

the alignment stakes described in Sub-Clause C 13.3 and the curve
reference posts described in Sub-Clause C 10.4 and with track geometry
which meets the tolerances set out in Table C 13.4 of the Contract
Specification Volume 2 of 11.

The construction tolerances given shall be applied upon completion of

track construction but before the track is put into service. They shall govern
provisional acceptance of the Track Work.

The operation tolerances and the maximum deviations are which will be
permitted during the maintenance period.

Construction and operation tolerances shall be as specified in Table below:

Table 4.17.5: Tolerances for Track Geometry

(Static Manual Measurements)

Main Tracks and Running

Tracks on Other Lines
Geometric Loop Tracks
Characteristics Constructio Constructi
Operation Operation
n on
Horizontal Alignment with
reference to approved ±5 ±8 ±8 ±10
design alignment
Profile (Longitudinal
Level) with reference to
approved design profile ±5 ±8 ±8 ±10
(longitudinal section)
Track Gauge (mm) +2, -1 +3, -2 +3, -1 +5,-2
Track Gauge Variation
±1 ±1 ±2 ±2
Cross Level/Super
±2 ±4 ±4 ±5
elevation (mm)
Maximum Twist over 3 m
±1 ±2 ±1 ±5

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Main Tracks and Running

Tracks on Other Lines
Geometric Loop Tracks
Characteristics Constructio Constructi
Operation Operation
n on
Versines on a 10 m chord
On tangent (straight)
±2 ±5 ±4 ±10
On curves >500 m radius-
Variation over theoretical ±3 ±5 ±5 ±10
On curves <500 m radius-
Variation over theoretical ±5 ±10 ±5 ±15
Vertical Unevenness as
measured on the surface
±3 ±5 ±4 ±5
of the rail over a 20 m
chord (mm)
Sleeper Position with
reference to design
±5 ±8 ±10 ±15
position at fish plated
joints (mm)
Sleeper Position with
reference to design
±15 ± 25 +20 ±40
position at other than fish
plated joints (mm)

When ballasting and tamping on curves, the Contractor shall install the
design super elevation for each curve. The Engineer shall provide the
Contractor with tables proscribing the final super elevation to be installed
on each of the curves after assessing the combination of train operating
speeds for the various trains to be operating over the track in consultation
with the selected operator for the railway.

6.10.6 Destressing of Continuous Welded Rails

(a) All rails and turnouts shall be continuously welded to create CWR track.

(b) Rails shall be de-stressed to ensure that the neutral laying temperature falls

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within the temperature range specified in the Contract specification (the

neutral laying temperature are for indication only and shall be confirmed
with the local environment conditions).

(c) De-stressing of the rails shall be undertaken after the track has been tamped
to final level and alignment. Special care should be taken on curves. Side
rollers must be used to prevent rail panels from straightening while pull is
applied by the tensors.

(d) Rail temperatures shall be measured on the shaded side of the rail foot. If
both sides of the rail are exposed to direct sunlight the Contractor shall
ensure that the thermometer is shade from the sunlight. The temperature
shall be measured on each rail every 250 metres. For stressing lengths
shorter than 250 mtres a thermometer shall be placed at the anchor point
and another thermometer at the welding point.

De-stressing with Tensile Machine

(e) De-stressing shall consist of removing all the rail fastenings along the length
of a rail panel. While the fasteners are removed, the rail must be vibrated
and monitored to ensure that the anticipated movement in the rail end is
achieved to relieve the stresses.

(f) De-stressing of the rail should only be performed when the temperature of
the rail is with, or will achieve the desirable neutral laying temperature

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range 37°C to 39°C. If the rail temperature is less than 37°C, the work may
proceed provided that the Contractor uses some means (mechanical or
thermal) to raise the effective neutral temperature of the rail. The work may
not proceed if the rail temperature is above 39°C.

(g) De-stressing should proceed from one anchored end of a rail panel to a free
end. The de-stressing may be undertaken in both directions from the point
at which the weld is to be made.

(h) Prior to the rail being unclipped the rail shall be marked every 100 metres to
allow the free rail movement to be monitored and the Contractor to verify
that the expansion at each location is in proportion to the free length of rail
at each location.

(i) If the rail gap at the welding point closes as the rails are unclipped the gap
shall be recreated by first burning a gap, smaller and the size of the
welding gap and then disc cutting the rails to ensure neat square ends to
the rails. The burning process shall be repeated as required during the
unclipping and only a final disc cut of each rail end will be required.

(j) If the rail gap opens as the rails are unclipped, once the rail is fully unclipped
over the length to be de-stressed, the rail gap shall be measured and the
expansion to achieve the design stress-free temperature calculated. If the
gap is more than the required rail movement plus the welding gap either a
closure rail of minimum length 10 metres shall be welded in before de-
stressing continues or the work shall proceed and the track re-de-stressing

(k) Rail expansion may be means of natural heating of the rail by sunlight,
approved hydraulic tensors or artificial heating of the rail. If rail heaters are
used the Contractor shall ensure that the rails are heated uniformly and
that no excess heat is applied at any location.

(l) Once the rail expansion has reached the desired amount the rails shall be
clipped down starting at the welding point. Weld preparation shall not be
commenced until sufficient rail has been clipped down to prevent rail
movement. If the natural increase in rail temperature is such that the rail
movement cannot be controlled the work shall be stopped.

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6.11 Commissioning of Track

The Commissioning of Track works will be carried out as per Sub-Clause C.14

6.11.1 General
After the completion of the construction of the Trackwork, the Contractor
shall commission the Track work before allowing the regular traffic on the
track. Prior to commissioning, Contractor shall obtain the necessary
approvals/ sanctions from Regulatory Authorities. Where such approvals
are to be obtained by the Employer, the Contractor shall provide the
necessary inputs to facilitate the Employer to obtain such approvals.

The inputs include, but not limited to, the documents that have to be
submitted to the concerned authorities.

One of the most important set of documents are those to be submitted to

the Government Inspector of Bangladesh Railway (GIBR), without whose
sanction the new railway track cannot be opened for carriage of
passengers under Railways Act, 1890. The Contractor shall submit these
documents to the Engineer at least 45 days before the proposed date of
commissioning. Indicative list of documents is placed at Annexure-C14.1
for information.

The Contractor shall be responsible for any delay in commissioning due to

late or incomplete submission of the documents.

The Contractor shall provide all personnel, expertise, machinery, materials

and resources necessary for a safe and efficient commissioning of the
Track work.

6.11.2 Commissioning Plan

(a) The Contractor shall prepare a Commissioning Plan (in the form of a Method
Statement), which describes all aspects of the commissioning of the Track
and submit to the Engineer for approval sixty (60) days prior to the date of
proposed commissioning of track.

(b) The plan shall state the documentation requirements for commissioning
including the documents that have to be submitted to different regulatory
and sanctioning authorities.

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(c) The Plan shall also describe the number and classifications of personnel to
be used, their organization and their responsibilities. The Contractor shall
demonstrate to the Engineer that its proposed key personnel are skilled
and experienced in the commissioning of Track.

(d) The Plan shall describe measures to ensure the safety of personnel involved
in the commissioning and the general public.

(e) The Plan shall describe tests to be carried out that will verify the operability of
the Track work and associated facilities.

(f) The Plan shall include a detailed programme explaining the method of track
maintenance during the Defects Notification Period including the personnel
to be deployed for the maintenance work and their responsibilities. The
Contractor shall also submit the machinery and equipment to be deployed
for the Track work maintenance.

(g) Commissioning shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Plan.

6.11.3 Pre-Commissioning Checks of Track General
Prior to commissioning, the Contractor shall carryout checks in order to
ensure the following.

(i) The final alignment of the track, both horizontal and vertical, is
in accordance with the Construction Drawings.

(ii) The track is constructed according to the Specification and

within track construction tolerances.

(iii) The track has been stabilised using appropriate ballast

compaction/consolidation equipment and the ballast profile is in
accordance with the design profile.

(iv) The track geometry parameters are in accordance with the

specified construction tolerances.

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The Contractor shall carry out the following checks on the turnouts to ensure
compliance with the Specification and Drawings.

(i) Proper curving of the curved stock and tongue rails.

(ii) Proper housing of tongue rail after setting the points on both sides.

(iii) Proper alignment of the turnout checking that there are no kinks behind the

(iv) The turnout is properly packed and boxed with adequate ballast.

(v) The gauge and cross level at every bearer in the turnout are within specified

(vi) The point’s lever works smoothly and that the points can be set without undue
jerking. Commissioning Actions

(a) Commissioning of track forming part of the Track work shall take place in
accordance with the provisions of the Contract and the approved
Commissioning Plan.

(b) The Contractor shall nominate his Track Engineer to monitor the
commissioning whilst it is in progress.

(c) Commissioning of track shall be done as per the following sequence.

(d) The track geometry parameters shall be checked manually and the results
verified to be in accordance with construction tolerances for track geometry
specified in Sub-Clause C 13.21.

(i) The track geometry parameters shall also be checked by the track
geometry parameter recording system of the Ballast Tamping Machine and
the results verified to be in accordance with construction tolerances for
track geometry specified in Sub-Clause C 13.21.

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(ii) Ride quality of the track shall be checked with a computer based portable
Oscillation Monitoring System (OMS) mounted on a locomotive/last
vehicle of the test train and spots where the vertical and accelerations
exceed the specified limits and stretches where ride indices exceed the
specified limits listed. These spots/stretches shall be attended to after
verification of track geometry.

(iii) The test runs shall be conducted in stages with speeds increasing in steps
up to the maximum permissible speed attending to the track as required
after each test run.

(iv) Track shall be offered for inspection of GIBR after rectifying all the defects
observed/ recorded during the test runs.

(v) The track shall be opened for traffic at an appropriate speed lower than
the maximum permissible speed.

(vi) After allowing operational traffic for two days, the ride quality of track shall
be checked with OMS, records analysed, spots with accelerations
exceeding the specified limits verified by the track geometry parameter
recording system of the Ballast Tamping Machine and the track defects
rectified as required.

(vii) Inspection by Engine and Last Vehicle shall also be carried out and bad
riding locations noted and rectified.

(viii) On completion of rectification of the track to a satisfactory standard, the

speed shall be raised to maximum permissible speed. Equipment for Commissioning

The Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment for the commissioning. Report
Following completion of commissioning, the Contractor shall submit a complete
report to the Engineer on the commissioning of the Track work.

The report shall be signed by the Contractor and shall include but not be limited to
the following information.

(i) The data recorded during the pre-commissioning checks of the Trackwork.

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(ii) The graphical and digital printouts of track and ride quality parameters
recorded during the commissioning of the track. Certificate
Track shall be certified as “adequately constructed” by the issuance of a Practical
Completion Certificate.

6.12 Acceptance of Track Work

The Acceptance of Track works will be carried out as per Sub-Clause C.15

6.12.1 Final Inspection

Upon completion of construction of the track work the Engineer will arrange
a Final Inspection, which will include but need not necessarily be restricted
to, for ensuring the following:

(i)Track geometry parameters to be within tolerances specified in

Table C 13.4, Sub-Clause C 13.21;

(ii) All fastenings, bolts, etc., are correctly fitted and tightened;

(iii) Works are neat and tidy and clear of all debris;

(iv) Ballast profile is correct;

(v) Switches are lubricated and operate correctly; and

(vi) Drainage lines and conduit lines are clear of obstruction.

Prior to the final inspection the Contractor shall have provided the Engineer
with all test results relating to the length to be inspected. Such test results
must show that the track and materials satisfy the requirements of this

6.13 Defects Notification Period Obligations

Defects Notification Period Obligations will be carried out as per Sub-Clause C.16

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6.13.1 General
As part of the obligations and duties placed on the Contractor pursuant
to the General Conditions of Contract as amended by the Particular
Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall during the Defects Notification
Period (DNP):

a) Undertake walking inspections of the whole of the track work every

30 days (in addition to daily patrol by a nominated person) to identify any
defects that require attention. This will include:

(i) Ensure that all track parameters shall remain

within the tolerances prescribed in Sub-Clause C 13.21, under “Tolerances
for Track Geometry”;
(ii) Ensure that in track at turnouts, level crossings and bridges, all
the clearances are within tolerances specified in the drawings, BR
Schedule of Dimensions and BR Way and Works Manual; and
(iii) Ensure that the physical condition of all track work components
shall maintain their structural and functional integrity to keep the track safe
and fit for operations at the speeds and for the loads permitted.

(b) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer and copy to BR, all
necessary interim and final reports which shall include proposals for
necessary remedial activities.

(c) Attend to and repair and or eliminate any defects identified

through these inspections in such a time as to not affect the safety or
operation of the railway system. This work shall be done at the Contractor’s
expense, in co-ordination with the Engineer/ Bangladesh Railway, and
submit necessary interim and final compliance reports.

(d) Undertake, in addition to the attentions mentioned in Sub-Clause

C 16.1 (b) above, a full mechanised tamping cycle using a mechanised
tamping machine, of all the newly installed track, turnouts and trap points,
every 120 days during the DNP commencing on day 60 of the DNP, in co-
ordination with the Engineer/Bangladesh Railway. The track geometry
parameters shall be measured and recorded by the recording system of
the ballast tamping machine both prior to and after tamping.

(e) Carry out one round of ultrasonic testing of rails and welds of the
entire track starting 90 days prior to completion of DNP.

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(f)Co-operate with the Bangladesh Railway in implementing measures

to train the Bangladesh Railway’s personnel in the maintenance of track
and turnouts.

(g) If, for any reason, any of the Works falls outside the tolerances
listed in the Table for “Operation Tolerances”, such out of tolerance work
shall be deemed to be a defect and the Contractor shall observe and
execute the requirements of this Sub-Clause.

6.14 Training of Bangladesh Personnel for Track Maintenance

Training of Bangladesh Personnel for Track Maintenance will be carried out as per
Sub-Clause C.17

6.14.1 Training Programme within Bangladesh Scope of Training

The Contractor shall organise formal training courses for twenty (20) Bangladesh
Railway Engineers/Technicians in the track maintenance methods for Track work
installed under the Contract and technical features, operation, maintenance and
troubleshooting of all track maintenance equipment supplied/to be supplied under the

The duration of training shall be four (4) weeks at the Contractors premises within the
Project area or as agreed with the Engineer/Employer, and two (2) weeks on site
within the Project area. Logistics
Trainers, training material, demonstration equipment, including mechanised track
tamping, track destressing, rail welding etc., and other logistics shall be arranged by
the Contractor. There shall be six training days a week from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
(Saturday to Thursday inclusive). Curriculum
The Contractor shall submit the details of the proposed curriculum of the training to
the Engineer and obtain approval prior to commencement of the training.

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6.14.2 Training Programme outside Bangladesh General
The Contractor shall organise formal training courses for five (5) Bangladesh Railway
Engineers/Technicians in the track maintenance techniques and management
outside Bangladesh at a reputed institution in a country with similar track structure as
in Bangladesh Railway and having modern mechanised methods of track
maintenance, inspection, monitoring and management.

The duration of training shall be four (4) weeks at the Institution and two (2) weeks on

6.15 Hand Over

Hand Over will be carried out as per Sub-Clause C.18

6.15.1 General
Handover of track shall be governed by the provisions of the Contract. There shall be
two types of track hand over to the Employer:

(i) Preliminary Hand Over after commissioning of the track.

(ii) Final Hand Over after completion of Defects Notification Period.

6.15.2 Preliminary Hand Over of Track

The Contractor shall provide written confirmation to the Engineer that the track is laid
in accordance with the design, drawings and construction tolerances specified.

After getting approval from the Engineer, the Contractor shall carry out
commissioning of the track and hand over the track to the Employer/Engineer along
with the records of the track geometry measurement and ride quality check results.

However, it will be the responsibility of the Contractor for maintenance of track in safe
and fit condition for train operations at the speeds and for the loads permitted up to
the end of the Defects Notification Period and final handover of track to the
Employer/Bangladesh Railway.

6.15.3 Track Maintenance Manual

Ninety (90) days before preliminary handing over, the Contractor shall prepare and
submit to the Engineer a Track Maintenance Manual based on the track structure, BR

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maintenance stipulations and requirements of track geometry and safety for normal
rail traffic, i.e., for the train frequency, train speeds and loading intensity for which the
track has been designed.

The manual shall include, but not be limited to

(i) method of track maintenance of the track covering all aspects i.e., routine,
spot and emergency attentions for LWR, SWR standard rail and level
crossing tracks, track on bridges, switch expansion joints, glued insulated
joints, turnouts etc., on straight and curved tracks, formation, drains,
waterways and culverts;

(ii) equipment and manpower requirements;

(iii) details of all equipment with technical features, performance characterises,

operation and maintenance manuals, spare parts and list of spare parts
required etc.

6.15.4 Final Hand Over of Track

At the end of the Defects Notification Period, the track work shall be jointly checked
by the Contractor, a representative of the Employer and the Engineer. The track
geometry parameters shall be measured manually or by the recording system of the
ballast tamping machine and ride quality checked by the Oscillation Monitoring
System (OMS). Necessary rectification of defects identified shall be carried out prior
to handing over.

Alignment and the track geometry shall be to the standards stipulated in Sub-Clause
C 13 with operation tolerances. Ballast section shall be to the design profile.

The track shall be handed over to the Employer along with the records of the track
geometry parameters measurements, ride quality checks and ultrasonic tests of rails
and welds.

The Contractor shall also transfer all the residual warranties/guarantees and service
agreements to the Employer.

6.15.5 As-Built Drawings

The Contractor shall provide as-built drawings for all of the works. These drawings
shall be prepared on on-going basis during the course of construction and delivered
to the Engineer within 30 days of completion of any section and the completed set
shall be handed over within 30 days of Contractor’s request for Final Handover

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Inspection. The format of these drawings shall be those provided by the Engineer for
the construction works as well as the Contractors own shop drawings and other
drawings and documents approved by the Engineer.

Three (3) paper copies and one editable and one non-editable soft copy, using
industry standard software, of the as-built drawings are required for approval of the

7. Track Maintenance and Inspection Equipment

Track Maintenance and Inspection of Equipment will be carried out as per Sub-
Clause C.19

7.1 Ballast Tamping Machine for Dual Gauge Track.

Engineer’s approval as per contract provisions shall be obtained prior to supply. All
contract provisions / specifications will be complied with.

7.2 Heavy Duty Track Car (Metre Gauge)

Engineer’s approval as per contract provisions shall be obtained prior to supply. All
contract provisions / specifications will be complied with.

7.3 Rail Cum Road Vehicle

Engineer’s approval as per contract provisions shall be obtained prior to supply. All
contract provisions / specifications will be complied with.

7.4 Motor Trolley

Engineer’s approval as per contract provisions shall be obtained prior to supply. All
contract provisions / specifications will be complied with.

7.5 Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Detection System

Engineer’s approval as per contract provisions shall be obtained prior to supply. All
contract provisions / specifications will be complied with.

7.6 Light Weight Ballast Tamping Machine

Engineer’s approval as per contract provisions shall be obtained prior to supply. All
contract provisions / specifications will be complied with.

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7.7 Other Track Maintenance, Monitoring and Inspection Equipment

Employer’s / Engineer’s approval as per contract provisions shall be obtained prior to

supply. All contract provisions / specifications will be complied with. The details for
track maintenance and other equipment will be submitted separately.

8. Detailed Procedure for Doing Track Construction Work.

8.1 Transport of material and equipment at site

All track items required for track linking such as Rails, PSC sleepers, fittings etc. will
be transported from Track Depot to site as mentioned in the following paras:

a. Rails will be loaded by mechanical machinery such as cranes / Hydra /

Loaders / Gantries by providing lifting hooks at two locations from the
existing rail stacks at depot in road trailer / RRVs / Rail Flat Cars. After
transportation, new rails in pairs as per requirement will be unloaded at site
by mechanical machinery under strict control conditions and will be kept on
one side of the new embankment. While unloading, new rails will not be
dropped at site under any circumstances.
b. PSC Sleepers will be loaded from existing stacks lying at depot / at site in
road trucks / RRVs / Trailers / Material train with mechanical machinery
i.e. Gantry / Crane / loader / Hydra. DG PSC Sleepers will be unloaded at
site with the help of mechanical machinery and will be stacked properly in
position / on one side of the new embankment.
c. Ballast will also be taken directly / lead out in road trucks / tippers / hoppers
/ RRVs and will be unloaded on one side of the formation.
d. Fittings required for track construction will be lead out in road trucks / pick
up / material train as and when required. Loading and unloading of
fittings shall be done by mechanical means / manually.

8.2 Making of track sidings at any other convenient location

Track sidings at the proposed alignment of new main line will be made at convenient
locations in station yard where sufficient space is available with new / old reusable
track materials for carrying out the laying of new track construction of Dohazari-Cox’s
Bazar Project. Two track sidings lines i. e. auxiliary track of 3.4 m gauge with new
rails on wooden blocks will be laid for working of Gantry Portals. Store depots for
track fittings will be also be set up convenient station yard. One no. Gantry Portal will
be deployed in track depot and one no. at work sites for unloading, loading and

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placement of PSC Sleepers.

8.3 Unloading of PSC Sleepers at Track Depot / at site

PSC Sleepers brought in by Road Vehicles / Material train having RRVs & Flat Cars /
BFRs will be unloaded at the track depot or directly at site on one side of the newly
laid formation with the help of Hydra / Gantry Portal.

8.4 Laying of Auxiliary track in the field for use in track linking, if required

The new rails required for linking of Auxiliary track will be lead out to site by road on
road trailers from track depots and will be laid at 3.4 m gauge centrally on the new
alignment from the starting point. Gantry Portals will be placed on this Auxiliary track
for doing linking work if required at site.

8.5 Track Material Train

Track Material Train will be made with the help of Rail cum Road Vehicles ( 2 nos.
RRV) and Rail Flat Cars / BFRs. RRVs fitted with rail wheel will be attached on both
sides of the material train for hauling on the newly laid track. This Material train will
be used for carrying Rails / PSC Sleepers / Ballast / track fittings and other track
materials to the site.

8.6 First Ballast Distribution

Ballast will also be lead out in road trucks / tippers / hoppers and will be unloaded on
one side of the formation. The ballast lying stacked on one side of embankment will
be spread out evenly over the sub ballast with loader / grader so that 150mm
compacted height can be achieved.

8.7 Transporting, unloading and placing of PSC Sleepers / Ballast / track

fittings and other track materials from Track Depot to the site

i. PSC Sleepers brought in directly / from depot by Road Vehicles / Material

train having RRVs & Flat Cars / BFRs will be unloaded in position / for the
on one side of the newly laid formation with the help of Hydra. PSC
Sleepers will be placed in position with Hydra at proper spacing as per
specification. Other track fittings will be lead out by road and will be kept at
site after unloading them manually.
ii. PSC Sleepers / Ballast / track fittings and other track materials will be
loaded in RRV / Flat Car i. e. BFRs / Trailers of the Material Train with the
help of Gantry Portals / Hydra / Crane / Loader in the track depot. The
Material Train will be hauled to the site by Rail cum Road Vehicle (RRV).

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One Gantry Portal deployed at site will unload PSC Sleepers from the
Material Train at proper spacing. Ballast will be unloaded from Ballast
Hoppers in the track as per requirements in the newly linked track. Track
fittings and other track materials will be unloaded with crane / Hydra /
Gantry at site.

8.8 Linking of Track

i. First ballast layer having 150 mm compacted height will be made as

prescribed in the above para. Then, PSC Sleepers lying on one side of the
newly laid formation will be placed in position i. e. along the proposed
centre line of track at prescribed spacing with the help of mechanical
machinery i. e. Hydra or other equipment. Rubber Pads will be placed at
the rail seat on the PSC Sleepers. The new rails which are kept in pair on
one other side of the newly laid formation will be placed on the laid PSC
Sleepers with Hydra / manually. Installation of Insulating liners and Elastic
rail clips on PSC sleepers will be as prescribed in the Specification.

ii. After unloading of DG PSC Sleepers, Gantry Portal will be moved forward
and Auxiliary Track adjacent to the length where PSC sleepers are laid will
be dismantled. Grooved Rubber Pads will be placed at the rail seat on the
PSC Sleepers and the new rails dismantled from Auxiliary track will be
placed on the laid PSC Sleepers manually. It will be ensured that rails are
not damaged or subjected to undue stresses while placing rails on the
sleepers. Installation of insulating liners and elastic rail clips on PSC
sleepers will be as prescribed in the Specification. The Track Material Train
will be sent back to the Track depot again for loading of PSC Sleepers on
them. After loading of PSC Sleepers at the Depot, Material Train will be
brought back to site and sleepers will be unloaded with the help of Gantry
Portals. The Gantries working in the field will be moving ahead
progressively after completing each day’s job and will be stabled and
secured at site at the end of the day.

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Linking of Track

The above mentioned sequence of operations for carrying out linking work
will be repeated every day. The material train is likely to carry out 2 to 3
rounds every day as per the progress target fixed.

Track linking in Station yards for loop lines, sidings, and in existing main
line will be done by leading all the track material including rails, sleepers
and fastenings to position after taking proper Traffic block.

8.9 Shifting of new Track depot to new location:

After completion of track linking activity for the length planned from one
depot, the operations will be shifted to other track depot at next station and
the Gantry Portals will be shifted. Track linking activity will be continued
following above mentioned sequence of operations.

9. Health and Safety

9.1 Objective and Managing Risks in the Work place

1. All liability for safety, persons involved in the work is to the Contractor from the
Chittagong Port of arrival of the Goods to Acceptance in the designated staking area.

2. The Contractor is responsible for the identification and protection and moving to a
safe zone of any affected utilities at level or buried at the Site.

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3. The Contractor is fully responsible for the obtaining of any permits or other
statutory requirements regarding transportation by public highway if requires and
must accept full liability for any damages and restoration works subsequent to the

4. Any liabilities dues to Noise and Vibration are to the public and work during hours
of darkness, poor visibility or heavy rainfall is forbidden.

5. Wearing of protective (steel toecap) footwear, in case of sleepers fall over during

6. Avoid standing under suspended loads.

7. Ban all heating, welding and flame cutting operations on or adjacent to sleepers
during handling and transit.

8. Protection of sleepers from electric arc from adjacent cables or molten metal
splashes from nearby welding operations.

9. Contact with injurious substances such as acids, alkalis, salts, fertilizers,

sulphates, chlorides and nitrates.

10. Sleepers stockpiles are built on a well-drained base substance.

11. Avoid standing under suspended sleepers.

12. Sudden dropping or impact of sleepers and rails.

13. Steel toe-capped protective footwear to be used.

14. Distinctive coloured helmets and clothing are used for ease of identification and
location of personnel while working with machine or crane.

15. Effective protective gloves and clothing to reduce risk of skin abrasions and
lacerations and extremes of temperature.

16. Safe working in the vicinity of electrical conductors and wiring.

17. The Track work Safety rule requires all track work personnel to wear the
appropriate personal protective equipment during all operations where exposure to

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hazardous conditions exists.

18. All track work personnel working or visiting locations designated by the Engineer
as "Hard Hat Areas" shall wear approved protective helmets. Helmets shall meet or
exceed specifications contained in the Safe Work Practices and Compliance
Standards Handbook. These helmets will be inspected on a regular basis and shall
be replaced immediately if found to be defective.

19. Personnel are required to wear high-visibility safety vests of approved color, yellow
or orange rain coats, when working within the Right-of-Way, at any time when
exposed to traffic such as driveways, parking lots, construction sites, etc., and at any
other time deemed necessary by the supervisor on-site. In addition, during night
operations the safety vests must be reflectorized. If raingear or other outer garment is
being worn the reflectorized vest must be worn as the outer layer.

20. Provide instruction, training and information about safety procedures and certain
other matters for employees and other persons.

21. Obtain all information needed to fulfill their obligations under Regulation.

22. Provide emergency procedures for the workplace, including arrangements for
emergency communications and appropriate medical treatment to injured persons.

23. Provide and maintain amenities (such as facilities for toilets, drinking water and

24. Provide appropriate First Aid facilities and trained personnel.

25. All equipment will be ensured to operate safety, maintained and repaired

26. All power equipment should be insulated and covered to all exposed live parts.

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27. A competent person shall inspect equipment during shift duty.

9.2 Safety Certification and Check List of Equipment

For the Safety certification and check list of Equipment, please refers to the
documents HSE plan in our letter ref. CCECC-MAX/DCRP/BR/17/H&K/008 submitted
on 28th November 2017, and received by your office on 12th December 2017.

9.3 Competency certificate and permits for screw

For the detail competency certificate permits for screw will be submitted before
commencement of the sleepers handling operation.

9.4 Action in Case of Emergency

SL Description of Hazard Precaution/Preventive Measure

No. Job Event
Emergency Injury of - Everybody gathering nearest rails
Procedure people/worker loading and unloading point. Site
Safety Personnel In-Charge will
take over & control the situation.
In case of an emergency:
Fire Alarm/Siren,
Fire Extinguisher,
First Aider
First Aid Box
Briefing on Emergency Procedure
Safety Introduction Training
TBM Meeting

9.5 Emergency Contact Persons

Adam Chen (CCECC-MAX JV Project Manager)

+88- 01798-990826

Anand Kulkarni (CCECC-MAX JV Deputy Project Manager)

+88- 01700-704822

Mizanur Rahman (CCECC-MAX JV Project HSSE Manager In-charge)

+88- 01716-300045

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Kamrul Islam (CCECC-MAX JV Project HSSE Officer)

+88- 01753-108639

9.6 Emergency Contact and Hospital Name:

Sl. Hospital Name Address Contact Number

1 Cox’s Bazar Sadar Government Hospital, Hospital Tel: 0341-64066
& Clinic Cox`s Bazar Sadar, Tel: 01730-324770
Cox`s Bazar
2 Fuad AL-Khatib Main Road, Cox`s Bazar Sadar, Tel: 0341-64674,
Cox`s Bazar 62111
3 Upazila Health Ramu, Cox`s Bazar Tel: 01730-324469
Complex Government
4 Eidgah Medical Eidgah, Cover Islamabad PH: 01618-
Center and Hospital 142366,
Tel: 03432-58346
5 Napitkhali Community Napitkhali, Cover Islamabad PH: 01814-
Clinic 817847,
PH: 01813-14256
6 Memorial Christian Malumghat, Cover Dulahazara PH: 01751-744661
7 Upazila Health Chakaria, Cox`s Bazar Tel: 01730-324466
Complex Government

10. Use of Traffic Control Devices

10.1 General Guideline

1. Warning signs shall be installed prior to the start of all track work, work that is on
pavement and within 15 feet of the edge of the traveled way. They shall be used all
the time when working in traffic. Since workers are constantly moving on the highway,
it is important that warning signs be moved as the work progresses. When works
through for the day, or at any time work ceases, these devices shall be turned,
removed or covered. This simple procedure will prevent a host of potential problems
for surveyors as well as motorists. Whenever the activities are changed such that a
particular sign or other warning device is no longer appropriate, the sign or device
shall be turned, removed or covered, and replaced if necessary with the appropriate

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2. Caution Boards as per BR’s specification will be placed on both ends of the
ongoing track works.

3. A flagman with red and green flags will be posted at the end of the track
construction works activity to stop approaching traffic movements on to the danger

4. The area under work will be demarcated by temporary fencing to prevent intrudes.
A team of security guards with whistle and hand mikes will be on duty at the
construction site. They will alert the workers announcing movement of vehicles or
trains, as well as keep the outsiders away by blowing whistles. They will also
safeguard the construction materials against theft/pilferage.

5. Contractor’s Site Safety Officer will keep liaison with the station master and warn
the staff and workers at site to keep clear of moving vehicles or trains.

6. The Site Safety Officer will instruct the staff and workers not to obstruct or infringe
any running line by Contractor’s equipment, machines, tools or construction materials
and remain on constant watch to ensure that this is complied with.

7. During spreading of ballast, lifting of rails and sleeper during track construction,
protection of existing operating track will be ensured by safety pegs, fence, caution
signs, guards, and other safety measures.

8. In case of rainy weather special protection for side track alignment will be taken,
and the work will be postponed, if required, till the weather permits to continues track

9. During the work care will be taken not to damage overhead electric lines, water
hydrants, underground signal and telephone cables, water and gas pipe lines etc.
during the work and movement of equipment.

10. Staff and workers will have personal protection equipment (PPE) on while
working at site.

11. First Aid Box and list of local doctors for treatment of injured staff will be kept
ready at site.

12. Serve notices to the BR officials for advising all operating staff to adopt necessary
precaution during track construction.

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13. Caution Boards during day and red-light indication during night will be installed at
specified locations as per General and Safety Rules of BR.

14. Before blocking the road traffic, the Authorized Representative of CCECC_MAX
JV, Authorized Representative of BR, and Authorized Representative of the local
Authorities and a Representative of the Engineer will informed and remain present at
site. Entire work will be done under close supervision of them. Telephone
communication will be available for all Authorized Representative at site.

15. The work site will be protected by temporary demarcation marks (red tape
fencing) to keep intruders out of the work area.

16. All staffs involved in train operation directly will be provided with walki-talkie sets
for direct communication with one another for safe movement of trains during
construction works.

17. Unnecessary materials such as empty bags and rubbish shall be removed

18. Proper safety measures like barricading, guard poles painted with florescent in
alternate bands, flags etc. will be provided prior to the commencement of the works.

19. Signal man will be placed at heavy traffic locations at the time of Execution.

20. Reflective sign boards will be placed during night near risky locations.

21. Working area will be cordon with traffic cones to identify survey setting out to
oncoming traffic on both sides.

22. The construction site and the stock storage of the projects materials shall be
installed with adequate safety sign boards according to the work’s nature, as visible
and understandable to all involved personnel.

10.2 Traffic Management Plan

Detail of Traffic Management Plan, please refers to our documents submitted by

letter ref: CCECC-MAX/DCRP/BR/18/F/0082, dated 19th March 2018 and received by
your office on 19th March 2018.

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10.3 Photographs for Safety Traffic

Photographs for safety of traffic will be added for road user, public and crew as
indicated below:

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11. Methodology for different component of Track Work: Appendix – “A”

12. Organogram: Appendix – “B”

13. Equipment: List of Equipment: Appendix – “C”

14. Inspection & Test Plan: Annexure – “D”

15. Check List: Annexure – “E”

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