Thesis 3

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Muhammad Uzair
Danyal Ahmad

Session 2017-2021
Supervised BY
Sir Engr. Latif Jan

A project report submitted to The IQRA National University, Peshawar in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of




This is certified that we have studied this report, title “I-Quiz” submitted by Muhammad
Uzair and Danyal Ahmad under the University registration No. 13786 & 13838. We conclude
that this project report is of sufficient standard to warrant its acceptance by the IQRA
National University, Peshawar for the award of degree of Bachelor of Science in Software
Engineering BS (SE).

Approved By:
Engr. Latif Jan,
Lecturer Computer Science
Iqra National University, Peshawar Supervisor

Internal Examiner Name Internal Examiner

Mr. Shahab Ul Islam
Lecturer Computer Science
Iqra National University, Peshawar FYP Coordinator

Dr. Atif Ishtiaq
Chairman Computer Science
Iqra National University, Peshawar Chairman


We hereby declare that we are the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis,
including any required final revisions, as accepted after my thorough examinations, it is
further declared, that we have fulfilled all the requirements in line with the Quality Assurance
Guidelines of the Higher Education Commission.

Danyal Ahmad
ID. 13838

Muhammad Uzair
ID. 13786


All acclamation and appreciations are for Al Mighty Allah (SWT), who bestowed humankind
with knowledge and wisdom. We bow before his compassionate endowment. We also pay
our respect to last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), who came to all humankind as
well-wisher. We feel great pleasure and honor to express our deepest sense of gratitude and
sincere feelings of reverence and regards to our supervisor Mr Engr. Latif Jan for his efficient
guidance and kind supervision throughout our project report. Finally, we are extremely
thankful to all of our teachers, friends and all those respondents who took part in our project.

Danyal Ahmad

Muhammad Uzair


Final Approval---------------------------------------------------------------i
Author's Declaration--------------------------------------------------------ii
Table of Contents-----------------------------------------------------------iv
List of Figures---------------------------------------------------------------vi
List of Tables---------------------------------------------------------------vii
List of Acronyms----------------------------------------------------------viii



1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Objectives 1
1.3 Problem Statement 2
1.4 Assumption & Constraint 2
1.4.1 Assumption 2
1.4.2 Constrain 2
1.5 Project scope 3



2.1 Literature review 4

2.2 Stakeholders list 13
2.3 Requirements elicitation 14
2.3.1 Functional requirements 14

2.3.2 Non-functional requirements 14
2.3.3 Requirements traceability metric 14
2.4 Use case descriptions 15
2.4.1 Actors 15
2.4.2 System 15
2.5 Use case diagram 15
2.6 Software development life cycle model 16



3.1 Work breakdown structure (WBS) 17

3.2 Activity diagram 18
3.3 Sequence diagram 19
3.4 Software architecture 20
3.5 Class diagram 21
3.6 Database diagram 22
3.7 ERD Diagram 23
3.8 Collaboration diagram 24
3.9 Gantt Chart 25


4.1 Test Cases 27

4.2 Unit/ Integration/Acceptance Testing 27
4.3 Interface Design 28


5.1 Problems faced and lessons learned 37

5.1.1 Problem Faced 37

5.1.2 Lesson Learned 37
5.2 Project summary 38
5.3 Conclusion 38
5.4 Future work 39



Figures No Figures Description Page No

Figure 2.5.1 Use case Diagram 8

Figure 2.6.1 Software Development Life Cycle 9

Figure 3.1..1 Work Breakdown Structure 10

Figure 3..2.1 Activity Diagram 11

Figure 3.3..1 Sequence Diagram 13

Figure 3.4..1 Software Architecture 15

Figure 3.5.1 Class Diagram 17

Figure 3.6.1 Database Diagram 19

Figure 3.7.1 ERD Diagram 20

Figure 3.8.1 Collaboration Diagram 22

Figure Student Login Activity 26

Figure Student panel 27

Figure Teacher login 28

Figure Teacher Panel 29

Figure Admin Login 30

Figure Student Register(For Admin)


Figure Teacher Register form(For admin) 31

Figure 4.8 34

Figure 4.9 35

Figure 4.10 36

Figure 4.11 36


Table No Table Description Page No

Table 2.1 Requirement traceability matrix 14

Table 3.1 Gantt chart 25

Table 4.1 Test cases 27

Table 4.2 Unit/ Integration acceptance testing 27


ERD Entity relationship diagram
API Application program interface
SDK Software Development Kit
JRE Java Runtime Environment


Online Quiz application has grown in popularity over the past few years. Many different
types of Universities, Colleges around the world use different types of web or application
based online quiz systems to make things easier for students and teachers. An online quiz
application system allows students to take quiz online with ease. An android application is
developed to make the working of day easier and efficient. In addition, during this pandemic
this sort of web-based applications are used all around the world for giving quiz and
uploading assignments. An android quiz application system makes perfect sense as it frees up
valuable time, not only for students but teachers as well.

Students and teachers will use this system simultaneously. Teachers will upload the Quiz
using MS-Excel and on the Students end, they will see that uploaded quiz. The quiz will be
completed, and the app has the feature to calculate the marks for students automatically.

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

Today in the world of digitalization, we need an innovative way of doing things. Modern
problems require modern solutions, and these solutions leads to development of an
application which will make things easier for students and teachers. This document will

propose all features and procedures to develop the system. The document will contain details
about objectives, literature, designs and requirements.

While using technology to automate quiz has been frowned upon by many, using it to
automate time consuming processes and aggregating data automatically is among the many
useful features, which is where this I-Quiz app comes in. This app can save teachers time by
allowing them to create simple quizzes that can be taken synchronously. The quiz is going to
make students prepare for upcoming exams.

In addition, the assignment uploading feature is also available. Students will complete the
assignments and then upload it. It will enhance their vocabulary skills and will help them in
preparing for the final exams, resulting in acquiring better grades.

I-quiz app is developed for teachers and students. Teachers can upload Quiz and assignments
for students. The app will automatically calculate and give marks to students thus eliminating
the problem of reviewing and taking quiz on paper. The app must be installed in mobile in
order to take benefits from it.

The application is developed using Java programming language. The database that is used to
store and retrieve the data is Firebase. And the compiler that we use to write the code is
Android Studio. A user friendly app that makes the interaction easier between student and

1.2 Objectives

The I-Quiz project is developed to overcome the time consuming problem of manual system.
Apart from that in current system, checking the answer sheets after taking test, wastes the
examiners time, so this application will check the correct answer and save the examiner time
and carry the quiz in an effective manner. The users who are using this system don’t need to
have a high computing knowledge.

Access to online resources, online homework assignments allow students to follow along and
get help when they need it the most. Working through tough homework problems as they
occur can help students gain confidence and push forward with the assignment. Before online
assignments became so common, students had to wait until they found help and usually had
to ask for assistance on several problems all at once. Without getting the help they needed
immediately they often couldn’t move past a few problems because key concepts were not

 Students giving quiz on mobiles with comfort.

 Eliminating the burden for teacher of reviewing the quiz and for students of
submitting the assignment on paper.
 Will nullify the problem for teachers of taking care of assignment pages.
 The flexibility associated with mobile based quiz reduces exam anxiety among test
takers as they can take the quiz at any time of the day that coincides with their
preferred sleep/ wake cycle.
 To replace pen paper based assessment for quiz.
 The complete data will be stored in the database (Firebase).
 Submit homework form anywhere. Whether it’s at home, from the hotel room, or in
between work shifts and classes, students have the liberty to truly take their work
anywhere they go without having to physically be around to hand in their
 Less books and notebooks to carry. With less books and notebooks to carry around
each day, there is less of a chance that materials will be forgotten or left behind.

1.3 Problem Statement

 Filtering through significant files is not easy.

 Reviewing the quiz becomes time consuming.
 Slow result processing.
 Filing poses a problem

 Students tear pages from copies, which gives a bad impression.

1.4 Assumption & Constraint

1.4.1 Assumptions

 The system will work in any working environment.

 System will help Students to select quiz and complete it with a limited time.

 Teachers will be able to upload the quiz from MS-Excel.

 Downloading assignments for student feature is also available.

1.4.2 Constraint

 The system will work when Internet connectivity will be available.

 Application is only android based2.

 Students and teachers cannot access each other’s account.
 Admin is the only one to add students, teachers and subjects. Anyone else is not
allowed to use this functionality.

1.5 Project Scope

The focus of this project is to design an efficient and reliable system for students and
teachers to take advantage of it. It is specially designed for Iqra National University.

Students will use it for submitting quiz and assignments while teachers role is to upload
quiz and assignments.

Many stakeholders can use this system at the same time and system is designed to do and
control all the activates making everything automated. Students will be able to check their
previous record of quiz.

Students are allowed only allowed to login. Students will be able to search their quiz and
assignments by providing their semester and curriculum details. Teachers can also login
and will provide semester and curriculum details in order to upload quiz and assignments.
This system can run on any android smart phone and it is very easy to use and understand.

Chapter 2
Requirements Analysis
2.1 Literature review

There have been several quiz applications developed. Quizzy is an android application. This
application is developed for educational purpose, allowing the users to prepare the multiple
choice questions for different examinations conducted on provincial and national level. The
quiz includes three functions: (i) Hint, (ii) Skip, and (iii) Pause, which are collectively named
as life lines that help users to answer questions correctly. These functions can be used only
once by a user. It shows progress feedback during quiz play, and at the end, the app also
shows the result [1].

Another application similar to this is called Quizlet. This application allows students to
choose any of Quizlet's seven different study modes which works best with their style of
learning. Quizlet tracks their progress and provides instant feedback about where to focus [2].


Quizizz is also an online quiz application It helps you find and create free gamified quizzes
and interactive lessons to engage any learner. It is mostly used in schools of US and are
appreciated by the stakeholders alot. It has the feature to conduct polls, it will help them
make their decessions accordingly. You can login from any device. It can also be used for
work in office by helping you creating your own presentations [3].

Global Oup

Global Oup is an online web based application. After completing the quiz it will show the
correct and incorrect answers. It has no feature of calculating marks automatically. The
interface is very badly designed [4].

Free Online Survey

Free-online-survey is an online web based application. It is free to use for everyone. It has the
feature of automatic scoring and there is no limitation on conducting the number quizzes.
You can create your own quiz in this application [5].

Chemical Ecology
Chemical ecology provides you the software to download to your pc. It has very old
interface. Allowing teachers to create quizzes and calculating marks automatically [6].

2.1.1 Features Our I-Quiz App:

1) Large number of students can give online quiz / assignment.

2) Contains automatic timer, before time runs out, student will have to complete the quiz.

3) Multiple quizzes for different departments can be uploaded at the same time.

4) Students can change their passwords if they want to.

5) Teachers will be able to upload quiz from MS-Excel, resulting in less time consuming.

6) Uploading the assignments option is available for teachers and students both.

2.1.2 Drawbacks of above mentioned apps:

The mentioned apps does have many features, but those features themselves are drawbacks,
because so many features are not needed e.g book reading. These apps are specifically made
for developed countries and require an email, ssn and in order to take full advantage of the
app we have to buy it’s extra features. These apps have many features and are quite advance
and expensive and is used on a global scale, while app which we are developing is
particularly for a local university (INU). These apps do not address the issue of assignment
uploading (by teacher) and submission by the student. While I-QUIZ have the feature for
student to upload the assignment.

2.2 Stakeholders list

 Students
 Teachers
 Admins

2.3 Requirement Elicitation

2.3.1 Functional Requirements

 Upload Quiz/ Submit Quiz

 Upload Assignment/Download Assignment
 Timer for quiz.
 Check previous record quiz marks.
 Add Students/ Teachers

2.3.2 Non Functional Requirements

 System is reliable
 System is available all the time
 System works efficiently
 High scalability system
 System Interface

2.3.3 Requirements Traceability Matric

Table No 2.1 Requirement Traceability Matric

Requirements Description Test Case ID Test Case Status

R1 Upload Quiz TC01 Internet Pass
R2 Add TC02 Internet Pass
Teachers/Student availability
R3 Submit TC03 Internet Pass
assignment/ availability
R4 Timer for quiz TC04 Internet Pass
R5 Automatic marks TC05 Internet Pass
calculator availability

Traceability Matrix is a document that maps and traces user requirement with test cases. It
captures all requirements proposed by the client and requirement traceability in a single
document, delivered at the conclusion of the Software development life cycle.

2.4 Use Case Descriptions

System Name: I-Quiz

Scenario: It helps students to take quiz online and the marks will be calculated automatically
after submitting the quiz. Teachers will upload the quiz from MS-Excel. A timer will be set
for students to complete the quiz within the given time.

2.4.1 Actors
 Upload Quiz/ Assignment
 Download Quiz/ Assignment
 Set timer for completing the quiz.
 Check previous quiz marks.

2.4.2 System

 Provides a platform to connect users

 Automated
 Provides connectivity
 Store data of users

2.5 Use Case Design

Figure 2.5.1 Use Case Design

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with the system
that shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is
involved. A use case diagram identifies the different types of users of a system and the
different use cases and will often be accompanied by other types of diagrams as well. Use
cases are represented by either circles or ellipses.

2.6 Software Development Life Cycle

In this project, agile methodology is used for software development. Agile method anticipates

change and allows for much more flexibility than traditional methods [7].

Figure 2.6.1 Agile Model

It is a methodology that is commonly used to deliver complex projects due to its adaptive
nature. It emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, continuous improvement, and high quality
results. It aims to be clear and measurable by using six main “deliverables” to track progress
and create the product.

Chapter 3
System Design

The system is designed using Android Studio, (JDK) Java Development Kit, Firebase-
(Cloud) and Java. This will provide a platform and connectivity to user. The system will help
users to connect through Android Application.

3.1 Work Breakdown Structure

Figure 3.1.1 Work breakdown

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a key project deliverable that organizes the

team's work into manageable sections. The Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK) defines the work breakdown structure as a "deliverable oriented hierarchical
decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team.

3.2 Activity diagram

Figure 3.2.1 Activity Diagram

An activity diagram visually presents a series of actions or flow of control in a system similar

to a flowchart or a data flow diagram. Activity diagrams are often used in business process
modeling. They can also describe the steps in a use case diagram. Activities modeled can be
sequential and concurrent.

The basic purpose of activity diagrams is similar to other four diagrams. It captures the
dynamic behavior of the system. Other four diagrams are used to show the message flow
from one object to another but activity diagram is used to show message flow from
one activity to another.

In this activity diagram, all the activities of the application are described that how a student
and teacher uses this platform to connect to each other.

3.3 Sequence diagram

Figure 3.3.1 Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram is a type of interaction diagram because it describes how and in what

order a group of objects works together. Sequence diagrams are used by software developers
to understand requirements for a new system or to document an existing process. A sequence
diagram describes an interaction among a set of objects participated in a collaboration (or
scenario), arranged in a chronological order, it shows the objects participating in the
interaction by their "lifelines" and the messages that they send to each other.

Sequence diagrams describe interactions among classes in terms of an exchange of messages
over time. They are also called event diagrams. A sequence diagram is a good way to
visualize and validate various runtime scenarios. These can help to predict how a system will
behave and to discover responsibilities a class may need to have in the process of modeling a
new system.

3.4 Software Architecture

Figure 3.4.1 Software Architecture

Software architecture is the process of converting software characteristics such as flexibility,

scalability, feasibility, reusability, and security into a structured solution that meets the

technical and the business expectations. Software Architecture is the design of the entire
system, while Software Design emphasizes on a specific module, component or class level.

This architecture explains the architecture of application. Students and teachers connect
through android application and all the information is managed automatically.

Various options appear in interface for both, after Students and Teachers login panels where
they are allowed to use interface options.

3.5 Class Diagram

Figure 3.5.1 Class Diagram

A class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies

among classes. A class defines the methods and variables in an object, which is a specific
entity in a program or the unit of code representing that entity. The class diagram is the main
building block of object-oriented modeling. It is used for general conceptual modeling of the
structure of the application, and for detailed modeling translating the models into
programming code. Class diagrams can also be used for data modeling.
This class describes classes, which are used in android application and all the relations among

 Students
 Teachers
 Uploading/Downloading assignments
 Uploading Quiz / Submitting Quiz
 Timer for quiz

3.6 Database Diagram

Figure 3.6.1 Database Diagram

The Database diagram is a visual that allows you to visualize a database to which you are
connected. To visualize a database, you can create one or more database illustrating some or
all of the tables, columns, keys, and relationships in it.

This database diagram explains that how all the data is stored and shared among user, doctor
and admin. All the forums and information is stored in cloud database.

The cloud database, which is used in this application, is Firebase. Firebase is new and fast
database used for android, it is secure and large and it can easily integrate with android
studio. Firebase is very good to operate.

3.7 ERD Diagram

Figure 3.7.1 ERD Diagram

An entity relationship model, also called an entity-relationship Diagram (ERD) diagram, it is

a graphical representation of entities and their relationships to each other, typically used in
computing in regard to the organization of data within databases or information systems.

Entity relationship diagrams provide a visual starting point for database design that can also
be used to help determine information system requirements throughout an organization.
This ERD diagram explains and shows the relationship between different classes, ERD is
used to explain relationships between classes.

In this ERD diagram, it is explained that how student, teacher and admin are related to
different classes and how are other classes related to each other.

 One to one relation

 One too many

 Many too many

Here I have used many to many to show that there will be many admins, many students and
many teachers who will interact with each other.

3.8 Collaboration Diagram

Figure 3.8.1 Collaboration Diagram

Collaboration diagram is also known as a communication diagram, it is an illustration of the

relationships and interactions among software objects. These diagrams can be used to portray
the dynamic behavior of a particular use case and define the role of each object.

Activity Mar Apr Jul Aug Nov Dec Jan Feb May June Aug Sep
2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020
Study of
Preparation of
Schemes / Model
Implementation of
Schemes / Model
Analysis & Simulation

Result Formulation

Final Write-up &

Report Submission
It allows us to see both the dynamic aspects and static relationships of business objects in a
single diagram. Collaboration diagram shows the objects and relationships involved in an
interaction, and the sequence of messages exchanged among the objects during the
interaction. This diagram explains the behavior of android application how students, teachers
can interact with each other.

3.9 Gantt Chart

Table no 3.1 Project Proposed Time Schedule

 Literature Survey

Not to waste time and efforts, find out what were the failures that others experienced.
Find out the risk element in this task.

 Problem Analysis

Find out your own ideas and methods for your data to be presented.

 Proposing Solution

Solving the problems which were faced by stakeholders and proposing a solution to
that problem with benefits that will eventually occur after solving the problem. So, one
must carefully look into the problem and then should propose the desired result along
with their benefits.

 Requirement Gathering

Gantt chart is a technique for project planning and requirement gathering. Through a
timeline they give a visual view of the project. Through Project the
person has a full control over the project analysis.

 Software Development

The software development template works easily regardless of the experience or

organization size. Whether you are making your first Gantt Chart Project or planning a
complex one, in the template it is easy to list and manage all the processes.

Chapter 4
System Testing
4.1 Test Cases

System Testing is a level of testing that validates the complete and fully integrated software
product. The purpose of a system test is to evaluate the end-to-end system specifications.

Table No 4.1 Requirement Test Cases

Requirement Test Cases

R1 TC01, TC02, TC03, TC04
R2 TC05, TC06
R3 TC07
R4 TC08

A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether a
system under test satisfies requirements or works correctly. The process of developing test
cases can also help find problems in the requirements or design of an application. Test
cases clarify what needs to be done to test a system.

4.2 Unit / Integration Acceptance Testing

Table No 4.2 Unit / Integration Acceptance

Test case Description Status

TC01 Uploading Quiz Accepted
TC02 Timer for quiz Accepted
TC03 Submit Quiz Accepted
TC04 Automatic marks calculator Accepted
TC05 Uploading Assignment Accepted

TC06 Download Assignment Accepted

TC07 Add teacher/student/subject Accepted
TC08 Change password Accepted

It is a level of software testing where individual units are combined and tested as a group, the

purpose of this level of testing is to expose faults in the interaction between integrated
units. Test drivers and test stubs are used to assist in integration testing.

4.3 Interface Design

4.3.1 Student Login Page

Figure Log in activity

This is a Menu page for Students. The Students can login by providing precise details. Once
they get access to the application, Students can search for quiz and assignments.

 Username
 Password

4.3.2 Students Panel

Figure Student Panel

This is the student’s panel. Here students can check the uploaded quiz, assignments and they
can change their password if the need arises.

Various options in the student Panel:

 Quiz Panel.
 Upload Assignment.
 Download Assignment.
 Change Password.

4.3.3 Teachers Login Page

Figure Teacher’s Log in activity

This is a login page for Teachers. They can login using accurate username and password.
After login they will be directed to the teacher’s panel where they can find the following:

 Add Quiz
 Results
 Upload Assignments
 Download Assignments
 Change Password

4.3.4 Teachers Panel

Figure Teachers Activity Panel

The teacher’s panel can only be accessed by the teachers. Others are not allowed to
access the panel. In this Panel Teacher will see various options.

 By clicking on “Add Quiz” Teacher will be able to upload the quiz from MS-Excel.
 By clicking on “Results” teacher will be able to witness the previous results of
 By clicking on “Upload/Download Assignments” teachers will be able to upload
and download the assignment.
 By clicking on “Change Password” Teachers will be able to change their previous

 This is the main activity panel for teachers where Teachers are allowed to choose
various options.

4.3.5 Admin’s login

Figure Admin Login Form

This is admins Panel. He can login by providing precise details. He will be able to add
teachers, students and subjects.

There are two options on the login page

 Username
 Password

4.3.6 Admin’s Panel

Admin can register the following to the database. Only admins could access this panel. Any
other individual is not allowed.

 Add Teacher
 Add Students
 Add Subjects

Figure Admin’s Panel for Teacher Registration

The admin’s panel, where he could see different options, in options list he will select the user
type which is student, by selecting student, he will provide the student’s required details and
then click on register. The student will be registered in this application.

Figure Admin’s Panel for Teacher Registration Form

The admin’s panel, where he could see different options, in options list he will select the user
type which is Teacher, by selecting the teacher, he will provide the Teacher’s required details
and then click on register. The Teacher will be registered in this application.

Figure No 5.2 Subject Register Form

The admin’s panel, where he could see different options, in options list he will select the user
type which is Subject, by selecting the subject, he will only provide the name of the subject
and then click on register. The subject will be registered in this application.

Chapter 5
Conclusion and Summery

5.1 Problems faced and lessons learned

5.1.1 Problem faced

 We have faced many problems while gathering information about this project because
there was no such information to build application which was offering these
requirements and we have to consult stakeholders repeatedly in order to get correct
and exact information.
 Re-design the project to match the requirements
 Interface re-design
 Time consuming
 Uploading the list of Quiz from MS-Excel because no such video was found on You-
 Many bugs and flaws appeared while developing application
 Lack of development skills and proper thinking

We faced many problems in developing this system, we had no idea how to gather
information and how to start development, and by the help of internet and some seniors
we managed and gathered a lot of information and data.

5.1.2 Lesson learned

 Do proper research to achieve the goal.

 Work as hard as you can.
 Choose suitable tools and software to work on.
 Teamwork is important.
 Gather accurate information

The lesson we learned in this development was to gain proper knowledge, gather proper
information and data and do hard work in proper direction.
Before starting development clear your mind and focus on requirements and test your
software as much as you can to know all the bugs and flaws.

5.2 Project Summary

In this project, we have mentioned that how students and Teachers can take advantage of this
application. No need to call students to University just for quiz/assignment during this
pandemic. The need for assembling quiz and assignments on paper will be nullified. Going
through the assignment pages and giving marks will be no longer necessary. Application will
do that for teachers by automatically calculating marks.
The teacher won’t need to write MCQ’s one by one. They will just upload it using MS-excel.

We have achieved 80% accuracy by building this android application. This system is
developed in android studio (latest version), Firebase and Java.

5.3 Conclusion

Overall we have created application in focus of future for Students and Teachers. This
application/ system will help people if used in a proper manner. The system takes necessary
desiccations according to requests by stake holders which are pre-defined in system.

The system is capable of giving connectivity through android smart phone and
uploading/Download option in application. System can store data and show information in
database of Students and Teachers. Application can handle multiple requests of connectivity
and other requests like:

 Uploading the quiz using MS-excel

 Timer for quiz completion
 Check previous quiz marks

 Adding new Students/Teachers to application
 Uploading quiz
 Upload/Submit quiz

Take quiz online is a stunning option nowadays in COVID-19. Easily give quiz and
assignments by sitting at homes. No rush, no stress, no arriving at University to submit your

This is a modern thinking of I-Quiz system which provides a platform to easily connect
students and teachers with each other by saving time, money and rush free, risk-free

5.4 Future work

There are some aspects of this project which can be improved in future and which definitely
needs to be optimized, we will try over level best to become more professional and ethical in
development and make this project a mega project.

By adding these modules in future we can make our application very unique and we can
complete and survive in market.

 Video Calling
 Audio Calling
 Feedback System
 Animation
 Newsfeed System
 Website
 Desktop Application for firms

• Search Engine


[1] Quizzy, "," 4 january 2006. [Online]. Available:

[2] Quizlet, "Quizlet," 14 March 2005. [Online]. Available:

[3] Quizizz, "Quizizz," 2 5 2014. [Online]. Available: at

[4] Global Oup, "Global Oup," 05 Feburary 2007. [Online]. Available:

[5] FreeOnlineSurveys, "FreeOnlineSurveys," 20 December 2015. [Online]. Available:

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