AIOU Solved Assignments 2 Code 1423 Autumn & Spring 2020

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AIOU Solved Assignments 1 & 2 Code 1423 Autumn & Spring 2020. Solved Assignments code 1423 C
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2021. Allama iqbal open university old papers.

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Solved Assignment Bachelor English

Code 1423
Compulsory English – I (1423)
Level: Bachelor
Semester: Autumn & Spring 2020
Assignment No. 2

(Unit 5-9)

Q.1 In Unit 5, you have learnt about two language functions i.e. Expressing Certainty and Expressing
example sentences for each category of functions. (10)

Expressing Certainty Expressing Obligation 1) Aslam will go to school 2) Noor will not come today. 3)
will not eat that type of food ever. 5) We will go to school tomorrow.

1) I have to nish my work before this evening. 2) I have got to learn English if I want to live in the US
doctor soon because I don’t feel well. 4) it is obligatory that I stop when the tra c light turn red. 5) It
take a taxi. I’m late.

Aiou Solved Assignment 2 Code 1423 Autumn & Spring 2020

Q.2 In Unit 5, Section D of your text book you have learnt how to write Job Application Letters. Given
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advertisement. Suppose you intend to apply for this job, how would you write a job application? Foll
rules given in Unit 5. (10)

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October 15, 2014.

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Lansdowne Trust


Dear Sir,

I come to know about the vacancy of Librarian in your reputed institution through some reliable sou
pleasure for me to get a chance for providing my services to this worthy institution as I have experie
relevant to your requirements.

I have done my Bachelors in Library Science (BLS) from Allama Iqbal Open University in the rst divis
Library afterwards, as a librarian. I handle all the tasks as supervisor and able to operate E-Library sy
experience of three years there. Recently, I have applied in (MLS) privately along with my job.
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I am seeking for a good opportunity ahead. To work with you will pleasing for me. I am capable of ad
ambiance. I have enclosed my Resume and Curriculum Vitae for further details. My eligibility will be
would be obliged to get a chance for further discussion with you.

I am looking forward to hearing well.

Yours sincerely,


AIOU Solved Assignment 2 Code 1424 Autumn & Spring 2020

Q3. What are your Preferences or Choices between di erent things given in the box below? First ma
write a preference sentence similar to the one given in the example. Use adi erent expression each
Seciton A for help. (10)

1. Colas or Fresh juices I would like to have fresh juice instead of cola.
2. Pasta or Vegetable I think I shall prefer pasta than vegetable.
3. Sandwich or Burger I would rather prefer Sandwich than burger.
4. Sweater or Jacket My preference will be a jacket rather than the sweater.
5. Blanket or Quilt I would like to have a blanket, not quilt.
6. Sofa or Chair I shall prefer sofa over a chair.
7. Pulses or Beans My rst pr iority shall be beans, not the pulses.
8. City life or Village life Village life is better as compared to the city life.
9. Science or Arts I would prefer arts than science.
10. Indoor sport or Outdoor games I shall prefer outdoor games rather than indoor games.
AIOU Solved Assignment 2 Compulsory
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– I (1423) Autu
Q4. In Unit 6, Section B of your textbook you have learnt the di erences between Will and Going to s
plans Selectthe correct answer. (10)

Example: He tried many times. Didn’t he?

1. Shah will be 15 next Wednesday. 2. They are going to get a new computer. 3. I think my mother w
Anila’s sister is going to have a baby. 5. They will arrive at about 4 in the afternoon. 6. Just a moment
bags. 7. In 2020 people will buy more hybird cars. 8. Hammad is going to throw a party next week. 9
Maree in June. 10. Look at the clouds! It is going to rain soon.

Compulsory English – I (1423) AIOU Solved Assignments Autum

Q5. Unit 7, Section A of your text book taught you how to ask for/give/refuse permission. Read the E
approriate expression two each one for giving permission and one for refusing permission.

Example. Can I take your car to work tomorrow?

i. You can take the small care if you like. (Giving Permission)

ii. Well not really, I have to go as well tomorrow. (Refusing Permission)

1 Can I borrow you pen? Ans Giving permission: Yeah sure, take it. Refusing permission: Sorry but I c
because I am using it.
2 could I use your phone, Please? Ans Giving permission: You can use the phone. Refusing permissio
phone battery is die.
3 Is it ok if I use your computer for a minute? Ans Giving permission: Yeah sure, if it is necessary. Ref
Sorry my computer is out of order.
4 Would it be ok if I leave a little early? Ans Giving permission: Yes you can, I shall manage the things
No, I cannot manage the things without you.
5 Would you mind if I smoke? Ans Giving permission: I don’t mind. You can. Refusing permission: Yo
because smoking is not allowed in this area.
6 Do you want me to turn of the television? Ans Giving permission: Please feel free. Refusing permis
am watching.
7 Can I take another bite of your delicious apple pie? Ans Giving permission: Obviously, you can take
Refusing permission: I am sorry, the apple pie has been nished.
8 I wonder if I could borrow 20000 Rs? Ans Giving permission: Why not? You are my best friend. Refu
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afraid I have none money nowadays.
9 I wonder if you’d mind taking a picture of me? Ans Giving permission: oh sure. I would love to help
permission: I am afraid but I am busy.
10 Would you exchange your duty with me? Ans Giving permission: Yeah sure, i f it is necessary Refu
Sorry, I am quite comfortable with it.

AIOU Solved Assignment 2 Compulsory English – I (1423) Autumn & Spring 2020
Q6. Arrange the sequence of words in the following sentences. Read Unit 7, Section B for guidance. (
friendly. Ans Spanish are friendly people.

2 I was when couldn’t young drive I. Ans I couldn’t drive when I was young.

3 Traveled my friends year last I with Ans I traveled last year with my friends

4 Reading like I books poetry. Ans I like reading poetry books.

5 With to Party will go the she me? Ans She will go with me to the party.

Q.7 In Unit 8, Section A, you have learnt how to express Appreciation or Gratitude. God has gifted us
How would you express your gratitude for the following blessings? Use a diferent expression for eac

Example Springs Flowers

Appreciation: I am extremely grateful to God for the beauty of nature.

1. Eyes Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to another beautiful day. 2 Mother I am really thankful
blessed me with a loving Mother. 3. Fruits Thank you God for Yummy Fruits and Vegetables. 4 Trees
this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees. 5. Water Thank God We’re Surrounde

Q.8 Change the following sentences that are in direct speech into indirect speech. Remember to ma
changes in pronouns and tenses. Read Unit 8 for guidance. (10)

Two businessmen, Shah and Ahmed, are at a lunch meeting. They are waiting for their co-worker, Is
will wait for Ishaq before we start,” says Shah. “Is he here yet?” “No, heis on his way,” replies Ahmed.
the o ce 30 minutes ago,” says Shah. “He is going to arrive.” “Tra c may be bad, because it usually
Ahmed says. Shah looks at his watch. “He will be feeling badly about being late,” he says. “I know he
waiting, so he doesn’t like to do it to other people.” “Oh, that’s all right! We we’re getting impatient fo
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think?” Ahmed smiles. “Remember his rule: the one who is late must buy lunch!”


Two businessmen, Shah and Ahmed, are at a lunch meeting. They are waiting for their co-worker, Is

“We should wait for Ishaq before we start,” says Shah. “Is he here yet?”

Shah said that they should wait for Ishaq before starting and asked if he was there at that time.

“No. he must be on his way,” replies Ahmed.

Ahmed replied that he must be on his way.

“Yes, he said he left o ce 30 minutes ago,” says Shah. “He might be about to arrive.”

Shah said that he told that he has left 30 minutes past and he might be about to arrive.

“Tra c may be bad, because it usually doesn’t take this long, Ahmed says.

Ahmed said that tra c must be bad because it usually doesn’t take this long.

Shah looks at his watch, “He must feel badly about being late,” he says. “I know he hates to be kept w
like to do it to other people.”

Shah looking at his watch told that he must feel badly about being late and also said that he knows t
kept waiting, so he doesn’t like to do it to other people.

“Oh, that’s all right! We shouldn’t get impatient; don’t you think?” Ahmed smiles.

“Remember his rule: the one who is late must buy lunch!”

Ahmed smiled and said that it is alright and they shouldn’t get impatient and remember his rule: the
buy lunch.
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Q.9 In Unit 9, recorded text 45, you have read and listen to the sotry of “The gifts of Wali Dad”. Answ
questions based on the story: (10)

1. Describe the place where Wali Dad lives.

Ans. He lived in a mud hut far from town.

2. Do you think Wali Dad loved the princess?

Ans. Yes Wali Dad loved the princess.

3. Describe the character of ther Merchant?

Ans. The merchant was very clever, active and an opportunistic man.

4. Why did Wali Dad want to leave his hut at the end of the story?

Ans. Because he was happy with himself as a grass cutter.

5. What is the moral of the story?

Ans. Humanity is above than all.


Q.10 In Unit 9 of your textbook, you have learnt what Narrative. Writing is Write narrative essay on t
time that you learned something ew that changed ou in some way.


You hear people tell you about how some signi cant event or person in their lives came along and c
You hear of some fantastic revelation some day up on the mountain, or a close encounter with natu
some insane disaster, bringing the person onto the doorstep of death. Most people quote extraordi
unique to them and hear about how that something have come to have a great impact on their lives
manner in which they view life and perceive it. You might not nd my story to be anything spectacul
been the one most singularly amazing event of my life. It was the day that I met my husband. He cam
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a ected me in so many ways and for which I really do not have words to describe. Yet, I will try my b
coming into my life completely changed me and gave me a whole new world to look at.

One of the things that I noticed immediately when I met my husband was how safe and secure he m
remember meeting him that very rst day and realizing how good I felt just being with him. It was as
lifted from my shoulders. I suddenly felt free and relaxed, as if I had to worry about nothing in life ev
very supportive of my ideas and my decisions and would encourage me to go ahead and do what I w
provided me with the background support that I had always needed to further to my plans but had f
before. He had a knack of making me laugh and feel good about myself and whatever was going on
from making me feel emotionally stable, safe, and secure, he also made me feel very secure nancia
easy, as if I would never have to worry about money ever again. He made me feel that I could trust h
what. This is perhaps the reason that I married him in the rst place, because of how he good he ma
myself: very safe, secure, and sound.

My husband taught me so many things that have impacted me and changed the way I think and fee
person who I truly fell in love with and I can safely say that it is from him that I have learned to love u
taught me that love transcends all physical boundaries and is there to be felt and enjoyed with betw
taught me how to be patient in my life and to wait for good things to come to me, rather than stress
never nding them. Before I met him, I had always been afraid to follow my dreams. But he came in
me feel so strong and con dent, and he taught me to follow my dreams to the fullest. He has always
of me since then and he has truly taught me to be a better person in life.

If someone was to ask me what having a true companion in life is like, I would tell them that it was b
husband. He has shown me the true meaning of what marriage is all about. He is always trying to in
and with us it is always ‘us’ and never ‘you’ or ‘I’. he is always willing to do fun projects and things tog
always looking to go to new, fun, and exciting places to spend our time together. Most importantly,
extremely faithful and honest with me over the years and I have truly come to respect him for whate

All in all, I think that meeting my husband is the one event that has de nitely a ected and changed m
look and perceive life. I have learnt so many things from him and he has been able to give me a com
towards life. I am a much happier, wiser, safer, and more con dent person after meeting him. I am g
and I would want to keep on meeting him in all of my future lifetimes.

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Autumn & Spring 2020”
Muhammad Waseem says:
April 8, 2020 at 6:49 pm

1423 plz send 2nd assignment spring 2019

Ejaz Ajmera says:

February 4, 2020 at 9:56 am

1423 autum 2019

Tarbela says:
January 14, 2020 at 4:26 pm


samra says:
January 8, 2020 at 10:07 am

pl send me 2nd assignment 1423

samra says:
January 8, 2020 at 10:05 am


Aqeel Ahmad says:

January 14, 2020 at 4:47 pm

Asalam u alikum English comparsary 1 code 1423 agr rst hai tu muje b sen
2nd hai tu 2nd b hai send kar do please email
Tum kohi chaiye is k elawa tu wo b batana

Naveed Ahmad says:

July 9, 2019 at 4:00 pm

please send me assignment no2 code 1423

Mehwish says:
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June 23, 2019 at 10:10 am

Please send me assignment 1 and 2 code 417,416,484,1423 please help me

Tanveer says:
June 23, 2019 at 3:28 pm


Madina says:
June 26, 2019 at 6:07 am

Please send me assignment 2 code 1423

Plz plz

Tanveer says:
June 26, 2019 at 6:56 am


Syed ja ry says:
June 29, 2019 at 6:34 am

Plz send me assignment no 2 code 1423


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